Brčko, 14.03.2014
ICTY Outreach representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina Almir Alić today travelled to the town of Brčko to give a presentation on the work of the Tribunal to a group of students from the Economics High School there.
Almir gave an overview of the history of the Tribunal and its achievements, and then went on to talk specifically about the cases of Goran Jelisić and Ranko Češić, whose crimes were committed in the Brčko municipality. The young audience were particularly fascinated to hear about these trials which related to their own every day surroundings. After hearing the details of the crimes committed in Brčko, one of the students voiced his discontent with the Tribunal’s sentencing policy, insisting that such serious violations of law should be punished by death penalty.
Other comments from the students suggested that they had found interacting with Almir inspiring and that they were now motivated to explore the subject further.
“I’m really happy that people specialised in the field are trying to bring this topic closer to us young people, because there is too much silence about it,” said one 18-year-old student after the presentation had concluded.
Explaining why she felt such lectures were necessary, one student said: “Bring the truth closer to us young people, because we also live in this region and must deal with the consequences of what was done by others. Offer us a better future.”