Today, a group of 15 students from the USA, Oman, Australia, South Africa, Scotland and Canada visited the ICTY’s Field Office in Sarajevo. During a two-hour discussion with ICTY Registry Liaison Officer Almir Alić, the students had an opportunity to learn about the work of the Tribunal and some of its landmark cases.
The law students in the group who were somewhat familiar with international justice and the work of the ICTY, such as Pinar Cil from the University of Ottawa, said they were grateful for the opportunity to learn something new about court procedures and other details related to trials: “I found the witness testimony videos particularly useful as they give a human element to this very legal and technical issue”, Pinar said.
Her colleague from Great Britain, Emily Walter, commented on the information provided about the ICTY’s Outreach Programme. “It was interesting to learn about the Outreach Programme that the ICTY promotes as we have constantly heard about the importance of education and that it is the key to preventing similar tragedies from occurring.”
The students gathered at the Global Youth Connect Initiative asked numerous questions and expressed an interest in expanding the cooperation during their next visit to the region.