[T]he consequences of the policies of the League of Communists during the post-1945 period were to entrench their importance in public life and to heighten people’s awareness of [differences of ethnic or national identity]. What is more important , by virtue of the fact that these differences were attached systematically and explicitly to political structures (the building of quasi-states in the constituent republics and provinces of the federation) the ground was laid for the way in which the struggles over the disintegration of Yugoslavia took the form of attempts to found new states.630
(a) At a meeting of the Main Board of HDZ-BiH in August 1991 there was mention of the possible linking of municipalities with majority Croat population and of a “ special plan” should there be an attack on the Croatian people.670
(b) On 26 August 1991, the HDZ-BiH imposed a state of emergency within the HDZ-BiH because of Serb aggression and stated that the HDZ municipal boards should be linked to each other in a unified system of defence.671
(c) On 18 September 1991, the HDZ-BiH established a Crisis Staff, numbering Stjepan Kljuic, Mate Boban and Dario Kordic among its members: Crisis Staffs were to be formed immediately for three regional communities, including Travnik.672
(d) On 12 November 1991, the Joint Meeting of the Crisis Staffs of Herzegovina and Travnik Regional Communities, chaired by Mate Boban and Dario Kordic, was held. The two communities decided that the Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina should institute a policy to bring about “our age-old dream, a common Croatian State” and should call for a proclamation of a Croatian banovina in Bosnia and Herzegovina as the “initial phase leading towards the final solution of the Croatian question and the creation of a sovereign Croatia within its ethnic and historical … borders ”.673
(e) This policy was put into effect at a meeting in Grude on 18 November 1991 when the new Croatian Community of Herceg-Bosna (HZ H-B) was set up. The Community consisted of 30 municipalities (including those in Central Bosnia) and was described as a “political, economic and territorial integrity”. Mostar was the seat of the Community . Its “supreme authority” was the Presidency, comprising the Presidents of the HDZ municipal boards.674 (Mr. Kljuic was not present at the meeting in Grude but Mr. Kordic was.)
(f) The leadership of the HZ H-B was described as Mate Boban, President; Bozo Rajic and Dario Kordic, Vice-Presidents; and Ignac Kostroman, Secretary.675
(g) On 27 December 1991 there was a meeting in Zagreb, chaired by President Tudjman, of the leadership of the Croatian HDZ and of the HDZ-BiH. The purpose was, first , to discuss the future of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the differences of opinion on this topic in the HDZ-BiH party; secondly, to formulate an overall Croatian political strategy. Stjepan Kljuic set out his position in favour of the Croats remaining within Bosnia and Herzegovina but Mate Boban said that, should Bosnia and Herzegovina disintegrate, the HZ H-B would be proclaimed as independent Croatian territory “which will accede to the State of Croatia but only at such time as the Croatian leadership … should decide”. Dario Kordic said that the Croatian spirit in the HZ H-B had grown stronger in the 40 days since the declaration of the HZ H-B, the Croatian people of the Travnik region were ready to accede to the Croatian State “at all costs … any other option would be considered treason, save the clear demarcation of Croatian soil in the territory of Herceg Bosna”.676
(h) Mr. Kljuic resigned as President of the HDZ-BiH in February 1992 and Mate Boban became President in the following month. (The Prosecution points to this as the ousting of moderates from the leadership of the Croat political party and the assertion of hardline control.)
(i) On 16 January 1992 a rally was held in the municipal hall in Busovaca to celebrate Croatian independence, a video recording of which was shown to the Trial Chamber .677 Dario Kordic is to be seen speaking to a cheering, flag-waving crowd. He said that the rally was proof that the Croatian people in Busovaca are part of the united Croatian nation and that the HZ H-B, including Busovaca, is “Croatian land and that is how it will be”. Ignac Kostroman also spoke and said: “we will be an integral part of our dear State of Croatia by hook or by crook”. The speeches were met with yells of “Dario, Dario ”.678
The Croatian people are bound to protect the minimum area that historically belongs to them with the banovina borders. The HZ represents 30 naturally connected municipalities … on the territory where the Croatian population was and is in the majority. This entitles the Croatian people to organise relations to everybody’s satisfaction, respecting the right of Muslims, Serbs and other peoples in the area .687
(a) On 16 March the Bosnian Serb Army (“BSA”) attacked Mostar;
(b) On 17 March, at a joint meeting of the Municipal HDZ Boards for Vitez, Busovaca, Travnik and Zenica in Vitez (at which Kordic was present) it was decided that Zenica was to be included in the defence system of the HZ H-B.690
(c) On 21 March a request was sent to the Ministry of Defence of Croatia, by the Central Bosnia Command, for a meeting between the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Croatia, Mr. Susak, and representatives from Central Bosnia, including Dario Kordic (described as Head of the Crisis Committee for Central Bosnia and Vice-President of the HZ H-B).691 (The Prosecution comments that this document illustrates Dario Kordic’s true and important role at the time.)
(d) On 26 March the BSA attacked Sarajevo.
(a) on 6 April the European Community Declaration on the Recognition of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RBiH) was issued;699
(b) on 7 April the Republic of Croatia recognised RBiH;700
(c) on 8 April the RBiH Presidency proclaimed an imminent threat of war;701
(d) on the same day the Presidency of HZ H-B, at an emergency session, issued a decision establishing the HVO as the “supreme defence body of the Croatian people” in HZ H-B.702
(e) On 20 June the President of the RBiH was to declare a state of war.703
(a) On 28 July 1992 the first HVO press conference was held in Busovaca. Dario Kordic was introduced as Vice-President of the HVO. He greeted the conference on behalf of the regional HVO of Central Bosnia and reported that there had been “certain misunderstandings within the military section” of Busovaca municipal HVO. The misunderstandings had been cleared up.852
(b) On 14 August 1992 a meeting of the Presidency of the HZ H-B was held in Grude, which was presided over by Dario Kordic (in the absence of Mate Boban) at which Mr. PrlZ was appointed President of the HVO.853 The Prosecution submits that the fact that the accused presided over such a significant meeting indicates the importance of his position. A defence witness, Witness DC , while giving evidence, was asked about this contention: he said that the accused could not be singled out because any of the Vice-Presidents could have chaired the meeting.854
(c) On 18 August 1992 Colonel Tihomir Blaskic, who by this time had taken command of what was to become the Central Bosnia Operative Zone (CBOZ) of the HVO, ordered that swearing-in ceremonies for the HVO forces should take place.855 Dario Kordic was much in evidence at these ceremonies. In Busovaca he spoke and reviewed the troops.856 In Novi Travnik he was escorted by soldiers and in a speech said that Novi Travnik would be a Croatian town.857 In Fojnica between 800 and 1,000 took an oath to defend their “homeland” at a ceremony in the football stadium: Kordic was among the guests of honour.858 In Travnik, Kordic and Kostroman addressed the troops:859 the text of a proposed speech states that those who do not wish to live in the Croatian provinces of HZ H-B are all enemies and must be fought with both political and military means.860 In Vitez, the gist of Kordic’s speech was a statement to the Muslims of the Lasva Valley that this was Croat land and that they had to accept that this was Herceg Bosna.861
(d) On 5 September 1992 a meeting of the HDZ Travnik Presidency was held with Kordic and Kostroman representing the HZ H-B. The minutes record that only one HVO government existed for the Croatian people in the municipality and the Croatian people did not accept a unitary State of BiH.862
(e) On 30 September 1992 Kordic, as Vice-President of HZ H-B, was present at a meeting of the Presidency of the Kakanj HVO, a neighbouring municipality to Vares. The minutes of the meeting record Kordic as saying that the HVO was the government of the HZ H-B and what they were doing with the HZ H-B was the realisation of a complete political platform: they would not take Kakanj by force but “it is a question of time whether we will take or give up what is ours. It has been written down that Vares and Kakanj are in HZ H-B. The Muslims are losing morale and then it will end with ‘give us what you will’”.863
(a) In May 1992 there occurred the murder of a Muslim member of the TO in the Hotel Vitez. At one stage the Prosecution sought to prove that Mario Cerkez was implicated in this murder. However, that allegation was subsequently withdrawn. The evidence was that the accused came to the scene of the murder, accompanied by members of the HOS.874 The HVO identified a military policeman named Perica Vukadinovic as being responsible but he was never charged and, after a few months, he was seen walking around Vitez, a free man.875
(b) Witness AS, a Bosnian Muslim member of the HVO, said in evidence that he joined that organisation in May 1992: on the day he joined he went to a restaurant in Kruscica, where the officers met and on the first floor of which building Mario Cerkez lived.876
(c) Dr. Mujezinovic gave evidence about Mario Cerkez’s relations with the HOS in the summer of 1992, after the HVO take-over of Vitez. According to the witness, the commander of the local HOS unit, Darko Kraljevic, complained to him that Pero Skopljak , Anto Valenta and Mario Cerkez were trying to persuade the HOS to subordinate itself to the HVO and to mistreat Muslims.877 (In cross-examination it was put that he had not mentioned Mario Cerkez in this connection when giving evidence in the Blaskic trial. The witness said that Kraljevic had said that the most insistent were Skopljak and Valenta but that Mario Cerkez also said it.)878
(d) According to Nihad Rebihic, in May 1992 the accused spoke to a review of HVO troops at the Vitez stadium which was broadcast on television: in his speech Cerkez said that the Croat people were in danger of attack by Muslims and must prepare themselves .879 (In cross-examination it was put that the date was August 1992.)
(a) According to intelligence information received at Zenica HQ of the ABiH, the HVO unit attacking Novi Travnik was led by Dario Kordic.885
(b) A witness saw a video showing Dario Kordic at the hotel in Novi Travnik requesting that Refik Lendo be arrested and tried.886
(c) Another witness said that the Commander of the military police sent a group as reinforcements to Novi Travnik and told them to report to Dario Kordic.887
(d) Three documents support the prosecution contention and illustrate the role of Dario Kordic at the time:
(i) on 23 October 1992 Major Luka Sekerija reported on the situation in Gornji Vakuf as being tense but under control with all TO reinforcements blocked: the report on this military subject is headed as being “to Colonel Blaskic and Dario Kordic”;888
(ii) on 24 October 1992 Kordic (as Vice-President HZ H-B) and Blaskic sent a message to the HVO Bugojno referring to information that two ABiH battalions were moving from Bugojno towards Novi Travnik to reinforce Lendo’s forces and stating that “ should these units participate in the fighting we shall use long-range artillery on Bugojno”;889
(iii) In a CBOZ report on the situation in Novi Travnik, dated 21 October 1992,890 over the names of Blaskic and Kordic, it is stated that “while defence operations are being conducted … Dario Kordic and I are in Novi Travnik continuously leading the military operations with deep knowledge of the situation and by keeping all the forces under control”.