Sarajevo, 26-27 November 2013
A conference of the ICTY Outreach Programme
Jointly sponsored by the European Union and the Governments of Switzerland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea and Open Society Justice Initiative
As part of the events held during 2013 in honour of the Tribunal’s twentieth anniversary, the ICTY convened a two-day conference on 26 and 27 November in Sarajevo to consider aspects of its legacy in the former Yugoslavia.
The aim of the conference was to provide an opportunity for local stakeholders in the former Yugoslavia, Tribunal representatives, and others to engage in a dialogue about key aspects of the Tribunal’s role and legacy in the region over the past two decades and in the years to come.
The conference focused on a variety of topics, including: the Tribunal’s overall accomplishments and the challenges it has encountered; its contribution to the promotion of the rule of law in the region; and the mechanisms of victim and witness protection and support in war crimes trials before national courts. Participants were also able to discuss the future accessibility of ICTY documents and materials to the people of the former Yugoslavia.
The conference comprised one day of working level meetings on 26 November 2013, followed by a series of public events and discussions on 27 November 2013.
Apart from representatives of the Tribunal, participants included officials from national judiciaries, experts on transitional justice issues, victims, lawyers, journalists, politicians, representatives of NGOs, academics, and other stakeholders from the former Yugoslavia.