Tribunal Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

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 1                           Wednesday, 8 June 2011

 2                           [Rule 77 Hearing]

 3                           [Open session]

 4                           --- Upon commencing at 2.33 p.m.

 5                           [The accused entered court]

 6             JUDGE KWON:  Good afternoon, everyone.

 7             Before we begin, there's one matter in relation to an exhibit

 8     number.  The Court Deputy, please, yes.

 9             THE REGISTRAR:  Your Honour, I would just like to correct on the

10     record that the transcript of the meeting that was admitted yesterday as

11     P74 should be P73.  Thank you, Your Honour.

12             JUDGE KWON:  Today, we'll continue to hear the remaining

13     cross-examination of Mr. Jovic.

14             Let's bring in the witness.

15                           [The witness takes the stand]

16                           WITNESS:  NENAD JOVIC [Resumed]

17                           [Witness answered through interpreter]

18             JUDGE KWON:  Good afternoon, Mr. Jovic.

19             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Good afternoon.  Good afternoon,

20     Your Honours.

21             JUDGE KWON:  I hope you are feeling today -- feeling better

22     today.

23             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Slightly better.

24             JUDGE KWON:  Please make yourself comfortable.  Please be seated.

25             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Good afternoon to everyone in the

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 1     courtroom.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  Today, we're going to conclude your evidence.

 3     Mr. MacFarlane will ask you in cross-examination.  Given the

 4     circumstances you have, please don't bother to turn around and look at

 5     him.  He will understand the situation.  Just try to look at us.  That's

 6     fine with us.

 7             Yes, Mr. MacFarlane.

 8             MR. MacFARLANE:  Thank you, Your Honours.

 9                           Cross-examination by Mr. MacFarlane: [Continued]

10        Q.   Sir, we didn't complete your evidence yesterday, and I just

11     wanted to check to see if you've had occasion to speak about the case

12     yesterday, or last night, or this morning to anyone.

13        A.   No.  I only called my wife, in the presence of persons from the

14     Victims and Witness Unit, because I insisted that he be there.  I wanted

15     to call her just to reassure her that everything is all right, lest she

16     should see something on television or something.  We used his mobile

17     phone to call her.  And other than that, I did not communicate with

18     anyone else.  I asked for permission, and he gave me his phone, and I

19     made a call.

20        Q.   Thank you very much.  I'd like to show you a document that has

21     been marked in these proceedings as Exhibit 55Q in both the English

22     version and the Serbian version.

23             I'd like you to take a look at the beginning of the statement,

24     and with the assistance of the Court Usher, perhaps he could direct your

25     attention to the opening paragraphs that I would like to ask you about.

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 1             Do you see, in the opening paragraph, reference to your name?

 2        A.   Yes, yes.

 3        Q.   And there's further background and personal information about you

 4     as well?

 5        A.   Yes, but the mistake is still there about the Court not being in

 6     Mali Zvornik, but in Loznica.  It's about 20 kilometres away.  So we only

 7     have a misdemeanor magistrate in Mali Zvornik.

 8        Q.   Aside from that, is the balance of the information accurate?

 9        A.   I can't tell you as far as the whole statement is concerned, but

10     my personal details are correct, my ID card number.  But as for my

11     statement, I can't tell you, off the top of my head.

12        Q.   That's fine, thank you.  When we broke off yesterday during my

13     questions of you, I made reference to the fact that you are a radio

14     amateur?

15        A.   Yes.

16        Q.   And you indicated that you were.

17             I don't think that you need to read that statement any further.

18     If you can just listen to my questions.

19             And I understand you have a licensed radio station in your home.

20     Is that right?

21        A.   Yes, from the Ministry for Transport and Telecommunications of

22     Serbia, based in Belgrade.  And, of course, I have a radio station, a

23     powerful aerial.

24        Q.   I understand that you -- from what you said yesterday, that you

25     listened in and perhaps had conversations with many people throughout the

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 1     former Yugoslavia and, really, around the world.  Is that right?

 2        A.   Yes, but not exactly all around the world.  It depends on the

 3     range of my aerial, so that's as far as I can reach.  But I can talk with

 4     people from the -- I can call -- I can talk with people from the former

 5     Yugoslavia, and my code-name is "YT7REU."

 6        Q.   Thank you.  I understand that you, during the course of 2005, on

 7     occasion could hear Zlatko Peric talking on the radio.  Do you recall

 8     that?

 9        A.   Yes.  I remember a mistake being made in that context, although

10     there is some truth and there are some mistakes.  So you are free to ask

11     me about this.  I know Zlatko Peric personally.  He's from Loznica.

12        Q.   I understand that you advised the investigators that you could

13     hear Zlatko Peric talking on the radio, and on the air he was telling

14     people that you had committed atrocities in Zvornik during the war.  Do

15     you recall that?

16        A.   Yes, I do, but it seems that you didn't read correctly or didn't

17     understand correctly, and I apologise for saying that.  I said something

18     different.  A Muslim from Sapna, because we are all socialising, the

19     Serbs, the Muslims and the Croats, there is no animosity among them,

20     called me and wanted to meet me in Zvornik.  He told me that

21     Zlatko Peric, at a party, a Muslim party where people get together for a

22     coffee and a glass of brandy, he told them that, If you knew how many

23     people Nenad Jovic had killed, you would never talk to them.  I

24     immediately called Rita, and I said, Look what you've done.  Now my kids

25     are going to get killed.  The nearest Muslims are only three kilometres

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 1     away from me.  I had to guard my house for two months, fully armed.  And

 2     it was she who wrote in this statement that I said that Zlatko Peric knew

 3     about some places where crimes had been committed, and I can't remember

 4     exactly how she phrased it because I didn't write it, but that was not

 5     true.

 6             I hope I gave you an exhaustive answer, or, rather, an extensive

 7     one.

 8        Q.   There's one further point I want to raise with you.

 9             It's my understanding that you advised the investigators that

10     from your perspective, you were afraid that the Radicals were now trying

11     to blame you for their atrocities and to destroy you as a witness for the

12     Prosecution.  Do you recall that?

13        A.   Well, sir, if I understand you correctly, I hate to say to you

14     you were failing to understand things, although you are fully trained.  I

15     never mentioned the Radical ever.  I only mentioned people who could

16     potentially kill me.  A person who lost his whole family, let's say, two

17     sons, or his house was burned, regardless of whether he was a party

18     member or not, would do that if he learned or heard that I was

19     co-operating with The Hague Tribunal.  I never mentioned the

20     Radical Party.  I am socialising with these people on a regular basis.

21     We are visiting each other for our religious holidays.  And several

22     neighbourhood municipal boards always invite me to come, and I always go.

23             If I knew you were going to ask me about this, I could have

24     brought you some photographs.  People, in turn, come as guests to my

25     house for my patron saint's day.  If that was the case, I would have

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 1     filed a criminal report, I would have reported this to the police.  I

 2     would tell them that somebody was threatening me, whether it be a Radical

 3     or someone else.  But nobody threatened me, especially not any from the

 4     Radicals.

 5             And this is the second time that I'm seeing Mr. Seselj.  The

 6     first time I saw him in 1991.  So there's no reason for us to hate each

 7     other, and there's no reason for anyone to threaten me.  That's sheer

 8     nonsense.

 9        Q.   Let's fast-forward a bit to about a year later in October of

10     2006.  And, once again, you had a meeting with investigators with the

11     Office of the Prosecutor, and you were discussing the prospects of a

12     statement and to further discuss security issues and your potential

13     participation in the trial of Mr. Seselj.  Do you recall that discussion?

14        A.   I don't remember exactly who the investigator was.  I don't have

15     any papers in front of me.

16        Q.   Perhaps I could refresh your memory by reference to names.  One

17     was trial attorney Melissa Pack, and the other was Investigator

18     Rita Pradhan.  Does that assist you?

19        A.   Oh, yes, the name Rita really helps.  I don't know if you would

20     be kind to repeat your question.  I should focus much better.  But I

21     wouldn't be surprised if it involves Rita.  I wouldn't be surprised at

22     any kind of question that you might ask me.

23             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. MacFarlane, I'm sorry to interrupt you at this

24     point.  But speaking for myself, I would like to limit the issue of this

25     case solely to the one whether the accused has violated his obligation of

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 1     confidentiality.  If we are going beyond that, i.e., trying to prove

 2     whether -- what is the truth of the case and whether specific contents of

 3     the witness's statement are true or not, even as a mitigating factor or

 4     aggravating factor, we have to open a main trial, so it may go beyond the

 5     original scope of this case.

 6             Please take that into account, please.

 7             MR. MacFARLANE:  Might I respond to the comments, Your Honour?

 8             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, please.

 9             MR. MacFARLANE:  I find myself in the position of agreeing with

10     the comments, and yet seemingly going in another direction, and I'd like

11     to explain why.

12             I had filed a -- not filed -- yes, I had filed a notice at the

13     beginning of the trial asking for leave to address the question of

14     relevance, based on the 65 ter statements filed by the accused, and a

15     ruling was made by the Chamber which, of course, I respect.  It's my

16     position that we ought to focus sharply on exactly what Your Honour has

17     described.

18             The 65 ter statements are all over the place, and the accused, in

19     his direct examination of the initial witnesses, at least, was dealing

20     with a whole range of things, so that's by way of a preliminary comment.

21             Mr. Seselj has indicated that he wants to tender evidence, such

22     as agreement on the part of witnesses to the publication of their

23     statements and personal information, and he now puts that forward on the

24     basis that it's relevant to mitigation.  And the theory of the

25     Prosecution, which I'm endeavouring to deal with, is that while the

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 1     witness today may well say, I'm happy with the publication, I consent, I

 2     don't see any problem, there has been a transformation on the part of the

 3     witness, there has been an evolution on the part of the witness, and what

 4     I'm endeavouring to demonstrate is that views and thoughts and positions

 5     on the part of the witnesses has, for whatever reason, transformed over

 6     the years, so that while there is a consent or a happiness being

 7     expressed right now, during the course of the protective measures it was

 8     quite a different story; there was real concern.

 9             So one option might be if -- because I didn't have the

10     opportunity to provide a submission on relevance, I'd be happy to do

11     that.  But ultimately my view -- my submission would be that we ought to

12     focus very sharply on the issues arising directly from the order in lieu

13     of indictment, and not get into these other matters.  I am doing this in

14     response to the suggestion that this is relevant to mitigation.

15             It's my submission that what we're looking at are consents that

16     aren't really real.

17             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you.  I understand your submission.

18             If I can add this to your submission, which is that:  Well,

19     whether or not there's a transformation, it is an established fact that

20     there existed a protective measure order already.

21             Yes.  Please proceed, Mr. MacFarlane.

22             MR. MacFARLANE:  Just one moment.

23             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. Kwon, I have an objection.

24             Where has it established as a fact that at the time of the

25     publication of the book, the protective measures were in place?  We saw

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 1     yesterday that that did not exist in all cases; for example, in the case

 2     of Mr. Drazilovic.  You shouldn't pre-judge the ruling or the position of

 3     the Trial Chamber.  You should wait.

 4             JUDGE KWON:  I didn't say "at the time of publication."

 5             Yes, please proceed.

 6             MR. MacFARLANE:  I'm in a position, Your Honours, of being

 7     unclear on the facts in issue.  If it's strictly limited to the clear and

 8     core issues in the order in lieu of indictment, I probably wouldn't have

 9     much more, if any, in terms of cross-examination.  If there are issues

10     concerning mitigation and the genuineness of consent, and the relevance

11     of that, then I might need to continue.  So I'm in a bit of a quandary,

12     in terms of how to proceed, because the issues are unclear to me.

13                           [Trial Chamber confers]

14             JUDGE KWON:  If you could confine your submission and examination

15     to the issue of this case, as you indicated.

16             MR. MacFARLANE:  Thank you.  I have no further questions.

17             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you, Mr. MacFarlane.

18             Mr. Seselj, do you have anything to re-examine this witness?

19             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I have no questions in redirect.

20             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] May I say something?

21             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.

22             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] This statement was drafted by

23     several authors.  They should all be assembled together, and each one of

24     them should interpret what they wrote.  That's why I don't understand.  I

25     even cannot help laughing when I see Mali Zvornik having a municipal

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 1     court and this station and that station.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you, Mr. Jovic.  That concludes your evidence,

 3     and I thank you for your coming to give it, despite your conditions.  Now

 4     you are free to go.  Have a safe journey back.

 5             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Thank you, and thank you to

 6     everyone in the courtroom.  And thank you for yesterday.  Everybody was

 7     very helpful, because I really couldn't stand upright.  And, I'm sorry,

 8     it's a force majeure, it's a sickness.

 9             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you.

10             Now I invite you, Mr. Seselj, to call your next witness.

11             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I call Mr. Jovan Glamocanin as the

12     sixth witness for the Defence.

13                           [The witness withdrew]

14             JUDGE KWON:  Let's bring in the witness.

15                           [The witness entered court]

16             JUDGE KWON:  Good afternoon, Mr. Glamocanin.

17             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Good afternoon.

18             JUDGE KWON:  If you could take the solemn declaration.

19             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I solemnly declare that I will

20     speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

21                           WITNESS:  JOVAN GLAMOCANIN

22                           [Witness answered through interpreter]

23             JUDGE KWON:  Please be seated.

24             Yes, Mr. Seselj, it's for you to examine the witness.

25                           Examination by Mr. Seselj:

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 1             MR. SESELJ: [Interpretation]

 2        Q.   Mr. Glamocanin, did you testify in the main trial against me in

 3     The Hague Tribunal?

 4             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  We cannot hear the witness

 5     at all.  Could he please be asked to speak into the microphone?

 6             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Glamocanin, could you come closer to the

 7     microphone and speak to them.

 8             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I have stated that I intend to be a

 9     Defence witness.  However, the Trial Chamber issued a binding order, on

10     pain of an indictment for contempt of court, compelled me to testify as a

11     court witness.

12             MR. SESELJ: [Interpretation]

13        Q.   Before that, were you on the list of Prosecution witnesses?

14        A.   I was on the Prosecution list, as far as I know, from 2005, and

15     then I was taken off that list, and then put back on the list in 2008.

16        Q.   Did you refuse to appear as a Prosecution witness?

17        A.   That's what I always said.  I always refused to testify as a

18     Prosecution witness, because I do not know about any war crimes.

19        Q.   When you testified as a court witness, as a Chamber witness, did

20     you have any protective measures?

21        A.   I did not accept any protective measures.  I insisted that I

22     testify in public.  I have nothing to hide.

23        Q.   Can you recall in which year you testified?

24        A.   I testified on the 10th/11th of December, 2008.

25        Q.   Before the testimony, did you have some kind of code or

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 1     pseudonym?

 2        A.   "VS-044," which I never acknowledged, because it was assigned

 3     without my knowledge and without my approval.

 4        Q.   When did you have your first contact with The Hague Tribunal?

 5        A.   My first contact with The Hague Tribunal, my first interrogation

 6     or interview, if you wish, took place on the 26th of May, 2003, and that

 7     interrogation went on for four days.

 8        Q.   Who spoke to you then; do you remember?

 9        A.   I do remember, Paolo Pastore-Stocchi and Philippe Oberknezev.

10        Q.   Was a statement written up on the basis of your testimony?

11        A.   Yes, and in the English language, at that, a language I do not

12     know.  I signed it as such because Paolo Stocchi said that I would be

13     interviewed until I sign it.  I never received a copy of the statement

14     from the investigators in the Serbian language.  I could not read it,

15     and, therefore, I could not object to anything, if necessary.

16        Q.   Did you sign the statement in English?

17        A.   Yes.  I've already said I was threatened that my interrogation

18     would go on and on, even after these four days.

19        Q.   I see.  Did you ever talk to --

20             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, Mr. MacFarlane.

21             MR. MacFARLANE:  Thank you, Your Honours.

22             The issues are defined by the order in lieu of indictment.  The

23     examination by the accused falls well outside of the parameters of the

24     issues in the order.  It's my submission that the evidence thus far is

25     irrelevant to the true issues before this Chamber.

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 1             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. Kwon, I have estimated 20

 2     minutes for this witness, and that is a lot less time than Mr. MacFarlane

 3     has been using.  Within these 20 minutes, I have a concept of my direct

 4     examination that I wish to pursue, and it has to have some kind of an

 5     introduction.  And the introduction is that this man already testified in

 6     the main trial, that he refused protective measures, that it happened in

 7     2008, two or three months after the book was published.  And what is

 8     there to be in dispute?

 9             JUDGE KWON:  Even if you confine your examination to 20 minutes

10     which is allotted for you, it is quite a separate matter you remain on

11     relevant issues, but I need to consult my colleagues.

12                           [Trial Chamber confers]

13             JUDGE KWON:  Given the Defence case may be different from the

14     position taken by the Prosecution, we'll allow the accused to proceed

15     with his examination.

16             Please proceed.

17             MR. SESELJ: [Interpretation]

18        Q.   Did you ever talk to Christine Dahl, a Prosecutor from The Hague?

19        A.   Yes.  I had a rather unpleasant conversation with

20     Ms. Christine Dahl.  That was on the 15th of November, 2007, in my

21     apartment.

22        Q.   Did you say that this Prosecutor from The Hague, Christine Dahl,

23     came to your apartment?

24        A.   Yes, she came to my apartment in a very unpleasant way, at that,

25     because Paolo Stocchi had agreed to talk to me in my apartment on the

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 1     16th of November.  However, he called me on the 15th of November and

 2     insisted that the conversation take place on that day, and that is why I

 3     postponed some of the commitments I had had before that.  It was also

 4     unpleasant for me when I saw, without any prior announcement, that

 5     Ms. Christine Dahl, who was then counsel for the Prosecution, appeared

 6     with the investigation team.  I most certainly did not expect her.

 7             However, what was a major incident was how the Serbian policeman

 8     acted, the one who came with the team.  This policeman searched my

 9     apartment, without any kind of court order, without a warrant, so in a

10     totally unlawful manner.

11        Q.   That was roughly a year before my book was published, the one

12     that contains your statements?

13        A.   Correct.

14        Q.   How long did you talk to Christine Dahl?

15        A.   About an hour and a half.  During this conversation, she asked me

16     to testify about war crimes of the volunteers of the Serb Radical Party

17     before Ovcara and at Ovcara.  I said that I was never in Vocin or Ovcara

18     and that I don't know about any war crimes, whatsoever, of the volunteers

19     of the Serb Radical Party.  After that, she said, with resignation, You

20     don't want to testify about the war crimes of the volunteers.  Nobody

21     wants to testify about the war crimes of the volunteers.  I don't know

22     what I'm going to do with the indictment.  Then Seselj is going to come

23     back; into Serbia, I mean.

24        Q.   What was your conclusion on that basis; that I was not supposed

25     to return to Serbia ever?

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 1        A.   Yes, yes, precisely.  That was my conclusion on the basis of this

 2     conversation with Christine Dahl, because she pointed out, when talking

 3     to me, that she was, first and foremost, pursuing America's policy, that

 4     she respects that policy, that that is the policy of introducing Western

 5     democracy and Western values in Serbia and throughout the world; also,

 6     that she doesn't hold anything against the Serb Radical Party or the

 7     programme of the Serb Radical Party, but that Dr. Vojislav Seselj can

 8     certainly not be the president of that party in any way.  A few times,

 9     she said to me that she had ways of persuading me to testify for the

10     Prosecution, rather than being a Defence witness, as I had insisted upon

11     and wished.

12        Q.   Did Stocchi take part in the conversation too?

13        A.   Yes.  Stocchi reacted very vehemently when I said I could only be

14     a Defence witness.  He said that I would be brought in by the police to

15     testify for the Prosecution in The Hague Tribunal, as is done by the

16     Carabinieri in Italy.

17        Q.   What about the then authorities in Serbia?  Did anybody bring any

18     pressure to bear against you?

19        A.   Oh, yes.  The then premier of Serbia, Prime Minister

20     Zoran Djindjic - that was in mid-April 2003 - he asked me to take part in

21     the political liquidation of Dr. Vojislav Seselj and to put the

22     Serb Radical Party on the margins.  He talked to me in a rather indecent

23     way.  I can put it that way.  We did not talk to -- talk in his office or

24     on some other official premises; rather, in Topcider Forest above

25     Belgrade.  He insisted, during that conversation, that

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 1     Dr. Vojislav Seselj and the Serb Radical Party are the only serious

 2     obstacle to the New Democratic government, that that government enjoys

 3     the full support of the West, and that the West was prepared to invest

 4     lots of money in Serbia.  He said, in particular for Dr. Vojislav Seselj,

 5     that he was the most dangerous of all, a lot more dangerous for Western

 6     policy than Slobodan Milosevic, and that he needs to be eliminated from

 7     the political scene of Serbia.  In response to that, I said that because

 8     of my convictions, I cannot take part in such activities.  And then

 9     Dr. Zoran Djindjic said, and rather vehemently at that, What kind of

10     convictions, what patriotism?  One should work for the state.  Leave all

11     that aside.  You should think about how you're going to live.  I know

12     that your income is very modest and that you deserve more.  After that,

13     he said to me that I should call him back within a week.

14        Q.   What about Daniel Saxon; did he come to your apartment?

15        A.   Yes, Mr. Saxon came.  During this long conversation, among other

16     things, he said that the only solution for Serbia is a pro-Western

17     government, and that all of those who are opposed to that government and

18     who stand in the path of that government should be done away with, and

19     that the most serious opponents of the pro-Western policy are

20     Dr. Vojislav Seselj and the Serb Radical Party.  When I said that with

21     that position he was actually pursuing the policy of the United States of

22     America and their intelligence agencies, his answer was -- I mean, I said

23     that he was doing that, rather than working for the OTP, and he said to

24     me, Why are you not working for your government and its intelligence

25     service?

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 1        Q.   Mr. Glamocanin, did anybody else from The Hague Tribunal visit

 2     you?

 3        A.   Well, I was visited by a lady.  This was on the 27th of February,

 4     2008.  After she rang the doorbell, I came out, and she said that she was

 5     Ana Marhajn, a Slovenian, and she was supposed to talk to

 6     Jovan Glamocanin.  And I said, I don't know you.  You are unannounced,

 7     and I have nothing to discuss with you.  She said, But I have to, and she

 8     forced her way into my apartment.  When she entered the apartment, she

 9     said she is a friend of The Hague Tribunal, of the Court from The Hague.

10     Of course, I didn't believe her.  I chased her out of the apartment.  And

11     as she was walking out, she said, Wait and see until you come to

12     The Hague.

13        Q.   Mr. Glamocanin, when did you have your first contact with my

14     associates from the team that is assisting my defence?

15        A.   I had my first contact with your associates already on the 16th

16     of November, 2007.  That is when I called Zoran Krasic from the team that

17     is preparing your defence, and I explained to him all the pressures that

18     were exerted against me both by the representatives of The Hague Tribunal

19     and the former prime minister of Serbia, Dr. Zoran Djindjic.

20             After that, on the 19th of November, I gave a statement to a

21     member of the team for preparing your defence, Petar Jojic, and I said,

22     unequivocally, that I never accepted to be a Prosecution witness.  On the

23     contrary, I wanted to be a Defence witness.

24        Q.   Mr. Glamocanin, did you give your consent to my then associates

25     for all statements that you gave to these associates of mine be published

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 1     in a book?  Please do not mention the title of the book, because that is

 2     going to be a reason for redacting the transcript and the recording.

 3        A.   I gave my consent to your associates for my statements to be used

 4     by you in public during your defence before this Court.  I also gave my

 5     consent for you to use them in your book, to publish them in Serbia and

 6     abroad.  I also gave my consent that you make them public on your

 7     internet site and the web site of the Serb Radical Party.

 8        Q.   Do you have a copy of this book where your statements were

 9     published?

10        A.   I do.

11        Q.   Do you remember who wrote the preface?

12        A.   The author of the preface is Aleksandar Vucic.

13        Q.   Did he ask you for your consent that your statements be made

14     public?

15        A.   He asked for that, and others did too.

16        Q.   And then the book was published; right?

17        A.   Yes.

18        Q.   After the book was published, did you take part in public events

19     where the book was promoted?

20        A.   Yes, I took part at public events and promotional events, in

21     general, for your book.  I even spoke at some of them.

22        Q.   Did you display pride on account of the fact that the book

23     contains your statements?

24        A.   Yes.  I'm in the service of my people, my fatherland, and --

25             THE INTERPRETER:  The interpreter did not hear the end.

Page 333

 1             MR. SESELJ: [Interpretation]

 2        Q.   Did you give any interviews to the newspapers?

 3             JUDGE KWON:  Because of your overlapping, the interpreters were

 4     not able to hear the last of the witness' answer.

 5             Mr. Glamocanin, what did you say after saying:

 6             "I'm in the service of my people, my fatherland, and ..."?

 7             What did you say after that?

 8             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] And I always shall be in their

 9     service.

10             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.

11             Please continue.

12             MR. SESELJ: [Interpretation]

13        Q.   My next question was:  Did you give any newspaper interviews?

14        A.   Yes.  On the 21st of November, 2007, I gave a long interview

15     under my full name and surname.  As a matter of fact, I disclosed my

16     identity, and I informed the Serbian public about all the pressures that

17     were exerted against me by the Office of the Prosecutor from The Hague

18     and Zoran Djindjic, of course, from 2003 -- or, rather, from 2001 until

19     2007, or, rather, as I said, all the way up until the 27th of February,

20     2008.

21        Q.   I'm afraid members of the Trial Chamber may have missed this.

22     Could you repeat this once again?  When did you give this long newspaper

23     interview, when you said all of that?

24        A.   In 2007.

25        Q.   Was that a year before the book was published?

Page 334

 1        A.   Yes, that interview took place before the book was published.

 2     Well, about a year, at least.

 3        Q.   In my book, was this interview of yours published, along with the

 4     statements?

 5        A.   Yes, in its entirety.

 6        Q.   Did you read the whole book?

 7        A.   Yes, I did.

 8        Q.   In the case of other people who gave statements to my team, did

 9     you see that I also published their newspaper interviews?

10        A.   Yes, I did.

11        Q.   For example, your newspaper interview can be found on page 85,

12     entitled "Pressures on Jovan Glamocanin," and it goes on for a full five

13     pages.  And that's a lengthy book; is that correct?

14        A.   Yes.

15             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Very well, Mr. Glamocanin.  With

16     this, I have concluded my examination-in-chief.

17             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you, Mr. Seselj.

18             Yes, Mr. --

19             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I would just like to bring to your

20     attention, Mr. Kwon, that I used exactly 20 minutes to examine this

21     witness.  And I'm really taking very good care about court time, and that

22     should be done in the same way by everyone else.

23             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you, Mr. Seselj.

24             Yes, Mr. MacFarlane.

25             THE WITNESS: [No interpretation]

Page 335

 1             JUDGE KWON:  Do you follow -- do you hear me, Mr. Glamocanin?

 2             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, now I can hear you.

 3             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.

 4             Yes, Mr. MacFarlane.

 5             MR. MacFARLANE:  Thank you.

 6                           Cross-examination by Mr. MacFarlane:

 7        Q.   Sir, I'd like to show you two documents which have been marked as

 8     an exhibit in these proceedings.  For the record, the first is

 9     Exhibit 55F, and the second is Exhibit 55G.

10             And with the assistance of the Court Usher, I'd like to direct

11     your attention to paragraphs near the beginning of both of those

12     documents.

13        A.   I have to put my glasses on.

14        Q.   Do you see, near the beginning of both of those documents, a

15     reference to your name?

16        A.   Do I have to say my name?  Yes, I have read it, this part that

17     you pointed to.

18        Q.   Both documents?  Do you see your name referred to in both

19     documents?

20        A.   Yes.

21        Q.   And do you see other personal --

22        A.   It's correct.  I can see it.

23        Q.   Do you see other personal information about yourself referred to

24     at the same location in both documents?

25        A.   Yes, I can see my personal details.

Page 336

 1        Q.   And are those details accurate?

 2        A.   Yes, they are.  It's correct that my name is Jovan Glamocanin,

 3     that I am a lawyer by profession, that I am a member of the Academy of

 4     Sciences, that I live in Pancevo, Veljka Vlahovica number 11, that I was

 5     born in Subotica, and that my ID card number is such and such, and so on.

 6             MR. MacFARLANE:  Thank you.  No further questions.

 7             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you.

 8             Do you have any redirect examination, Mr. Seselj?

 9             THE ACCUSED: [No interpretation]

10             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you.

11             That concludes your evidence, Mr. Glamocanin.

12             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Thank you.

13             JUDGE KWON:  I thank you for coming to The Hague to give it.  Now

14     you're free to go.

15             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Thank you very much.

16                           [The witness withdrew]

17             JUDGE KWON:  We'll have a break of five minutes to prepare for

18     the next witness.

19                           [Trial Chamber and Registrar confer]

20             JUDGE KWON:  I was advised that we don't need such preparatory

21     time.

22             Then I would like to invite you to call your next witness,

23     Mr. Seselj.

24             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. Kwon, the fact that we do not

25     need any preparations, does that indicate that this witness is going to

Page 337

 1     testify in public?  Shall I call him by saying his full name?

 2             JUDGE KWON:  No.  He's given only a pseudonym, so we --

 3             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Very well.

 4             Therefore, I call the seventh Defence witness, marked by you as

 5     DS-3.

 6                           [The witness entered court]

 7             THE INTERPRETER:  Interpreter's note:  Would the Prosecutor

 8     please switch off his microphone.  Thank you.

 9             JUDGE KWON:  Good afternoon, Mr. Witness.  How are you today?

10             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] It will be better.

11             JUDGE KWON:  Before you begin your testimony, I would like to

12     inform you that you will be called not by your name, but by a pseudonym,

13     due to an existing court order of protective measures.  So you'll be

14     called today as "DS-3."  Do you understand that?

15             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes.

16             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] May I say something?

17             Mr. Kwon, I believe that you should ask this witness if he wants

18     to testify in public under his full name.

19             This witness used to be on the Prosecution list, and the

20     Prosecution, themselves, decided not to call him.  The Prosecution office

21     did not insist on his appearance in the main trial.  Now, these

22     protective measures, are they going to be imposed and in place when this

23     witness is concerned for the rest of his life?

24             JUDGE KWON:  I stopped you, Mr. Seselj.

25             If you wanted this witness to testify in public with his full

Page 338

 1     name, you should have applied to that Chamber to lift that protective

 2     measure in advance.  I think you know the Rule by now.

 3             Please start your examination, Mr. Seselj.

 4             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. Kwon, this witness had

 5     protective measures granted for him for as long as somebody in the main

 6     trial counted on his testimony.  The moment he was removed from the

 7     Prosecution witness list, and when the Trial Chamber gave up on him, what

 8     kind of protective measures are still in place when this witness is

 9     concerned?  I'm not going to examine him whilst the protective measures

10     are being in place.

11             JUDGE KWON:  Let's not waste time anymore.

12             So you are withdrawing this witness from your Defence -- from

13     your list of witnesses; is that it?

14             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] It is impossible for me to examine

15     him as a Defence witness.  He agreed to testify in public, without any

16     protective measures.  He gave a number of statements in that respect.  He

17     came here with the intention of doing so.  However, if you insist on the

18     protective measures, I am not going to examine this witness under

19     pseudonym.

20             You didn't even ask him if he wants to have protective measures

21     or not.  Does that mean that if somebody in the main trial introduced

22     protective measures, they remain in place for eternity?  The

23     Trial Chamber and the Prosecution have already forgotten all of this, and

24     I'm not going to write any applications to them, and you cannot make me

25     do so.

Page 339

 1             And this witness, if I give up on his testimony, once he leaves

 2     this courtroom, he's going to talk to the media, and he will tell them

 3     what happened in this courtroom.

 4             Is that right, Witness?

 5             THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] That's right.

 6             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] It's better for him to testify in

 7     this courtroom, rather than in the newspapers.

 8                           [Trial Chamber confers]

 9             THE INTERPRETER:  The Judge's microphone is on.

10             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Seselj, I take your submission to be withdrawing

11     this witness from your witness list.  The Chamber does not see any point

12     of continuing the proceedings with this witness, then.

13             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] If that is your conclusion, that's

14     up to you, but I am not going to examine any Defence witness under

15     protective measures.  I am preparing witnesses for the main trial, and I

16     am going to call all of them to come here and testify in public.

17     Otherwise, they will not testify at all, because there is a principle of

18     public testimony.  Only people who have no clear conscience insist on

19     private testimony, and amongst my witnesses there is not a single person

20     who doesn't have a clear conscience.

21             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Witness, while I find this development to be

22     very unfortunate, I would like to thank you for your coming all the way

23     to The Hague to co-operate with this Tribunal.  As you observed, since

24     Mr. Seselj withdrew you from his witness list, there is no further point

25     of keeping you here.  Now you are free to go.  Thank you very much,

Page 340

 1     again.

 2                           [The witness withdrew]

 3                           [Trial Chamber and Registrar confer]

 4             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Seselj, I want to check with you whether your

 5     position is the same with the upcoming witnesses, Witnesses number 8, 9

 6     and 10; i.e., you're not minded --

 7             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes.

 8             JUDGE KWON:  You're not minded to call them unless the protective

 9     measures are not lifted -- unless the protective measures are lifted?

10             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. Kwon, the eighth witness, whom

11     you marked as "DS-4," also did not appear in the main trial.  The

12     Prosecution kept him on the list for a certain period of time, and then

13     they removed him from the list, themselves.  And Witness number 10,

14     marked by you as "DS-6," the same applies to him.  Only Witness number 9

15     appeared in the main trial, and he expressed his wish to testify here in

16     public.  So number 8 and number 9 never appeared in the main trial.

17     Somebody put them on the Prosecution list.

18             The Trial Chamber introduced blanket protective measures without

19     going into any specifics, and then suddenly the Prosecution decided to

20     give up on protective measures in the case of these two.  So what does

21     that mean?  The protective measures do not exist anymore.  The moment the

22     Prosecution gave up on them, it was all finished.

23             You can try and interpret this any way you like, but that is how

24     things stand.

25             JUDGE MORRISON:  Mr. Seselj, it strikes me that all of the things

Page 341

 1     that you've said are likely to be a strong basis for a successful

 2     application to the Trial Chamber that made the protective measures to

 3     withdraw them, as a matter of law and as a matter of logic.  Wouldn't it

 4     cut the Gordian knot, simply, to do that?

 5             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] No, Mr. Morrison.  I have no reason

 6     to think ill of you.  I think that your intentions are good.  My goal is

 7     not to cut the Gordian knot, but rather to get it entangled even more.

 8     That's my right, and nobody can deny that right.

 9             These witnesses that the Prosecution had planned initially for

10     them to appear in the main trial, and then gave up on them, I immediately

11     accepted as Defence witnesses.  The ongoing proceedings has to do -- at

12     least some connection with the main trial, in the sense that an accused

13     cannot be tried for contempt of court.  He can be punished by an

14     on-the-spot punishment; to be thrown out of the courtroom, to have his

15     microphone turned off, et cetera.

16             Mr. Morrison, I'm fully aware that you come from the legal system

17     that it is impossible for contempt of court proceedings to be conducted

18     against an accused.  This is something that was made up here, because

19     they cannot find any other way of dealing with me.

20             And I am not backing off an inch, because I decided, if

21     necessary, let's have 10 contempt of court proceedings.  This is the

22     second one, the third one has already been announced, and we have another

23     seven coming up in the future.

24             I want to demonstrate to you here that things are being done here

25     that have no foundation in either system, Anglo-Saxon or the Continental

Page 342

 1     one.

 2             JUDGE MORRISON:  I think you can take it from me -- I hope you

 3     can take it from me, Mr. Seselj, that you can, in fact, bring contempt of

 4     court proceedings in the common-law system, although I agree it's very

 5     rarely done, and only in extreme circumstances.

 6             JUDGE KWON:  I'd like to confirm with you, finally, that you are

 7     not minded to examine the remaining three witnesses with protective

 8     measures.

 9             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] First of all, I would like to

10     respond to Judge Morrison.

11             It is true that in the Anglo-Saxon legal system, there is a

12     notion of criminal liability for contempt of court, but please cite at

13     least a single case that this was conducted against an accused.  You can

14     do that if somebody is exerting pressure on witnesses, or trying to

15     intimidate witnesses, et cetera, but do you know of any single case that

16     court contempt proceedings were conducted against a defendant who had

17     already been accused and charged with the most serious crime?  I don't

18     think that that exists in your jurisprudence.

19             JUDGE MORRISON:  Well, tempting though it is to engage in a legal

20     debate, we don't have the time for it, Mr. Seselj.

21             The sort of proceedings you anticipate against someone who

22     interferes with the course of justice are normally charged as an attempt

23     to pervert the course of justice, for instance, witness interference, but

24     individual accused can be indicted or summarily dealt with for contempt

25     of court in certain circumstances.  But I have to say, in 40-odd years in

Page 343

 1     Great Britain, I never have personally had to deal with it, although I

 2     know others that have.

 3             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Mr. Morrison, let's look at these

 4     specific circumstances.

 5             JUDGE KWON:  Mr. Seselj --

 6             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] I'm going to continue this debate

 7     in my closing argument.  This is going to be one of the subjects of my

 8     closing argument.  You cannot prevent me from doing so.

 9             But apparently we have finished with the witnesses, because

10     you're not allowing me to call the remaining three witnesses whilst the

11     protective measures are in force.

12             JUDGE KWON:  Very well.  Then I take it that you rested your

13     case.  I take it there is no -- I'll leave it.  Just I will consult my

14     colleagues.

15                           [Trial Chamber confers]

16             JUDGE HALL:  Mr. Seselj, although the Presiding Judge has asked

17     this question, I'm not sure that we got a direct answer from you, you

18     have elected to not examine the remaining witnesses, for the reasons you

19     indicated.  That is your case, is it, in terms of calling witnesses?  We

20     appreciate that you have a right to make a closing statement, but moving

21     along procedurally, we just want it clear for the record that you have no

22     more witnesses to call and that is the end of your case.

23             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes, and that was due to the fact

24     that the acts of the Trial Chamber were unlawful.  You unlawfully

25     prevented me from examining these witnesses.  The witnesses wanted to

Page 344

 1     testify in public, I wanted to question them in public.  However, you

 2     invoked protective measures introduced in a completely different

 3     proceedings, irrespective of these proceedings, because what the

 4     witnesses are testifying here about is nothing to do with what is going

 5     to be discussed in the main trial.  The only thing that the witnesses are

 6     speaking about here are -- is how it happened that their statements were

 7     published in my book.  This is the crux of the matter and the essence of

 8     these proceedings, and the only issue here is to establish whether this

 9     was done with or without their consent.  I think that is the essence of

10     their giving evidence.

11             And I'm honestly telling you that in the main trial, I'm not

12     going to accept any witnesses under protective measures.  More than half

13     of the witnesses who have appeared were under the protective measures,

14     which constitutes a brutal violation of the rights of the accused.

15     Everybody must see how things are being conducted here.

16             We might have a situation that somebody can come here, give a

17     false testimony, people will recognise that, and then I will have at

18     least a dozen people coming back to me, saying, We have different

19     evidence to provide.

20             Judges, you are being judged by the public.  You are judging me,

21     but you are being judged by the public.

22             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.

23             I wonder, Mr. MacFarlane, whether you are prepared to proceed

24     with the closing argument today.

25             MR. MacFARLANE:  Yes, I am prepared to proceed.  I would

Page 345

 1     appreciate a break.

 2             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.  It's time to take a break.

 3             MR. MacFARLANE:  Yes.

 4             JUDGE KWON:  How much would you need to prepare?  About half an

 5     hour would be sufficient?

 6             MR. MacFARLANE:  Yes, that would be fine.  Thank you.

 7             JUDGE KWON:  And how long -- can I ask how long it will take?

 8             MR. MacFARLANE:  I expect it will be approximately an hour.

 9     Maybe just a few minutes more than that, but around an hour.

10             JUDGE KWON:  And, Mr. Seselj, I wonder whether you also are --

11     you are also prepared to proceed with your closing argument today.

12             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] Yes, I am ready for my closing

13     argument, and my closing argument will definitely not be shorter than

14     Mr. MacFarlane's.  If you allocate one hour to him, I expect you to give

15     me also one hour.

16             And I also insist on another thing as well.  If Mr. MacFarlane

17     wants to take the floor after my closing argument, I request to have the

18     right to rejoinder, because in every proceedings it is the accused who is

19     entitled to have the last say with respect to the Prosecutor's Office.

20             JUDGE KWON:  We'll have a break for half an hour and resume at 20

21     past 4.00.

22                           --- Recess taken at 3.48 p.m.

23                           --- On resuming at 4.21 p.m.

24             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, Mr. MacFarlane.

25             MR. MacFARLANE:  Thank you, Your Honours.

Page 346

 1             As I mentioned earlier, I expect I will be -- we will be an hour.

 2     I propose to, in my initial comments that should run for a little bit

 3     more than half an hour, to address the evidence that you've heard.

 4             The Chamber will remember that there's two parts to this case.

 5     One is a hard-copy book aspect, and then there's also an electronic

 6     aspect to this, and my colleague, Ms. Wanlin, will deal with that, after

 7     which, for probably no more than three or four minutes, I will do a

 8     wrap-up with a recommendation.

 9             I should also say, by way of preliminary comment, that some of

10     the detail -- a considerable amount of detail, in terms of the evidence,

11     is set out in the pre-trial brief that we filed before the trial.  I've

12     reviewed that, and not much has changed in terms of the case for the

13     Prosecution, so that I would urge the Chamber to take a look at the

14     pre-trial brief because it provides a level of detail that I don't

15     propose to go through in my oral comments now.

16             It's my hope that I will be able to, in my portions of the

17     closing address, to continue in open session.  It's difficult to do that

18     in a publication contempt case, because, of necessity, you're talking

19     about the breaches or alleged breaches of protective measures, but I've

20     endeavoured to tailor my comments in a more general way so the Chamber

21     can follow the general tenor of the case for the Prosecution without

22     getting into some of the sensitive areas.

23             That is how I propose to proceed this afternoon.

24             I'd open by a brief comment on Rule 77, noting that it provides

25     that:

Page 347

 1             "The Tribunal, in the exercise of its inherent power, may hold in

 2     contempt those who disclose information, in knowing violation of an order

 3     of the Chamber."

 4             On the facts in this case, I would like to comment on the

 5     rationale underlying this provision.

 6             In the context of a publication contempt, the danger or the harm

 7     sought to be avoided has many different faces.  In some cases, it

 8     involves witnesses who are very frightened.  In other cases, as I'll be

 9     pointing out, it can involve individuals who, over the passage of time,

10     have had their concerns diminish somewhat.  But the rationale, as I'll be

11     pointing to probably at the end of my submission, the rationale under

12     this -- in the context of this type of case, is that it is not up to an

13     individual party or an individual witness to say, Oh, I want to have

14     protective measures, or, Oh, I don't want to.  The process at both ends,

15     that is, at the commencement of the process and at the end, is controlled

16     by the Chamber for good reason; so there is a judicial filtering of

17     whether either is appropriate, that is, whether it's appropriate to have

18     protective measures, because there needs to be evidence, and,

19     correspondingly, whether it is appropriate to terminate or rescind those

20     protective measures.  That is clear, and there's good reason for that.

21     That's not just an arbitrary Rule.  If that wasn't in place, if there was

22     no judicial filter or control, that could actually end up placing

23     witnesses in more danger because there would be, on the part of some

24     people, to attempt to intimidate them into having their protective

25     measures lifted.  That is the role of the Chamber, is to ensure that that

Page 348

 1     sort of intimidation does not take place, and, therefore, it needs to be

 2     filtered at both ends.

 3             The core elements in the case have been the subject of some

 4     discussion between the parties and the Chamber.  It's my submission that

 5     there are four core elements in this case:  First of all, were there

 6     protective measures in place; secondly, who was protected; thirdly, did

 7     the accused objectively breach the protective measures in his book; and,

 8     finally, was it deliberate, that is, was the breach deliberate, or was it

 9     an accident.

10             And the Chamber will recall, at the beginning of the proceedings

11     when there was a discussion on what the case was all about and the scope

12     of the case, the Presiding Judge, Judge Kwon, said this:

13             "As I indicated, Mr. MacFarlane, the Chamber is of the view to

14     limit the scope of this case to the sole issue, whether he violated the

15     order of the Court by publishing that book in the way of revealing the

16     identity and the protected statements of those protected witnesses."

17             That's at page 70, lines 20 to 24.  And that's still, in my

18     respectful submission, the case at the end of the proceedings.

19             The facts in the case are relatively straightforward.

20                           [French interpretation on English channel]

21             JUDGE KWON:  We are hearing French.

22             Could you repeat, Mr. MacFarlane, from "the facts in the case."

23     I think it's been resolved.

24             MR. MacFARLANE:  The facts in this case are relatively

25     straightforward.

Page 349

 1             And as I mentioned earlier, I'll endeavour to paint the evidence

 2     and describe the contours of the evidence in a fairly general way so that

 3     I'm not moving from public to private.

 4             But the foundation of the case rests on several orders of

 5     Chambers that were obtained over a period of time.  The first two were

 6     all-embracing and non-specific to individual witnesses, and I'm referring

 7     to Exhibits 23 and 24.  The first one focused on the confidentiality of

 8     disclosure, and the second focused again on confidentiality of disclosure

 9     materials.  So that was the starting point for the case.

10             Subsequently, the Trial Chamber ordered various protective

11     measures that were specific to the 11 witnesses named in the order in

12     lieu of indictment, and those orders were issued on the 1st of June,

13     2005 - that's Exhibit 25 - August 30th, 2007 - Exhibit 27 - and October

14     16, 2007 - Exhibit 29.

15             Dealing with the first of those specific orders, and I intend to

16     be as general as I can, under Exhibit 25, the Trial Chamber was unanimous

17     in granting protective measures.  And it is important to note that the

18     order was issued on the basis of evidence, specific evidence that was

19     before the Chamber, and the orders were tailored to the individuals to be

20     protected and the evidence that was adduced.  Pseudonyms were assigned on

21     the basis of the evidence that was provided, but there was a

22     consideration of specific evidence.

23             The second was issued and is in tab 27 -- Exhibit 27.  This was

24     before the Pre-Trial Judge, and it gave a very detailed set of protective

25     measures involving individual assessments of whether there should be,

Page 350

 1     simply, pseudonyms until they give evidence.  There were 22 such

 2     witnesses.  Ten of them are named in the order in lieu of indictment in

 3     this case.  In some instances, there was the assignment of a pseudonym

 4     for use throughout the duration of the current proceedings.  There are 36

 5     such witnesses.  And in some instances, delayed disclosure was

 6     authorised, image distortion -- image and voice distortion, and

 7     proceeding in closed session.  Once again, there were very clear

 8     distinctions made between the witnesses, based on a tailoring arising

 9     from the evidence provided to the Chamber.

10             The third specific order was before the Pre-Trial Judge again,

11     concerning 19 witnesses.  Some of those applications were, in fact,

12     refused.  Some were granted, and two are relevant to these proceedings,

13     involving VS-014 and VS-032.  Once again, the point is that there was a

14     very careful consideration of the evidence, based on what had been

15     presented to the Chamber.

16             So the position that the Tribunal and the Chamber found itself

17     in, in late 2007, was that specific protective measures were in place for

18     all 11 of our protected witnesses.

19             The evidence during the course of the trial demonstrated that,

20     through proces-verbal and submissions from the accused, that he knew that

21     the protective measures were in place and he knew that pseudonyms had

22     been assigned.  Of that, there can be no doubt.  He signed the

23     proces-verbal, and we have submissions, which have been tendered in

24     evidence, demonstrating his knowledge of the existence of the protective

25     measures and the witnesses that were affected.

Page 351

 1             The evidence also demonstrates that the accused was aware of the

 2     fact that there was a prohibition against publishing the statements of

 3     protected witnesses, and that he knew he had to go to the Chamber to have

 4     protective measure orders rescinded or varied.  I've made reference to

 5     some of those decisions during the course of my submissions in the trial

 6     today, and they are included as exhibits in the Bar Table motion and

 7     before the Chamber.  So there is no doubt that the accused knew that the

 8     protective measures were in place and that the Chamber controlled the

 9     process.  That is critical, in my respectful submission, in terms of the

10     issues in this case.

11             By late 2007 and mid 2008, in other words, prior to the

12     publication of the book in question, which I'll, for purposes of my

13     submission, I'll simply refer to as the 2008 book, during that late 2007

14     to mid 2008 period, you've seen in the exhibits before you a fair bit of

15     evidence, not only demonstrating an understanding of the protected

16     witness framework in the Rules on the part of the accused, but that

17     during that period, he became quite litigious on the question of

18     protective measures and witnesses.  His submissions detail the Rules and

19     detail the control exercised by the Chamber.  And, in fact, with respect

20     to one aspect of his motions, where he had been unsuccessful, he

21     proceeded to the Appeals Chamber and continued to litigate the issue.

22             Through his submissions and the decisions that resulted, it is

23     quite evidence, in my submission, that the accused had actual knowledge

24     that the Chamber controlled the process, that the Chamber only could

25     rescind or vary, and, in fact, with respect to one witness, the accused

Page 352

 1     actually insisted on seeking a variation through a formal application to

 2     the Chamber.  And further than that, the accused actually brought a

 3     Defence request for protective measures just before the book emerged.

 4     His steps that followed in the book, in my respectful submission, there

 5     is no other inference that can be drawn or conclusion that can be reached

 6     but that the breaches were done knowingly, they were deliberate, and, in

 7     my respectful submission, the evidence can only be interpreted as that

 8     his position was one of defiance towards the Chamber.  And that's exactly

 9     what the contempt powers were intended to deal with.

10             If one was to fast-forward a bit to the fall of 2008, I won't

11     refer to the specific date, but the evidence before you demonstrates that

12     the 2008 book came out in the fall of that year.  And, in fact, the

13     evidence is much more specific than that.  It virtually pin-points a

14     date.

15             The evidence before you, in terms of the transcripts that have

16     been tendered - some are in private session, some are in open - the

17     transcripts demonstrate that the accused is the author of the 2008 book.

18     And on the basis of the evidence as a whole, there doesn't appear to be

19     any dispute on that; that appears to be common ground, although there was

20     no formal admission in that respect.

21             The timing of the publication of the book is clear, in the way

22     that I've just described it, and the orders were all in place at the time

23     of publication, subject to VS-010, where the pseudonym was lifted, but

24     the rest of the protective measures remained in place.

25             It would be open to the Chamber to conclude that by virtue of the

Page 353

 1     litigation in which the accused engaged unsuccessfully with respect to

 2     protective measures, in some fashion prompted the publication of the book

 3     because, on the one hand, you have a clear understanding of the role of

 4     the Chamber, and then later that same year, you have the situation where

 5     the book starts to roll out in both hard copy and electronic.

 6             The book breached the orders in two respects.  First of all, it

 7     disclosed information that enabled the reader to identify the 11

 8     protected witnesses by publishing their full names, publishing their

 9     address, publishing their identity card numbers.  And you heard the

10     witnesses look at it and say, Yeah, that's me, that's my personal

11     information.  And in several instances, the book went further than that

12     to include identifying information such as date of birth, place of birth,

13     occupation, and unique citizen numbers.

14             This is not a case where the identifying information tends to, or

15     is capable, or may identify a protected witness.  This is a case where

16     the information published actually does identify the protected witness.

17             The 2008 book goes, actually, further than that.  In addition to

18     focusing on identifying information, there is a second aspect to the

19     breaches, and that is the book reprints witness statements from

20     submissions to the Chamber that had been reclassified by Chambers as

21     confidential.

22             So there's really two dimensions to the breaches, the information

23     and the submissions that the accused had filed, which have been

24     reclassified to his knowledge.  And you have proces-verbal in the

25     evidence, and you also have the filing policy which was delivered to him

Page 354

 1     as evidence by proces-verbal.  So there can be no doubt that there was

 2     two aspects, and two aspects to his knowledge.

 3             The submissions clearly originated from the accused, were

 4     reclassified, and invariably, on the face of the first page, it is noted

 5     that it was reclassified at the direction of the Chamber.  So there was

 6     formal notice to the accused that these were confidential and could not

 7     be published, but they were.

 8             Concerning the evidence as a whole and the 2008 book, it's my

 9     submission that the evidence has demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt

10     that the publication of the information was deliberate and defiant, and

11     certainly not accidental.  The accused knew about the orders and decided

12     to publish identifying information in any event.

13             That's a quick overview of the case for the Prosecution.  I would

14     like to provide the Chamber with my submissions concerning the evidence

15     adduced by the accused.

16             I think it's fair to say that certainly with respect to the first

17     two or three witnesses, we were all over the map, and almost all of the

18     evidence was not relevant to the issues as I identified them at the

19     beginning of my comments.  So my overall submission is that the vast

20     majority of the evidence tendered by the accused is not responsive to the

21     true issues in the case and, for that reason, is largely irrelevant.

22             Perhaps the high-water mark for the case for the Defence was

23     evidence concerning some of the witnesses, who indicated that now they

24     didn't mind if the evidence was published.  That's now and in recent

25     times.  The law on that is quite clear.

Page 355

 1             The Jovic decision from the Appeals Chamber is, in my view, in my

 2     respectful submission, virtually dispositive on this point.  The

 3     Appeals Chamber said:

 4             "An order remains in force until a Chamber decides otherwise.

 5     The fact that some portions of the witness's written statement or

 6     closed-session testimony may have been disclosed by another third party

 7     does not mean that this information was no longer protected, that the

 8     court order had been, de facto, lifted, or that its violation would not

 9     interfere with the Tribunal's administration of justice."

10             To a like effect and to take the matter even further, the

11     Appeals Chamber delivered a decision in Marijacic and Rebic.  In that

12     particular case, significantly, the protective measures granted to the

13     witness were lifted after he had testified, but before charges were laid.

14     The accused was, nonetheless, found guilty at trial, and the conviction

15     was affirmed on appeal, with the Appeals Chamber saying as follows:

16             "A court order remains in force until a Chamber decides

17     otherwise.  The Appeals Chamber, proprio motu, notes that the fact that

18     the aforementioned information today is no longer confidential does not

19     present an obstacle to a conviction for having published the information

20     at a time when it was still under protection."

21             Those two decisions, in my submission, are virtually dispositive

22     of this case.

23             I will, in my closing comments, have some remarks with respect to

24     the seriousness of the breach, as well as a recommendation with respect

25     to the sentence that would seem to be appropriate in the event of

Page 356

 1     conviction.  But before I deal with that, and I'll deal with that in a

 2     matter of perhaps four or five minutes, I would like to turn to my

 3     colleague for a submission with respect to the electronic side of the

 4     case, if I can call it that.

 5             MS. WANLIN:  Good afternoon, Your Honours.

 6             In the event of a finding of guilt, the scope of the disclosure

 7     is a factor that should be considered for sentencing.

 8             And if I might, I would like to move into private session for a

 9     moment, please.

10             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.

11                           [Private session]

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20                           [Open session]

21             JUDGE KWON:  Yes.

22             Please continue, Ms. Wanlin.

23             MS. WANLIN:  Thank you, Your Honour.

24             The availability of the book in electronic format on the

25     accused's web site is a fundamentally different nature than his hard-copy

Page 358

 1     version.  The fact that the web site is his own, and that he controls the

 2     content on the web site, has been established in several documents,

 3     including P8 through 13 and P14 through 17, as well as others.  I don't

 4     believe that issue is in dispute, but it's good to establish for the

 5     record.

 6             The fact that the book has been published on-line can be seen

 7     through Exhibits P58.1 and 59, which are both screenshots of the

 8     publication in question.

 9             The date of the publication on-line, although we can't establish

10     it directly, we can note that it is through the Exhibits P63 and P64,

11     that these are references to the book on a web forum.  And if you look at

12     the arrows on those respective exhibits, you will note that there are

13     dates that those entries have been made.  So other individuals have made

14     reference to the fact that this book has been published on the accused's

15     web site.  I won't mention the dates, but they are identified quite

16     clearly on the exhibits.

17             The fact that the book remains on-line has been made clear

18     through the submissions of the accused at the last hearing on the 22nd of

19     February of this year, as well as we have a submission from December of

20     this year that sets the date there as well.

21             By making the book available in PDF format on his web site, the

22     accused is able to accomplish a number of things that he could not do in

23     the print format.  I would turn your attention to P57.1, which it states

24     on the web site that it is available in PDF format and that it can be

25     downloaded free of charge.  This ensures that he has unlimited and

Page 359

 1     immediate access to his existing readership.  Readers don't have to go to

 2     a bookstore, they don't have to order anything to be delivered.  In the

 3     matter of a few keystrokes, they can have the information that they are

 4     seeking.  He's not bound by costs associated with publication.  He has an

 5     unlimited number.

 6             The second factor I would like to point out is that this web site

 7     is indexed.  And if you'll allow me to explain the importance of this

 8     fact.  It allows the accused to increase his readership.  An individual

 9     who might not know about the book, but is interested in the proceedings,

10     might hear a name, enter it into a search engine, and a number of entries

11     come up, including the book of the accused.  And, therefore, someone who

12     might not necessarily know to look through a book that is several

13     hundreds of pages has found it again in a matter of a few clicks of a

14     mouse and a few keystrokes.

15             Typically, materials and information can be hidden in a book, and

16     when you pick up a book, you don't necessarily know which words are found

17     in it or which names, as is relevant in this circumstance.  I would draw

18     your attention to P60, P61 and P62 for support for that premise.

19             What you will see in these exhibits is a key-word search of

20     the -- sorry, I'm referring to P60 at the moment.  It's in Cyrillic, the

21     names of certain of the individuals who have been identified by the book.

22     And you'll note in each of these references that this is on the very

23     first page of a Google search.  And for any of you who have done a

24     key-word search, the first hits are the ones that you usually will refer

25     to.  So this is not hidden in the obscurity of pages and pages down.

Page 360

 1     This is the first hits that come up.

 2             Another factor that I would like to point out is:  Because the

 3     book is available in PDF format, the reader doesn't have to sift through

 4     pages and pages and pages to find what they're looking for.  If they hear

 5     a name being referred to in gossip or chatter at the cafe, they can

 6     simply go to the PDF document, enter it in, and in a matter of seconds

 7     they have found the information that they're looking for, unlike having

 8     to go through a book of a hundred -- or several hundred pages, pardon me.

 9     Therefore, finding the information, whether by accident or with intent,

10     is much easier through the electronic disclosure than it would be in the

11     hard-copy disclosure.

12             The next factor that should be considered is that once the

13     accused made this information available on his web site, individuals who

14     are interested might, as we have seen through the evidence, make a link

15     on another web site.  And you'll note that Exhibits P63 and P67 are

16     examples of different web forums where individuals have posted links to

17     Mr. Seselj's web site, and specifically links to the book, in particular.

18     An individual who goes to that forum simply has to click on that link and

19     the book is available immediately.

20             Now, it's not simply these web forums, that might be somewhat

21     obscure, that refer to this book, but a quite well-known web site,

22     Wikipedia, I think that average users that might not have any interest in

23     the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, the matters that we are dealing

24     with on a regular basis here in The Hague, might go to Wikipedia and come

25     across a link to this web site -- pardon me, to the book, specifically,

Page 361

 1     which adds a certain degree of credibility to the source.  You can find

 2     the references to that in Exhibit P68.

 3             I will also point out that the URL for these last sections go

 4     directly back to the web site of the accused.  Therefore, removing the

 5     book from the web site will effectively eliminate the fact that

 6     references can be made back through these hyperlinks.

 7             However, I would turn your attention to Exhibit P70, which is

 8     another phenomena that results from electronic publication, and that is:

 9     Once a document is made available, other sites might host it.  So after

10     the accused made his book available on his web site, somebody who has one

11     of these file-sharing web sites simply can take a copy of the book and

12     uploads it on their site.  If you notice Exhibit P71, what is happening

13     in that exhibit, somebody has clicked the link and it opens up the book.

14     The challenge that is faced by those wanting to reduce the scope of the

15     publication is that even removing the book from the web site at this

16     point will have no affect on those.  The evidence has two different sites

17     that are currently hosting the book.

18             Therefore, my submission is that the scope of the disclosure is

19     significantly increased as a result of publication on-line.

20             Now, a second factor that should be considered is a fact that was

21     mentioned in the last hearing, and that is that the accused has

22     endeavoured to stay in front of the actions of the Registry to remove the

23     publications.  He has moved his web site from place to place to place,

24     from web host to web host to web host, which suggests a defiance that

25     needs to be considered as an aggravating circumstance in this case.

Page 362

 1             And I will turn the microphone over to my colleague,

 2     Mr. MacFarlane.  Thank you.

 3             MR. MacFARLANE:  It appears that I will be able to complete

 4     within -- well within the one-hour period, happily.  I'll just take,

 5     perhaps, four or five minutes to deal with the issue of aggravating

 6     circumstances, because I do submit that that plays an important role in

 7     this case.

 8             The actions of the accused, I submit, can be summarised with

 9     three descriptors, three words.  His actions were deliberate, his actions

10     were disingenuous, and his actions were defiant.  And I would like to

11     point to half a dozen aspects of the case in support for that

12     proposition.  Number 1, the publications emerged after quite full and

13     vigorous litigation conducted by the accused.  Number 2, the Chamber

14     afforded the accused an opportunity to remove the book from the web site

15     through a qualified order, give him a chance to deal with it, and he

16     didn't.  An unqualified order resulted to remove the book from his web

17     site.  The evidence also demonstrates that in terms of the electronic

18     side of the case, that the accused has engaged at least one relative to

19     assist him, and I submit that that is an aggravating feature of the case.

20             In Exhibit 4 of the Bar Table motion evidence that was tendered

21     in open session, the Presiding Judge in the main trial gave the accused a

22     very specific warning about not publishing protected witnesses.  He did

23     that on the 3rd of April of 2008, several months before publication.  The

24     Presiding Judge said:

25             "As you know, Mr. Seselj, you're a qualified lawyer, so you know,

Page 363

 1     like everyone here, the statements of protected witnesses are, by

 2     definition, also protected, and it's absolutely banned to publish,

 3     outside this legal arena, these kinds of comments."

 4             The Presiding Judge also said that the consequences could be huge

 5     for failing to abide by the law.  So we have a warning specifically on

 6     the record and public.

 7             The accused's position overall, his broad position, in my

 8     respectful submission, is quite disingenuous.  He appears to say that if

 9     a witness or he doesn't see a need for confidentiality, that they're

10     really not protected witnesses.  Tab 5 -- Exhibit 5 is instructive in

11     that respect.  It was in private session, so I will simply note the page

12     number so that it can be noted.  It's page 10995.  And in tab 11, a

13     similar demonstration by the accused that he's really the one that's

14     going to make the assessment of confidentiality.  It's in private

15     session, so I'll simply note the page number, which is page 5831.

16             My colleague, Ms. Wanlin, alluded to a further aggravating

17     feature, but I'd like to take it a bit further.

18             The accused noted that -- in open session that he had sold 10.000

19     of the hard-copy books, but, significantly, he then moved it onto the web

20     site.  So it was a compounding of the contemptuous act.  His reference to

21     the 10.000 copies can be found in Exhibit 5.

22             The accused, in the next feature -- the second-last feature that

23     I'd like to comment on, seemed to be almost flippant in terms of removing

24     the book from the web site.  His view was that, Well, we'll wait until

25     the proceedings are completed, and then I'll see.  It's Exhibit 16,

Page 364

 1     page 14749, lines 15 and 16.

 2             And, finally, with a touch of irony, the accused appears to

 3     believe that with being charged with contempt, that actually increases

 4     interest in his book, increases interest in his web site, and so, in a

 5     bizarre sense, he almost appears to be welcoming being charged because it

 6     advances his agenda; in open session, Exhibit 14.

 7             Given those aggravating circumstances, and given the fact of a

 8     previous conviction for contempt of court, which is before the Court -

 9     it's a matter of public record - for which he was sentenced to 15 months,

10     it's my respectful submission that in the event of a conviction on this

11     occasion, the appropriate sentence would be in the vicinity of three

12     years' imprisonment.

13             Thank you.

14             JUDGE KWON:  We'll have a break for 15 minutes and then hear from

15     you, Mr. Seselj.

16             We resume at 25 past.

17                           --- Recess taken at 5.11 p.m.

18                           --- On resuming at 5.30 p.m.

19             JUDGE KWON:  Yes, Mr. Seselj.

20             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] The Hague Tribunal is an illegal

21     court.  That court was established by an organ of the United Nations, the

22     Security Council.  That is, indeed, a high organ of the United Nations,

23     but according to the Charter, this organ does not have the right to

24     establish international courts of law.  Therefore, the Security Council

25     abused Chapter 7 of the Charter that speaks of measures to be taken in

Page 365

 1     order to establish peace anywhere in the world.  And as one of the

 2     peacekeeping measures, they claim that the ad hoc tribunal of the former

 3     Yugoslavia could be one.

 4             Normal courts of law have the right to administer justice, to

 5     establish justice, not peace.  Justice and peace are two very different

 6     interests.  Sometimes they may be in concordance, but sometimes they are

 7     in deep collision.  Sometimes you face a dilemma.  You are either going

 8     to choose justice or peace.

 9             This Tribunal always avoided initiating a discussion on its

10     legality.  When this discussion started in the first proceedings here,

11     that is to say, the trial of Dusan Tadic, as an interesting irony of

12     history, the legality of this Tribunal was challenged by the current

13     Judge, Alphons Orie, together with Attorney Wladimiroff.  At that time,

14     Orie was co-counsel in the Tadic case, and they, together, challenged the

15     legality of the Tribunal.  The Trial Chamber that decided on that

16     inverted logic.  They proved that the Tribunal was legal.  They avoided a

17     debate on illegality.

18             An institutions whose legality is being challenged cannot decide

19     itself on its own legality.  It has to be someone else who is above that

20     institution, and that could have been only the International Court of

21     Justice, which is, regrettably, also here in The Hague.

22             After this illegal Tribunal was established, and after its

23     Statute was proclaimed in a resolution of the Security Council, the

24     Judges of that Tribunal wrote the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.  The

25     Rules of Procedure and Evidence have to be fully in accordance with the

Page 366

 1     Statute, and each and every one of its provisions has to be derived from

 2     the Statute.  The Statute does not provide for a violation entitled

 3     "Contempt of Court."  That was invented by the Judges, themselves, and it

 4     was incorporated in the Rules.  It was first done on the 11th of

 5     February, 1994, and then it was changed/amended in 1995, and then 1997

 6     twice, and in 2001.  In the first version, it was possible to impose a

 7     maximum sentence of one year of imprisonment, then a year and a half, and

 8     ultimately it came up to seven years.  So that was not done through the

 9     Statute.  It was through the Rules that a new crime was brought in.

10             In the contempt proceedings that were conducted, when that

11     provision was challenged, the Trial Chambers of The Hague Tribunal

12     concluded that that is the inherent power of the Tribunal.  It is.  In

13     any court of law -- in any country in any court of law, it is the Court,

14     itself, that decides whether there is contempt.  It can be disciplinary

15     measures.  Sometimes, if there is witness intimidation, it can even be

16     treated as a crime; a separate one, at that.  Yes, authority is inherent,

17     but the Court cannot, itself, prescribe the crime involved.  The Court

18     could have addressed the Security Council, asking to have the Statute

19     amended.  No one did that.  It was the Judges, themselves, who willfully

20     did that, because they thought that they were smart enough and capable

21     enough to do that.  That is how this new crime came into being, totally

22     unknown in the Statute, at that.  Of course, there is a justification for

23     that.

24             If certain sanctions can be imposed against a witness who refuses

25     to testify, in modern legislation the law prescribes what kind of

Page 367

 1     punishment can be meted out, and then the court of law, itself, says what

 2     the range is going to be in each and every particular case.  Also, who

 3     refuses to appear before the Trial Chamber or who refuses to disclose

 4     certain documents can also be subjected to sanctions, but those

 5     prescribed by law, who intimidates witnesses, who tries to bribe a

 6     witness, or anyone else who has to do with the proceedings; trying to

 7     bribe a Judge, a Prosecutor, a lawyer, and so on.  All of these crimes

 8     can be sanctioned exclusively by law.

 9             Now, what can the Court do?  Just apply the law.  Whereas here,

10     it is the Court that creates the law and applies the law.  There is no

11     control over the judiciary here, even if it were a legal court, let alone

12     the fact that it is not a legal court.

13             As for the disclosure of information and the identity of

14     protected witnesses, even common law and civil law know of the institute

15     of witness protection.  However, in your legal system, Mr. Morrison, or

16     in your legal system, Mr. Hall - I did not study the South Korean legal

17     system, so I don't know - there is no situation as follows: that the

18     identity of witnesses is protected during testimony, or, rather, the

19     public is never deprived of the right to know what the identity of a

20     witness is.  In civilised countries, the public may be kept out of a

21     particular court case that have to do with marriage, rape, and other

22     sexual crimes, and also in many cases of espionage.  Quite a few

23     countries in the world allow for that possibility, but the question

24     remains whether that can be accepted as part of international customary

25     law; that is to say, whether it has gone beyond that critical point of

Page 368

 1     application in many countries so that it can be considered as part of

 2     international customary law.

 3             In civilised countries, it is the police that protects the

 4     sensitive witness, a witness who is in danger.  It can be a witness who

 5     is a collaborator, who took part in the commission of a crime and then

 6     repented, or is part of a plea agreement in order to remain unpunished or

 7     with lesser punishment.  However, the public does know who that witness

 8     is.  The police protects that witness until the witness enters the

 9     courtroom.  The witness testifies under his full name, in the presence of

10     the public.  Once that trial -- or, rather, once that testimony is over,

11     if it is assessed that there is a danger involved, and nothing can be

12     done without his consent, then his identity is changed, and his place of

13     residence, and even the identity of his entire family, and then he is

14     relocated so as to avoid the revenge of his former criminal friends or

15     the mafia, who wishes to take its revenge against a witness who testified

16     against them.  It can also be a witness who was a victim, too, not

17     necessarily one of their companions.  In the civilised world, that is

18     possible.

19             However, The Hague Tribunal is not part of the civilised world.

20     It is an institution that was established like the Inquisition in the

21     Roman Catholic Church many years ago.  It has a task before it, and then

22     it is the duty of the Judges to discharge that task, and everything is

23     subordinated to that, the Office of the Prosecutor and many Defence

24     attorneys, almost all of those that are paid by the Tribunal, itself.

25     This is what has been happening.

Page 369

 1             In addition to resembling the Inquisition of the Roman Catholic

 2     Church, this Court resembles the Star Chambers Court of England which is

 3     several hundred years old.  I think, Mr. Morrison, you know better than I

 4     do about this Court.  This Court created rules as they went along ad hoc.

 5     So this is how the High Tribunal looks like.

 6             I was unfortunate enough to spend years here and to have an

 7     opportunity to study all of this, and I wrote a number of books.  I'm not

 8     talking about the books where I ridiculed Judges and Prosecutors,

 9     et cetera.  I'm talking about serious scientific books.  And, that is,

10     The Hague Prosecutors are not a match for me; neither are these witnesses

11     brought here who just come here, and shine for a moment, and have no

12     chance of out-shining me.

13             What we have here is a proceedings for contempt of court, and

14     there were several such proceedings.  Some were tried for intimidating

15     witnesses - I think his name was Beqaj, I think he was sentenced to five

16     or six months in prison.  He did not launch an appeal because he had

17     already served that sentence.  Some were tried for refusing to testify;

18     for example, Ljubisa Petkovic in my case; Dragan Jokic, in the Popovic

19     et al case.  And also tried were people for unauthorised disclosure of

20     confidential information.  For example, some Croatian journalists

21     published entire lists of witnesses from the Blaskic case and from other

22     cases as well.  The sentences pronounced were either up to four months in

23     prison or token fines.

24             I'm not telling you this because I am afraid of your sentence.

25     You may easily sentence me to death.  It is your right.  You just get

Page 370

 1     together and you do it quickly.  To me, that would be an ideal end to my

 2     political and legal career.  Therefore, I'm not interested whether you

 3     are going to sentence me to 15, 20, or I don't know how many years.  My

 4     mission here is to disassemble The Hague Tribunal, and I have been doing

 5     that successfully for eight and a half years.  I may continue to do so

 6     for another eight and a half years, until I have accomplished my mission,

 7     because that is my mission and that is my life, because I want to show to

 8     the world public that this is not the Court that operates according to

 9     the law, but under the dictate of major powers such as the US, the

10     United Kingdom, the European Union and NATO.  This is my objective, and I

11     am going to achieve it.

12             Now, in view of the proceedings conducted against me - actually,

13     one of them has been finalised - I was sentenced to 15 months in prison.

14     Why?  Because in a book that contained 1200 pages, that had 2.400

15     journalistic pages, or columns, as journalists would call them, for

16     having mentioned witnesses under code, and for having allusion to certain

17     acts by certain people, so that someone who would read this book and

18     scrutinize it in detail could arrive at a conclusion that, in fact, the

19     man under a code-name is such-and-such person.  In other words, I did not

20     openly publish the names of protected witnesses.  This huge book was

21     perceived by the Trial Chamber as a puzzle that a smart and intelligent

22     person can read and then reach conclusions as to the identity of the

23     witnesses.  Unlike those who were tried for divulging directly the lists

24     of protected witnesses in the Blaskic case, or in other cases as well,

25     and who received up to four months' sentences in prison or token fines, I

Page 371

 1     was sentenced to 15 months, and I'm happy for that, because in front of

 2     the whole public -- world public, an unlawful act was committed, and a

 3     proceedings that is totally inappropriate was conducted especially for

 4     those who are jurists.

 5             In 2005, when I was first tried for contempt of court,

 6     proceedings were conducted simultaneously against Florence Hartmann.  She

 7     had been the Prosecution spokesperson for several years.  She published a

 8     book, and in that book she disclosed some strictly-confidential

 9     information that The Hague Tribunal had received under certain conditions

10     from the pro-Western treacherous regime in Serbia, and that is to say,

11     that this information can be used only in the trial against

12     Slobodan Milosevic and that it should not be given to anyone else.

13     Florence Hartmann published this in her book, and she was punished by a

14     token fine imposed on her, even though her criminal offence is much more

15     serious than anything that happened in The Hague Tribunal in the sphere

16     of court contempt.  She had abused her position that she held previously,

17     because that was the only way she could have obtained those documents.

18             Approximately at the same time, we both launched an appeal on

19     sentence.  My appeal was about 67 pages, because the Rules provide that

20     appeals to first-instance judgement can contain up to 100 pages, whereas

21     the appeal of Florence Hartmann was 92 pages' long, and I have it here.

22     The Appeals Chamber accepted her appeal of 92 pages, whereas they

23     returned my appeal with the instruction that I should reduce it to up to

24     30 pages because there was an internal enactment passed by the Tribunal

25     President which provides that in case of court contempt, a number of

Page 372

 1     pages of appeal must be reduced.  You can see how strong this

 2     discrimination against me is.

 3             Now, about a month or two ago, The Hague Tribunal decided that

 4     all the documents that had been confidential and for which

 5     Florence Hartmann was sentenced, would now become public.  They were

 6     first sent to the Muslim authorities in Sarajevo and then elsewhere.

 7     Florence Hartmann's appeal proceedings is still pending.  Her appeal was

 8     launched on the 9th of October, 2009.  After almost two years, the

 9     second-instance judgement was not passed yet, whereas in my case

10     everything was done so expediently and expeditiously.  Now, maybe,

11     waiting to have all these documents in the public domain, she will

12     receive even an even lesser punishment, which will amount, probably,

13     instead of a couple of thousand Euros to a couple of hundred Euros.  Now,

14     this is what is undermining in this Tribunal in its very foundation, and

15     I am delighted that this has occurred.

16             Now, speaking about the subject of these proceedings:  In 2009,

17     proceedings were initiated by a Trial Chamber, in which Mr. Kwon sat as

18     well, agreed to conduct these proceedings for this large book of 1200

19     pages, but they concluded that there were no sufficient conditions for

20     proceedings to be conducted against the so-called books which I'm not

21     going to mention by title in order to avoid the editing of the recording

22     and the redaction of the transcript.  The Trial Chamber has dismissed the

23     application by the Prosecution for the lack of sufficient ground for

24     instituting proceedings against Vojislav Seselj, because in the third

25     book - and the third book is exactly this one, and Mr. Kwon knows

Page 373

 1     that - divulged information by disclosing the names of witnesses and as

 2     the Prosecution requested.  The Chamber had reason to believe that I knew

 3     that protected witnesses were in question.  And now I'm citing

 4     paragraph 31:

 5             "Information from book number 3 indicate the identity of these

 6     persons only in terms of their being Defence witnesses.  They are never

 7     mentioned as Prosecution witnesses, nor are their pseudonyms

 8     revealed ..."

 9             So this is the conclusion reached by the Trial Chamber, and

10     I think that he was even the Presiding Judge.  It seems that it is the

11     destiny of Mr. Kwon to always sit on the Bench in my proceedings, so it

12     seems that after all these proceedings, he is preparing to conduct the

13     next one, until we reach number 10.  I tried to apply for

14     disqualification, I was not successful, and it seems that I cannot avoid

15     looking at Mr. Kwon in at least eight new proceedings.

16             I continue now with paragraph 31:

17             "Therefore, the Chamber has no sufficient grounds to suspect that

18     Seselj can be guilty of court contempt for having published, in his third

19     book, such information on the basis of which it would be possible to

20     identify these witnesses as protected witnesses for the Prosecution,

21     contrary to the orders issued by the Trial Chamber in the Seselj case."

22             Then the Prosecutor files an appeal with the Appeals Chamber.

23     And I have been clashing with them for eight years already.  I have

24     mocked their names in public, through the titles of my books.  So what

25     was their ruling?  They annul the decision of the Trial Chamber from

Page 374

 1     2009, and they order the initiation of contempt proceedings for this

 2     book.

 3             Mr. Morrison and Mr. Hall, I don't know what position you're

 4     going to take here.  No matter how much the two of us hate each other,

 5     Mr. Kwon has to remain consistent with his decision from 2009.  Nothing

 6     new appeared here that changes the factual situation that was well known

 7     in 2009, nothing new.  The book was on an internet site then.  Ten

 8     thousand copies of the book had already been sold then.  The price was

 9     very low.  I think it was 100 dinars per copy, because we didn't really

10     want to make any money at all.  We wanted it to reach the masses of

11     people as soon as possible so that they would see what kind of

12     proceedings are underway here against me and that compromise -- that

13     actually give a bad name to the Tribunal and to the Trial Chambers who

14     are trying me.

15             We have a few other things involved here.

16             In the main trial against me, more than half of the witnesses

17     enjoyed protective measures.  Some of them testified in completely closed

18     session.  I proved, very effectively, that they were false witnesses.

19     Then, several months ago, I filed criminal complaints against 44 false

20     witnesses from my case, 44 witnesses who appeared in court, testified,

21     almost all of them under protective measures, some of them in closed

22     session, and 4 persons that the OTP gave up on.

23             The President of the Tribunal, Patrick Robinson, rejected my

24     motion.  He said that he was not the organ in charge.

25             When I filed a criminal complaint against the former warden of

Page 375

 1     the prison, Timothy McFadden, because he disclosed confidential

 2     information that had to do with the private life of Slobodan Milosevic,

 3     then Patrick Robinson was in charge, and he established a Trial Chamber

 4     that would look into the matter.  That Trial Chamber was headed by

 5     Alphons Orie.  I think that Moloto was one of the members, and I can't

 6     remember the third one.  They haven't looked into the matter yet, but

 7     this is what was done.

 8             If, indeed, in this major case, involving 44 witnesses, it is

 9     only the Trial Chamber that is trying me that is in charge, then, Judges,

10     what you are trying me for over these few days would also fall under that

11     Trial Chamber.  And why not?  They didn't want to try me.  They said to

12     the President of the Tribunal that they would not be involved, so then

13     the President appointed the initial Trial Chamber from 2009, and now they

14     have appointed you.  Sometimes it's like this, and sometimes it's like

15     that.

16             If what Patrick Robinson says in his response is true, then it

17     wouldn't be Alphons Orie who would be in charge of McFadden, it would be

18     the Judges who tried Slobodan Milosevic, because in that trial there was

19     a breach of privacy.  All the press wrote about that, and Wikileaks

20     carried this information.  Timothy McFadden informed the American

21     ambassador in The Hague in writing about the private life and private

22     situation of Slobodan Milosevic, which is absolutely forbidden, and that

23     is much worse than all the things you refer to in Rule 77.

24             Now let us see how these proceedings will end.  Let's see what

25     Alphons Orie is going to write in his report.  I know in advance, but I

Page 376

 1     don't want to say it.  Maybe it wouldn't be fair.  Some day, he will have

 2     to file that report.

 3             What is the main problem that appears in The Hague Tribunal?  It

 4     is false witnesses.  Proceedings take place here very easily because of

 5     the disclosure of confidential information, but no one has been tried

 6     because of false testimony.

 7             Mr. Kwon was a member of the Trial Chamber of Slobodan Milosevic,

 8     and he knows full well that it was established there that more than 50

 9     witnesses, in their viva voce statements, completely denied the

10     preliminary statements that were written up for them by the Prosecution

11     after they were interviewed, over 50 of them.  We had an example here as

12     well.  That is why I had to be a bit more flexible with regard to my

13     basic principle not to question any witnesses who are testifying under

14     protective measures.  The witness I did examine here confirmed to you

15     that he gave false testimony in the Milosevic case, and that he was

16     forced to do so by the Prosecution.  I expected you, Mr. Kwon, to react.

17     I expected you to initiate proceedings because of that.

18             Do you not agree that false testimony is a far more serious crime

19     than disclosing protected information?  There is no comparison between

20     the two, in terms of the danger that threatens society.  Draconic

21     punishment is handed out by The Hague Tribunal primarily because of these

22     false witnesses and false testimony; Milan Martic, Stanislav Galic,

23     Dragomir Milosevic, Stakic, Brdjanin, and many others, Momcilo Krajisnik,

24     and so on.  I cannot even enumerate all of them, although I am familiar

25     with all the cases.  I have studied them all very thoroughly.  They were

Page 377

 1     sentenced to very high sentences because of false testimony, and no one

 2     was ever held responsible, none of these false witnesses.

 3             You know what the usual wording is when that happens?  In the

 4     judgements, the Judges write and say, Well, yes, he did provide false

 5     testimony, he provided some unreliable information, but the rest is true.

 6     You have that particular wording in many, many judgements.  Why?  Because

 7     everyone here is aware of the fact that this is a mass occurrence, this

 8     false testimony, and nobody reacts to it.

 9             On the basis of my criminal complaint, a friend of the Court was

10     established for the very first time.  The 7th of October is the dead-line

11     for him to look into the complaints that I filed against the Prosecution;

12     that is to say, making people provide false testimony.

13             Look at another thing that's very important here.  The

14     Trial Chamber in the main trial, the Trial Chamber that is presided over

15     by Judge Antonetti and whose members are Flavia Lattanzi and

16     Frederik Harhoff, they, themselves, provide this wording:

17             "Every witness can ultimately decide whether he is going to

18     testify before the Chamber without protective measures."

19             That is their own principle of the 3rd of March, 2008.  And then

20     already in 2009 or 2010, they, themselves, violate that principle, and

21     this very same witness, the first one that you sent back from here

22     because he did not want to testify under protective measures, that's

23     exactly how he fared during the main trial.  What do these principles

24     mean, then?

25             What happened was that Zoran Drazilovic did not find this order

Page 378

 1     sufficient, so with the assistance of his lawyer, he sent a request to

 2     the Trial Chamber that he be provided additional guarantees that once he

 3     came to The Hague, no one would impose protective measures on him.  So on

 4     the 14th of March, an additional order was issued, stating guarantees to

 5     Zoran Drazilovic that no protective measures would be imposed upon him

 6     and that only the Chamber and the Registry and VWS would be the only ones

 7     to contact him while he is in The Hague.  I assume that "VWS" stands for

 8     Victim and Witness Protection.  Once I received this decision, there was

 9     no doubt in my mind to the effect that each and every one of these

10     witnesses could decide to do away with his own protective measures.  That

11     is how I published the book.  That does not mean that I would not have

12     had the book published otherwise.  I would have published that book one

13     way or the other.  However, I was relaxed because of this position taken

14     by the Trial Chamber.  That I was quite right was confirmed by the first

15     Trial Chamber that made a decision on this, and Mr. Kwon was in that

16     Trial Chamber too.

17             Why did the Appeals Chamber do this?  You see, in 2009, the

18     Trial Chamber accepted the motion regarding three books, so the third one

19     is the one that you are trying me for right now.  Actually, had they

20     agreed to that, then the proceedings would have been simultaneous with

21     those for the book of 1200 pages.  It would have to be the same.  It's

22     the same three books, plus one.  However, first this draconic judgement

23     is passed with regard to one book, and then two years later then

24     proceedings are instituted with regard to another book.  That can only

25     happen in The Hague Tribunal.  In the civilised world, that could not

Page 379

 1     happen anywhere.

 2             Since no one wants to try false witnesses here, then I have to

 3     deal with them in public.  The public is my only weapon.

 4             You see that no one who testified in proceedings against accused

 5     Serbs - it's not only me, all the Serbs here - no matter how much false

 6     testimony they provided, they had no problems whatsoever.  People close

 7     to them could have despised them for it, could have stopped communicating

 8     with them, but their life was not at risk in any way.  They were not

 9     facing any security risks, so there is no such danger involved.  There is

10     another danger, though, and in my case it is the danger of the

11     Trial Chamber strangling me in the dark.  Well, I'm not going to let them

12     strangle me in the dark.  My only protection before the Judges of

13     The Hague Tribunal is the public, because I'm being tried by these

14     Judges.  It became obvious that they very rarely adjudicate on the basis

15     of the law.

16             It has been proven that this is a markedly anti-Serb tribunal.

17     Look at the indictments here.  Over 80 per cent of them were issued

18     against Serbs.  Less than 20 per cent are against Croats, Muslims,

19     Albanians and Macedonians.  It's an anti-Serb tribunal.  They are trying

20     to break the backbone of the Serb people.

21             I'm not being tried here on account of any war crimes.  I'm being

22     tried here for ideology.

23             Pursuant to Rule 98, although there was a very significant

24     disagreement among members of the Trial Chamber and Judge Antonetti

25     dissented, everything boils down to hate speech as a form of persecution.

Page 380

 1     You know that incitement must be direct and must lead directly to the

 2     commission of a crime.  Otherwise, if you do that in the media, it

 3     doesn't count.  And, anyway, a hate speech does not figure as a crime in

 4     international law.  You know that in Rwanda, there was incitement to

 5     genocide, which was depicted as hate speech.  And on the basis of that,

 6     it was included in the Statute, only on the basis of public incitement to

 7     genocide.  It is obvious that in the main trial, they have no grounds to

 8     convict me.

 9             Now, there is a whole series of proceedings for court contempt,

10     in which I intend to participate very actively, and I will do that in a

11     very patient way.  I might seem to you as a nervous person, but I can

12     tell you that I am very thorough and very patient.  Once one proceedings

13     is completed, I'm going to create conditions for the next one.  As soon

14     as we finish the next one, I'm going to prepare myself for the next one

15     and the next one, up to 10.  That's what I decided.  And it's not my

16     problem; it is your problem, how you're going to get away from that.

17     What are you going to do if all the aggregate sentences for contempt of

18     court in my case reach 10 years?

19             I am a defiant person, and Mr. MacFarlane concluded that

20     correctly, and I am proud of that characteristic of mine.  As the great

21     leader of the whole Korean people, Kim Jong-Il, said, Who fights for the

22     truth, freedom and justice sincerely must be ready to sacrifice

23     themselves.  Now, as a follower of this thought of Kim Jong-Il, I am

24     prepared to sacrifice myself.  I am going to win.  Even if I die, I will

25     be the winner.

Page 381

 1             Here, Mr. MacFarlane enumerated some six or eight submissions or

 2     theses, and I'm going to tackle a number of them.  He mentioned

 3     aggravating circumstances, and he said that I did it on purpose.  Of

 4     course I did.  He said that that was a spiteful act.  Of course it was,

 5     because I knew it was going to deliver a heavy blow on

 6     The Hague Tribunal, because this book is a testimony to what kind of

 7     court proceedings are being conducted in this Tribunal.

 8             Then he said that I was pretending the whole time.  I never

 9     pretended.  I always speak openly, and I speak my mind, and I am playing

10     with my cards on the table.  Why?  Because I feel superior.  I feel

11     superior to all of you.  You cannot suppress my feeling of superiority.

12     No one can do that.  You will have to find someone more intelligent than

13     me, someone more educated than me, a better lawyer, and I never met such

14     a person in my life.

15             Okay, let's move on.

16             Mr. MacFarlane also said, and that hurt a bit, that I engaged at

17     least one of my relatives to run my internet site.  That is not true.

18     The chief editor of my internet site is my oldest son, Nikola Seselj, and

19     I am proud of that.  I am proud of his name and his participation in

20     that, and that is the guarantee that no one will do anything there

21     against my will.  All the Tribunal orders would be in vain, and it cannot

22     be shut down.  First, they have tracked the provider in Sweden, and there

23     was an order issued for the web site to be closed.  I managed to find a

24     provider in Germany.  Then I found another one in Serbia.  So my site was

25     never shut down for more than 24 hours.  Now I have a provider in

Page 382

 1     California that ignores all kinds of orders.  It seems that the State of

 2     California has a modern democratic order, and no courts in California

 3     will abide by any orders issued to them.  And, therefore, my internet

 4     site is safe.  The Tribunal cannot do anything against the State of

 5     California.  They cannot even declare war on them.  Therefore, my

 6     internet site will survive me, and everything posted there would never be

 7     removed.

 8             Mr. MacFarlane is talking some rubbish.  He said that I was

 9     disingenuous.  I don't know where he got this from.  I have always been

10     completely candid, even if that was to my disadvantage.  He also said

11     that I was arrogant and defiant.  Yes, I am defiant, and I'm also

12     arrogant.  Why not?  Anyone who is superior has the right to be arrogant.

13     Only stupid people, it doesn't suit them to act arrogantly.  As for those

14     who are superior are fully entitled to act arrogantly.  That is what is

15     expected of them until someone more superior emerges.  Try to find

16     someone more superior to me.  I think that you, yourselves, are

17     disappointed in the capabilities of Mr. MacFarlane, and I hope that for

18     the future proceedings, you're going to find a different friend of the

19     Court, because I don't think it is appropriate, and it is very awkward to

20     keep looking at Mr. MacFarlane getting entangled in his own words.  And I

21     hope you will find someone who would be a match for me as an adversary in

22     this courtroom.

23             Ms. Wanlin spoke about my web site.  I am, as I said, proud of my

24     son, Nikola Seselj, and his collaborators.  He's not doing this himself,

25     but he's my editor-in-chief.  We have a developed network of links with

Page 383

 1     other sites.  Everything is delivered and distributed at lightning speed,

 2     and no one can shut us down.

 3             He also said that I pre-empted any bans that the Registry wanted

 4     to impose.  That is true.  Whatever the Registry tried to do, I already

 5     had a ready-made response, thanks to my son, Nikola, and his

 6     collaborator; immediately, automatically.  And, of course, everything can

 7     be downloaded free of charge.  I do not want to charge anyone for my

 8     struggle against The Hague Tribunal.  I am fighting against this Tribunal

 9     to destroy it and raze it to the ground so that no one would ever decide

10     again to establish such ad-hoc tribunals.

11             I'm not concerned about my survival, but I do have ideals, I have

12     my objectives.  One of my political objectives is to destroy The Hague

13     Tribunal with strong arguments.  If you see the Tribunal as a tank, I'm

14     going to jump in front of the caterpillar of that tank with an explosive,

15     and that is my intention.  I managed to do that to a great extent

16     already, because nobody in the world believes that the proceedings, the

17     main proceedings conducted against me are based on the law and the legal

18     principles.

19             All jurists worldwide realise my basic human rights have been

20     violated.  Nobody in the world can justify these court contempt

21     proceedings.  Nobody can justify the secrecy of proceedings.  Various

22     methods of manipulation have been developed in this Tribunal.  These

23     proceedings are very expensive, and none of the Serbs have so far been

24     able to afford their own defence.  And they say, Well, the Tribunal will

25     cover the expenses.  Yes, they will do so, but provided you choose a

Page 384

 1     counsel from their own list, in which case the counsel works for the

 2     Tribunal, not for the defendant.  We have the example of the first

 3     appearance -- initial appearance of the famous Serbian general,

 4     Ratko Mladic.  Ratko Mladic stated that he hadn't seen the indictment,

 5     and then Judge Alphons Orie asked the standby counsel, appointed without

 6     the consent of Ratko Mladic, whether he read the indictment, and the

 7     counsel stood up and said, yes, he did.  They're still keeping

 8     General Ratko Mladic in isolation in a darkened room, and I don't know

 9     who is going there to interview him, whether it's people from the

10     Registry or from the Prosecution, but we see that something is going on.

11     They are trying to achieve something while he is in isolation.  But you

12     will see how long it will take for him to create his Defence team.  That

13     is what they tried to do with me.

14             As soon as I came here, Judge Schomburg imposed on me a standby

15     Defence counsel.  It took me four years to get rid of that standby

16     counsel.  First it was a Serb, then a Dutchman, and then immediately

17     prior to the beginning of the trial, an Englishman was appointed as my

18     Defence counsel, against my will.  And I made so much effort to challenge

19     and to reject that, so eventually they accepted all my requests.  They

20     changed the Trial Chamber, they dismissed all the standby counsel, that

21     they allowed the visit of my spouse, Jadranka, and that I received all

22     the papers and documents exclusively in the Serbian language.  So all my

23     requests have been granted.  Once that was accomplished, I could hardly

24     wait for the trial to begin.  The trial is still in progress, because

25     they're really finding it difficult to find what to charge me with.

Page 385

 1             You will see for yourselves that you have nothing to find me

 2     guilty of.

 3             Now, this is a test of your conscience, whether you're going to

 4     pass a conviction and, in this way, deserve to take part in some other

 5     proceedings in the future, or whether you're going to acquit me and, in

 6     this way, have the Americans, NATO, the European Union, and many others

 7     put you in their bad books.  So it's for you to decide.  Mr. Kwon already

 8     gave himself a bad name in the previous proceedings.  Mr. Morrison,

 9     Mr. Hall, are you going to do that?  It is up to you.

10             Now, what is it that matters to me?  What I find important in

11     these proceedings as well is to say whatever I had to say before the

12     public.  I'm pleased because of that.  I just abhor the secrecy of any

13     proceedings.  As soon as I can say things in public, everything in

14     public, I am quite satisfied, and I'm not interested in your judgement at

15     all.

16             Don't listen to Mr. MacFarlane.  You don't want that kind of a

17     pittance of a judgement.  Give me a 30-year imprisonment or something

18     like that.

19             There were some judgements where the laws of Spain from the days

20     of Franco, and the laws of South Africa in the days of apartheid, were

21     referred to.  You can find support for whatever you want to do anywhere,

22     with Idi Amin, or Jean Bedel Bokassa I, or the Communist dictator, Tito,

23     or Hitler, or Stalin.  You know, Hitler may be the greatest criminal in

24     the history of mankind; not maybe, but that is for sure.  But

25     Georgi Dimitrov was acquitted, even under Hitler, because he was found

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 1     not guilty.  That is not possible here.  Only two Serbs were acquitted

 2     here just so that people could see that the Tribunal is capable of

 3     acquitting some Serb.  That was the case of Major Radic, because they

 4     didn't manage to prove anything.  They didn't manage to prove anything in

 5     the case of some others, but they were found guilty, nevertheless.  Also,

 6     they acquitted Milan Milutinovic because, poor him, he was proving

 7     throughout the proceedings that he was clashing with Slobodan Milosevic

 8     at the relevant time, and the Trial Chamber accepted that.  I read that

 9     in the judgement against the Serbian political and military leaders who

10     were charged with alleged crimes in Kosovo and Metohija.  That's it,

11     that's the kind of tribunal this is.

12             Is my hour about to expire now?  Can somebody help me with this?

13     Do I have any more time left?  Do I have a little bit of time left?

14             JUDGE KWON:  If necessary, please carry on.  You passed -- or

15     it's almost an hour, but it's up to you.  I'm not limiting your time.

16             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] All right.  This is the first time

17     that I have had a favourable surprise coming from your side, Mr. Kwon.

18     However, I'm not going to abuse that.  I am going to finish within three

19     or four minutes.

20             So these proceedings are being brought to an end, and these

21     proceedings remain in history.  One day, when someone impartial assesses

22     all of these proceedings, then these people will be judging both you and

23     me.  That is the judgement of history or of science.  That's what it's

24     called.  I am pleased by the fact that in the future, there will not be a

25     single serious textbook in the field of law that will be written without

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 1     referring to the proceedings against me here, and part of these criminal

 2     proceedings are these many contempt proceedings, some of which have

 3     already taken place, and others are yet to take place.

 4             In this case, the procedure is quite simple.  Once a decision was

 5     made, and then it was sent back for a review - nothing happened in the

 6     meantime - all the witnesses explicitly said that they had revealed their

 7     own identity, there is no proof of me revealing the identity of protected

 8     witnesses, and so on and so forth.

 9             Now, what will the judgement of the public be?  There are people

10     who don't care about what the judgement of the public is.  These are

11     people who are usually considered to be anti-social, dishonourable,

12     dishonest, et cetera.  All honourable people set great store by their

13     reputation, the judgement of the public, their morality.  All honourable

14     people set great store by their own dignity.  My very personal feeling of

15     dignity makes it incumbent on me to fight the new international order by

16     all means; the American domination, NATO, the European Union, and

17     The Hague Tribunal that is one of their criminal instruments.  I'm going

18     to do that at any cost, even my life, and you do whatever you please.

19             To be quite frank, I'm not even interested in your judgement.

20     The judgement that you are going to pass will some day be a judgement for

21     you.  Bear that in mind.

22             That is what I had to say.

23             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you, Mr. Seselj.

24             Do you have anything in rebuttal, Mr. MacFarlane?

25             MR. MacFARLANE:  No, I don't.  Thank you.

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 1             JUDGE KWON:  Thank you.

 2                           [Trial Chamber confers]

 3             JUDGE MORRISON:  Just one short question, to which I hope there

 4     can be a short answer, Mr. Seselj.  It's an entirely academic

 5     proposition, really.

 6             If the Tribunal, itself, can't create its jurisprudence, would

 7     you be suggesting that that was a function of the Security Council?  And

 8     if so, would you be suggesting that the Security Council had a

 9     parliamentary function?

10             THE ACCUSED: [Interpretation] It pretended and acted as if it had

11     a legislative role.  But according to the Charter, it cannot have that

12     kind of role, in terms of establishing institutions.  It does have a

13     certain legislative role, but that is strictly defined in the Charter.

14     This legislative role of the Security Chamber is based on binding

15     resolutions in order to establish peace, preserve peace, et cetera.

16     However, there is no legislative role in the establishment of

17     international courts, ad-hoc ones or permanent ones.  The establishment

18     of a real international criminal court, and the Rome Statutes, and the

19     Rules of Procedure and Evidence, demonstrated how this Court was supposed

20     to be established, had it been done properly.  The greatest negation of

21     The Hague Tribunal is the permanent International Criminal Court.

22             JUDGE MORRISON:  Thank you.

23             JUDGE KWON:  We'll rise, and we'll set the date for the delivery

24     of the judgement in due course.

25             The hearing is now adjourned.

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 1                           --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned at 6.34 p.m.,

 2                           sine die.






