Page 1184
1 Thursday, 15 April 2010
2 [Open session]
3 [The accused entered court]
4 [The witness takes the stand]
5 --- Upon commencing at 9.02 a.m.
6 JUDGE KWON: Good morning, everyone.
7 Good morning, Mr. Crncalo. I hope you had a good rest.
8 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Thank you for asking. Yes, I have.
9 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
10 Mr. Karadzic, it's for you to continue to cross-examine, but
11 before you start, given that you already spent about 40 minutes -- half
12 an hour, 26 minutes I was told, yesterday, I would expect you to conclude
13 your cross-examination today, given that we are not sitting tomorrow. I
14 could also expect that you could finish much before that. So can I ask
15 how much longer do you have?
16 THE ACCUSED: [Microphone not activated]
17 [Interpretation] Good morning, Your Excellencies. I'm having a
18 little problem with the computer, although all the parameters seem to be
19 in order. But anyway, I asked for five hours for this witness because
20 it's a witness from the main town in Republika Srpska, the war time
21 capital where the state authorities were located. And there's some
22 significant things in his statement, and I think that we can shed light
23 on a lot of matters. I value the witness's co-operation, but I think it
24 would be a good idea if I were given sufficient time not to have to rush
25 through things, to make my questions clear so we can get short answers
Page 1185
1 and clear answers.
2 Before I begin, with your permission, I would like to say two or
3 three things briefly. First of all, I have given up on the Defence
4 document that we mentioned previously because it is going to crop up
5 fairly frequent in this courtroom, and I don't want to upset Mr. Crncalo
6 again because it has to do with Markale. So I'd like to avoid that, and
7 I'll use the document with other witnesses. So it's not essential that
8 we present it during this witness's testimony.
9 The second point that I'd like to raise is this: It was only
10 subsequently that I understood the importance of your guide-lines and
11 your advice. So let me explain how the matter stands at present. If I
12 say "all right" or "very well," it's not "right" or "okay." When I say
13 "dobro," I just say, "Well, fine, I'm not going to insist." So that
14 would be one of the linguistic problems and discrepancies that we're
15 going to come across, and I'm going to point them out as they crop up.
16 And, of course, you're free to ask me, although I'm not testifying,
17 whether I say, "dobro," "yes, right," or whether I use this phrase,
18 whether I accept it or given up on further insistence when I say, "dobro,
19 right, fine." I must say I'm a little envious of Mr. Tieger because he
20 has umpteen associates and helpers, and I was wondering if I could get an
21 extra assistant because the material is vast and when Mr. Robinson comes
22 back --
23 JUDGE KWON: I believe our interpreters can properly interpret
24 whatever you say, and please start your cross-examination and try to
25 conclude during the first half of the third session.
Page 1186
1 JUDGE MORRISON: Dr. Karadzic, don't worry about a
2 misinterpretation of what I said. We won't assume that you agree with a
3 factual matter that's been attested to by a witness unless you
4 specifically say that you agree with it.
5 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes, thank you.
7 [Witness answered through interpreter]
8 Cross-examination by Mr. Karadzic: [Continued]
9 Q. [Interpretation] Good morning, Mr. Crncalo.
10 A. Good morning.
11 THE INTERPRETER: Could the witness's microphones please be
12 switched on. Thank you.
13 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
14 Q. I'd like us to go through the first part of your statement. You
15 were born in Radacici; is that right?
16 A. Yes.
17 Q. And that's a village that takes its name from a part of the
18 population living there; right?
19 A. Well, I can't say exactly.
20 Q. But are there people with the surname Radacic living in Radacici?
21 A. Well, there's the surname Radaca.
22 Q. But, I think there are people with the surname Radacic too?
23 A. Well, the village is called Radacici, but there's not a surname
24 Radacic.
25 Q. But is there a family called Radaca?
Page 1187
1 A. Yes, there is.
2 Q. You worked at Korana at the military post 883 which means that
3 that was military industry; right?
4 A. Yes.
5 Q. Was the -- that the factory producing special vehicles?
6 A. It was the Radacici department and branch of the repair and
7 maintenance factory.
8 Q. And that's where the maintenance was carried out for the
9 Yugoslav People's Army vehicles, and so on?
10 A. Yes, motor vehicles were maintained there and repaired.
11 Q. You mean military vehicles?
12 A. Civilian vehicles first and foremost.
13 Q. But the factory was a military one, and there was this military
14 post number?
15 A. Yes.
16 Q. When did you start working in that factory?
17 A. In 1965, I worked for four months.
18 Q. And then you transferred to Zrak; right?
19 A. Then I did my Yugoslav People's Army service, and once I
20 completed my service in the JNA, I started working for the Zrak company.
21 Q. And is Zrak, in part, a military factory too?
22 A. Yes.
23 Q. That means that you had very good military characteristics?
24 A. That's up to others to say. I can't say that.
25 Q. But you didn't have any problems in transferring from one army
Page 1188
1 factory to another?
2 A. Well, when I arrived there wasn't a work post open when I had
3 completed my military service and was looking for a job, but when I
4 looked for a job in Zrak, I was able to find one.
5 Q. Thank you. Now I'd like to move on to the part of your statement
6 which refers to the events of 1990 and 1991. So I'll just briefly
7 summarise and repeat. You weren't a member of the SDA but you shared
8 their ideals and ideology and you probably voted for them, although you
9 didn't have to say?
10 A. I was a sympathiser, but I was not a member.
11 Q. Thank you.
12 THE INTERPRETER: Could the speakers kindly be asked to slow down
13 and pause between question and answer. Thank you.
14 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, the interpreters are asking you to put
15 a pause between the question and the answer. Could you bear that in
16 mind, Mr. Crncalo, as well.
17 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I apologise. Yes, they're quite
18 right, the interpreters are right.
19 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
20 Q. In paragraph 10 of your statement, you say that it was sometime
21 in 1991 in the Muslim community that you started to notice some changes
22 in the Serb population's attitude, and then you went on to say that you
23 had in mind open speeches and references to Kosovo, Serbian historical
24 events, and so on. And that -- well, let's deal with Kosovo first, this
25 reference to Kosovo. Is that the first time that the Serbs talked about
Page 1189
1 Kosovo?
2 A. First of all, in Pale there isn't a separate Muslim community.
3 The Pale municipality, the urban part of it, encompassed all citizens
4 living in Pale and the Pale municipality. Pale was a whole, one entity.
5 And in 1991, and especially in 1992, when the events took place which we
6 all know about, there were frequent demonstrations. Columns were being
7 formed made up of the Serb male population and bottles of brandy were
8 held and the slogan that they shouted was, Kosovo, Kosovo, we're not
9 going to let Kosovo go. There were flags too, and so on.
10 Q. Now, in another paragraph, it says the relationship towards your
11 Muslim community --
12 JUDGE KWON: Just a second.
13 Mr. Crncalo, given that Mr. Karadzic is putting questions about
14 the paragraphs of your statement, would you like to have your statement
15 in front of you? My understanding is that there is a translation of
16 this. I checked it --
17 MR. GAYNOR: There is a translation of this particular statement,
18 yes.
19 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes, I would like to have the
20 statements in Serbian as well.
21 JUDGE KWON: It's in e-court, Exhibit 733.
22 Please continue.
23 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
24 Q. Now, the Muslim community, I picked up from paragraph 10 in your
25 statement, you used the term. Now, my question was: Was that the first
Page 1190
1 time that you saw Serbs talking about Kosovo in 1991, or in previous
2 decades and years were they taken up with the subject of Kosovo and were
3 there demonstrations about Kosovo?
4 A. In the Pale municipality, this never happened before 1990 -- 1991
5 and 1992.
6 Q. Do you happen to remember that the crisis in Kosovo took place,
7 first of all in 1968, that was the first crisis, and the next wave was in
8 1971, and the third was in 1981, one year after Tito's death. Then from
9 that time onwards, there was a permanent crisis involving Kosovo and over
10 Kosovo, and every Yugoslav leadership and Presidency after Tito's death
11 dealt with the topic of Kosovo. And this was particularly marked in 1988
12 and 1989. And that from the whole of Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1989, for
13 instance, the Serbs went to attend a rally in Kosovo and there were a
14 million and a half Serbs there. Do you remember that?
15 A. Mr. Karadzic, you're going back to history and asking me
16 questions about history, but I'll give you this answer. As to the events
17 about Kosovo, yes, I did learn about them from the electronic media and
18 from the press. That's the first point.
19 Secondly, I knew that policemen were designated to go to Kosovo,
20 probably to keep law and order there. And now as to other activities
21 that the population, the civilians, were shouting slogans, Kosovo, and
22 defending Kosovo in Pale municipality, that did not happen until the
23 war -- until these preparations for war started.
24 Q. Thank you. I won't belabour the point, but I'd like to remind
25 you and to hear your opinion to this: The Kosovo crisis was the nucleus
Page 1191
1 of --
2 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, let's leave Kosovo issue and come to
3 our issues.
4 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you. Yes.
5 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
6 Q. Now, you go on to say that this was unsettling, the Serb
7 nationalist flags had an unsettling effect on you. Could you describe
8 that?
9 A. Well, the flag has the four-S sign on it, and as soon as the flag
10 was raised in Pale, things started going downhill. Inter-human relations
11 were no longer the same. That's my answer.
12 Q. Thank you. Now, what you describe is a religious flag, in fact,
13 which has a cross and the three C scrolls, otherwise it's a tricolour,
14 red, white, blue?
15 A. Well, it was this flag that was carried at the time that I'm
16 talking about. The tricolour was to appear later on, I'm referring to
17 the other type of flag.
18 Q. Thank you. Do you remember the killings on the 1st of March,
19 1992, in the wedding party in Sarajevo
20 A. Mr. Karadzic, I lived in Pale. I did not live in Sarajevo
21 wasn't present. Yes, I did hear about it. I heard that something had
22 happened in Sarajevo
23 Sarajevo
24 Q. But you weren't in Kosovo either, but it was unsettling you said
25 for you?
Page 1192
1 A. Yes, it was unsettling.
2 Q. Did you hear what the killer of the people in the wedding party,
3 Gardovic said on television, why he killed them in Bascarsija?
4 A. No, I did not hear that.
5 Q. I'll remind you. Perhaps this will jog your memory. He said the
6 wedding party was carrying a Serb flag. Now, I want to ask you whether
7 you remember that the Serbian religious flag was always carried in -- at
8 weddings, and even during the time of the Turks, from the beginning of
9 the nineteenth century when the flag was espoused, and it was different
10 from the Russian flag, and that Serb wedding parties were allowed to
11 display their religious flags in all systems, including the communist
12 system. Do you remember that?
13 A. I have told this -- I have given a statement to this august
14 Trial Chamber. I told them what I lived through, what I experienced.
15 And now you're asking me, most probably it has some value for you, but
16 you're asking me about quite different matters.
17 MR. GAYNOR: Mr. President, we have a copy in the witness's
18 language of the amalgamated statement. Perhaps the usher could provide
19 the witness with it.
20 JUDGE KWON: Could it be passed on to the witness.
21 Mr. Crncalo, I think I can understand how you feel, but if you
22 can answer yes and no, you can simply do so.
23 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, thank you.
24 JUDGE KWON: Please continue.
25 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
Page 1193
1 Q. Do you accept that it was also disturbing to the Serbs to see
2 that their flag bothers someone so much that they are prepared to kill?
3 A. Possibly there are persons like that too.
4 Q. As for the ethnic composition in Pale, I have information that
5 there were 27 per cent Muslims or around 4 and a half thousand, almost
6 5.000, and the rest were Serbs; is that correct?
7 A. My information from the time of the elections was the Muslims
8 were 33 per cent. I didn't check it, I just read this, around 5.000.
9 Now, which of the two is correct, it's up to someone else to judge.
10 Q. We have the election results and we can look them up. Is it the
11 case that the Serbian Democratic Party governed on its own or shared
12 power with the Muslim party and would have shared it with the Croatian
13 Democratic Union
14 A. They divided power as it suited them.
15 Q. Was it part of the agreement that applied to the entire republic
16 regarding proportional representation in the National Assembly?
17 A. I'm not a politician, although I had once been nominated to be a
18 delegate and didn't accept, and I cannot answer this question. I cannot
19 say either yes or no. It's up to the people who actually occupied these
20 positions.
21 Q. But, Mr. Crncalo, if you say that the Serbian Democratic Party
22 divided the power as it suited it, it sounds like diktat. I want to
23 remind you that at the level of the republic through the government,
24 Assembly, the Presidency, down to the last municipality, one single
25 principle was accomplished; namely, that all the three nations, through
Page 1194
1 their political parties, participate in government in proportion to their
2 strength and in keeping with an agreement reached at the level of the
3 republic. That's how it worked. If there were 27 per cent Muslims in
4 Pale and 27 per cent Serbs in Stari Grad, that's what -- that's the kind
5 of proportionality that was applied.
6 A. If what you say is true, then why were our telephones cut off?
7 Q. We'll come to that issue later. You confirmed yesterday - and
8 it's in the statement as well - that the deputy president of the
9 municipality was Hamed Palo?
10 A. I didn't mention him at all yesterday. Hamed Palo was, indeed,
11 appointed in 1992. Now, how long he stayed in that position, I don't
12 know.
13 Q. Were there any Muslims in the Executive Board of the
14 municipality?
15 A. I just told you a moment ago that the composition of the
16 government in the municipality Pale was not nearly my main interest with
17 all that was going on, so I can neither confirm nor deny.
18 Q. Thank you, Mr. Crncalo, but I have to clarify this because with
19 your side comments you suggest that this was not so, and I want to remind
20 you that in every municipality, if it was composed of all the three
21 ethnic groups, they shared power depending on which ethnic community was
22 in the majority. And the gentlemen sitting in this courtroom do not know
23 about our relationships, and I cannot leave this impression that you
24 create by your swipes to stand, namely, that we took power and divided it
25 as we wanted.
Page 1195
1 A. I'm -- I am answering as best I know. I have made an oath, not
2 only to this Court but also before God. I want to speak the truth.
3 Q. Thank you. You say in paragraph 13 -- you speak about
4 St. Djordje's day, the Serbian holiday, the 6th of May. You say Seselj
5 came and stationed Chetniks on a mountain near Novak's cave. Is
6 St. Djordje's day only a Serbian holiday, isn't it also a Roma holiday?
7 A. I don't know of any Roma living in Pale, I really don't. But I
8 know that many families celebrated St. Djordje's day.
9 Q. You heard certainly about the St. Djordje's wake. It was taken
10 over from an earlier tradition. Was it just St. Djordje's wake that
11 Seselj came for?
12 A. What you're asking me about is St. Djordje's day a Serbian
13 holiday. It's not the 1st May wake. It was celebrated in the Sarajevo
14 municipality of Ilidza. St. Djordje's day is something else.
15 Q. Thank you. We'll move forward because we can't agree about this.
16 Do you know that Seselj has some Muslim members in his own party, in the
17 top leadership, descendents of late Mehmet Spaho?
18 A. I don't know.
19 Q. Do you know that a Chetnik leader during the Second World War,
20 which means a Royalist, who was not condemned like Tito by the Western
21 allies, had in his headquarters a Muslim?
22 A. I wasn't even born then and neither were you, and you're asking
23 me about Draza Mihajlovic and his ADC
24 Q. Mr. Crncalo, your statement is full of resentment towards
25 Chetniks. I don't know whether you're talking about Chetniks proper or
Page 1196
1 you mean that every Serb is a Chetnik. But Chetniks were actually
2 recognised by some Western countries as anti-fascists, Draza Mihajlovic
3 was decorated by the American government. He had a very prominent Muslim
4 assistant in his headquarters, just like Seselj has Mr. Spaho in his own
5 party?
6 A. What would you call people in Pale who were carrying the flag
7 with the skull and bones under a fur hat? Isn't that a Chetnik emblem?
8 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, let's move on to real issues.
9 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
10 Q. You said you found the behaviour of Serbs in 1991 at Christmas
11 disturbing, that there was more shooting than usual?
12 A. Yes, there was shooting. We couldn't even sleep there was so
13 much shooting, especially from dusk until late at night. It almost
14 didn't stop all night.
15 Q. And you blamed it on the new government and Malko Koroman?
16 A. Well, who else?
17 Q. Mr. Crncalo, do you know when the new government actually took
18 over after the elections? Do you agree that the new government was
19 formed in the way that I will describe now? The Assembly of Bosnia
20 Herzegovina
21 and Herzegovina
22 Serbian Christmas.
23 A. The political parties took power actually before all these
24 Assemblies were formed.
25 Q. It takes a couple of months after the elections to form a
Page 1197
1 government. Do you know when the Serb Christmas is?
2 A. 7 January.
3 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Do we have a map of Pale and the
4 environs?
5 P19122, it's a Prosecution exhibit. P9122 or 112.
6 MR. GAYNOR: Mr. President, the correct number is 19112. This is
7 a map which the accused requested that we provide them with, and we
8 co-operated.
9 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
10 Q. Mr. Crncalo, do you see this map of Pale municipality?
11 A. I see.
12 Q. Is it true that in Brdarici, Praca, Kamenica, and Renovica, the
13 population is majority Muslim?
14 A. Yes.
15 Q. Probably in the north, in Bogovici as well. But do you remember
16 who controlled Pale municipality during the war? Were Serbs in control
17 of Renovica?
18 A. You know that much better than I do. They controlled Renovica.
19 Serb troops moved in on that part of the municipality.
20 Q. Let's not debate this. Please answer the question: Did Serbs
21 control the Renovica?
22 A. Well, you asked me certain things. After the attack on Renovica,
23 they didn't control it anymore.
24 Q. Did we control Praca?
25 A. You did.
Page 1198
1 Q. Is now Praca the seat of the Muslim municipality of Pale
2 A. Yes, after the Dayton Accords when the territory was divided up.
3 Q. So according to Dayton
4 and became seat of the Muslim municipality of Pale
5 A. Yes.
6 Q. Do you remember that before the war we proposed that all
7 municipalities in which there are compact segments of one or another
8 community be transformed into one or more -- into two or more
9 municipalities?
10 A. I did not follow your political wrangling and meetings, but I did
11 see what happened on the ground. Now, what you were trying to negotiate
12 with the top leaders of other parties I was unable to follow.
13 Q. All right. Then we'll leave political topics aside. Let's go
14 back to your statement where you talk about the way of life in Pale and
15 how it all worked. You say in your statement that there were many
16 refugees in Pale; is that correct?
17 A. Yes.
18 MR. GAYNOR: Mr. President, as a general matter, could I request
19 the accused just to provide a paragraph number of the statement, and
20 while I'm on my feet, when he refers to the accused's [sic] evidence
21 which he gave yesterday, if he could provide a transcript page in
22 accordance with the order for the conduct of trial, which Your Honours
23 have handed down.
24 JUDGE KWON: I beg your pardon, you referred to the accused's
25 evidence he gave yesterday.
Page 1199
1 JUDGE MORRISON: I think he meant to say the witness's evidence.
2 MR. GAYNOR: I beg your pardon. That's correct. Thank you.
3 JUDGE KWON: Yes. Try to indicate the paragraph or page number's
4 when you use them, when you put them to the witness. Let's proceed.
5 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
6 Q. I would like staying with the map to ask you whether you know
7 where Cemerno is?
8 A. I have heard it, but I don't know where it is exactly.
9 Q. It's towards Nisici "visoravan," plateau.
10 A. Well, I don't think. I can't confirm that.
11 Q. Do you know where Vukasinovici are?
12 A. I know people with surname Vukasinovic.
13 Q. No, I mean the Vukasinovici village.
14 A. No, I don't know.
15 Q. Now let's move on to paragraph 23 of your statement where you say
16 that on the 3rd of March, 1992, that you were arrested. Were you
17 arrested or detained?
18 A. Well, you can explain it any way you like, but I was seized by
19 three reserve policemen and taken to the police station, and I was
20 handcuffed. Now, you can comment about that any way you like.
21 Q. I didn't find those handcuffs in your statement.
22 A. Well, they were on my hands.
23 Q. You were questioned there and then in the morning, finally,
24 Mr. Malko Koroman took you and your neighbour back; right?
25 A. Yes.
Page 1200
1 Q. Do you know, Mr. Crncalo, what happened to Serbs in Sarajevo
2 were found in possession of weapons, escorted by the police chief, as you
3 were, or they disappeared never to be seen again?
4 A. Well, at the police station in Pale, they have my human
5 qualities. They know about me, what kind of person I was. So most
6 probably they returned me because of that. They knew them -- the man I
7 was.
8 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, just for clarity, I'd like to remind
9 you that Mr. Crncalo, in his statement, para 23, in the middle of it, he
10 clearly stated that:
11 "At the police station, I was handcuffed and interrogated by
12 Hrusum."
13 Please go on.
14 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Excellency. That's
15 why I need the statements in Serbian, at least the statements if I can't
16 have the transcripts in Serbian.
17 JUDGE KWON: You have it in front of you on the monitor.
18 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] You're quite right, but I didn't
19 have it earlier on for me to be able to mark that passage.
20 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
21 Q. Mr. Crncalo, on the 3rd of March, 1992, did Yugoslavia exist and
22 Bosnia-Herzegovina exist, whose foreign minister was Alija Delimustafic?
23 A. That Yugoslavia
24 Q. [No interpretation]
25 A. I have to answer. Let me answer. And the parties took over
Page 1201
1 the -- once the parties took over power and authority, that Yugoslavia no
2 longer existed.
3 Q. All right.
4 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Now can we have Defence exhibit
5 1D801, please. 1D801, please.
6 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
7 Q. We'll go through a number of documents quickly, and they'll show
8 us what the situation was like at Pale. We have a news agency news item,
9 saying that:
10 "The wave of refugees, on the entire territory of the former
11 Bosnia-Herzegovina, was growing from one day to the next."
12 And here we see that the number of refugees at Sokolac and Pale
13 cannot be determined with any precision. Now, do you remember that there
14 were as many refugees as there were local inhabitants and sometimes more
15 refugees than local inhabitants?
16 A. I didn't have any statistics of the influx of people coming into
17 Pale, but, yes, there were lots of people arriving.
18 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May we have 1D816 now, please --
19 just a moment.
20 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
21 Q. The previous document was dated the 10th of April, 1992
22 So four days after the war began, Pale was full of refugees.
23 1D816 is the next document I'd like us to look at. You have the Serbian
24 version in front of you, Mr. Crncalo, and the date there is the 19th of
25 May. And this is what it says:
Page 1202
1 "A large number of refugees from Sarajevo are arriving in Pale
2 today. At the present moment, 2.500 families registered with the Pale
3 Crisis Staff. The Crisis Staff at Pale is moving them into surrounding
4 cottages, but, as they are all full, they will be moving in with families
5 from Pale and some are heading towards Belgrade.
6 "Currently the Crisis Staff for the accommodation of refugees,
7 along with the representatives of the Red Cross have begun distributing
8 food, although there's less and less food here at present."
9 Now, was Pale a sort of weekend resort for the people of Sarajevo
10 before the war?
11 A. Well, I don't really know what kind of neighbourhood and
12 settlement it was. All I know is that the refugees poured into Pale.
13 Q. Mr. Crncalo, do you mean to say that you don't know that Pale was
14 a holiday resort with weekend cottages for the population of Sarajevo
15 A. Well, yes, before the war; but what happened after the war I
16 can't say or during the war.
17 Q. I'm saying that before the war there were a lot of weekend
18 cottages there and that the Crisis Staff filled up these cottages,
19 accommodated the refugees in them, and then sent them to move in with
20 families. Did you take any refugees in, your family?
21 A. No.
22 Q. Why? Why not?
23 A. Well, I can answer that. Nobody offered -- made the offer, and
24 even if they did ask me to do so, I would have had to take them in, but
25 nobody asked me.
Page 1203
1 Q. Well, nobody had to. It was on a voluntary basis.
2 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May we look at 1D817 next, please.
3 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, please bear that in mind that we set
4 up a rule regarding the exhibit to deal with it every time when you've
5 used it. So if you are going to tender those things, you should raise
6 it, and after hearing from the Prosecution, we will rule on it, we will
7 make a decision. So you are minded to tender those 8 -- those two
8 documents, a news clipping from a Serbian news agency, 801 and 816?
9 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Excellency. I'm
10 getting used to it, but my skills haven't been honed out yet. Yes, I
11 would like to tender these Defence documents into evidence, 1D801 and
12 1D816. And now I would like to call up 1D817.
13 MR. GAYNOR: For the record, Mr. President, there's no objection
14 to their admission.
15 JUDGE KWON: Very well. We will admit them.
16 What's the number of them?
17 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, 65 ter number 1D801 will be Exhibit
18 D8; and 65 ter number 1D816 will be Exhibit D9.
19 JUDGE KWON: Very well.
20 Please go on.
21 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
22 Q. Mr. Crncalo, you have before you a document dated the
23 20th of May. It refers to refugees in Pale, and the last paragraph says:
24 "The Red Cross has also appealed to the local population to take
25 in some of the people who are temporarily residing in the hall of the
Page 1204
1 municipality, if they are able to do so," which means there are no longer
2 any cottages and weekend homes free.
3 Do you agree that that was what the situation was?
4 A. Most probably, yes.
5 Q. Thank you. Now, another paragraph says that some people were not
6 able to be accommodated at Pale and they went on to Belgrade, Cacak, and
7 Serbia
8 A. Well, I see that, but I don't know that they went on towards
9 Cacak and Belgrade
10 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May we have 1D -- or before I ask
11 for the next document, I'd like to tender this document into evidence,
12 1D817.
13 MR. GAYNOR: No objection, Mr. President.
14 JUDGE KWON: That will be number 10.
15 Please go on.
16 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Now I'd like to call up 1D807.
17 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
18 Q. You have it before you, Mr. Crncalo. It's a news agency item
19 dated the 17th of April, and already on the 17th of April, there were
20 still 2.000 families, refugee families, at Pale. And we received this
21 from the centre -- social services centre of the municipality. And it
22 says that from this same centre news has arrived that today the first
23 shipment of food has started for those registered with the staff for
24 accommodating the refugees, family packages and food for children are
25 being distributed, which was received, in part, from the
Page 1205
1 International Red Cross and UNICEF of the Serbian municipality of Pale
2 and more packages are expected from UNICEF and the Serbian humanitarian
3 society called Dobrotvor.
4 A. Your Honours, how can I answer questions like that when I have
5 absolutely no knowledge of anything like that.
6 JUDGE KWON: That's fine.
7 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
8 Q. But do you accept that there was this problem of feeding such a
9 large number of refugees?
10 A. Well, I don't know what the Pale municipality had in terms of
11 resources. All I saw was convoys coming in, lots of convoys, full of
12 corn and APCs in between, and they were moving towards the silos where
13 the corn was being stored. I do know that, but as to the other things
14 you're asking me about, I have absolutely no idea about any of that.
15 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to call up -- or before I
16 do, I'd like to tender this document into evidence, 1D807.
17 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Gaynor.
18 MR. GAYNOR: There's no objection, Mr. President.
19 [Trial Chamber confers]
20 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May we have document ...
21 JUDGE KWON: That's admitted and that's D11.
22 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
23 Q. You mentioned the convoys. When did you see them, Mr. Crncalo?
24 A. In the autumn of 1991.
25 Q. Before the outbreak of the war some food reserves were collected;
Page 1206
1 right? Is that what that means?
2 A. Yes.
3 Q. Was that from Serbia
4 A. Well, I don't know where it came from, where the trailer trucks
5 came from and where the APCs that were mixed up amongst them. I don't
6 know where they came from.
7 Q. All right.
8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Now may we have 1D824 next, please.
9 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
10 Q. This is a document with the date the 21st of May, and it's a news
11 agency item which says that there are already 15.000 registered refugees
12 in Pale, and it goes on to say that it is impossible to house all of
13 them. But would you focus on the last paragraph where it says:
14 "Food reserves are being -- are nearly exhausted, what is
15 particularly needed is flour, oil, sugar, and children's food."
16 Do you see that sentence?
17 A. Yes, I do.
18 Q. Well, do you remember that that's how it was?
19 A. It doesn't see -- it doesn't say, "decija hrana," but, "djecija
20 hrana," meaning children's food, with different accents.
21 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Your Honours this is a linguistic
22 matter. You can forget about that, whether it's the Ekavian or Jekavian.
23 But, anyway, I'd like to tender this document, 1D824.
24 MR. GAYNOR: No objection.
25 JUDGE KWON: From your position, I take it all the "SRNA" agency
Page 1207
1 news clippings are not objected to?
2 MR. GAYNOR: That's correct, Mr. President.
3 JUDGE KWON: That will be admitted as D12. Let's go on.
4 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you.
5 May I have Defence document 1D805 next, please.
6 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
7 Q. It's rather a poor copy, more legible in English, but I'll read
8 it out in Serbian for us, the two of us, Mr. Crncalo, for you in Bosnian
9 and me in Serbian:
10 "Life in the region of the municipality of Pale
11 returning to normal, after it has been subjected to the most intense war
12 attacks over the past several days. The Crisis Staff of the Municipal
13 Assembly of Pale has issued a decision to allow elementary schools in
14 Pale, Mokrom, and Praca to reopen starting tomorrow."
15 Is Praca a Muslim village in Pale municipality?
16 A. Praca isn't a village. It's a local commune including
17 surrounding villages. It wasn't a purely Muslim or a purely Serbian
18 village. There were more Serbs in Praca than Muslims in actual fact.
19 Q. I'm going to put something to you now and you can tell me whether
20 you agree or not, that in addition to the reopening of the schools,
21 already on the 12th of April, that is to say eight days, a week after the
22 war attacks broke out and "opstina" Pale was under fire as well, the
23 school was open in Praca and Mokrom, which is a purely Serb village, and
24 that a public transport route towards Praca was also reopened. It
25 doesn't say that here but we can find that piece of information. Do you
Page 1208
1 gray with that?
2 A. I don't know about the reopening of the school, but I do know
3 about the reopening of the bus route.
4 Q. Do you remember who attacked Pale municipality?
5 A. What I know is that when from Pale municipality the Serb units
6 attacked the local commune of Renovica and Zepa, as far as I know too,
7 they attacked that. But who attacked Pale municipality, where I moved
8 around, I didn't see that the Pale municipality was attacked at all.
9 Q. Thank you. What I wanted to ask you was: Who were the warring
10 sides? Who could have attacked Pale, because there weren't any Croats
11 there which means that it was the Muslim forces which attacked Pale?
12 A. The Pale municipality borders on the Stari Grad-Sarajevo
13 municipality. So how many units from the Stari Grad, old town,
14 municipality took control of Pale municipality, you know that better than
15 me.
16 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Excellencies. I
17 would like to tender this exhibit too, 1D805. Since we have your
18 agreement in principle, can we move on?
19 JUDGE KWON: That's admitted as D13 and move on, please.
20 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Now I would like to call up 1D813.
21 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
22 Q. Mr. Crncalo, were there any weapons among the Muslim population
23 in Praca and in Pale?
24 A. Yes, but these weapons were all registered at the police station
25 in Pale. It was all hunting and sports weapons. There was no other
Page 1209
1 arms.
2 Q. There were no automatic weapons that were smuggled in?
3 A. No. And every one of us in Pale who had a hunting weapon had to
4 turn it in to the police station because Malko Koroman, chief of police,
5 demanded that all the weapons owned by Croats and Muslims be surrendered.
6 Q. Did you hear of Imam Fazlo Gljiva?
7 A. Yes.
8 Q. Have you heard of Senaid Memic from Hrasnica, who brought a large
9 number of weapons for Muslims in Pale?
10 A. No, I never heard of that, and he couldn't have passed through
11 all the check-points to bring in any weapons.
12 Q. Did Malko Koroman make an announcement on the radio, or
13 otherwise, that weapons should be brought into the police station?
14 A. He said it on TV.
15 Q. Was Pale a Sarajevo
16 A. Yes, it was a suburb.
17 Q. But it was part of Sarajevo
18 A. Yes.
19 Q. Now, could I draw your attention to the document on the screen
20 dated 28th April. It says:
21 "As a result of a successful operation by the employees of the
22 public security station in Pale, most Muslims from Praca handed over
23 their weapons today. Automatic rifles, which had been distributed with
24 the mediation of the Praca Imam Fazlo Gljiva were handed over to the
25 authorities. These weapons had arrived in Praca through channels used by
Page 1210
1 Senaid Memic from Hrasnica. This well-known Muslim extremist armed
2 members of the Muslim community throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina, and from
3 that shipment, 20 automatic rifles arrived in the Praca region."
4 Can you see this document?
5 A. Yes, but these weapons were legally distributed at the police
6 station of Pale to reserve policemen, and those who couldn't muster the
7 courage to bring this rifle and uniform to the police station were
8 returned otherwise. I personally took two rifles from two reserve
9 policemen and turned them over at the police station.
10 Q. You're talking about weapons that people are issued with when
11 they go on an exercise, be they reserve policemen or reserve soldiers,
12 they get gas masks and uniforms and weapons, and they take it all home.
13 A. That's the way it used to work.
14 Q. That was in keeping with the Tito's doctrine of armed population?
15 A. Yes. I don't know how long they kept -- they got to keep the
16 uniforms and the equipment, I mean registered reserve policemen. These
17 were not distributed to other regular people. And when this announcement
18 came, some of these reserve policemen did not have the courage to bring
19 it in themselves to the police station.
20 Q. I agree about the reserve policemen, but were you ever called up
21 to do an exercise as a military reservist?
22 A. Yes.
23 Q. At that time would you also take the uniform and sometimes the
24 weapon home?
25 A. First of all, I could not drive an armoured vehicle back to my
Page 1211
1 home.
2 Q. Yes, but infantrymen could take weapons home, couldn't they?
3 A. Yes.
4 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May I tender this document, 1D813,
5 and may I now call up 1D855, a Defence document.
6 JUDGE KWON: 813 would be admitted as D14.
7 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
8 Q. We see that these weapons concerned were not army issue or
9 government issue. They were smuggled weapons, contraband weapons. This
10 talks about the conduct of Senaid Memic from Hrasnica. That same person
11 was mentioned in the news item of the agency "SRNA." And here is his
12 statement, or rather, the Official Note on his arrest. I quote:
13 "In the period between September 1991 to my arrest, I had for the
14 purposes of the SDA in Bosnia
15 distributed around 5.000 automatic rifles of various types and around
16 1.400.000 rounds."
17 Where is Sandzak? You know but the gentlemen in the courtroom
18 don't.
19 A. It's in Montenegro
20 Q. But it's bordering on Bosnia
21 A. Yes, but it's not part of Bosnia
22 Q. We don't have it on the transcript that part of Sandzak is in
23 Montenegro
24 it.
25 Can you confirm?
Page 1212
1 A. Sandzak is partly in Montenegro
2 Q. Let's continue with the text:
3 "I did all this in co-operation with SDA activists on the ground,
4 and following orders by certain leaders of the SDA party."
5 "On the ground," do you see that in the text?
6 A. Even if I see it, it doesn't matter. But look who distributed
7 all these weapons to the Serbian people without any fee.
8 Q. Was this in exchange for a fee?
9 A. I wouldn't know because I didn't buy anything.
10 Q. Let's go on:
11 "My closest ties in this job were with Cengic, who normally acts
12 as the technical secretary of the SDA. All these dealings of mine were
13 known to all leaders of the political top echelon of the SDA party,
14 beginning with Alija Izetbegovic, through Omer Behmen,
15 Rusmir Mahmutcehajic, and others, as well as certain officials of the MUP
16 of the SR Bosnia-Herzegovina; the MUP Minister, Alija Delimustafic;
17 Deputy Staff Minister, Mirsad Srebrenkovic; Jusuf Pusina;
18 Bakir Alispahic; Kemal Sabovic; Munir Alibabic, as well as some other
19 heads of the SJB throughout Bosnia
20 Do you, as a sympathiser of the SDA party, and a man who is
21 familiar with the SDA on the ground, the leadership with whom this man
22 co-operated in distributing weapons, were you aware of this?
23 A. Sir, I am a man of integrity. You are asking me about people who
24 are involved in arms smuggling, or smuggling as such. I was never
25 involved in anything like and never would.
Page 1213
1 Q. Mr. Crncalo, you said in paragraph 12 that you know the
2 leadership of the SDA. These are not smugglers. This is the president
3 of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina. This is about the Ministry of
4 the Interior. These are the Muslim senior officers in the police force
5 of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bakir Alispahic, who is an Iranian spy planted
6 by the Iranian intelligence service. This concerns the Muslim leadership
7 taking advantage of common resources to arm one ethnic community. Maybe
8 you didn't know the top leadership at republic level?
9 JUDGE MORRISON: Mr. Karadzic, you are making an extensive
10 comment rather than asking a question. The witness can't deal with that
11 and it's not evidence.
12 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] But he can confirm that these were
13 prominent and important people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
14 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I will answer now. First of all,
15 you mentioned a smuggler, and then you mentioned some other people, and
16 then you asked me whether I know the smuggler and these other people.
17 The politicians, I saw on television, just as I saw your own associates
18 on TV. As for this smuggler, I've never heard of him.
19 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
20 Q. I'm asking you about the people on local level whom you knew.
21 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I would like to tender this
22 document. This is an Official Note -- rather, a statement given to the
23 police, 1D855.
24 JUDGE KWON: Yes, Mr. Gaynor.
25 MR. GAYNOR: Mr. President, we object to the admission of that
Page 1214
1 document. The principal reason is that as your offers -- as Your Honours
2 ruled yesterday, the accused will have ample opportunity to use the
3 92 bis and 92 ter regime during his Defence case to submit witness
4 statements. And this is essentially witness statement. Now, if the
5 accused chooses to submit this particular witness statement, I'd like to
6 reserve the right to make further submissions at that time as to the
7 reliability of this statement, the circumstances in which it was taken,
8 the authorities which took this statement, and the question as to whether
9 it is a true reflection of this person's evidence.
10 [Trial Chamber confers]
11 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May I just say one thing. This
12 document is corroborated by a news agency report that the agency received
13 at the police. These documents go hand in hand. That other document
14 mentions the "hodza," or in other words Imam, and also Senaid Memic who
15 distributed arms for the needs of the highest Muslim leadership. This
16 was an official questioning by an official authority and it's accompanied
17 by a witness statement.
18 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, as we made it clear yesterday, we will
19 not admit a statement of third parties unless it satisfies the
20 requirements of the Rules, Rule 92 ter or Rule 92 bis. Otherwise, on a
21 separate -- the Prosecution may well be able to introduce hundreds,
22 thousands of statements which corroborate with the Prosecution evidence.
23 We will strictly apply this rule and most of the content was put to the
24 witness, although he denied it or had no knowledge about it. So based
25 upon that principle, we will not admit this. Please go on.
Page 1215
1 That does not exclude you putting the content of the statement to
2 the witness.
3 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you. Maybe I forgot to say
4 that there is also a handwritten statement of this suspect, not only the
5 typewritten version.
6 I'd now like to call 1D818. We now see the document.
7 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
8 Q. 22 May 1992:
9 "Drive to disarm Muslim paramilitaries in Praca and Renovica."
10 Let me remind you that you said that those people, who wanted to,
11 brought their weapons voluntarily to the police station, and the police
12 did not need to go to their houses to collect them. Let's see what the
13 document says. So those who wanted to, brought their weapons in. Were
14 there people who didn't want to?
15 A. I don't know. I lived in Pale; they lived in Praca. I cannot
16 answer that.
17 Q. But you said today, and I'll look for a reference in the
18 transcript, that Pale was one whole. That's page 6 of today's
19 transcript, that Pale was one whole, one municipality.
20 A. May I now answer? Pale was one whole, in terms of territory, but
21 I once tried to go to Radacici where I was born. I came up to the Famos
22 factory, when I was intercepted by two soldiers wearing reserve army
23 uniforms. One of them trained his rifle at me, almost touching my
24 stomach, while the other one asked me to produce my ID. I was afraid to
25 reach into my pocket, fearing that the other one might think I'm trying
Page 1216
1 to remove the gun. And then they asked me, Where are you going? I said
2 I wanted to sow potatoes. And they, Open the back of the car. There
3 were tools, agricultural tools. There was a sack of potatoes. There
4 was --
5 Q. Thank you. Thank you. Did you mention this in a previous
6 statement?
7 A. Yes.
8 Q. That was in the spring?
9 A. 1992, yes.
10 Q. Was the police operation of disarming underway at the time?
11 A. What is the date in the document?
12 Q. 22nd May.
13 A. This happened earlier, and that's why I said that Pale was one
14 single whole, but when that happened, I realised that things were no
15 longer as they used to be. You can't move around in Pale just like that.
16 Q. Thank you. But let's focus on this document now. There was this
17 drive to disarm the population, and this was after the voluntary --
18 partial voluntary surrendering of weapons. Now, reading this news agency
19 report it says:
20 "Today the members of the active reserve unit of the public
21 security station in Pale engaged in an effort to disarm the Muslim
22 paramilitary forces in Praca and Renovica neighbourhoods with a majority
23 Muslim population."
24 Do you remember that?
25 A. I do remember Malko's statement on television, and you could see
Page 1217
1 tears in his eyes. This is what he said, his very words, Unfortunately
2 war has come to Pale municipality. Those were his very words and I
3 remember them very well.
4 Q. Thank you. Now, did he say that with respect to the killing of
5 Goran Kablar and Rade Tosic, his policeman, and the wounding of five MUP
6 members in Renovica in this action to gather up weapons?
7 A. Well, yes, but not -- that wasn't collecting up weapons. It was
8 an action of some kind in the territory similar to what had happened in
9 Zepa.
10 Q. Thank you.
11 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender this document,
12 1D818, into evidence as well, please.
13 JUDGE KWON: That will be admitted as D15, and we will have a
14 break.
15 MR. TIEGER: Your Honour, excuse me, before you break, one quick
16 matter.
18 MR. TIEGER: The Court will be aware that witness scheduling is a
19 delicate balance between the convenience -- burden on the witnesses and
20 the need to move the process forward. In that regard, if the Court is
21 minded to provide some estimate of the cross-examination time for the
22 fourth witness, it will assist, or the Court may be content for the
23 Prosecution to make its scheduling judgements based on events to date.
24 But I wanted to bring that issue to the attention of the Court and ask
25 for whatever assistance the Court was minded to provide.
Page 1218
1 JUDGE KWON: The immediate question is whether to release the
2 next witness?
3 MR. TIEGER: It's not the next witness at this moment. It's for
4 scheduling down the line, anticipating how many witnesses and which
5 witnesses will be heard before this Court next week; and, therefore,
6 which additional witnesses need -- may need to be present or whose
7 arrival may be deferred until the week following, for example. So it's
8 the knock-on effect for the upcoming witnesses of the length of
9 cross-examination for the fourth witness.
10 JUDGE KWON: You tendered your anticipated time for
11 examination-in-chief, as did the Defence.
12 MR. TIEGER: Correct.
13 JUDGE KWON: So we have the same material.
14 MR. TIEGER: Okay. And if the Court wishes us to base it on that
15 we, will do so.
16 JUDGE KWON: We will see what we can do. Thank you.
17 For 20 minutes.
18 --- Recess taken at 10.25 a.m.
19 --- On resuming at 11.00 a.m.
20 JUDGE KWON: For record, the resumption of the second session has
21 been delayed due to some technical difficulties which has been resolved.
22 And we'll take the next break just for 20 minutes, and I -- as I said to
23 you, Mr. Karadzic, so let's try to conclude this witness's evidence by
24 today and then I think there's no point to keep the next witness waiting
25 for his evidence.
Page 1219
1 Let's continue, Mr. Karadzic.
2 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Excellency. I'd
3 just like to say that my entire preparation was in electronic mode and I
4 had expected to be able to link up here with this computer, but I did
5 have a backup option and I sent three CD-ROMs to Mr. Sladojevic with my
6 preparations. But we didn't receive either, we weren't provided with
7 either. So I was handicapped inasmuch as I did not have the necessary
8 preparations and material that I thought I could use on e-court.
9 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
10 Q. Now, Mr. Crncalo, in the previous document, 818, it says in the
11 last paragraph there, after what you said, that it was with tears in his
12 eyes that Malko Koroman said, after the killing of these two policemen
13 and the wounding of others, the action is still in progress, and the MUP
14 of Pale is calling on all the Muslims in these neighbourhoods to
15 hand-over their weapons in a peaceful way and to refrain from causing any
16 further bloodshed.
17 Do you remember that?
18 A. Yes.
19 Q. Thank you.
20 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender this -- this is
21 already an exhibit.
22 I'd like to call up Defence exhibit 1D825 now, please.
23 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
24 Q. It's on our screens. I'll read out what it says:
25 "In this evening's informative programme of Serbian television,
Page 1220
1 Malko Koroman, head of the MUP of Pale, posed an ultimatum to the armed
2 Muslims in Pale municipality demanding that by the next day, the 23rd of
3 May, by 3.00 p.m.
4 "The ultimatum followed an attack by the Muslim paramilitaries in
5 Renovica on a MUP patrol and members of the MUP, Goran Kablar and
6 Rade Tosic, were killed and five other persons were wounded."
7 The date is the 22nd of May, and after those tears he began
8 functioning as the chief and issued an ultimatum. Do you remember that?
9 I'm sure you do.
10 A. Yes, I do remember, but that wasn't the sequence of events. The
11 Serbs attacked the Muslims in Renovica. The Muslims didn't intend to
12 attack anybody.
13 Q. Mr. Crncalo, they went there to collect up the weapons. How many
14 Muslims and how many Serbs were killed in that action?
15 A. As far as I know, two Serbs were killed and I don't know how many
16 wounded, but --
17 Q. And not a single Muslim; right?
18 A. I can't say that.
19 Q. Well, I'm telling you. I'm saying that not a single Muslim was
20 killed.
21 A. But they caused -- it was the Serb soldiers that caused the
22 conflict by going there in the first place.
23 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender ID825 into
24 evidence, please. I think we have an agreement in principle by the other
25 side.
Page 1221
1 JUDGE KWON: That will be admitted as Exhibit D16.
2 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd now like to call up 1D820,
3 please. We have the Serbian version on our screens and the English one
4 too.
5 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
6 Q. The date is the 23rd of May, that is to say the following day.
7 "Muslims return their weapons," that is the heading. And it says:
8 "After yesterday's ultimatum given by Malko Koroman, the chief of
9 the police station in Pale, for all armed Muslims from Pale to return
10 their weapons by today by 1300 [as interpreted] hours, we have learned
11 that the operation of returning weapons is in progress. By 1700 hours,
12 over 300 pieces of firing weapons from around 30 local villages have been
13 returned to the police station in Pale. It is expected that there will
14 be a lot more because the operation is still underway."
15 Let's remind ourselves. First of all, there was one wave of
16 voluntary surrender of weapons, then the police went round to round up
17 the remaining weapons. Two policemen were killed, then came the
18 ultimatum, and then the second wave of voluntary surrender of weapons
19 took place.
20 A. If that's how it was, why wasn't anybody killed in Pale on the
21 Serb or Muslim side, why not in Praca, why not in Podgrab? Because there
22 was no coercion needed. The announcement was made and the people
23 returned their weapons.
24 Q. Well, we agree on that point, but why didn't the people from
25 Renovica return their weapons?
Page 1222
1 A. Because after that day for two or three years, maybe throughout
2 the war, nobody dared live in Renovica. Why? Because Renovica was fired
3 at by the artillery from all sides.
4 Q. We will come to that. Thank you.
5 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May we have 1D820 tendered into
6 evidence as have been the other documents? Thank you. And I'd now like
7 to call up 1D822.
8 JUDGE KWON: That is Exhibit D17.
9 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] 1D822 is the next number. It
10 wasn't recorded in the transcript. That's the document number.
11 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
12 Q. The date is the 24th of May there, and the heading is:
13 "Returning of weapons underway."
14 Was there any illegal -- did the population have any illegal
15 weapons?
16 A. I don't know about that. All I know is about the weapons that
17 were registered and how do I know that? Well, I know that because I was
18 a huntsman, I liked the sport of hunting, and I socialised only with
19 people who had -- who were in lawful possession of weapons, hunting
20 weapons, nothing else.
21 Q. Let's see what it says in the first paragraph. It says:
22 "Responding to the ultimatum given two days ago by Malko Koroman,
23 the chief of the police station in Pale, the Muslims from this
24 municipality are returning more and more weapons by the hour."
25 And then the second paragraph goes on to say:
Page 1223
1 "Of course it is not without merit to believe that besides the
2 weapons listed, there are illegally acquired weapons, whose owners have
3 not yet come forward to the police station in Pale. As a reminder, in
4 the recent action in Renovica, police officers confiscated one sniper; a
5 double-barrel handmade rifle, which uses a high-calibre ammunition of 12
6 millimetres; four handguns; and a number of bottles with Molotov
7 cocktails."
8 Do you see what it says there?
9 A. Yes, I've read that.
10 Q. Tell us now, please, what was this Molotov cocktail used for?
11 Was that a hunting weapon?
12 A. Well, I have heard of Molotov cocktails, but I only saw something
13 like on television, never in real life, so I really can't comment on
14 that.
15 Q. Thank you.
16 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender this document
17 into evidence as well, please, 1D822.
18 JUDGE KWON: Exhibit D18.
19 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you. I'd like to call up
20 1D826 next, please.
21 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
22 Q. We have the document now. Mr. Crncalo, you said that people fled
23 from Renovica. Tell me this, please, were there Serbs living in Renovica
24 as well?
25 A. Yes, a number of them, but very little.
Page 1224
1 Q. Thank you. Now, did they have any problems with their Muslim
2 neighbours after this crisis?
3 A. I didn't live down there myself, but knowing what the situation
4 was like before the war I don't assume they had any problems. They
5 co-operated in all areas and had good relations. They were good
6 neighbours, good friends, they socialised, they went to work together,
7 their children went to the same schools together, there weren't any
8 problems. But after this happened, I wasn't down there so I don't want
9 to talk about the rumours I heard. I don't know that there were any
10 problems among the population living around -- in and around Renovica.
11 Q. Thank you. We have 1D826 in front of us now, and the heading
12 there is: "The situation of displaced Serbian families from Renovica."
13 This document was sent to the Municipal Assembly of Pale by the committee
14 of Serbian villages from the Renovica local commune. And this was sent
15 on the following day, that is to say on the 26th of June. However, it
16 refers to events that took place on the 15th of May and onwards. And it
17 says in the second paragraph:
18 "After the 15th of May, 1992, immediately after the Serb forces
19 had collected up the weapons from the members of the Muslim forces in
20 Renovica and its local commune in a military action, the Muslim forces
21 took revenge on the minority Serb population, killing four people of Serb
22 ethnicity and destroying a large number of houses and outbuildings.
23 Given the fact that the military and civilian authorities of Pale
24 municipality did not protect the Serb population in Renovica in any way,
25 these Serb families were displaced and have found temporary shelter in
Page 1225
1 other villages in the municipality with a majority Serb population. They
2 have left behind considerable property, both movable and immovable, which
3 is now being looted. And the Serbs are finding it difficult to survive.
4 To date, these families have not been taken care of or given appropriate
5 accommodation. We hereby appeal to the authorities of Pale municipality
6 personally to investigate the situation and to try to solve the
7 existential question and the problem of the survival of the Serbs from
8 Renovica in a just manner."
9 And that was written on the 25th of June, 1992, sent by the
10 villagers' committee. Now, I don't know if we have an addition to this
11 letter on e-court. Anyway, you know that refugees did arrive from
12 Renovica to Pale; right?
13 A. It says at the beginning of this document, in line 2:
14 "Immediately after the military action, immediately after the
15 military action, events occurred in Renovica," the ones that you're
16 describing now. But it didn't involve gathering up weapons. It was a
17 military action.
18 Q. Mr. Crncalo, we have other documents from which we can see that
19 the army involved the police to round up the weapons, to save the
20 soldiers from having to do that?
21 A. But I'm just reading what it says in your document.
22 Q. Right. But we have the documents, we have Malko Koroman's
23 statement explaining why he sent the policemen to do what they did,
24 because the army asked the police to carry out this operation and he lost
25 two policemen, two were killed, and five others were wounded. And then
Page 1226
1 the Serb neighbours were killed, ordinary civilians who were neither in
2 the army or the police force.
3 A. I don't know about any of that. I'm telling you what I did. I
4 said that I wasn't able to move around the urban part of Pale, and I'm a
5 heavy smoker, let me tell you. But most of the time while I was in Pale,
6 I didn't have any cigarettes.
7 Q. Well, we'll come to that.
8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] But I'd like to tender this
9 document 1D826 into evidence now, please.
10 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Gaynor.
11 MR. GAYNOR: No objection to that.
12 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Doraiswamy.
13 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, that will be Exhibit D19.
14 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
15 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
16 Q. There's an addition to this document, it's still being
17 translated, but, anyway, it's a table, a list of the Serbs from Renovica,
18 Serb families from Renovica. And it says who fled to Pale to the urban
19 area and what property they left behind: Brojnici, Skipina, Rajko;
20 Risto Corovic; Sofija Purkovic, it's a whole list of names.
21 MR. GAYNOR: Could I interrupt, Your Honour. Could I ask that
22 the accused identify the number of this document on the list that was
23 provided to us by the Defence.
24 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic.
25 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I apologise. It was 1D827, the
Page 1227
1 next document following on from the previous one. I've read this out
2 Sofija Purkovic; Grozda; Corovic; Luka Kalajdzic; Milanko Mitrovic,
3 that's from the village of Brojnici
4 houses, sheds, bombs, 35 sheep, one cow, one pig, and a lot of chickens,
5 and he, this first person, went to stay with his son, Dragan, at Pale.
6 Everything else was burned. He doesn't know where his cattle and animals
7 are, and a lot of other agricultural equipment. Then we have Risto
8 Corovic, he left behind a house, two barns, a shed, 60 sheep, three cows,
9 two horses, two pigs, chickens, and so on. All the other outbuildings
10 and agricultural equipment was set fire to, including a tractor, a small
11 TAM
12 anything about this.
13 A. Well, I'm surprised to see that you don't have any data about how
14 many Muslim males were arrested in Renovica and taken to prison.
15 Q. Well, you tell us then.
16 A. I don't know. I know there were such people. I don't know what
17 the number was, but I do know that they were beaten up and that three of
18 them succumbed to their wounds and died as a result of the beatings.
19 Q. We'll come to that, but let's see what these people, these Serbs
20 from Renovica, suffered at the hands of their neighbours, Grozda, another
21 woman left a house, a barn, a shed, ten sheep, her animals taken away.
22 Luka Kalajdzic also left behind a barn, a shed, and a house, 15 sheep,
23 two cows and two pigs and the outbuildings were set fire to, his animals
24 taken away, and so on and so forth. For the next person, too; however,
25 his cattle were not burnt, neither was his house. From the village of
Page 1228
1 Jelak, we have Srdanovic, Gojko; Milja Srdanovic, she was an old woman.
2 Then we have Ranko Sokolovic, those are the same Sokolovics that
3 Mehmet-Pasa Sokolovic, the famous Turkish "fezija," [phoen] they were
4 descendants of him, the same name, Sokolovic?
5 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, what is your question?
6 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
7 Q. Does Mr. Crncalo dispute this?
8 A. What you just read, is this Jelak or Ilijak village?
9 Q. The original says Jelak.
10 A. I don't know about that village. I know about a village called
11 Ilijak. Ilijak population did not need to be evacuated from their homes.
12 Q. You know Srdanovics, Pavlovics from Renovica, do you know these
13 people?
14 A. Yes.
15 Q. You know Srdanovics, they are the most numerous. There are
16 Removics as well, all of them except this old woman, and one person had
17 their property burned, but I would like this document marked for
18 identification because we are still awaiting translation. It's 1D827.
19 But, in summary, there is Skipina, Corovic, Turkovic, three families,
20 Corovic, Mitrovic, Srdanovic, Srdanovic again, Sokolovics, two --
21 THE INTERPRETER: Could we slow down, please.
22 JUDGE KWON: Dr. Karadzic, we can read it later on.
23 You have no objection, Mr. Gaynor?
24 MR. GAYNOR: No objection to having it marked for identification.
25 I'd just like to observe that it's not clear from the title of the
Page 1229
1 document, which itself is only partly legible, but even if it were
2 legible, it's not entirely clear which authority produced this document
3 and the accused has put his case to the witness, no objection to that,
4 but he has also contextualised this document in his own submissions which
5 is an issue which we may wish to return to at some other point. I'm just
6 raising it at this point. But no objection in principle.
7 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, did you not say that this was part of
8 the previous document or annex of it?
9 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Well, the first document is a
10 letter to the municipality, and the second document is also signed by
11 inhabitants of Renovica of Serb ethnicity on the 25th of June. They made
12 submissions as to what they had lost to the municipality which failed to
13 protect them. They are submitting a reckoning of what they lost. You
14 can look at the last page. It says exactly what it is.
15 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
16 Mr. Doraiswamy.
17 THE REGISTRAR: This will be Exhibit D20, marked for
18 identification.
19 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
20 Q. Mr. Crncalo, you mentioned that in Pale life was very hard for
21 Muslims and they were unable to buy what they wanted to buy in the
22 amounts they wanted. Did you say that?
23 A. Yes.
24 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Now I'd like to call up 1D810.
25 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
Page 1230
1 Q. We have both versions. The date is 24 April. It says:
2 "Agency 'SRNA
3 announce the following:
4 "In the interest of controlling prices in the Pale region, all
5 wholesale trade shall be conducted exclusively through the trade
6 enterprise 'Veleprom' Pale.
7 "Retail shops privately and socially owned shall be supplied
8 exclusively through this company.
9 "The sale prices of articles have to be identical and clearly
10 labelled, as well as information regarding available quantities.
11 "The shops that fail to abide by this role shall be closed down."
12 You didn't mention later -- earlier that everyone felt
13 restrictions of food and that the prices were controlled by the
14 municipalities. You said it only applied to Muslims.
15 A. And what would you say if you read on the window of a shop that
16 there are no goods for non-Serbs? What would you say?
17 Q. I would ask why didn't you state that earlier.
18 A. I did.
19 Q. Which shop was that?
20 A. Korani.
21 Q. Which one in Korani?
22 A. There are not many shops in Korani.
23 Q. Mr. Crncalo, I have to tell you there is an old rule from Roman
24 law altera pars which means listen to the other side as well. I should
25 have known this much earlier, and there will be a response. Let's try to
Page 1231
1 avoid claims like some Serbs did something to some Muslims --
2 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Gaynor.
3 MR. GAYNOR: Yes, Mr. President. As a general matter, I think
4 the accused should refrain from giving directions to the witness. I
5 think that's more the task of the Presiding Judge, and the Presiding
6 Judge has control over the questioning of the witness. The accused
7 should refrain from the comments such as those which he's just made.
8 JUDGE KWON: I tend to agree with it.
9 Mr. Karadzic, bear that in mind. Just -- why don't you just put
10 your questions. Let's continue.
11 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I agree with that too, but I wasn't
12 giving instructions. I just wanted to explain why I was insisting on
13 accuracy and precision --
14 JUDGE KWON: Just put your question.
15 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
16 Q. This report that agency "SRNA" made on the authority of the
17 government in Pale to the effect that prices and quantities of goods
18 available are restricted for all buyers, is it correct?
19 A. I never saw this announcement before while I was living in Pale,
20 but it was basically first come, first served. And if we had no food
21 left at home, only then would we go to a shop. I mostly went if I was
22 out of cigarettes.
23 Q. Thank you.
24 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Can we have this document admitted?
Page 1232
1 THE REGISTRAR: As Exhibit D21, Your Honour.
2 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to call now 1D815.
3 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
4 Q. We see the document now, "suppressing smuggling at Pale." The
5 date is the 2nd of April, 1992.
7 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
8 Q. May? Is it May? Yes, yes, we can see from the translation that
9 it's May:
10 "Many citizens are calling the 'SRNA' agency and begging us to do
11 something to stop the smuggling and the illegal raising of prices of
12 various goods. We are, therefore, once again publishing the decision of
13 the Pale Crisis Staff that all wholesale trade must be conducted through
14 the trade enterprise 'Velprom' in Pale."
15 You know about that enterprise?
16 A. Yes.
17 Q. It was state-owned at the time?
18 A. I didn't ask.
19 Q. "Retail shops privately and socially owned shall be supplied
20 exclusively through this company.
21 "The sale prices of products have to be identical and visibly
22 indicated and so must the information regarding available quantities."
23 Do you agree that this is a measure against those who wanted to
24 make profit at the expense of poor people?
25 A. Smuggling has not stopped to this day, let alone then. They
Page 1233
1 still haven't managed to put a stop to thieves who steal cars,
2 disassemble them, and sell spare parts.
3 Q. Well, that's why this was issued by the authorities in Pale.
4 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I would like to tender this
5 document 1D815 and to call up new document 1D809.
7 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, that will be Exhibit D22.
8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] 1D809.
9 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
10 Q. We have it now in English and in Serbian. It's again 24 May:
11 "The 'SRNA
12 announcement made by the Crisis Staff of the municipality of Pale
13 "In the municipality of Pale
14 the municipality, the regular supply of food and other staples has been
15 restored at very favourable prices for all shops.
16 "There will be enough food in the future as well, and citizens do
17 not need to create crowds.
18 "Consumers are encouraged to report unauthorised increases in
19 prices at the following numbers ..." and so forth.
20 Third paragraph:
21 "All owners of tractors, lawn mowers, and motor vehicles from the
22 municipality of Pale are informed that they should report to their
23 community offices in order to receive a confirmation, a certificate, to
24 enable them to buy fuel.
25 "All men who had fled to the area of Pale between 18 and 60 years
Page 1234
1 of age are hereby informed to immediately report to the secretariat for
2 national defence."
3 Next item:
4 "On the territory of the municipality of Pale
5 incident has occurred until now or an unlawful break-in and entering, as
6 was the case in Sarajevo
7 shall be taken to the court in Pale and be appropriately punished on the
8 spot.
9 "All industrial and social sectors are working normally in the
10 municipality of Pale. The elementary school in Pale is full beyond
11 capacity with students from Sarajevo
12 "Refugees are receiving food aid daily.
13 "Citizens of all ethnicities are responding in large numbers to
14 the call for donating blood."
15 That's the last paragraph. Does this also reflect the situation
16 in Pale in end May 1992?
17 A. Possibly. But when there was an attack in Zepa, young men from
18 my street went to donate blood and were turned back. They were refused.
19 Q. Well, we don't know whether the blood bank had the resources to
20 keep the blood donated.
21 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I would like to tender this
22 document as well.
23 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
24 Q. In any case, it says here that people of all ethnicities are
25 responding. You are talking about Muslim young men?
Page 1235
1 A. Yes, yes, but it happened after the attack on Zepa.
2 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Your Excellency, do we have a
3 number for this document, 1D809?
5 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, that will be Exhibit D23.
6 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] 1D808 is going to be our next
7 document.
8 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
9 Q. There it is. Dated 18 April 1992
10 "Agency 'SRNA
11 first healthy baby was born in the newly opened general surgical hospital
12 in the Serbian municipality of Pale
13 Let me digress here. Why was it called Serbian municipality of
14 Pale? Do you remember that this name is used only if it was envisaged
15 that the municipal -- that the Muslim municipality of Pale
16 parallel?
17 A. It didn't.
18 Q. But it was envisaged?
19 A. I was never involved in politics, but I know the Muslim
20 municipality did not exist at this time.
21 Q. So:
22 " ... in the newly opened general surgical ward in the Serbian
23 municipality of Pale, the first healthy baby was born. Nermina Causevic
24 from Renovica gave birth to a healthy girl.
25 "Even though labour was very complicated, everything ended well
Page 1236
1 and the happy mother is recuperating in the hospital with all the
2 necessary care."
3 Is Nermina Causevic, judging by the name, a Muslim woman?
4 A. Yes.
5 Q. Do you remember that event?
6 A. No, I don't.
7 Q. Thank you.
8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender this document
9 into evidence, 1D808, please.
11 THE REGISTRAR: That will be Exhibit D24, Your Honours.
12 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to call up Defence
13 document 1D811, 811, please.
14 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
15 Q. We have the document in both versions. The here is the 26th of
16 April, 1992, and there's another news agency report, and it says:
17 "Today mothers and young women from Pale visited the wounded who
18 are being treated in Koran. The women from Pale wished them happy
19 Easter," so it's Easter here; right?
20 A. Yes.
21 Q. "... and a quick recovery and showed their concern for their
22 health and welfare with presents that they presented them with.
23 "The responsible official thanked these women from Pale for their
24 visit and asked them to prevail upon their husbands and brothers not to
25 shoot if there is no need, even if we're dealing with holidays, because
Page 1237
1 shooting -- the sound of shooting upsets the people in hospital."
2 Now, you mentioned the shooting that Muslims and Serbs went about
3 when there was a celebration, and now we see this document and what it
4 says there. Do you agree?
5 A. Well, I can't agree or disagree. This is the first time that I
6 see this document.
7 Q. But you would agree that if there's shooting it upsets people in
8 hospital?
9 A. Yes.
10 Q. Thank you.
11 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender this document
12 into evidence now, please.
14 THE REGISTRAR: [Interpretation] Exhibit D25, Your Honour.
15 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd now like 1D823 to be called up
16 next, please.
17 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
18 Q. The date is the 25th of May, 1992, it's an order from the
19 Executive Board of the Municipal Assembly of Pale. It says:
20 "Based on a request made by the command of the armed forces of
21 the Sarajevo-Romanija Corps, the Executive Board of the Municipal
22 Assembly of Pale, at its session held on the 25th of May, issued an order
23 that the work of catering businesses, bars, and cafes be temporarily
24 suspended. This order excludes catering facilities serving food, but
25 they are prohibited temporarily from serving alcohol as well."
Page 1238
1 The rest isn't important, but do you remember that there were
2 these restrictions and limitations on the work of cafes and restaurants
3 and bars and the issuance of alcohol?
4 A. Well, I told you about life in Pale as I knew it, and I know
5 these cafes and bars very well, the main ones in the centre. And I can
6 tell you that civilians went there and soldiers went there while I was
7 living there, and I was expelled in 1992 on the 2nd of July. Up until
8 then, the cafes and bars in the centre were working, they were open.
9 Q. Thank you. This was on the 25th of May, which means one week
10 prior to your departure -- you left in July; is that right? I apologise.
11 I got the dates mixed up.
12 A. Yes, July.
13 Q. Thank you.
14 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender this document
15 into evidence, 1D823, please.
16 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Gaynor?
17 MR. GAYNOR: No objection to this either.
18 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
19 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, that will be Exhibit D26.
20 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
21 Q. Mr. Crncalo, I want to ask you something now. Have you had --
22 did you have enough of us politicians on television? Did you have enough
23 of seeing our faces on your television screens and so on and everything
24 we were saying?
25 A. Well, I'll be quite frank. If the people could do anything, then
Page 1239
1 they wouldn't have allowed you anywhere near the media in Bosnia or near
2 the press or near any kind of electronic media.
3 Q. But whatever we said they would broadcast; is that right?
4 A. No. Whatever you did, you did something that was bad for the
5 people. What worse thing in the world is there than war, as far as the
6 population is concerned? And that's what you were engaged in.
7 Q. I agree, but I just want to know whether the media were
8 interested in Izetbegovic, myself, Kljuc, the leaders of the three ethnic
9 communities?
10 A. Well, I'm not going to tell you what the journalists did. Yes,
11 they did interview you all the time, but the people didn't want you, let
12 me tell you that.
13 Q. Thank you.
14 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I would like to call up 1D831,
15 please. It's a document that is being translated, but I'm going to put a
16 few paragraphs to you.
17 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
18 Q. It concerns an event related to Zlovrh. You mentioned this in
19 your statement, I believe, and in your testimony as well?
20 A. No, I didn't mention Zlovrh.
21 Q. But I mean the crisis, the incident that took place, you
22 mentioned that. And this piece of news -- or rather, it's a report of
23 some kind from the commander of a unit which went to Zlovrh. His name
24 was Suka, Dragan. I'm going to read out a few paragraphs:
25 "On the 2nd of June, 1992, I was called by the Main Staff of the
Page 1240
1 Army of the Serbian Republic
2 was told to report to Major-General Manojlo Milovanovic in order to be
3 issued my assignment. At the time I was in Praca, and I set out to take
4 on my assignment. I reported to Major-General Milovanovic, and in the
5 presence of Major-General Gvero, Djukic, and some other officers, he
6 issued the following order to me: He said that on the 4th of June, 1992,
7 I was to go to Zlovrh, a military repeater station there, to hand over
8 water, food, and ammunition for 32 persons, to last them one month. At
9 the time at Zlovrh, there were two officers and ten soldiers. And I was
10 supposed to provide 20 more men to provide security."
11 I'd now like to skip the next part and move on to paragraph 3.
12 "I informed him about my activities and he said that I should
13 prepare to carry out my assignment. In the hallway, I came across the
14 chief of the traffic service and asked him to provide me with ten
15 soldiers that I needed to carry out my assignment. The head of the
16 traffic service asked General Milovanovic if that was okay and if he
17 could -- but he said that he could not provide me with ten soldiers. I
18 was told that I was not allowed to fire a single bullet because
19 everything had been decided and agreed upon with the other side and that
20 only food, water, and fuel should be transported there. I returned to
21 Pale at 2100 hours. And then on the 4th of June, I went to the unit."
22 This is a rather epic rendition, rather long.
23 But on page 2, it goes on to say, after describing the route they
24 had taken, he said:
25 "We went past the village Stoborani, on the left bank."
Page 1241
1 JUDGE KWON: Slow down, Mr. Karadzic. What is the point of
2 reading out the whole document? What is your question?
3 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Well, no, I'm just reading
4 excerpts.
5 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
6 Q. In this particular paragraph, Mr. Suka is explaining what
7 happened to him en route and the agreement made with the Muslim side from
8 Zepa. He said that the bridge was de-mined and that they moved on. He
9 says:
10 "When I reached the bridge, snipers opened fire and I was the
11 main target of attack. My driver was wounded on the occasion and all-out
12 fighting broke out."
13 And we can now move on to page 3 --
14 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, put your question. We are here to
15 hear evidence of Mr. Crncalo, not Mr. Suka. If necessary, you can call
16 him. You can put the content, in a brief manner, of the statement to
17 Mr. Crncalo, as you did, but there's no point of going through all the
18 content of it, reading out in the transcript. And you can admit -- you
19 can tender the document if necessary.
20 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
21 Q. Mr. Crncalo, you said that 45 soldiers were killed in this
22 incident, of which 40 were from Pale; isn't that right?
23 A. Well, I never mentioned any numbers.
24 Q. But it is the large group and the many killings that took place?
25 A. I know that the helicopters brought in the dead and wounded, but
Page 1242
1 I didn't know the numbers. I didn't know how many.
2 Q. Thank you. Now, I'm talking about the event you mentioned as
3 having seen and heard me address these families.
4 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender 1D831 and then I
5 have two more questions to ask based on that document, for
6 identification, of course, because it's being translated.
7 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Gaynor.
8 MR. GAYNOR: Mr. President, we object to the admission of this.
9 This is a statement of Dragan Suka and the correct route for admission,
10 as Your Honours have already ruled, is 92 bis or 92 ter. I also note in
11 passing that it's not signed.
12 JUDGE KWON: Same rule, Mr. Karadzic, if you like to tender this
13 into evidence, you can call him later on. But you can put the crux of
14 the statement to the witness, but we will not admit it. Go on, please.
15 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Very well.
16 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
17 Q. Mr. Crncalo, this was a moment of crisis with a lot of tension;
18 right?
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. A large-scale funeral; right?
21 A. I didn't see the funeral myself, but, yes, I just happened to see
22 the gathering of people as I was passing by.
23 Q. You were about 10 metres away from me; is that right?
24 A. Well, a little further away, maybe 50 metres, maybe more.
25 Q. Thank you. But would you see me about in Pale otherwise?
Page 1243
1 A. No, that was the first time that I saw you.
2 Q. All right. Now, Mr. Crncalo, how is it possible that I said
3 anything in an open space without it being broadcast in one way or
4 another?
5 A. Well, you ask your people that, the people who accompanied you
6 and all the people who broadcast your statements and announcements
7 generally. I don't know.
8 Q. But what I want to say is - and you confirmed this - the media,
9 especially at Pale, would broadcast and publish everything I said and
10 everything the other prominent politicians said. So how is it possible
11 for me to say something as drastic as you say I said here without ever
12 anybody having recorded it?
13 JUDGE KWON: [Overlapping speakers]
14 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I don't know how that was possible,
15 but that's what you said.
16 MR. GAYNOR: I'd like to object to the form of the question. The
17 question said that the witness had confirmed an item of evidence, and I'd
18 ask the accused to identify when that was confirmed. I don't think the
19 witness confirmed that at all.
20 JUDGE KWON: Agreed.
21 [Defence counsel confer]
22 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] In today's transcript, on page 55,
23 line 17, when I put an introductory question to the witness and asked
24 whether the media were interested in my activities and whether they
25 followed them closely. And the witness's answer was to confirm that,
Page 1244
1 that I was constantly in the news.
2 I'd now like to make things more precise to help the Prosecution
3 out. It was a statement given in Sarajevo on the 23rd of August, 1995
4 where you, Mr. Crncalo, did not mention that important sentence which I
5 allegedly uttered; that is to say that the best way to protect Serb
6 houses was to attack Muslim houses. You never ever stated that anywhere
7 else before.
8 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Well, if you think that I thought
9 this up, then just look through the tapes and transcripts, and I believe
10 that the Tribunal has that too, that in other places you also said, Let's
11 attack Muslim houses, attack Muslim houses, and by doing so you'll be
12 defending your own.
13 JUDGE KWON: But, Mr. Crncalo, the question was whether you told
14 the authorities that on 23rd of August that Mr. Karadzic said to attack
15 Muslim houses. Do you remember whether you said that or not?
16 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] As far as I know, on one occasion,
17 in one of my statements, I did mention that, but I can't give you an
18 exact date.
19 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic.
20 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
21 Q. Mr. Crncalo, not only in the statement of the 23rd of August,
22 1995, not only did you not mention it there, but you didn't mention it
23 during the -- your testimony in the Krajisnik trial, on transcript page
24 5294 and 5327 and 5342 in the Krajisnik trial, where you mentioned the
25 event. You don't mention a single word about my having said that; is
Page 1245
1 that true?
2 A. Well, I didn't testify against you. This is the first time that
3 I'm testifying against you here.
4 Q. Excellent. Thank you.
5 So you prepared yourself especially for me, did you?
6 A. Why should I prepare myself especially? I just rely on my
7 memory, what I remember, and I give statements on the basis of that.
8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd now like to call up document
9 1D854, please. 1D854 is the minutes and tape-recording, and this is the
10 transcript of that recording from the 17th Session of the
11 People's Assembly held on the 24th to the 26th of July, 1992.
12 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
13 Q. Here we have it. On page 2 of this document, you have part of my
14 speech recorded, and a quarter of the Muslims had already left,
15 three-quarters remained. Now, here is what I say in that speech at this
16 Assembly session, and I'm addressing the deputies, the Assembly members.
17 And it's paragraph 3:
18 "As for the first item on the agenda, the president of the
19 Presidency of the Serb Republic
20 about the political war time situation in the Serb Republic
21 Bosnia-Herzegovina," so that the president of the Assembly is asking me
22 to take the floor.
23 And now I'd like to move on to page 3 because we can skip this
24 interjectory part. I don't want to tire the Trial Chamber and the
25 participants with that section, but if we move on to page 3, at the
Page 1246
1 beginning there, here is what I say:
2 "It is with regret that I have to state that in Palama the
3 Muslims do not want peace except in Bijeljina and in Pale where there are
4 20 per cent of them because nobody is touching them there, nor does
5 anyone consider them to be second-rate citizens. But, on the contrary,
6 our state officials are communicating with them trying to persuade them
7 that they have no reason for fear and anxiety. So in Serbian
8 Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Serbian people have gained their freedom and
9 their state and they're willing to allow others to live alongside them.
10 And I hope that during the Assembly we will make some conclusions and
11 decisions to further invigorate this state."
12 Do you see that part of the text and that part of my speech?
13 A. Yes.
14 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] It is well-known to the Prosecution
15 and, therefore, I would like to tender this part of the transcript of the
16 Assembly held in July. It is 1D854, so I'd like to tender 1D854 into
17 evidence now, please.
18 MR. GAYNOR: No objection, Mr. President.
19 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
20 But what was your question, Mr. Karadzic?
21 After reading out this part, all you asked was whether you see
22 that part of the text. What's the point of your question to the witness?
23 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The point is, Your Excellency, that
24 I wanted to hear from Mr. Crncalo how what he says tallies with this,
25 which is the official policy of the state. And this was a closed session
Page 1247
1 of the parliament. It was not known in advance that this transcript will
2 ever become public.
3 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Well, why were we then expelled
4 from Pale? Just tell me. Why?
5 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
6 Q. We'll come to that. I'm just asking you how can what you say be
7 possible, and we have no trace of that, no record, whereas for this we
8 have a record? Our officials such as Koljevic are meeting citizens,
9 although it would be quite enough for a municipal chief to meet with the
10 citizens. But the vice-president of the state is here meeting with
11 citizens to assure them that there is nothing to fear.
12 A. Well, what I'm saying is corroborated by what Koljevic said;
13 namely, that Serbs don't want to live together with Muslims at Pale.
14 JUDGE KWON: Let's move on.
15 What would be the exhibit number?
16 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, that will be Exhibit D27.
17 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
18 If it's convenient, shall we have a break now? We will have a
19 break for 20 minutes.
20 --- Recess taken at 12.05 p.m.
21 --- On resuming at 12.29 p.m.
22 JUDGE KWON: Yes, Mr. Karadzic.
23 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
24 Q. Mr. Crncalo, yesterday, on transcript page 74, you said that the
25 Serb authorities pursued an active campaign for the expulsion of Muslims,
Page 1248
1 or rather, to make Muslims leave Pale; is that correct?
2 A. Yes.
3 Q. What did this campaign look like? How did it manifest itself?
4 That is, in March while the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina still
5 existed, who was the minister of the interior?
6 A. I think Bakir Alispahic.
7 Q. He was also high up. It was actually Alija Delimustafic. And
8 who was the minister of defence?
9 A. I did not look into these political positions. I wasn't
10 interested.
11 Q. Could it have been Jerko Doko, a Croat?
12 A. Let it be.
13 Q. There were very prominent Muslim senior staff Avdo Hebib,
14 Munir Alispahic, Bakir Alispahic, Selmo Selimovic, and Alija Delimustafic
15 in the MUP. Could you name one prominent Serb in the MUP?
16 A. This is not the first time I'm answering a question like this.
17 I'm telling you again politics didn't interest me and politicians didn't
18 interest me. I was interested in the regular life of a regular citizen.
19 JUDGE KWON: Just for record, Mr. Karadzic, what you cited is
20 part of Mr. Gaynor's summary, not his evidence. Let's proceed.
21 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I agree, Your Excellency, but
22 Mr. Gaynor asked for a confirmation and received it from the witness. So
23 that is to be considered the evidence of this witness. I agree we should
24 not delve into politics, but this is about the state of Bosnia and
25 Herzegovina
Page 1249
1 authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the MUP, especially, were full
2 of prominent Muslim staff. There was only one Serb in charge of crime
3 investigation. All the rest were Muslims.
4 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
5 Q. How come then that something happened in Pale that nothing
6 prevented -- that no one from the state authorities prevented or even
7 published?
8 A. These problems started with your establishment of the Assembly of
9 Republika Srpska. You were involved directly. You were a participant; I
10 was not.
11 Q. Okay. We'll move on. We'll discuss it with other people, when
12 exactly Republika Srpska started to operate. Here is one document,
13 1D832, if we can call it up. 1D832. We have the Serbian and here is the
14 English. This is the response of the Municipal Assembly of Pale, dated
15 11 April 1992
16 intended for the media. It was not sent to anyone else. It was sent to
17 the group that had presented certain demands. Here is what the text
18 says:
19 "Having taken into consideration your proposals of 10 April
20 1992," that means the day before, "the Crisis Staff of the Serbian
21 municipality of Pale has concluded, as follows:
22 "There is no reason for the Muslim population to panic or move
23 out, the Serbian municipality of Pale
24 citizens of Pale, whatever their ethnicity or creed."
25 It's just after this time that this lady gave birth to that
Page 1250
1 child, and there were other activities showing that there was no
2 discrimination whatsoever.
3 Second paragraph:
4 "The population on the territory of the Serbian municipality of
5 Pale will continue to be supplied as before, taking care that supplies be
6 provided equally to all parts of the municipality."
7 Third paragraph:
8 "In order to overcome any potential difficulties, the
9 Crisis Staff hereby proposes that the same issues be agreed on by the
10 inter-party commission composed of members of the Pale SDS and SDA
11 parties."
12 Have you -- were you part of this delegation?
13 A. Yes, on more than one occasion I was part of the local
14 delegation, but I was not involved in the way you suggest, in any
15 negotiations between the SDS
16 a regular citizen. And now when you talk about this document that is on
17 the screen now, why would someone be sending, at the same time, activists
18 to work in town on the ground motivating people to move out?
19 Q. I don't know. This group addressed the authorities with the
20 demand to be allowed to move out, and the authorities reply, Don't do
21 that. Stay here.
22 There is a poem written by Aleksa Santic that's called "Stay
23 Here," you know, at the time of the Turks, the Ottoman Turk occupation.
24 A. Why couldn't they guarantee our safety? Every time we had
25 contacts with the officials of the Pale municipality, nobody was able to
Page 1251
1 give us any guarantees of safety. That's the answer we received.
2 Q. You received a reply in writing. The first paragraph says:
3 "The Serbian municipality of Pale
4 all citizens regardless of ethnicity or creed."
5 A. This document was never shown to a single Muslim in Pale.
6 Q. We have a witness statement from another Muslim, and we'll show
7 it in due time.
8 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May I tender this Defence document,
9 1D832?
10 MR. GAYNOR: No objection, Mr. President.
11 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
12 Yes.
13 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, that will be Exhibit D28.
14 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Let me remind you -- the date of
15 this document was 11 April.
16 And may I now call up 1D828. We have an English translation as
17 well.
18 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
19 Q. This is an agency report dated 16 of April, four days after that
20 response to the group of citizens of Muslim ethnicity in Pale. This text
21 says in the subheading:
22 "Muslims in Pale municipality recognise the legal police force in
23 the municipality, trust them, and ask to co-operate exclusively with them
24 while controlling the area where they constitute the majority, claims the
25 agency."
Page 1252
1 And then the text goes:
2 "The authorities and the police in the Serbian municipality of
3 Pale have reached an agreement with the Muslim population from several
4 villages in the municipality, whereby all problems will be resolved by
5 agreement only, reports the 'SRNA
6 by the "Glas" newspaper in Sarajevo.
7 The text goes on to say:
8 "Having defined the Muslim villages as Bare, Rakovica, Praca, and
9 Podgrab, the agency stated that the Muslims in these villages had been
10 guarantees of personal safety and security of their properties, as well
11 as normal supplies and regular bus transport.
12 "The Muslims in Pale municipality recognise the legal police in
13 the municipality, trust them, and ask to co-operate exclusively with them
14 in controlling the area where they constitute the majority, reports the
15 agency."
16 So this was the basis, the proposal was to have two police
17 stations in every area, that Muslims policemen go into Muslim villages,
18 Serbs to go into Serb villages, everyone to deal with their own
19 criminals; is that the way it was?
20 A. Yes, we were looking for safety in Pale municipality, guarantees
21 of safety. Malko Koroman, chief of police, told us. As long as there is
22 no Muslim in the police station of Stari Grad, there will be no Muslim
23 policemen in Pale.
24 Q. And you understand and you see that the municipality of
25 Stari Grad cheated on the agreement to have Serbs represented in the
Page 1253
1 police of that municipality, but let's leave that aside. The text goes
2 on:
3 "'SRNA
4 last night that Muslims working in the Kasindol hospital near Sarajevo
5 had been denied access to the hospital. There are only three doctors
6 working in the hospital and they are on duty, on call, around-the-clock.
7 The director, therefore, calls upon all the employees to report to work
8 as soon as possible."
9 Did you know about this, that this was publicised in the media?
10 A. I didn't know about this, but I would like to comment on the
11 second point, with your leave. On the 15th of May - and I mentioned it
12 in my statement - was the day when Muslim workers in the Korani factory
13 were not allowed to come in by the guard standing in the reception area.
14 Muslims were turned back and Serbs were allowed in. I wasn't going into
15 the factory, but I just ran into my manager. Let me give you a time
16 indication. It was just after that incident in Renovica. I asked my
17 manager, Milivoj Utaj [phoen], Boss, were we dismissed? And he says, No,
18 I just don't want to take any risks. I don't want anyone to be shot in
19 the back in the factory. For the time being, go home, let's wait and
20 see.
21 Muslims were not allowed to go into the factory at that time.
22 That is a comment on this Kasindol hospital news item.
23 Q. But I'm talking about the 11th and the 15th of April. What
24 you're talking about was in May. We'll have to check that. Whatever you
25 say, I will have to respond to and present evidence either through you or
Page 1254
1 through another witness.
2 A. Go ahead. I'm here at your disposal. Ask whatever you wish.
3 Q. Thank you.
4 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I propose that this document 1D832
5 be admitted into evidence.
6 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Gaynor?
7 MR. GAYNOR: No objection, Mr. President.
8 THE REGISTRAR: That will be Exhibit D29, Your Honours.
9 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] And I also tender 828.
10 JUDGE KWON: That was it ...
11 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Very well. Thank you.
12 [Trial Chamber confers]
13 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
14 Q. Mr. Crncalo, I will now make a statement and corroborate it with
15 documents, and I will ask you, in the form of a question, to give me your
16 response. I maintain that both presidents of the Pale municipality and
17 the entire municipality acted as a very responsible and careful
18 authorities and so did the third president, Vojo Milutinovic, whom you,
19 perhaps, know. They were very careful and they never discriminated
20 against Muslims, they didn't distinguish between Muslims and Serbs. I'm
21 talking about the authorities, not about individuals.
22 A. At the time covered by my statements, there was this younger man,
23 Starcevic, I don't know his first name. He never told us a harsh word,
24 but he also couldn't give us any guarantees. Whenever we asked him for
25 assurances of safety, he would send us to the police chief,
Page 1255
1 Malko Koroman. And Malko Koroman would say, Oh, it's a better idea to go
2 back to him and ask the same. We were just going back and forth, from
3 one to the other. You know better and you don't have to answer me, you
4 know that power was in the hands at that time of the Crisis Staff most
5 probably. Neither of these two men dared give any guarantees.
6 Q. Mr. Crncalo, the president of the municipality does not have
7 command over the police. The police is commanded by the police commander
8 under the supervision of the chief of the police station, Mr. Koroman.
9 So the president of the municipality says, Go to the competent people
10 whose job it is. And this Mr. Cvoro, on behalf of the municipality,
11 provides guarantees, saying, Everything will be all right.
12 Now, let me ask you, why were you living in fear and experiencing
13 restrictions when you were so close, 15 metres away from the president of
14 the republic in war time? Could you -- were you not able to kill me?
15 A. I'm not a killer, I never even thought about it. As far as
16 restrictions go and the fear, if you had walked through Pale and run into
17 those young men gone completely berserk, armed to their teeth with knives
18 this size, bare above the waist, red ribbons around their forearms and
19 around their foreheads, they were driving coupes armed with automatic
20 guns, who would not fear them? How can you say we were not under
21 pressure and living in fear? Anyone who says that is out of their mind.
22 Q. Were they people from Pale or some strangers?
23 A. You know the size of Pale. I cannot recognise every single
24 person. One night, one of my work colleagues was on a patrol. The
25 person who was his partner moved towards me, probably to arrest me, and
Page 1256
1 this work colleague of mine told him, Don't touch him. This is one of
2 our locals, a quiet man. And I had just been on an errand to buy
3 cigarettes and when I came home I told my wife, I almost got arrested and
4 taken away.
5 Q. Mr. Crncalo, are we of different races? Could we -- could anyone
6 looking at us tell that one of us is a Serb, the other is a Muslim?
7 A. You know what? You are from Montenegro; I am from Bosnia
8 parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents lived and died in Bosnia
9 They always lived in peace with their Serb neighbours. There had never
10 been any friction. People were more careful and eager to do a favour to
11 a Serb neighbour than a Muslim neighbour. They would always welcome Serb
12 neighbours and serve them better than Muslim neighbours until those
13 political parties came on the scene. And now this difference in
14 appearance, you couldn't tell who is who. But what is hidden inside,
15 nobody can tell either.
16 Q. We must hurry-up if you don't want to come back next week. What
17 I want to say, Mr. Crncalo, is the fact that if some soldiers were coming
18 back from the front or going back to the front, and it doesn't say on
19 your forehead that you were a Muslim, and even if it did say so, whether
20 a Muslim was killed at Pale by some such soldiers -- not at Pale --
21 A. Not in the street but in the prison they were.
22 Q. Now, I'd like to depict a picture from the 6th of April right up
23 to the 12th of June. We have a situation whereby at Pale there were at
24 least as many refugees as there were local inhabitants, and we saw that
25 the municipality was doing its best to provide food and limit smugglers
Page 1257
1 and war profiteers from smuggling in food, and so on. They were
2 rationing food, stipulating how much could be bought by one person, and
3 forbidding tradesmen from putting up prices unreasonably, and they
4 charged one company to be in charge of selling food, and so on.
5 Then weapons were handed in and some weapons were not. And do
6 you know how they know that? Because they arrested Senaid Memic and
7 "hodza" Glivaja [phoen] owned up. So the police knew how many weapons
8 there were. In this second wave, the police were going hand in hand with
9 the army to collect up the weapons and in Renovica --
10 MR. GAYNOR: The accused should come to his question immediately.
11 JUDGE KWON: Let's stop the speech and put your question. If you
12 are going to put your case, just be brief. Please go on.
13 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes, thank you.
14 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
15 Q. Were there any refugees and what was the ratio? Were there as
16 many refugees as there were local inhabitants?
17 A. Yes.
18 Q. Was food -- were food supplies rationed and didn't the
19 authorities prohibit profiteers from raising prices?
20 A. I can tell you about a woman from Dobrinja, she was a Serb coming
21 into Pale and she had a 250-gram package of margarine in one hand and 2
22 or 3 kilos of potatoes in the on the other hand. And I asked her, Where
23 did you buy that? And she said, I didn't buy it, it was being
24 distributed. So she said, How am I going to survive on just this for the
25 next week, 250 grams of margarine and 2 or 3 kilos of potatoes?
Page 1258
1 Q. Was she a Serb?
2 A. Yes, she was a Serb.
3 Q. All right. Now, when the first call came up, were quantities of
4 weapons handed over?
5 A. As far as I know, the urban part of Pale, the people there in the
6 space of two hours, everybody got together and handed in their weapons to
7 the police station. Now, I can't say what happened in Praca, Renovica,
8 and Podgrab and so on, in those other villages lower down. I told you
9 how I moved around Pale and what happened in Pale.
10 Q. But you confirmed that there was an ultimatum, that people were
11 killed, and that after these policemen were killed, Malko Koroman made
12 the ultimatum over television with tears in his eyes and then a second
13 wave of handing in weapons took place; is that right?
14 A. Yes.
15 THE INTERPRETER: Could the speakers kindly be asked to slow down
16 for the benefit of one and all. Thank you.
17 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, please put a pause. I know you are
18 hurrying, but don't forget the hard work of the interpreters. Let's
19 proceed.
20 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes, I would like to express my
21 respect for the interpreters and to apologise to them, and I'm sure they
22 understand me too.
23 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
24 Q. We know that the families suffered, the four people were killed,
25 the others fled, their property was seized, their houses burnt, their
Page 1259
1 cattle seized, and then we come to Zlovrh, 40 dead; right?
2 A. Well, I don't know about Zlovrh. Where is this place, Zlovrh?
3 Q. Well, it's the incident when they were killed in Zepa in an
4 ambush, they were killed in an ambush, they were tricked. Although they
5 were told that they could take food to the crew at the relay station at
6 Zlovrh and that was a relay station that catered to all of us, the whole
7 population. And that was where you saw me, that's called Zlovrh.
8 A. Can I comment? One Serb fighter said on television, when he was
9 transported by helicopter from Zepa to Pale, can I tell you what he said?
10 Q. Could you please answer my questions, otherwise you will stay on
11 next week too. So it would be better for you to just stick to answering
12 my questions.
13 Anyway, that was the situation in which the president of the
14 municipality, Radislav Starcevic was his name, and Slobodan Kacevic
15 [phoen] was the man before him, he couldn't take it anymore so he left
16 that position. But he wrote this document 1D833, the one I'd like to
17 have called up now. We have the document on our screens. The date is
18 the 12th of June, 1992, which means that after all these events, the
19 president of the Pale municipality is writing to the secretary of the
20 Serbian Democratic Party of Pale. And this is what he says:
21 "As the president of the Assembly, I am requesting that you
22 urgently call a meeting of the Main Board of the SDS of Pale in order for
23 the party to adopt a general position on the moving out of non-Serbs from
24 Pale municipality:
25 "I would like to point out that unless the Main Board meets as
Page 1260
1 soon as possible, or rather, if the Main Board meets as possible we can
2 call a session of the Assembly for the 18th of June, 1992, which is a
3 Thursday."
4 So let me help you out here and tell you that Mr. Starcevic had
5 to call for a session, not to have to wait for the regular session,
6 because the work of the Serbian Democratic Party was put on ice, and he
7 didn't know what to do with respect to this question of moving out. So
8 can you see this document?
9 A. Yes, I can.
10 Q. So Mr. Starcevic wrote this as a reaction to the state organs on
11 the basis of his meeting with you, or rather, the representatives of the
12 Muslim community and the demands they made. So he is calling for an
13 institutional solution to this question; is that right?
14 A. Well, I can see the document. This is the first time that I'm
15 looking at it. I've never seen it before. I know that we did not ask to
16 move out. We asked to be provided safety and security in remaining in
17 Pale municipality.
18 Q. However, in the meantime, Mr. Crncalo, after all these critical
19 events, you asked - and we have the document - you asked that you be
20 allowed to dislocate, to move to another area. You're right there. And
21 I'd like to make the difference under our law. A place of residence is
22 something permanent and "boravak" is temporary residence. So Mr. Crncalo
23 is right. They asked for a temporary change of residence because they
24 did not get a permanent change of residence.
25 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender 1D833 now,
Page 1261
1 please.
2 MR. GAYNOR: No objection.
3 JUDGE KWON: Just -- what is your answer, Mr. Crncalo?
4 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] We asked to be allowed to stay in
5 Pale in our houses, to continue living where we had always lived, but we
6 were told that we couldn't remain. At the last meeting, we were told
7 that we couldn't stay in our houses.
8 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
9 Exhibit number?
10 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, that will be Exhibit D30.
11 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
12 Q. I'd like to remind you of 1D832, where we -- you were granted the
13 request to move out and relocate [as interpreted]. So that's not right
14 what you're saying.
15 A. It's a pity that the meeting wasn't filmed, the meeting attended
16 by the late Nikola Koljevic, then you'd be able to see whether that was
17 so or not. And I wasn't alone there.
18 I'd like to tell you to bring all the people in -- if you were to
19 bring all the people in the courtroom that were there, they would all say
20 the same thing that I'm telling you now, if you were to bring them in
21 from the streets and bring them into court.
22 Q. I'd like to make an intervention to the transcript on page 77,
23 line 7, [In English] "You were granted the request to
24 move," [Interpretation] No, no, that's a mistake there. You were told
25 that there was no need for you to move out. Your request was to move
Page 1262
1 out, but the document states that you were not permitted to do so but
2 were encouraged to stay, to remain, and that was on the 11th of April.
3 A. I survived all these events, the events that you're talking about
4 now, and you cannot persuade me and convince me that we left voluntarily.
5 You'll understand me. What did we take with us? We took only what we
6 could carry in our two hands, that's all. Nobody asked us, What's going
7 to happen to your homes, to your houses, to your cars?
8 All you could do was take what you could carry with you, so we
9 were almost bare-handed, homeless, penniless.
10 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, let's move on. I think we dealt with
11 this issue when you were putting that document to the witness. Let's
12 move on to the next issue.
13 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May I have 1D834 now, please.
14 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
15 Q. And in the meantime, I'd like to remind you, Mr. Crncalo, of
16 paragraph 67 of your own amalgamated statement where you say:
17 [In English] "A number of times we did talk to the chief of
18 police and the president of municipality. When the first convoy left
19 towards Sarajevo
20 municipality president and ask him again what had happened to those
21 people, why did those people have to leave that have you done -- what
22 have you done to the people. And I said," [Interpretation] And you're
23 quoting, [In English] "They must have infringed upon the law, in some way
24 done something unlawful."
25 [Interpretation] So that's what you said. Now I'd like to draw
Page 1263
1 your attention to the next document, 1D834, which is on our screens. We
2 saw that on the 12th of June, the president informed the people that they
3 could call -- convene a meeting in six days' time, and these are the
4 minutes from that session of the Municipal Assembly of Pale. If we look
5 at paragraph 3 it says that:
6 "The session was chaired by the president of the Pale Municipal
7 Assembly Radislav Starcevic."
8 And then going down the page:
9 "Before moving on to the proposed agenda, the member of the Pale
10 Municipal Assembly and others present observed a minute of silence in
11 honour of the memory of the Pale soldiers who had died at Zepa."
12 And then we have the agenda, the first item was the security
13 situation in the municipality and then sub-items. Item number 2 was to
14 take a stand -- that the municipality should take a stand on the moving
15 out of non-Serbs from the territory of Pale
16 move on to the next page. Item 1, the security situation and a report
17 from the brigade command. Paragraph 2, it says:
18 "Objections from soldiers who fled from Sarajevo with their
19 families, they claim that they're being treated as second-rate citizens.
20 So they fled Sarajevo
21 placed in units, and then that they were being treated as second-class
22 citizens."
23 So they have the same impression that you had, but, of course,
24 the municipality couldn't resolve the question and the situation?
25 A. Well, I don't know how they felt. I know how I felt and what it
Page 1264
1 was like for me.
2 Q. But you can see it was difficult for the Serbs of Sarajevo as
3 well.
4 And now let's move on to item 7, the penultimate page. Item 7,
5 please. Item 7 of the agenda, the conclusion is that:
6 "In these war time conditions, all forms of crime should be
7 prevented as well as war time profiteering and that the public security
8 station of Pale should be engaged and the municipal authority of
9 inspection."
10 So that was item -- or the seventh conclusion under item 1, in
11 actual fact. Now we come to item 2, and this relates to the question of
12 relocation:
13 "Linked to the problem of moving out of the territory of the
14 municipality, the Muslims, opinions were divided on the issue with
15 respect to the manner in which it was being done and the justifications
16 for it.
17 "Assemblyman Obrad Kljajic considered that the government should
18 first pass a decision on the issue and that the municipalities should
19 then act in accordance with the decision made.
20 "Arsen Jugovic was of the opinion that all those who had found an
21 exchange and signed exchange contracts should be allowed to leave.
22 "Moving out with the help of UNPROFOR and exchanges were also
23 stated as a possibility.
24 "Milorad Gazivoda gave a constructive proposal and said that this
25 process of moving out should be done on a voluntary basis.
Page 1265
1 "The president of the Assembly and the chairman of the executive
2 committee objected to the activities of the public security station in
3 this respect because it had participated in an attempt to organise the
4 Muslims and move them out which was done without a political decision
5 having been taken which meant that the official structures of power and
6 authority had been bypassed. So for this reason, the attempt was
7 prevented and stopped.
8 "To avoid going into an overly broad discussion, the Assembly
9 decided that a commission formulate the proposal on the mode of
10 evacuation of Muslim or Croat population underlying the principle of
11 voluntariness and organised manner of moving out.
12 "This working group is to be nominated."
13 MR. GAYNOR: Can I just interrupt for a moment.
14 JUDGE KWON: Yes, Mr. Gaynor.
15 MR. GAYNOR: We have absolutely no objection to this document
16 coming in. Your Honours can read it in your own time. There's only 30
17 minutes left in this session. I'm just slightly concerned about
18 conducting some re-direct of the witness and permitting him to leave
19 today.
20 JUDGE KWON: Fully understood.
21 Mr. Karadzic, as I said to you, put your question. We can read
22 this document. Just put the crux of your question, and I would like you
23 to conclude your cross-examination in 15 minutes.
24 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Your Excellency, I was reckoning
25 until a quarter to 2.00.
Page 1266
1 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
2 Q. Mr. Crncalo, there was one attempt the authorities stopped, and I
3 tried to deal with this by decisions of the proper authorities. Just
4 tell me, did you know about this or not?
5 A. I didn't know about this. I knew about other things.
6 Q. Thank you.
7 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I tender this document, 1D834. And
8 can I now call up 1D835 to speed things up a bit.
10 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
11 Q. So you don't have to come again.
12 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, that will be Exhibit D31.
13 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
14 Q. I will explain while we're waiting. This is a decision of the
15 next day, 19 June, where the president of the municipality,
16 Radislav Starcevic follows up on the Assembly decision and formulates his
17 own decision. It is called decision on the mode of relocation of
18 citizens of Muslim and Croatian ethnicity. This is relocation, not a
19 change of residence and not evacuation or moving out. It says -- let me
20 now read:
21 "The citizens of Muslim and Croatian ethnicity who wish to
22 change," et cetera, et cetera. Did you know about this?
23 A. But what do you call moving out? To us it meant deportation,
24 expulsion of people from their homes.
25 Q. If you make statements like this, I'll ask for you to stay
Page 1267
1 another week.
2 A. Let it be a year, if need be.
3 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I cannot just skip over the
4 following documents, Your Excellencies. Let us move on to the protection
5 of property and what happened to the property left behind by Muslims at
6 Pale. There are so many things that are left untackled with this
7 witness. I can't leave it at that. Can I tender --
8 JUDGE KWON: What's the exhibit number for 835?
9 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honours, that will be Exhibit D32.
10 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
11 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I would like to call 1D844, and
12 it's also Prosecution document P11231.
13 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
14 Q. While we're waiting, under 775, dated 2 July 1992, we read:
15 "Contract: Sulejman Crncalo and Taib Crncalo give their house in
16 Pale in," such and such a street, "to Dragica Subotic," such and such a
17 street. Do you dispute that this is yours?
18 A. Yes. I'm not disputing it, I signed this, but under duress.
19 Q. We'll have to clarify every detail then. 1D845, please.
20 Mr. Crncalo, this is the contract about this temporary exchange
21 of properties, and it's temporary because the government banned any trade
22 in real estate for the duration of the war and it did so in April. The
23 government banned this trade temporarily because it couldn't have been
24 honest. This is written on a typewriter.
25 "Sulejman and Taib Crncalo," the original is unclear, the English
Page 1268
1 is better, "exchange a residential house and auxiliary buildings and
2 accompanying land with Dragica Subotic."
3 Article 4:
4 "The contracting parties hereby undertake that the use and
5 safe-keeping of the property on the contract shall be temporary and last
6 until the end of the war until the conditions for normal life are
7 restored, at which time the final status of the property and the contract
8 shall be resolved by agreement with the mandatory consent of the
9 contracting parties."
10 And 5:
11 "The contracting parties shall take possession of the contracted
12 property and undertake to maintain them in their current condition and
13 all necessary obligations must be settled before a final agreement."
14 This was a contract typed for you and signed by your brother Taib
15 and even you. We have your signature here. And it was signed by
16 Dragica Subotic. She signed in Cyrillic script, you signed in Latinic
17 script. So there was no coercion, nor was it a permanent exchange. On
18 the basis of this contract, after the war, you could, at any time say,
19 Give me back my property.
20 A. Anyone who refused to sign such a contract had to hand in their
21 keys to their house to the police station.
22 Q. Tell me one example.
23 A. Well, that's the information that circulated among the people.
24 Q. Who produced this information?
25 A. Well, I told you about the activists who went from house to
Page 1269
1 house, Jovan Skobo and Kojic, Radomir, you denied it when I said it at
2 the time.
3 Q. We have evidence about that as well. You are dealing with the
4 state authority here, a state authority verifying your contract. And you
5 can see that they're not even letting you exchange the property because
6 the government had banned sale of real estate for the duration of the
7 war. This copy of the contract which is also available to the
8 Prosecution is hereby tendered, 1D845.
9 JUDGE KWON: Previous document is number what, Mr. --
10 THE REGISTRAR: Your Honour, Exhibit D33.
11 JUDGE KWON: And this contract is ...
12 THE REGISTRAR: Sorry, the contract is D33 and the previous
13 Exhibit was P735.
14 JUDGE KWON: So the 844 is exhibit number what? We didn't deal
15 with it when we ...
16 [Trial Chamber and Registrar confer]
17 JUDGE KWON: I take it he's tendering that as well and the
18 witness confirmed. That is D33 and then this contract will be D34 then.
19 THE REGISTRAR: Yes, Your Honour.
20 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you. That's correct. With
21 the proviso that this excerpt from the municipal register was recognised
22 by the witness and the Prosecution also has it as an exhibit.
23 Now I'd like to call up 1D834, and I won't be tendering it. For
24 the time being, I just want to show the contract of the other contracting
25 party on the same transaction. It's actually number 843.
Page 1270
1 MR. GAYNOR: I can already indicate that we object to this
2 statement. It doesn't comply with 92 bis or 92 ter.
3 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I do not intend to offer it for
4 admission. I just want to confront Mr. Crncalo with the testimony of the
5 other contracting party. If necessary, we will tender this statement
6 according to appropriate procedure.
7 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
8 Q. Page 2, you can see that this is the statement of Miro Subotic.
9 His father's name is Milanko, and he's the son of the Dragica Subotic
10 with whom you had made that agreement. He says here, after his personal
11 details, that they had a family house in Pofalici which they abandoned
12 after the attack of Muslim armed forces on Pofalici in May 1992:
13 "After being expelled from our own home, we fled to Pale using
14 byroads and tracks via Zuc and Rajlovac."
15 You know that over 350 Serbs were killed on that occasion in
16 Pofalici. I don't want your response:
17 "In Pale, we found accommodation in a weekend cottage owned by
18 our family, who had also fled from their homes in Sarajevo.
19 "We stayed there for about a month because my mother Dragica
20 found out that exchanges were possible then between local population and
21 those who had fled from Sarajevo
22 ideal, like Serbs view Belgrade
23 THE INTERPRETER: Could the accused slow down, please, when
24 reading especially.
25 JUDGE KWON: The interpreters were not able to interpret what you
Page 1271
1 said. Slow down and starting from the part: "My mother met Taib
2 Crncalo ..."
3 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Thank you. But you have to believe
4 me, I can't leave anything unclear and we are very pressed for time.
5 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
6 Q. "The next day, together with my mother, I came to Taib who was
7 accompanied by his brother Sulejman, and there on the spot we agreed to
8 swap houses. The same day we went to the building of the Municipal
9 Assembly of Pale and there we made and signed an agreement on exchange.
10 This was on 2nd July 1992
11 on that day because many citizens were drafting and having verified
12 similar contracts on property exchange. The house that we temporarily
13 received for use was on 1316 Muslim Brigade street and was owned by
14 brothers Taib and Sulejman Crncalo from Pale.
15 "The signed contract obligated both parties to take of the
16 properties which can clearly be seen from the original contract on
17 exchange that I have attached thereto.
18 "The brothers Taib and Sulejman, together with a large number of
19 their countrymen, left Pale in an organised fashion in a bus convoy,
20 probably on the same day. They all left voluntarily at their own request
21 and without suffering any mistreatment.
22 "I personally helped Taib and Sulejman carry their things to the
23 bus. We parted on friendly terms and Sulejman's allegations which you
24 have confronted me with that someone threatened them and forced them out
25 of their house are not true."
Page 1272
1 I have read this because this is not going to be tendered now:
2 "My brother and I with our families lived in the house together
3 with our mother in this -- during the war. After the war" --
4 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, I think you are able to put a question
5 now to the witness whether he confirms or knows about the events.
6 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
7 Q. Did Miro Subotic help you carry your luggage to the bus?
8 A. I don't know if he helped my late brother. He didn't help me,
9 certainly. But he wasn't there, he wasn't present when we signed this
10 contract on exchange. He didn't even accompany us on the way.
11 Q. The interpretation is not correct.
12 It's true that -- didn't you say he helped your brother?
13 A. I said I didn't see whether he helped my brother, but he
14 certainly didn't help me.
15 Q. But the first time his mother was without him. On the next day
16 he came to you and Taib. So we are both right. The first time he wasn't
17 there, the second time he was?
18 A. We can't both be right.
19 Q. There were two meetings?
20 A. With my late brother and Dragica, I went to the municipal
21 building. He was there, but still he didn't sign anything. His mother
22 signed.
23 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Crncalo, a paragraph which the accused omitted
24 reading reads like this:
25 "My mother met Taib Crncalo in front of his house in the part of
Page 1273
1 Pale that was predominantly inhabited by Muslims with the help of some
2 acquaints from Sarajevo
3 she," his mother, "she reached a verbal agreement with Taib regarding the
4 exchange of property. This house was owned by Taib and Sulejman"; is it
5 correct?
6 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes.
7 JUDGE KWON: Thank you.
8 Conclude your cross-examination in five minutes.
9 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
10 Q. Mr. Crncalo, there was no police present. You were alone all the
11 time. There were no official authorities when you were negotiating the
12 deal?
13 A. There was police present on the road when we were moving towards
14 the buses.
15 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Document 1D850, please.
16 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
17 Q. While we're waiting, I will describe what the document is about.
18 The municipal authorities of Pale, on the 14th of July, that's 12 days
19 after your contract, make an initiative. And it says in the conclusion:
20 "Bearing in mind that the central commission and subcommission
21 for listing and registering movable and immovable property of citizens of
22 non-Serb ethnicity who had fled the area of the municipality failed to do
23 their job in full, so there had been theft and unlawful disposal of
24 abandoned properties, the Executive Board did not accept the report of
25 the said commissions, and concluded to form an auditing commission with
Page 1274
1 the following task:
2 "To review the way property of -- non-Serb property is used
3 household by household.
4 "2. To seal all residential and auxiliary buildings which were
5 abandoned and did not change ownership by legal contract and have no one
6 responsible to prevent any damage to these buildings."
7 You can read it for yourself. I have no time. I want to
8 conclude. In the middle of the war, in the middle of the problems with
9 all the refugees and shortages and everything, the municipality is
10 unhappy with the work of the commission but forms instead an auditing
11 commission to protect non-Serb properties. What do you say to that?
12 A. I want to address the Court. Why are you reading this to me, who
13 left that municipality and my home? What kind of comment do you want
14 from me? I have no comment.
15 Q. But you dealt with the topic.
16 Now my last question. Is that right? I don't have any more
17 time? Is that right? Perhaps one more question.
18 MR. KARADZIC: [Interpretation]
19 Q. Mr. Crncalo, how many Muslims lived in Pale municipality, 4 and a
20 half to 5.000?
21 A. Thirty-three per cent in percentages, according to the census
22 lists that I had a chance to see, about 5.000.
23 Q. Thank you. And how many left Sarajevo, 1.042?
24 A. Well, part of Pale municipality and Renovica and a few villages
25 in Pale municipality, that's what was left. The other people gravitating
Page 1275
1 towards Sarajevo
2 Q. Document 1D836 next, please. 1836 [as interpreted] is a report
3 dated the 6th of July, 1992, about checking out the place of temporary
4 residence for Muslims and Croats from the municipality in the Stari Grad
5 municipality, and you said, yourself, these are neighbouring
6 municipalities. And the conclusion was, or rather, the report said that
7 up until the third, or rather, with five buses on the 3rd of July, 324
8 citizens left and before that on the 1st of July and the 2nd of July,
9 220. The total number is 1.042 out of 5.000. So if you deduct 1.042
10 from 5.000, that means three-quarters of the Muslims stayed on in Pale
11 municipality; is that right?
12 A. No, that's not right. Your figures are not right. There
13 couldn't have been that many inhabitants in Renovica, the villages are
14 Strane, Datelj [phoen], Komrani, and that was all, those three villages
15 and the urban area of the Renovica commune.
16 Q. Well, this is a state document?
17 A. Well, then it's not a good one.
18 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'd like to tender 1D836 and call
19 up 1D842 next, please.
20 JUDGE KWON: Just a second.
21 I was told that the previous document used 1D844 is the one which
22 is identical to the one of the Prosecution exhibits, so there's no need
23 to admit it again. So, therefore, document 1D845 will be Exhibit D33,
24 and 1D850 will be Exhibit D34, and the current document 1D836 is
25 Exhibit -- admitted as Exhibit D35.
Page 1276
1 And that should be the last examination on your part,
2 Mr. Karadzic.
3 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] If I might be allowed one more
4 document. Can I tender one more document, offer up one more document,
5 1D829 without reading it, it's about Pofalici, of the 17th of May, from
6 where Subotic comes who reached an agreement about the exchange of
7 properties or the use of property with Mr. Crncalo. 1D829 is the
8 document referring to that.
9 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Gaynor, do you object to the admission of 1D829?
10 MR. GAYNOR: No, no, we do not object.
11 JUDGE KWON: We will admit it as Exhibit D36, and then I'll give
12 you the witness for your re-examination.
13 MR. GAYNOR: Thank you, Mr. President.
14 Re-examination by Mr. Gaynor:
15 Q. Witness, I'm going to move very quickly on this --
16 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I wanted one more document. Could
17 I?
18 JUDGE KWON: What document is it?
19 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] 1D830, in which we can see -- well,
20 it's linked to this previous document, and in it, we can see that the
21 houses in Pofalici were blown up, mined, and it corresponds to something
22 that was said in his statement. So this is the 22nd of May, a document
23 about the blowing up of Serb houses in Pofalici. And I would give up on
24 the rest, although there would be much more that I would like to have
25 been able to deal with.
Page 1277
1 MR. GAYNOR: No objection, Mr. President, and in respect of other
2 documents which he has not had a chance to -- we can --
3 JUDGE KWON: No, we will not admit them. So we'll admit the
4 document 1D830 as Exhibit D37.
5 Mr. Gaynor.
6 MR. GAYNOR: No, Mr. President.
7 Q. Witness, in your -- in the cross-examination, Mr. Karadzic was
8 asking you about a speech which he gave in Pale in June of 1992, and he
9 was referring to your evidence in the Krajisnik trial about that speech.
10 And it was put to you that in your evidence there you didn't mention a
11 single word about the actual content of that speech. Now, first of all,
12 Mr. Karadzic referred to three pages in the Krajisnik transcript, 5294,
13 5327, and 5342. I want to point out for the record that 5294 was part of
14 the Prosecution's oral summary of the witness's evidence in the Krajisnik
15 case. I just want to briefly put to you, Mr. Crncalo, your evidence at
16 page 5327. You had been questioned for some time about the meeting which
17 you attended with Malko Koroman and Nikola Koljevic. And then it was put
18 to you:
19 "Now when you say," this is at line 9 on page 5327.
20 "Q. Now, when you say 'after the second half of March,' are you
21 talking about when the Serb government came to Pale or are you talking
22 about when the meeting took place or both?
23 "A. The Serb government had moved to Pale before that, prior to
24 the meeting at which Nikola Koljevic turned up, and I can conclude this
25 because I had the opportunity of seeing Mr. Krajisnik and Mr. Karadzic at
Page 1278
1 Pale.
2 "Q. In person on TV?
3 "A. Well, as far as -- well, maybe I've got that mixed up. If I
4 said 'Krajisnik,' no I did not see Krajisnik, I saw Koljevic, that's what
5 I meant. He came to the meeting. As for Karadzic, I saw him in front of
6 the cultural centre when he delivered a speech there.
7 "Q. This meeting took place before or after you were arrested on
8 March the 2nd of 1992?
9 "A. Afterwards, after my arrest."
10 Now, during that portion of your evidence, were you questioned
11 about the content of Mr. Karadzic's speech?
12 A. Who are you asking me whether they asked me?
13 Q. Sorry, I'm asking you whether, in that part of your evidence in
14 Krajisnik, whether anyone was questioning you about what exactly
15 Mr. Karadzic had said.
16 A. No, nobody asked me or questioned me about it or asked me for any
17 answer.
18 Q. I want to move briefly to page 5342 of the Krajisnik transcript
19 at line 5. Now, at this stage in your evidence you had been questioned,
20 Mr. Crncalo, about the presence of Serb paramilitary men in Pale, and it
21 was put to you as follows:
22 "Q. Now, you mentioned earlier, I think, that there was a time
23 prior to May and June when the Republika Srpska government had relocated
24 its headquarters to Pale. Do you know where in Pale their headquarters
25 were located?
Page 1279
1 "A. As far as I could tell, the TV station was also close to the
2 culture centre, and on one occasion I saw Mr. Karadzic delivering a
3 speech there. So judging by all that, I would say that they were in the
4 culture centre."
5 Now, in that part of your evidence, Mr. Crncalo, did anyone ask
6 you expressly what Mr. Karadzic had said?
7 A. Well, I can't remember anybody asking me exactly what Karadzic
8 said, but maybe they did. I just can't remember.
9 Q. Now, I'd like to move to my final topic, and that concerns -- a
10 number of questions were put to you about the morgue where you discovered
11 the body of your wife and of other persons who had been killed in the
12 Markale market explosion.
13 MR. GAYNOR: And I would like, if possible, the Registrar to
14 bring up 65 ter number 10344, page 31 in B/C/S and page 35 in English.
15 Q. I'd like you to look, Mr. Crncalo, at the document on the right
16 on the screen in front of you, if you can.
17 A. I can see that, yes.
18 Q. Do you know what that document is?
19 A. It's an extract from the hospital about the death of my wife.
20 Q. And do you know who signed that document?
21 A. This document was signed by -- well, I don't know the man, but I
22 heard that he was a medical expert and that his name was Ilijas Dobraca.
23 Q. That document is dated 28th of August, 1995; is that correct?
24 A. Yes, that's right, and that was the day of the massacre in
25 Sarajevo
Page 1280
1 Markale II.
2 MR. GAYNOR: Mr. President, that ends my re-examination. I would
3 like to tender that document which forms a part of 43 autopsy
4 certificates relating to the 43 victims of the Markale II incident. I
5 would like to tender the entire document, the entire collection. All of
6 the autopsy certificates are in the same form. The cause of death is
7 different in -- depending on which autopsy certificate, but they're all
8 in the same form.
9 JUDGE KWON: Mr. Karadzic, do you have any objections?
10 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Your Excellency, I would prefer to
11 take it one by one. This was a separate incident. Because I'd like to
12 look through them. I'm a doctor myself, and this man Dobraca was a
13 colleague of mine. So I would like to see what all this is about. But
14 I'm sure we'll be able to accept everything in the end, once we look
15 through.
16 JUDGE KWON: Very well.
17 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] But I'm not challenging this, no.
18 JUDGE KWON: We will admit it with the caveat that we will marked
19 for identification with regard to the remaining part other than this
20 part. I think that's clear.
21 MR. GAYNOR: [Overlapping speakers]
22 THE REGISTRAR: That will be Exhibit P740.
23 JUDGE KWON: Thank you very much.
24 Mr. Crncalo, this concludes your evidence. Again, I thank you
25 very much, on behalf of the Tribunal, for your coming to the Tribunal to
Page 1281
1 give it. You're now free to go. I hope you make a safe trip back to
2 your home. Thank you.
3 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Thank you very much. It was my
4 moral duty to come. Thank you.
5 [The witness withdrew]
6 THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May I be given an explanation,
7 Your Excellency, just one explanation?
8 JUDGE KWON: We have to rise, given the next -- in light of the
9 next session, so we'll hear from you next week, Wednesday afternoon.
10 --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 1.46 p.m.
11 to be reconvened on Wednesday, the 21st day of
12 April, 2010, at 2.15 p.m.