Lipljan/Lipjan, 4 November 2014
ICTY representative, Driton Gashi, today presented the work and achievements of the Tribunal and discussed issues of war crimes trials and transitional justice to 52 students of the professional high school “Adem Gllavica” in Lipljan/Lipjan.
Driton gave the students a brief overview of the ICTY, including its establishment, the types of crimes it deals with, and the number of indictments and judgments. Following the overview, the students learned about various aspects of the cases specifically related to Kosovo, namely the cases against Slobodan Milošević, Šainović et al., and Haradinaj et al. Driton also informed the students about the different ways the ICTY has contributed to the development of international criminal law. To illustrate the discussion and to underline some of the main points, the students watched excerpts from of the testimony of three witnesses before the Tribunal.
At the end of the presentation, Driton encouraged the students to ask questions. They asked questions about the procedure of issuing of an indictment; the retrial in cases where “new and compelling” evidence is found; co-operation between the Tribunal and the countries of the former Yugoslavia, etc.
In their evaluation forms, a majority of the students wrote that they were happy to have the opportunity to learn more about the ICTY and would be pleased to attend similar lectures in the future.