Tribunal Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Page 5331

1 Tuesday, 24 July 2001

2 [Open session]

3 [The accused entered court]

4 [The witness entered court]

5 --- Upon commencing at 9.35 a.m.

6 JUDGE ROBINSON: Mr. Petrovic, yes.

7 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, before we start the

8 examination of this witness, I would like to just give some pointers on

9 how we have planned the work in the future for the rest of our case, and

10 we would like to see whether you would agree with our views.

11 For this week, up until this week, we have -- sorry. This week we

12 have four witnesses. Two are fact witnesses and two are experts. One is

13 a psychologist and the other one is an expert on the police organisation

14 and structure.

15 Next week we would like to hear two or maybe three witnesses at

16 the most. One would be a psychiatrist and one or two would be fact

17 witnesses, and that would conclude our case.

18 In other words, the other names from the list which we had

19 prepared and submitted will be struck. Should you agree with that, we

20 would conclude on Tuesday, 31 July, perhaps even on Monday, the 30th.

21 With your permission, I would like to call two witnesses today, the two

22 fact witnesses; tomorrow the expert psychologist; and then on Thursday the

23 other expert, who is the police organisation expert; and then next week I

24 would call the remaining one or two witnesses, so that we can conclude at

25 the 31st of July at the latest, and this would, I believe, also save some

Page 5332

1 time to the Trial Chamber. I am in your hands, and maybe you can advise

2 me whether this is agreeable to you.

3 JUDGE ROBINSON: Yes, that is agreeable. So we're working towards

4 the conclusion of your case by Monday, the 30th, or Tuesday, the 31st, at

5 the latest. Would you distribute a revised list, Mr. Petrovic, for the

6 benefit of the Chamber and the parties.

7 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, I will do it in

8 writing, and if we quickly move into private session, I can do it right

9 away, because it is going to be very quick. And again, I'm doing it so

10 that we can avoid duplicating evidence, so my remaining evidence is going

11 to be quite reduced. In other words, I am going to submit it in writing,

12 but I can also give it right away in a private session if you want me to.

13 JUDGE ROBINSON: You can do it at the break, Mr. Petrovic.

14 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour. Can I

15 start the examination, Your Honour? The witness is here.

16 JUDGE ROBINSON: Yes. Has this witness made the declaration?

17 MR. PETROVIC: I think not.

18 JUDGE ROBINSON: Let the witness make the declaration.


20 [Witness answered through interpreter]

21 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I solemnly declare that I will speak

22 the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

23 JUDGE ROBINSON: You may sit.

24 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Before we start the evidence of

25 this witness, I would like to ask the usher to distribute the report

Page 5333

1 regarding the testimony of this witness and hand it out to all the parties

2 concerned.

3 JUDGE ROBINSON: Yes, proceed, Mr. Petrovic.

4 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] If I can just ask that the ELMO be

5 lowered again; I am unable to see the witness. The ELMO is in my line of

6 vision.

7 Examined by Mr. Petrovic:

8 Q. [Interpretation] Sir, will you please state your full name.

9 A. Boro Ivanis.

10 Q. Will you please tell me the date and place of your birth.

11 A. 16 June 1957, in Prijedor.

12 Q. Can you tell us, what is your education?

13 A. I am an electrical engineer; in other words, higher education.

14 Q. Can you tell me where you work.

15 A. I work in the Elektrodistribucija company in Prijedor.

16 Q. How long have you been working for this company?

17 A. Been there since 1981.

18 Q. Can you tell me what was your position or what is your position at

19 the company now?

20 A. Currently, I am currently in charge of the city of Prijedor; in

21 other words, the unit that covers the city.

22 Q. Can you tell me what was the supply of electrical power in

23 Prijedor before the outbreak of war?

24 A. Excuse me, before the outbreak of war, Prijedor was part of the

25 unified power grid of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and it had satisfactory and

Page 5334

1 continuous supply of electrical power.

2 Q. Can you tell me from where the supplies of power were coming to

3 Prijedor before the war?

4 A. There are two large substations in Prijedor, 220 and 110 kilovolt

5 size. Within the system, they were supplied from various directions. For

6 instance, from Banja Luka 6, the Kakanj thermoelectrical power. Then from

7 220, Bihac, Sisak, 110 Bosanska Krupa, Sanski Most and Bosanska --

8 Bosanski Novi. All this was part of the unified grid. In other words, if

9 -- if the supplies were not coming from one direction, we were able to

10 compensate from -- by supplying it from other directions.

11 Q. If I understand you correctly, Prijedor was receiving supplies of

12 power from six different places before the war?

13 A. That is correct.

14 Q. Was this infrastructure sufficient to supply all the users,

15 industrial and residential, before the war?

16 A. Yes. It was sufficient, given the number of sources that we were

17 getting our supplies from, and the system was well balanced and fully

18 supplied.

19 Q. Before the war, what was the situation with power in Prijedor, in

20 terms of electric power? And what happened immediately after the war

21 hostilities started? What happened to the system?

22 A. After the war hostilities started, Prijedor was literally cut off

23 from the 220 and 110 kilovolt suppliers. The two large substations were

24 cut off. And in the period when the hostilities were starting, for a

25 while, Prijedor was supplied through the substation in Omarska, but only

Page 5335

1 with three megawatts power, only through one two-kilovolt relay, which was

2 not in a good condition.

3 Q. If I can interrupt you here, which of the suppliers from before

4 the war still operated when the war started, and what happened to the rest

5 of them?

6 A. In meanwhile, the 110 Banja Luka 6, Prijedor 1, was made

7 operational, and Banja Luka 6, Prijedor 2.

8 Q. What happened to the other five?

9 A. The other five were just non-operational, and it was contingent on

10 the situation on the ground, and we could not be supplied with power

11 through them.

12 Q. In relation to, in comparison to the pre-war time, what was the

13 reduction in supplies of electrical power to Prijedor, in terms of

14 percentage?

15 A. In relation to the pre-war period, that is the needs of the town,

16 the percentage was 70 to 80 per cent, because due to the war, some

17 industries have stopped production, and later on, there were some other

18 facilities stopped working as well.

19 Q. During that period, what were -- do you know how the power that

20 was still coming in was being distributed?

21 A. In the period between May and August 1992, the electric power for

22 the entire Krajina and Prijedor was secured from the hydro power plant

23 Bocac, and about 10 megawatts were taken from or transferred from the

24 Bihac area. Out of that, only 15 per cent was coming to the town. That

25 was about 3 megawatts. That depended really on the water levels and the

Page 5336

1 availability of sources, and of course the needs far exceeded this. The

2 available power was given primarily to the priority users, which means the

3 water plant, the hospital, and the town bakery for the production of

4 bread.

5 Q. To your knowledge, can you tell me who was identifying this

6 priority and who was deciding who was going to be supplied in Prijedor?

7 A. It was decided by the Crisis Staff, and it was giving instructions

8 on it to the manager of the company.

9 Q. Can you tell me what the situation was in terms of power supplies

10 to the other users, for instance, households?

11 A. The needs of the priority users were such, and given the levels of

12 stability of the network, that we had very little power for the

13 households, for the residential users, so that during that period,

14 households were included very rarely. Of course, efforts were made to

15 distribute the supplies as best as we could.

16 Q. What were the reductions in energy in households?

17 A. Sometimes the blackouts lasted for several days, and certain

18 households remained without power for stretches of up to 40 days.

19 Q. Can you tell us what the breakdown of the grid or the system is?

20 A. In this situation, which was unique to us, unique even in

21 comparison to the pre-war situation, it was very difficult, with the very

22 low levels of production of power, to give enough -- to keep the system

23 running. So there were frequent breakdowns, which means that the whole

24 system would break down, starting from the source, and we saw that this

25 was a daily occurrence, even several times during a single day sometimes.

Page 5337

1 Q. Will you please look at the document in front of you and the table

2 number 1 of this document, and if you can please comment for us. What can

3 we glean from this table?

4 A. This table represents the levels of power on the 110 side of the

5 system.

6 Q. And what are the times that are shown here? Let's say under

7 numeral 3. What does that mean, for instance?

8 A. This means that after the voltage dropped on that 110 side at 1446

9 hours, it means that the system was down until Thursday, 6th of June, 2345

10 hours. What we also need to point out was that when the power reached the

11 substation on the 110-volt side, that does not mean that the power was

12 back on, but due to certain technological aspects of -- and we were not

13 able to immediately restart the system, because there were other

14 parameters involved.

15 Q. Can you tell me what substations were supplied from the Prijedor 1

16 station?

17 A. The Prijedor 1 substation had 35-kilovolt exits for Tomasica and

18 Tukovi; and 20-kilo-volt relays supplied Trnopolje, Kozarac, Cvale,

19 Keraterm, Kozara Putevi or Kozara Road company, Zitopromet company,

20 Bosnamontaza company; 20-kilovolts to Gomjenica and Cela and Tukovi.

21 Q. Does this mean that when Prijedor 1 was without power, that all

22 the other substations also lose power and the system breaks down?

23 A. At that time that is exactly what was happening.

24 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, I have no further

25 questions. I would just like to tender the report, if there are no

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Page 5339

1 objections to it.

2 JUDGE ROBINSON: Yes. Let it be given a number.

3 THE REGISTRAR: Exhibit number D18/2.

4 JUDGE ROBINSON: Is there any cross-examination? Mr. Greaves?

5 MR. GREAVES: No, thank you.

6 JUDGE ROBINSON: Any cross-examination?

7 MR. LAWRENCE: No cross-examination, Your Honour.


9 MS. BALY: Thank you.

10 Cross-examined by Ms. Baly:

11 Q. Sir, I only have two questions for you. My first question is

12 that, given that the bakery was regarded as a priority for the supply of

13 power, does it follow that there was no shortage of bread in Prijedor at

14 that time?

15 A. It doesn't have to mean that, because the supply of power is not

16 the only and crucial element for the production of sufficient amount of

17 bread. What we tried to do was to take into account the needs of the

18 priority users, such as was the baker which produced bread.

19 Q. And the other need was water and the needs at the hospital for

20 taking care of the patients, correct?

21 A. Right.

22 Q. Sir, did you ever, yourself, go to the Keraterm detention camp?

23 A. No.

24 MS. BALY: Thank you.

25 JUDGE ROBINSON: Mr. Petrovic?

Page 5340

1 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, just one question, in

2 order to clarify something.

3 Re-examined by Mr. Petrovic:

4 Q. [Interpretation] When, as the table shows, there is no power in

5 Prijedor 1, does that mean that in these times, the users in the hospital,

6 the water works and the bakery are also without power?

7 A. In this particular period, but yes, that is what it means, when

8 Prijedor was supplied from the Bocac hydroelectric power plant and from

9 Tuzla.

10 Q. That means that during the periods shown in the table, there was

11 no power in the hospital, in the bakery, and in the water works?

12 A. Yes.

13 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honours, that

14 concludes my re-examination.

15 JUDGE ROBINSON: Thank you, Mr. Petrovic.

16 Mr. Ivanis, that concludes your testimony, and you are released.

17 [The witness withdrew]

18 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, before the next

19 witness arrives, I would like to ask for protective measures for the next

20 witness. I would like him to testify under pseudonym and also with face

21 distortion. This is a witness who is of Muslim ethnicity, who lives in

22 the area of the town of Prijedor, and at this moment, if he testified in

23 public, he could be exposed to unpleasant things, both from his own ethnic

24 community and from others. This is a witness who is only to testify about

25 the character of the accused Damir Dosen. I would ask the Chamber to

Page 5341

1 grant these measures so that this witness could testify in this way in

2 these proceedings.

3 JUDGE ROBINSON: Yes. The application is granted.

4 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.

5 THE REGISTRAR: The pseudonym for this witness will be DQ.

6 [The witness entered court]

7 JUDGE ROBINSON: Let the witness make the declaration.

8 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I solemnly declare that I will speak

9 the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.


11 [Witness answered through interpreter]

12 JUDGE ROBINSON: You may sit.

13 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, could we go into

14 private session for a minute?


16 [Private session]

17 [redacted]

18 [redacted]

19 [redacted]

20 [redacted]

21 [redacted]

22 [redacted]

23 [redacted]

24 [redacted]

25 [redacted]

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1 [redacted]

2 [redacted]

3 [redacted]

4 [redacted]

5 [redacted]

6 [redacted]

7 [redacted]

8 [redacted]

9 [redacted]

10 [redacted]

11 [redacted]

12 [Open session]


14 Q. [Interpretation] Mr. DQ, could you please tell us, since when have

15 you known Damir Dosen?

16 A. I have known Damir Dosen since 1977.

17 Q. Could you please tell us how you got to know him and where.

18 A. I met him at school. We went to the same school, but we didn't go

19 to the same class together. We met through friends. We would go out for

20 a school break, then we would socialise.

21 Q. Could you please tell us whether you considered him as your friend

22 since then.

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Did you see him outside of school?

25 A. Yes, I did.

Page 5343

1 Q. Did he go to the same class with any of your cousins, perhaps?

2 A. Yes, he did.

3 Q. Could you please tell us with whom he went to class.

4 A. He went with [redacted], my colleague [redacted] also.

5 Q. At that time, did you meet often?

6 A. Yes, we did.

7 Q. How often?

8 A. During the school days, every day when we would go to school.

9 Q. How well did you know Damir Dosen at that time? Did he socialise

10 with people of all nationalities and religions and didn't differentiate

11 between them?

12 A. Yes. He kept company with everybody. He didn't differentiate

13 between people.

14 Q. Did his attitude towards people who were not Serbs differ from his

15 position towards people who were not of Serb nationality [as interpreted]?

16 A. I didn't notice anything like that.

17 Q. Could you please tell us -- excuse me for a moment, please. Could

18 you please tell us whether [redacted]

19 [redacted]

20 A. Yes.

21 Q. Tell us about it.

22 A. [redacted]

23 [redacted]

24 [redacted].

25 Q. At that time, how many pigeons did Damir Dosen have?

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1 A. He had a few.

2 Q. Did you visit his home?

3 A. Yes, I did.

4 Q. Do you remember any occasions when you visited Damir Dosen's

5 house?

6 A. Yes. I remember one day a colleague of mine, [redacted],

7 went to Damir's house and he showed us his pigeons. He kept them in an

8 attic, a small attic. I think perhaps it was used as a summer kitchen.

9 We climbed up there, we looked at the pigeons, and [redacted]

10 [redacted]. He didn't want to, because he said that that was the best, the

11 prettiest of his pigeons. His mother called him to go downstairs. He

12 went downstairs. I took the pigeon and I put it inside my belt.

13 When Damir came back upstairs, I couldn't not tell him that I had

14 taken the pigeon and that I had tucked it inside my belt. I showed it to

15 him. I told him to look at the pigeon to see if there was perhaps

16 anything wrong with it, and then we saw that the pigeon had died. I saw

17 this change on him. He almost cried because he was so sorry about this

18 pigeon. And I said, in order to avoid problems, [redacted]

19 [redacted]. I don't remember whether he did take one or not,

20 but there were no problems. I didn't hear him curse or say anything.

21 Q. Did you continue to see each other frequently after that? Please

22 wait until I complete the question before you give your answer. So after

23 that, did you continue to see each other also as friends, [redacted]

24 [redacted], and in town?

25 A. Yes, we did.

Page 5346

1 Q. Did you remain friends when you finished school?

2 A. Yes, we did.

3 Q. At that time, did you see Dosen show any kind of nationalistic

4 behaviour or a hostile attitude towards people of other ethnic groups?

5 A. No, I never noticed anything like that. We met in town often, we

6 would greet each other and so on.

7 Q. Did you see Damir Dosen ever during the war?

8 A. Yes, I did.

9 Q. How did that meeting look like?

10 A. I used to meet him. Damir was in uniform, in a camouflage

11 uniform. I thought that Damir would turn his head, but he did not. He

12 would still say hello to me, any time that I met him. He would always

13 greet me.

14 Q. Did you notice any difference in his behaviour at that time during

15 the war compared to the time before the war?

16 A. No.

17 Q. Could you tell the Chamber briefly what kind of a man Damir Dosen

18 is. What do you think of him as a person?

19 A. Damir Dosen, as a friend from elementary school, was a nice

20 person, I could say, also during the war too. During the time that I saw

21 him, I think that he was a nice young man.

22 Q. Could you tell us: At the time of the war in Croatia, were you

23 mobilised?

24 A. Mobilised. Yes, I was mobilised. I was called up. I went to

25 Banja Luka, to my unit. I was there for some time and then we were

Page 5347

1 discharged, the Muslims and the Croats.

2 Q. At the end of the war, did you perhaps give any statement in

3 relation to the events from the war that you were familiar with?

4 A. Yes, I did.

5 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honours. I have no

6 more questions.

7 JUDGE ROBINSON: Thank you, Mr. Petrovic. Any cross-examination?

8 MR. GREAVES: No, thank you.

9 JUDGE ROBINSON: None. Mr. Ryneveld.

10 MR. RYNEVELD: Thank you, Your Honour. Just a few, if I may.

11 Cross-examined by Mr. Ryneveld:

12 Q. Now, Witness DQ, you've told us about the fact that the accused in

13 these proceedings, Damir Dosen, was a school friend of yours and he was

14 kind to animals and he was a nice guy; is that right?

15 A. Yes.

16 Q. And while you were going to school, sir, I suggest to you that it

17 was not unusual that before the war in 1992, that friends would be from

18 all ethnicities at school; isn't that right? Serbs and Muslims and Croats

19 all got along and you could be friends, no problem.

20 A. There were no problems.

21 Q. So it wasn't unusual that Damir Dosen, who I understand is of Serb

22 ethnicity, would be friends with you, who I understand to be of Muslim

23 ethnicity; isn't that true?

24 A. No, it wasn't unusual.

25 Q. Now, sir, you've told us that during the war, you met Damir

Page 5348

1 Dosen. When was that? When during the war?

2 A. During the war, sometime in 1993.

3 Q. In 1993. And is that when you had, in fact, responded to

4 mobilisation and had gone to the front?

5 A. I reported in 1991 for mobilisation.

6 Q. I take it, sir, you didn't fight, in response to mobilisation, the

7 entire period between 1991 and 1993, did you?

8 A. No.

9 Q. And the reason for that was, sir, that at the beginning of June,

10 you and your family and friends in the Puharska area were rounded up and

11 you were taken to Omarska; isn't that true?

12 A. Yes.

13 Q. And while at Omarska, sir, isn't it also true that you remained

14 there from the time you were rounded up by the Serbs and taken to Omarska

15 until about mid-August of 1992?

16 A. I was at the Omarska camp for five days.

17 Q. Five days. I'm sorry. Perhaps you can tell us, then, when you

18 went to Omarska and when you left.

19 A. I don't remember the dates, but I think it was the month of May.

20 Q. Well, sir, weren't you and your family gathered at the beginning

21 of June 1992 in front of the primary school in Puharska and put on buses?

22 A. We did.

23 Q. And then you were taken to Omarska. And while you were there, you

24 know that there were a number of killings and beatings that took place;

25 isn't that true?

Page 5349

1 A. Yes.

2 Q. You say you were at Omarska for five days. Where did you go after

3 that?

4 A. At home.

5 Q. You were returned home, were you, to Puharska?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. And what did you do at home? Did you just wait out the war?

8 A. We expected any day that things would stop, but it kept expanding

9 and broadening.

10 Q. Sir, I suggest to you that you, sometime in mid-August - and you

11 don't recall the exact date - came back from Omarska where you were

12 captured. Did you give that information to anyone on a previous occasion,

13 in a statement perhaps referred to by my learned friend in chief? Did you

14 say that, "Sometime in mid-August 1992, I know I came back from Omarska

15 camp where I was captured"?

16 A. Yes. Could you please repeat the question, if you can?

17 Q. Yes. I'm going to read a sentence from what I suggest is a

18 statement that you gave to the Bosnian authorities on the 18th of

19 September of 1998. And here is the sentence that I'm referring to:

20 "Sometime in mid-August 1992, I do not recall the exact date, I know I

21 came back from Omarska camp where I was captured." Now, do you recall

22 telling someone from the AID that back in 1998?

23 A. Yes.

24 Q. Now, maybe I've made a mistake in combining a sentence from a

25 previous statement where you said that you were captured in the beginning

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1 in June and taken to Omarska by bus, and then later saying that you came

2 back from Omarska camp in mid-August. I somehow assumed that between the

3 1st of June and mid-August, that you'd been at Omarska. Perhaps you can

4 explain to me the missing parts that I have assumed to be the case. What

5 happened between beginning of June and mid-August?

6 A. What happened when I came back from Omarska? Is that your

7 question?

8 Q. Well, let me rephrase my question. Sir, do you agree with me that

9 at the beginning of June of 1992, you were taken on buses, along with some

10 of your family and neighbours, to Omarska? Is that correct?

11 A. Yes, only I don't remember the month. Perhaps it was May. I

12 don't know. The only thing I do know is that it was 1992.

13 Q. All right. And I also understand that you agree with me that

14 sometime in mid-August, you were released from Omarska. What I want to

15 know, sir, is were you, in fact, in Omarska the entire period of time or

16 did you do something in between?

17 A. Let me tell you. I don't know the exact date or the month, but I

18 did go and I was there for five days, and I didn't do anything else, and

19 then I returned home.

20 Q. Were you at some point recaptured and sent back to Omarska, and

21 released for a second time?

22 A. No.

23 Q. When did you respond to the mobilisation and go and fight as a

24 soldier, sir?

25 JUDGE ROBINSON: Yes, Mr. Petrovic?

Page 5352

1 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] I don't have any objections. My

2 learned colleague the Prosecutor asked, "When did you respond to the

3 mobilisation and went to fight as a soldier?" This was not interpreted

4 into the B/C/S, but that was the question of my learned colleague.

5 JUDGE ROBINSON: Yes. Thanks for the clarification.

6 MR. RYNEVELD: Thank you.

7 Q. You've heard the question twice now. Are you able to give us a

8 reply?

9 A. In 1991, I was called up, but I didn't fight. We were just called

10 up, gathered together, all ethnic groups, in one place. We were summoned,

11 gathered together one day. And then the Muslims and the Croats were told,

12 "Those who wish to stay can stay, and those who do not wish to stay can

13 take off their uniforms." I didn't accept to stay in the army.

14 Q. Do you know why it was that you were released from Omarska? Did

15 they give you a reason?

16 A. No.

17 Q. Were you the only one who was released from Omarska after five

18 days at the time that you were released?

19 A. No.

20 Q. How many others were released?

21 A. Well, I don't know how many others there were.

22 Q. Sir, between the month of June and August, I suggest to you, you

23 did not have any contact -- I'm sorry, June and August of 1992, you didn't

24 have any contact with your friend Damir Dosen, did you?

25 A. No.

Page 5353

1 Q. And the contact you had with your friend Damir Dosen was after

2 1992. In fact, it was 1993 or later; is that correct?

3 A. Yes.

4 MR. RYNEVELD: Thank you. I have no further questions.

5 JUDGE ROBINSON: Mr. Petrovic?

6 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, no questions.

7 JUDGE ROBINSON: Thank you.

8 Witness DQ, that concludes your testimony, and you are released.

9 [The witness withdrew]

10 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, these are the

11 witnesses that we had planned for today. As directed by you, I will

12 compile a revised witness list, and tomorrow we would have Ms. Ana Najman,

13 the expert psychologist, if you agree.

14 [Trial Chamber confers]

15 JUDGE ROBINSON: Yes, Mr. Petrovic?

16 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honours, I was just wondering

17 if you have reached a decision on how to proceed from here.

18 JUDGE ROBINSON: Yes. Since you have no other witnesses for

19 today, then I think we will adjourn until tomorrow morning at 9.30.

20 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour.

21 [Trial Chamber confers]

22 JUDGE ROBINSON: We are not sitting in this case tomorrow

23 afternoon. The Chamber is occupied otherwise. And on Friday morning, we

24 are also occupied in another case.

25 MR. PETROVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, we are aware of this,

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Page 5355

1 and that was factored in in our making our plans for the week.

2 JUDGE ROBINSON: Very well. We will adjourn until tomorrow

3 morning at 9.30.

4 --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at

5 10.35 a.m., to be reconvened on Wednesday

6 the 25th day of July, 2001, at 9.30 a.m.