Tribunal Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

Page 17640

1 Thursday, 16 January 2003

2 [Open session]

3 [The accused entered court]

4 --- Upon commencing at 9.01 a.m.

5 JUDGE ORIE: Madam Registrar, would you please call the case.

6 THE REGISTRAR: Case number IT-98-29-T, the Prosecutor versus

7 Stanislav Galic.

8 JUDGE ORIE: Thank you, Madam Registrar.

9 The Chamber owes a decision to the Prosecution. The Prosecution

10 has requested to reconsider the time available for the Prosecution for

11 cross-examination of Witness DP35. The Chamber will grant to a very

12 limited extent the request. That means that the Prosecutor -- the

13 Prosecution has another 20 minutes net time for cross-examination. "Net

14 time" means that interruptions, whatever, will not be part of those 20

15 minutes. So 20 minutes effective time for further cross-examination.

16 Among others, the Chamber has taken into consideration the

17 efficiency of the time -- the efficiency with which the time available was

18 used. The Chamber has in mind, for example, that coming to the rhythm of

19 firing of a 40-millimetre weapon, it might have not taken half an hour to

20 get there through 20, 30, and then finally 40-millimetre.

21 The Chamber also has taken into consideration that the

22 presentation of the Prosecutor's case primarily should take place during

23 the first part of the trial. And of course, the Prosecution is entitled,

24 just as the Defence was, to take advantage of Rule 90(H) in order to

25 present relevant parts of its own case if one can expect that a witness

Page 17641

1 has knowledge of it, but that would not justify a firm expectation of what

2 can be expected from the other party in respect of calling witnesses. If

3 they are called, Rule 90(H) applies. If they're finally not called, the

4 Prosecution will have to rely on time available for the case presentation

5 at the beginning of the trial.

6 The Chamber has granted extra time in respect of Witness DP35

7 already because the Chamber sees that this witness is not without

8 importance for the Prosecution. It grants another 20 minutes, and then

9 we'll move on.

10 Mr. Usher, could you please escort Witness DP35 into the

11 courtroom.

12 [The witness entered court]

13 JUDGE ORIE: Good morning, Mr. DP35.

14 THE WITNESS: Good morning.

15 JUDGE ORIE: May I remind you that you're still bound by the

16 solemn declaration you've given at the beginning of your testimony.

17 THE WITNESS: [No audible response]

18 JUDGE ORIE: The cross-examination by counsel will now continue.

19 Please proceed, Mr. Ierace.

20 MR. IERACE: Thank you, Mr. President.

21 WITNESS: WITNESS DP35 [Resumed]

22 [Witness answered through interpreter]

23 Cross-examined by Mr. Ierace: [Continued]

24 Q. Sir, you have told us that vehicles in military and vehicles for

25 which you had reason to believe they were carrying weapons or explosives

Page 17642

1 were legitimate targets. Were there any other types of vehicles that were

2 legitimate targets? And I'm talking about cars.

3 A. I stressed that these vehicles were field vehicles or lorries.

4 This was not about larger-type vehicles, at least in the area that I was

5 able to follow it in in those directions. There were no light vehicles.

6 There were no passenger cars, passenger vehicles.

7 Q. You've told us that you were responsible for the anti-aircraft

8 weaponry and training of the crews of those weapons. What would be your

9 attitude towards those crews targeting any car in the city on the other

10 side of the confrontation lines? Do you think that appropriate or

11 inappropriate?

12 A. I would think it inappropriate, and I have already stressed that

13 they were not in a possibility to fire on the town in the urban, in the

14 densely populated part of town.

15 Q. Yesterday you told us in some detail about the types of rounds

16 that could be fired by anti-aircraft weaponry and in particular how 90 per

17 cent of those rounds were of the explosive type, so that once fired they

18 would inevitably explode. Do you agree that if such fire was directed

19 indiscriminately into the city, it would terrorise the civilian

20 population?

21 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President.


23 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] I have to object. I have to

24 object in the way that the question was phrased. It seems to confirm that

25 the troops would have been firing at the town in an indiscriminate

Page 17643

1 fashion. And the position of this witness was completely the opposite.

2 So it's in the contradiction to the previous testimony of the witness.

3 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Ierace.

4 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, I invite you to read the question, and

5 especially the use of the word "if." To me it quite clearly contemplates

6 a hypothetical situation.

7 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. The -- in cross-examination it is permissible

8 to raise a situation, even if this does not reflect entirely the testimony

9 of the witness until that moment.

10 Please proceed.

11 So would you please answer that question that if such rounds that

12 would necessarily explode before -- if that would be fired to the city,

13 that this would terrorise the civilian population.

14 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, I can. I have stressed that we

15 did not fire from three barrels but from two. We didn't use long bursts

16 of fire but short bursts of fire or single-mode fire. So the priority

17 when opening fire was efficiency, effectiveness, and saving of ammunition.

18 So it would be completely pointless for me to allow units or sections to

19 open fire in an indiscriminate fashion, unselectively. So I am answering

20 your question that I did not allow it and I was not in a position to

21 open -- or to follow such inselective fire.


23 Q. You misunderstand my question. If there had been indiscriminate

24 use of those weapons, if they had been fired across the city

25 indiscriminately, do you accept that in that circumstance inevitably such

Page 17644

1 firing would terrorise the civilian population of Sarajevo; yes or no?

2 A. That would have caused the terrorising of the population, but we

3 did not do this.

4 Q. All right. Now, you told us earlier in your evidence that you

5 received protests passed on through the liaison officer of the SRK. Was

6 that Major Indjic?

7 A. Yes.

8 Q. Did those protests relate to civilians being targeted?

9 A. I stressed those cases for which I knew and described in my

10 statements, and in any case there were also cases where there was the

11 allegation that civilians were targeted. But these cases were not within

12 the -- my authority in the work of the command, so I could have been

13 informed about this but I did not discuss them.

14 Q. If you are able to answer my questions with a simple yes or no,

15 then please do so. We don't have a lot of time.

16 Did Major Indjic attend the meetings you have described at the

17 operations centre on a daily basis that you attended with General Galic

18 and other senior subordinates; yes or no?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. You told us about a particular protest which involved a UN

21 officer, and I think you said his name was Kolp; is that correct?

22 A. Yes.

23 Q. You said that Kolp expressed gratitude for the investigation

24 carried out by the SRK in relation to that particular incident. Was that

25 relationship with Kolp typical of the relationship that the SRK enjoyed

Page 17645

1 with UNPROFOR in relation to protests?

2 A. This is one case. I believe that there were more than one, but I

3 cannot guarantee if I wasn't present whether there was satisfaction

4 expressed or gratitude by the UNPROFOR members.

5 Q. But you attended these daily senior meetings which reviewed

6 operations. As far as you're aware, was there a good relationship between

7 UNPROFOR and the SRK command in relation to protests or not?

8 A. I think that there was good cooperation and a good relationship.

9 Q. Now, you were asked by Mr. Piletta-Zanin whether protests included

10 such precise information as the exact locations of alleged victims, and

11 you said that the protests did not. Did that cause any difficulty for the

12 SRK in carrying out its investigations; yes or no?

13 A. Yes.

14 Q. Why, then, in view of the good relationship did the relevant SRK

15 personnel simply not ask UNPROFOR for the relevant further information?

16 A. Further information was requested, but in most of the cases it had

17 to -- things had to happen very quickly to reach a conclusion very quickly

18 about what had really happened, and that's why there were problems. If

19 there was a very wide area that was given, it was very difficult to decide

20 on a precise location and about what victims, exactly where, and as to

21 what was said to the representative of the defence.

22 Q. All right. Now, who was it in the SRK who primarily dealt with

23 UNPROFOR in relation to protests? Was it Indjic?

24 A. Yes. Yes, with his associates.

25 Q. Are you aware of any reason as to why he and his associates could

Page 17646

1 have not requested that further information when first informed of the

2 protest?

3 A. There was no reason not to request further information.

4 Q. All right. Now, did General Galic ever in the relevant period

5 tell you that he had personally received a protest involving civilian

6 victims from UNPROFOR?

7 A. I wouldn't say that he had directly received it, but again,

8 protests went through the office of the liaison officer, and they were

9 forwarded to General Galic, that is, to the operation centre.

10 Q. Please listen to the question. I'm not asking you what typically

11 happened. I'm asking you whether General Galic ever told you in the

12 relevant period that he had personally received a protest involving

13 civilian victims from UNPROFOR. Yes or no?

14 A. No. No.

15 Q. Now, you told us that reports were generated as a result of these

16 investigations. You said the reports were forwarded to the main staff of

17 the VRS. Is that correct?

18 A. Those reports -- yes. Yes, they were. They were forwarded, yes.

19 Q. Would you expect those reports to be with the archive of the SRK?

20 A. Parts of the reports that were to be found in daily combat

21 reports -- so these were summaries of parts of reports that were done by

22 the liaison officer -- were in any case in daily combat reports, as this

23 was the case yesterday, the one where we discussed item number 8.

24 Q. Do you mean by that that there were not separate reports in

25 relation to these investigations but, rather, references to them in the

Page 17647

1 combat reports? Is that what you mean?

2 A. No. A separate report went along the route through the liaison

3 officer with UNPROFOR, and this is the line that the detailed report

4 followed. But a summarised, shortened version of a report was put as an

5 item within the daily combat report entitled "Relationship with UNPROFOR."

6 Q. All right. So you do mean that there were not separate reports

7 that went to the main staff but, rather, references to the reports

8 incorporated in the daily combat report. Is that correct? Yes or no?

9 A. No. What I wanted to say is what I said, that following the line

10 of the office of the liaison officer, those reports went to the main staff

11 because it was in the main staff that the liaison officer was. And along

12 that line he was superior to Indjic. Indjic did that report for that

13 officer in the main staff and also --

14 Q. -- Do you know where those reports are today; yes or no?

15 A. No.

16 Q. You tell us that reports went to UNPROFOR. Were they written

17 reports?

18 A. Yes.

19 Q. I suggest to you that is incorrect, that written reports in

20 relation to such protests were not given to UNPROFOR. What do you say to

21 that?

22 A. I am convinced that they did go. You probably have different

23 information.

24 Q. Now, are you aware of anyone, anyone at all being charged as a

25 result of an investigation carried out within the SRK in the relevant

Page 17648

1 period for unlawful behaviour resulting in the injury or death of

2 civilians on the other side of the confrontation line; yes or no?

3 A. No.

4 Q. I want to know whether any of these protests that were received

5 alleged anti-aircraft fire into the city. And I appreciate you have

6 already told us that your weapons could not reach the city on the other

7 side. Nevertheless, were there such protests?

8 A. No.

9 Q. I suggest to you that there were.

10 A. Give me an example, please. Explain.

11 Q. I suggest to you that throughout the relevant period protests were

12 made by UNPROFOR which involved the use of anti-aircraft fire into the

13 city. Do you agree or disagree?

14 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, the witness has

15 already answered the question very clearly, asking the Prosecution to give

16 an example.

17 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. It's exactly that answer that permits the

18 Prosecution to ask it again.

19 Please proceed.


21 Q. Do you agree or disagree?

22 A. No.

23 Q. I suggest to you that the state hospital was a regular recipient

24 of anti-aircraft fire from the area of Vrace in the relevant period.

25 JUDGE ORIE: Yes, Mr. Piletta-Zanin.

Page 17649

1 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, here -- no, no

2 the chronology -- I withdraw.

3 JUDGE ORIE: Please proceed, Mr. Ierace.


5 Q. Do you agree or disagree?

6 A. I don't agree. This is the first time I hear that the state

7 hospital was targeted from Vrace. Yes, it was within the range, but we

8 never even saw the hospital, if, that is, you're talking about Kosevo

9 hospital, we never even saw the Kosevo hospital from Vrace.

10 Q. Your positions on the map, I suggest to you, from the

11 anti-aircraft --

12 JUDGE ORIE: May I just interrupt you, Mr. Ierace.

13 MR. IERACE: I understand, Mr. President, yes, Kosevo.

14 JUDGE ORIE: There seems to be a confusion as to what hospital.

15 MR. IERACE: Thank you, Mr. President.

16 Q. My question is directed to the state hospital, not the Kosevo

17 hospital. Are you aware of the existence in the relevant period of the

18 state hospital? Previously known as the military hospital, sometimes

19 known as the French hospital.

20 A. Now I understand. Yes, it is the military hospital. The military

21 hospital could be within the range, but it could not be seen from any

22 Vrace position or any other position on this side, as I showed you on the

23 map.

24 Q. I suggest to you that that answer and indeed the positions you

25 marked on the map are the anti-aircraft units mean little in view of the

Page 17650

1 inherent mobility of those units. In other words, they could be very

2 easily moved around. What do you say to that?

3 A. Yes. They could move about, but they were obstacles which

4 prevented it from firing at -- rather, hitting the state hospital.

5 Q. I see. Now, on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve 1992, where were

6 you?

7 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, we need

8 chronological precision. We need this to be stated more precisely

9 chronologically. Shall I repeat that?

10 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. I do understand. But Christmas Eve 1992, I

11 take it that's the 24th or 25th at night. Is that what you --

12 Oh, yes, yes. I do understand. I apologise. Christmas is not a

13 unambiguous expression in this respect, Mr. Ierace.

14 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Thank you.


16 Q. In relation to Serbian Orthodox New Year's Eve 1992, where were

17 you?

18 A. In Mostar.

19 Q. In relation to the 24th of December, 1992, where were you?

20 A. 1992? On Trebevic.

21 Q. On Christmas Eve, according to the Serbian Orthodox calendar in

22 1992, where were you?

23 A. 1992? I told you. I was in Mostar. And for Christmas, the

24 Catholic Christmas, on the 24th of December, I was in Trebevic.

25 Q. I suggest to you that on Christmas Eve, 24th of December, on the

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Page 17652

1 stroke of midnight there was a barrage lasting some 20 minutes of

2 artillery, mortar, tank, and machine-gun fire into the city, including the

3 firing of a 40-millimetre Bofor anti-aircraft gun. What do you say to

4 that?

5 A. I cannot answer that because I did not discuss this case, whether

6 a 40-millimetre fired. Then it was done beyond my control without my

7 knowledge.

8 Q. -- From Trebevic, you would have heard it, wouldn't you?

9 A. Yes, that is right.

10 Q. And in your absence at Mostar, on the other two evenings, I

11 suggest to you exactly the same behaviour occurred and it could not have

12 occurred without you knowing about it. Do you agree?


14 MS. PILIPOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, I think there is some

15 confusion. I believe there is some confusion again. If we're talking

16 about 1992 January and the witness's stay in Mostar.

17 JUDGE ORIE: Let's perhaps put it in a different way to the

18 witness.

19 Mr. DP35, are you aware of an event approximately 20 minutes of

20 artillery, mortar, tank, and machine-gun fire on either Orthodox or

21 Catholic Christmas or New Year's Eve --

22 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, including anti-aircraft fire.

23 JUDGE ORIE: Including anti-aircraft fire. So does such a

24 barrage - I'm asking for 20 minutes at one of these days - ring a bell to

25 you?

Page 17653

1 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] It can ring a bell, but now I cannot

2 associate that event with any special importance. I do not see why it was

3 so important. I was on Trebevic at the time under the regiment command

4 post, and I was given no warning that there was any fire opened or that

5 the firing was done by a unit under my command.

6 JUDGE ORIE: We're talking about -- we are talking about a barrage

7 that lasted some 20 minutes and a large number of weaponry firing

8 approximately at the same time for 20 minutes. Do you have any

9 recollection that such a thing happened? Whether it was important in your

10 view or not is a different matter, but did such a thing happen?

11 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No, I do not recall.

12 JUDGE ORIE: Please proceed, Mr. Ierace.

13 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President.


15 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] We have two small objections.

16 We have -- we are keeping our eye on the clock, and it is now already more

17 than --

18 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. I said net time.

19 Please proceed.

20 Yes. The second issue you wanted --

21 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] No, that is it. I think that

22 the time has expired.

23 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Ierace, please proceed.


25 Q. Sir, I suggest to you that throughout the relevant period

Page 17654

1 anti-aircraft fire deliberately or recklessly fired at civilians in

2 Sarajevo on the other side of the confrontation line. What do you say

3 about that?

4 A. I do not agree.

5 Q. You've told us that you moved around the area as well as spending

6 time in the operations centre. Did you not see erected throughout the

7 city barricades at intersections consisting of containers, blankets,

8 sheets and the like?

9 A. No.

10 Q. You never saw that?

11 A. On the opposite side, no. I saw them on our side.

12 Q. Were you aware of the existence of such barricades at any stage

13 through the relevant period?

14 A. I knew about their existence, but I could not see them on the

15 Muslim side. On our side they existed, yes.

16 Q. Are you telling us that you knew about their existence on the

17 other side of the confrontation line during that time?

18 A. Well, one could see them only along the Miljacka, that is, right

19 next to the confrontation line.

20 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Ierace, could I ask you to conclude in one or two

21 minutes.

22 MR. IERACE: That will cover it, Mr. President. Thank you.

23 JUDGE ORIE: Is there any need for the Defence to re-examine the

24 witness? Please proceed.

25 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Yes, thank you,

Page 17655

1 Mr. President.

2 Re-examined by Mr. Piletta-Zanin:

3 Q. [Interpretation] Witness, good morning. I'd like to go back to

4 what you just said.

5 THE INTERPRETER: And will the counsel please speak into the

6 microphone.

7 Q. There was a lot of talk about protests which were made, and there

8 were such questions yesterday. And today I'd like to suggest to you the

9 following -- we shall have read out names which are presumably all

10 civilian, and then my question will be: Have you ever seen these names in

11 any protest whatever? I will now read them now, and if any of those names

12 rings a bell, you will please tell us so.

13 [redacted], Anisa Pita --

14 MR. IERACE: Mr. President.

15 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Ierace.

16 MR. IERACE: If those names relate to the indictment, I'd ask my

17 learned colleague to be sure that he doesn't offend any protective orders

18 in relation to the names.

19 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. But before continuing, Mr. Piletta-Zanin.

20 Mr. DP35, have you any knowledge or is -- do you have any

21 recollection in respect of names of civilian victims or --

22 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] On the Muslim side, you mean? No.

23 JUDGE ORIE: You have -- no.

24 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No.

25 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Piletta-Zanin, that answer all the questions.

Page 17656

1 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Thank you, Mr. President.

2 Q. When you spoke about protests, witness, the question that we'll

3 ask in this relation - I never said it precisely - whether those were

4 general protests concerning alleged illegitimate shelling or quite the

5 contrary, if these protests were general or specific concerning sniping,

6 the protests that -- the rare protests which are mentioned in your answer,

7 did they concern the protests concerning shelling or something else?

8 A. Can I? I've already mentioned the specific case of the fire

9 opened at the tower. There it was precisely said what had been hit. And

10 it was also pointed out, and I said, that it was the rocket launcher. And

11 on my position there were no rocket launcher, so I said that that was not

12 the case.

13 I also mentioned the shelling of Dobrinja. The checking was done,

14 and it was completed as I have pointed out.

15 There was general reference to Markale, but there was no specific

16 location. The number of casualties ranged between a few to several

17 dozens. I know. I remember that.

18 Through the liaison officer, cooperation was offered with the

19 opposite side to investigate the case, but in that case we did not receive

20 an answer in the affirmative, and personally I was not concerned with this

21 because my men could not participate in this, that is, my men and the

22 subordinate units, but those associates of mine who were to take part in

23 this and who stood ready to do that did not because their cooperation was

24 not accepted in order to establish the facts. I presume somebody didn't

25 really want to have the truth properly established.

Page 17657

1 Q. Thank you, witness. I'd like us now to try to synthesise,

2 therefore, the examples you gave us, and possibly since I said that you

3 are a witness concerned mostly shellings. Is that how I should understand

4 your testimony? They mostly had to do with shellings?

5 A. Yes. Yes. By and large those were shellings, or perhaps the use

6 of rocket launchers.

7 Q. Yes. Thank you very much. Thank you. Witness, when

8 investigations were conducted, you told us that they had to be conducted

9 under wartime conditions. Could you give us some details concerning the

10 manner in which those investigations were conducted. How did this happen?

11 JUDGE ORIE: Yes, Mr. Ierace.

12 MR. IERACE: That does not arise out of cross-examination. I

13 didn't get to that topic.

14 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] This does arise from

15 cross-examination because the witness said that when -- that it was very

16 difficult to do this because the time was limited. It was a wartime

17 situation, that one needed to try to establish the facts straight away.

18 So it does arise from the cross-examination.

19 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, no question was asked of this witness

20 in cross-examination about the modus of the investigations.

21 JUDGE ORIE: No. But a question was asked whether the lack of

22 data was any --

23 MR. IERACE: Impediment.

24 JUDGE ORIE: -- Impediment to the investigation. To that extent

25 the Defence is allowed to ask to a limited extent questions on this issue.

Page 17658

1 MR. IERACE: As you please, Mr. President.

2 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Thank you.

3 Q. Witness, could you give us some details. How did you go about

4 this? Was it always possible to do it? And so on and so forth, if you

5 know it.

6 A. I said in case of the Butmir sports air field, it was not in

7 dispute, because there were those positions from which it could be fired

8 at from our side, so that UNPROFOR officers and senior officers could go

9 there safely in our presence, in my presence, and escorted by the unit

10 that was there. It was more difficult to go to the opposite side. I

11 mean, for our representatives, even with guarantees, because UNPROFOR was

12 unable to ensure the safe conduct for our representatives to that side in

13 order to check particular sites. And I suppose that was why our men were

14 not incorporated in the investigation either in Dobrinja or in Markale.

15 Q. Witness, in this particular last case, was it very difficult to

16 investigate the latest element, that is, the fact that it was impossible

17 to go check the site? Did it make it very difficult to establish facts?

18 A. That was one of the reasons why things remained salient.

19 Although, there are certain things which confirm what I said earlier;

20 namely, that the accusations were false.

21 Q. Thank you very much. Witness, now I'd like us to focus on another

22 matter and that is a document which we looked at yesterday, the order

23 which came from General Galic and whose item 3 was general instruction to

24 observe to comply with the Geneva Conventions. Do you remember this

25 document? It was 1491 -- no, excuse me, 1492. And this is a document

Page 17659

1 which you had the opportunity to read yesterday. Do you recall that

2 document, and could that document be given you once again. 1492.

3 THE REGISTRAR: This document is now under seal.

4 JUDGE ORIE: The document should not be put on -- placed on the

5 ELMO, yes.

6 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Well, but we can -- we can

7 indeed -- we can deal with it without putting it on the ELMO because I

8 think we all recall this document. I need the witness to have it before

9 his eyes. It does not have to be put on the ELMO.

10 Q. Just to ascertain that we're talking about the same document,

11 witness, I'm referring to item 3. However, before that, before that I'd

12 like you to read aloud the items 1 and 2. Can you do that, please.

13 A. Item 1: "Enable unfettered passage and protection of parcels,

14 equipment, and personnel, extending help to the civilian population of the

15 opposite side."

16 2: "Prohibit the misuse for military purposes of foodstuffs,

17 crop, water mains, and reserve drinking water, and dams in hydro

18 powerplants."

19 Item 3 --

20 Q. Thank you. And now will you please be so kind as to read the

21 beginning.

22 A. "The order for an unfettered passage of humanitarian relief to all

23 units of SRK on the basis of the directive, doesn't really matter, 1993,

24 order of the main staff of the Army of Republika Srpska under the

25 indicated number in order to maintain to support the signed cease-fire

Page 17660

1 from our side and consistent implementation of the directive as --" and

2 then follows the text that I have just read.

3 Q. Thank you, witness. Yesterday you said in relation to item 3 that

4 you'd rather not comment on this item. Can you tell us why did you give

5 that answer.

6 MR. IERACE: I object, Mr. President. In fact, the witness said

7 that during examination-in-chief. And in essence, my friend has just

8 re-asked the question that I asked the witness yesterday. So this is not

9 a proper question for re-examination.


11 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, with your

12 leave.


14 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] The Prosecutor has, following

15 the answers of the witness, asked a number of questions of the witness in

16 order to find out whether the witness knew or did not know what was in

17 these documents and to show that this witness, like the other officers who

18 were under him, were aware of this, and that is why we believe the Defence

19 has the right to ask these questions of the witness and that is why we ask

20 him to read them. And what I am reading was the work which was done by

21 the Prosecution during the cross-examination, and I'm asking the witness

22 because he declined to give the answer to that, and therefore, I'm trying

23 to clarify it.

24 MR. IERACE: Mr. President.


Page 17661

1 MR. IERACE: If I could. My friend, with respect, misses the

2 point. It was during his questioning of this witness that the witness

3 said he could not comment on point 3. If my friend wanted to find out why

4 he could not comment, he could have done that in chief. The question he

5 has just asked the witness is one that I asked in cross-examination. It

6 is inappropriate in re-examination, secondly, to simply re-ask the same

7 questions asked in cross-examination.

8 JUDGE ORIE: One of my problems is - and that might be the problem

9 for the parties as well - that we have not in this courtroom the

10 transcript available of what happened yesterday. So if one of the parties

11 could provide me with the relevant -- it has been loaded this morning. So

12 I am, as always, behind.

13 It was asked to the witness in chief yesterday, Mr. -- The day

14 before yesterday.

15 MR. IERACE: The day before yesterday. And I have copy of that.

16 JUDGE ORIE: If you could please provide that -- the relevant

17 source.

18 [Trial Chamber and registrar confer]

19 JUDGE ORIE: I'm informed that we have the day before yesterday as

20 well. I should first open that.

21 Could you please point at the -- at the page number, Mr. Ierace.

22 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, as I printed it off yesterday, it was

23 page 59 of the draft LiveNote. This is for the 14th of January. The time

24 was approximately 11.59.

25 JUDGE ORIE: I'll do a search in the transcript.

Page 17662












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Page 17663

1 MR. IERACE: Perhaps the word "comment."

2 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. That's what I had in mind.

3 The witness responded to a question of you, Mr. Piletta-Zanin,

4 that he could not comment on it. So the reasons why he could not comment

5 on it could have been asked by you at that very moment. The witness gave

6 extensive information on the circumstances of the documents, so the issue

7 on whether or not the witness could comment on it and the further

8 elaboration of that do not arise from cross-examination but from the

9 examination-in-chief.

10 Please proceed.

11 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Gladly, Mr. President. Very

12 well.

13 Q. Witness, after you said that you would rather not comment, the

14 Prosecution asked you some questions concerning this item 3. And I am

15 referring now to the question asked by the Prosecution which had to do

16 with this item 3. You stated in response to these questions that in your

17 opinion, you would have judged it useless to redact, to redraft this item

18 3. Is that what you said?

19 A. Yes.

20 Q. Thank you. Would you please explain to the Chamber why did you

21 say that.

22 JUDGE ORIE: Yes, Mr. Ierace.

23 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, I don't have an electronic copy of

24 the -- or any copy of the transcript from yesterday because of the change

25 of courtroom.

Page 17664

1 JUDGE ORIE: I'll search for the -- they have been loaded this

2 morning.

3 MR. IERACE: Thank you, Mr. President. I simply don't recollect

4 any comment by the witness that he thought it pointless to redraft the

5 item.

6 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. That's not my recollection either. I think the

7 word -- there might have been things useless but not redrafting. At least

8 that's not my recollection. But if you could indicate where to find that,

9 Mr. -- I think the witness testified yesterday that he would have drafted

10 the order in a different way.

11 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, I'm asking the

12 witness, and the witness said yes. I've just asked the question, and the

13 witness has said yes. So I think that his best place to --

14 JUDGE ORIE: I think it's a matter of -- the objection of

15 Mr. Ierace was that you misrepresented the evidence, and the usual way of

16 solving such a problem is to look at the transcript. And if you think

17 that the transcript is not correct in this respect - and I was just trying

18 to search for it - then of course we always called --

19 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President.


21 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, may I ask the

22 Prosecution according to the usual rule to quote the passage where the

23 witness did not say this, since --

24 JUDGE ORIE: You can't quote a passage if someone does not say it.

25 If there's an objection, you should refer to the place where --

Page 17665

1 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] I agree with you,

2 Mr. President. This is rather hard. What I wanted to ask him is to quote

3 the passage, but I will do it differently. Thank you.

4 Q. Witness, what did you say, please, yesterday in relation to the

5 need or lack of need to do in relation to item 3? Can you remind us of

6 that.

7 A. I said that I would not have put in, written, item 3 because the

8 subordinate units, that is, the commanders from the subordinate units, do

9 not have time to study in detail -- to remind themselves of the decisions

10 or certain parts of the Geneva Conventions, particularly if this is in

11 relation to implementing the task or carrying out the tasks which are

12 completely clear, both in item 1 and item 2, that are unambiguous. So

13 what I said is that there was no possibility for us not even to carry the

14 most basic rules in documents let alone any expanded rules. So I'd like

15 to add to my answer in the following way, because I've thought about it,

16 and I know what I said: That on several occasions when there was time,

17 there were certain parts that were forwarded that are important, relate to

18 war conflicts, important for the subordinate units, and I know this did

19 figure. So what I am saying: Regardless of how much I knew things by

20 heart - and of course, you cannot know things by heart without having

21 these documents, Geneva Conventions in your hands, or even certain

22 parts - what I'm saying is that the introductory part from the order which

23 refers to the Presidency and the main staff, that was enough for me, that

24 this was written by a certain category of people who are literate and they

25 know what they're referring to. They're referring to the Geneva

Page 17666

1 Conventions. Therefore -- that's what I said. It's for subordinate

2 units. What would have been enough were items 1 and 2, not that item 3

3 was completely superfluous. Items 1 and 2 are sufficient. Item 3 is not

4 completely superfluous. But what I said is not that we didn't understand

5 it. What I'm saying is that it wasn't necessary to study it as such, to

6 go into details.

7 Q. Thank you, witness. Now, what have you to say about the knowledge

8 that the other officers had or did not have in relation to the conventions

9 mentioned in item 3 -- and that in the course of cross-examination. Now,

10 in relation to that, the question is the followings -- I'm not talking

11 about the details, about the word-for-word recollection of the convention.

12 But the essence, the essence of the convention that was mentioned in item

13 3, is it known to you? Are you familiar with it? And did other officers

14 in the corps know about this? Did they know it?

15 A. Generally it was known.

16 Q. What do you mean by "generally"?

17 A. What I mean by "generally" is what is known that was implemented.

18 That is, that it is important to prevent civilian casualties, civilian

19 victims, that it is prohibited to prevent humanitarian aid from passing

20 through, no matter which side it comes. Then what is important to save

21 the wounded, whether they were regardless or whether they were civilians

22 or military. So that's what I'm saying generally speaking, globally

23 speaking, how to behave with prisoners, and so on.

24 Q. Thank you. And the answer that you are giving, since we asked you

25 about the corps and other officers, in your opinion what about other

Page 17667

1 officers? Did they know it?

2 A. Generally, yes.

3 Q. Thank you, witness. Now I'd like us to -- no, there is one more

4 question in relation to this, in relation to the knowledge. Do you know

5 if the documents, specific documents in relation to Geneva Conventions,

6 were given by the military hierarchy to the officers in question precisely

7 on the level of the brigade? And if so, which ones? That is, technical

8 documents and so on.

9 A. In the brigades in operation centre, in their operation centres,

10 there were short excerpts from there, or that is, instructions, which were

11 in relation to the humanitarian side of things, in relation to the Geneva

12 Conventions. So the main duties of certain levels of command, and those

13 who were involved in combat operations, what the positions were. That was

14 specifically for prisoners and for wounded soldiers of the other side.

15 Q. Witness, can you simply tell us -- I have seen you handle a piece

16 of paper on your desk. Can you tell us, how was this summary technically

17 made? I'm talking about the situation and the troops. Was there

18 something that was very voluminous or was it something that was easy to

19 handle and take around with you, in terms of the volume of the material of

20 the documents?

21 A. The excerpt that could be -- that could fit onto one or two pages

22 and give the most important instances, situations in relation to the

23 conventions - now I cannot recall which exact items these were because I

24 don't have the conventions before me or this kind of summary, this kind of

25 memo - this is what it was: It was a kind of things to remember.

Page 17668

1 Q. Thank you, witness. Now we can go on to another subject, and this

2 is the subject that I'm interested in in relation to the crossing of the

3 airport. The first question, generally put, may seem strange to you, but

4 did it snow in Sarajevo; yes or no? In general. Generally speaking. And

5 of course in wintertime.

6 A. During the first two winters that we spoke of, the first winter

7 there was a lot of --

8 Q. No, no. I'm going to stop you. No. Just very simply. Does it

9 snow in Sarajevo as a general rule; yes or no?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. Thank you very much. Witness, is it correct to say that if we

12 have an environment which is covered in snow, particularly at night, the

13 visibility is better if the snow reflects the light surrounding it?

14 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, I object to leading.


16 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] I'll withdraw the question. I

17 will rephrase it.

18 MR. IERACE: So there's no misunderstanding, I object to all

19 leading from the Defence.


21 Please proceed, Mr. Piletta-Zanin.

22 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Yes, I take note of that.

23 Q. You were asked the following question yesterday, and I'm going to

24 quote it as I can see it in my notes in English, therefore: [In English]

25 "What did you expect your troops to do? What did you expect your troops

Page 17669

1 to do if they were fired upon at night by one or more individuals from a

2 group that may include civilians [Interpretation] or several individuals?"

3 Just a minute. Just a minute. That was the question that you

4 were asked yesterday by the Prosecution. First question: If at night

5 fire is opened in wartime situation - so we are -- this is a hypothetical

6 question we're talking about - and the soldier on whom the fire is opened,

7 what can he think or what should he think about the type of the people who

8 opened fire on him? Were they civilians or were they military? That is

9 the first question. Did you understand the question?

10 A. Yes. Yes. He can only think that he's being attacked; and

11 therefore, he has to -- his duty to is defend himself.

12 Q. Thank you very much. So if he's defending himself in this

13 situation with firing in response, whether discriminately or

14 indiscriminately, at this level there is no importance at night.

15 A. Yes.

16 MR. IERACE: Mr. President.

17 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation]

18 Q. Thank you very much.

19 MR. IERACE: I object to leading. My learned colleague has

20 just -- my learned colleague has just put a specific proposition to the

21 witness. That's --

22 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] I'll rephrase it.

23 MR. IERACE: -- Re-examination.

24 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Piletta-Zanin, putting a leading question to a

25 witness and upon any objection to say "I'll put it in a different way"

Page 17670

1 then the harm has been done. Would you please move to your next subject.

2 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Thank you. Thank you very

3 much.

4 Q. I'll go back to the question of orders that were transmitted.

5 When an officer receives an order, what is he to do? This is a basic

6 question, but I'd still like an answer.

7 A. He has to read it, study it, to understand it. If there are

8 certain things that are not clear, he has to address the superior command

9 for clarifications, either general or specific, relating to specific

10 parts. After that he has to compile an order for his own level, to whom

11 he then addresses instructions, either orally or in written form,

12 depending on the time. And in that order it is -- from that order of the

13 superior command, he has to put in his order the elements of the order

14 that are specifically relating to his unit, and he has to relate those

15 contents that are directly connected to the conditions of -- conditions of

16 the unit that is subordinate to him that will be used in combat

17 operations.

18 Q. Thank you.

19 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, I'm going to go

20 on to another subject which is not in relation to opening of fire but

21 which is chronologically in relation to something that -- with the

22 witness's testimony. I don't know whether I am allowed to do it, but I am

23 going to do this.

24 Q. Witness, you said yesterday in answering a question of the

25 Prosecution that when people were crossing the runway, they were possibly

Page 17671

1 bringing in ammunition. Do you remember that?

2 A. Yes.

3 Q. Thank you. Can you tell us, what type of ammunition was that?

4 A. I presume this was a different type of ammunition. Primarily

5 ammunition for firing -- infantry ammunition that was possible to cross.

6 I think it was in March 1993 that a vehicle was hit that was crossing the

7 runway at night and that this vehicle exploded and the detonation lasted

8 for some time, which meant that the airport runway, under the direct

9 control of UNPROFOR representatives, explosive materials were carried. I

10 think it was in Sarajevo or around Sarajevo. In Kotorac I believe this

11 was, because -- from Donji Kotorac towards the sports airport that this

12 ammunition was carried and that the explosive was needed to more speedily

13 fortify this line. So there was ammunition that was carried and vehicles

14 were used, then also explosive materials.

15 Q. Thank you. This vehicle that exploded and that you say this

16 vehicle probably carried explosive material, can you tell us what type of

17 vehicle this was. Was this a civilian or a military vehicle? This is not

18 a leading question, I believe.

19 A. You can see it in the morning only. It was a lorry. But we could

20 only see it when it was already burnt out, so you couldn't see what colour

21 it had been, whether it had been a camouflage colour or whether it had

22 been white, blue, or red. It could not be seen because the vehicle was

23 destroyed because of the explosive materials that it was carrying. It was

24 a military vehicle in any case because it was either mobilised or it had

25 belonged to the military.

Page 17672

1 Q. Therefore, if you were not able to at the time of the incident

2 determine clearly to what category this vehicle belonged, were there any

3 other factual circumstances that allowed you to come to the conclusion,

4 the conclusion of your troops? And if so, which ones?

5 MR. IERACE: I object, Mr. President. This does not arise out of

6 cross-examination. The cross-examination on the topic of vehicles was

7 confined to cars and how the troops of the SRK according to the

8 understanding of the witness would determine on appearance or other

9 information the purpose of the vehicle, that is, military of civilian.

10 This goes beyond that.

11 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Piletta-Zanin, the questions of --

12 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, may I be heard,

13 please?


15 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Thank you very much. I'm

16 going to come back to the questions asked by the Prosecution in relation

17 to private vehicles. But for the moment this witness gave quite a clear

18 precise detailed answer from which we concluded that the incident had

19 happened at night. And I believe that in relation to the question as to

20 whether it was indiscriminate or discriminate fire, we have now new

21 information, so it is now to find out how was it possible to assume or not

22 assume in relation to the implementation of the conventions, and this is

23 why this question is important to be asked of the witness.

24 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Ierace.

25 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, I assume from those comments by my

Page 17673












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Page 17674

1 learned colleague that he's focussing on this incident of the vehicle that

2 exploded on the runway. If that's --

3 JUDGE ORIE: Yes, that's how I understood.

4 MR. IERACE: If that's the case, this goes well beyond

5 cross-examination. Cross-examination did not touch upon this particular

6 incident. The witness has already said that effectively he's relying on

7 hearsay, that as he understands it there is no indication as to the

8 appearance of the vehicle before it was fired on, in any event, it was

9 fired upon at night, and so on.

10 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Yes, Mr. President.

11 JUDGE ORIE: -- But the vehicles in a more general way that were

12 the subject of cross-examination. Would you please keep this in mind when

13 you proceed.

14 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Thank you very much. Very

15 well. Thank you.

16 Q. Witness, generally speaking, you were asked questions about

17 vehicles that seemed to be civilian vehicles. And before I ask you the

18 question that I was going to ask you, first I'll ask you another question:

19 Do you know how was fuel controlled in the period of war in the part of

20 the city of Sarajevo under the control of the BH army?

21 A. No.

22 Q. Thank you very much. Witness, I'm going to ask you a hypothetical

23 question: Do you know -- I won't ask any questions.

24 MR. IERACE: I think we know what the hypothetical question is

25 going to be. And it is inappropriate to be asked in re-examination of

Page 17675

1 this witness. Again, the issue was --

2 JUDGE ORIE: But Mr. Ierace, I do not know what the hypothetical

3 question is going to be.

4 But keep in mind, Mr. Piletta-Zanin, that if you ask a question

5 which is inappropriate, then I might ask you to move to your next subject.

6 Of course, it all depends on the question you're going to put to the

7 witness. But please keep this in mind.

8 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Yes. Although, I am rather

9 surprised by the apparent ability for the Prosecution to predict my

10 question.

11 JUDGE ORIE: -- No need to comment on that. I think I clearly

12 expressed the Chamber waits for your question but at the same time it

13 should be clear that the question should be appropriate.

14 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation]

15 Q. Witness, in relation to the questions of vehicles, you said, I

16 believe, that the other side had small lorries. I think you spoke of

17 2-tonne lorries, and pick-up trucks, and that they were used as weapons

18 with mortars, so used them as mobile weapons. Do you remember that?

19 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, again, I don't recall that. I could

20 be mistaken.

21 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. Could you please indication where you find

22 this. And I will certainly assist you. I have got the computer version

23 of the transcript.

24 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] I'll go on to another subject,

25 Mr. President.

Page 17676

1 JUDGE ORIE: Please proceed then.

2 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation]

3 Q. Witness, I asked you a question in relation to the archive which

4 had been housed in barracks. We spoke about it yesterday. Do you

5 remember those questions?

6 A. Yes.

7 Q. Thank you. The question that I'm asking you now in relation to

8 the answer that you gave is the following: Apart from the Defence team,

9 was there a person, no matter who it was, that you would have asked at any

10 time in the 18 months that we're talking about any information and more

11 specifically to find out if the documents belonging to the SRK were

12 located in the Sokolac barracks; yes or no?

13 A. I can add something in relation to what I said yesterday. The

14 archive, as far as I know, was not in the Sokolac barracks. I know that

15 it had been prepared for Lukavica. I already said that, and I had taken

16 part in some of the preparations.

17 Q. No, witness. Please focus on the question. My question is the

18 following: Apart from the Defence team, was there anyone else, anyone

19 whosoever, who had asked you at any time if the SRK documents were located

20 in the Sokolac barracks; yes or no? As far as you recall.

21 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, that is a leading question. Again,

22 I'm not assisted by the transcript from yesterday, but I recollect that I

23 asked very broad questions of the witness to give him every opportunity to

24 indicate any contact. And in my respectful submission, there is nothing

25 arising out of that cross-examination that requires clarification of this

Page 17677

1 type in re-examination.

2 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President. Mr. President,

3 it seems there is an interpretation problem, I am told. In the content of

4 the question, perhaps this is not how it came to the witness in Serbian,

5 so I'd like to stress that we are only asking two things: If there was

6 anyone else who had asked a question and if there is someone else, not

7 counting the Defence team.

8 Now, in relation to what Mr. Ierace said, I have to say that the

9 questions that were asked by Mr. Ierace were in relation to some persons

10 who were very well determined and whose name is in the transcript.

11 [Trial Chamber confers]

12 JUDGE ORIE: -- Directly arises from cross-examination. The

13 Chamber would like to hear the answer to the question.

14 Could you please answer the question, Mr. DP35, whether anyone

15 else, during this period mentioned before, 18 months, ever asked you about

16 the archives. So apart from members of the Defence team.

17 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, I understand.

18 JUDGE ORIE: [Previous interpretation continues] ...

19 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Organs of my command with the --

20 THE INTERPRETER: Could the witness slow down, please.

21 JUDGE ORIE: Could you please slow down a bit, because the

22 interpreters have difficulties in translating what you say. Please

23 proceed.

24 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes, yes, yes. So in this period,

25 just like in the previous period, the organs of the command -- certain

Page 17678

1 questions that were contentions, they could be linked to wartime. They

2 addressed to me, because I was practically the only one who had been left

3 of the officer cadre in the command of the current 5th Corps, and I was

4 asked if I knew anything about the archive. Yesterday I answered that I

5 had received the question by the representative of the Prosecution. I had

6 received this question, but this was a general question, and I think that

7 Milenko Radovic had been mentioned. I don't remember that man. Perhaps

8 he had been together with the commander Andric. Somebody else -- a

9 person, whether in civilian clothes or in uniform, who had been the

10 representative of our military prosecutor's office, not from the Defence

11 team, because the Defence team members did not enter the command because

12 we met outside our command, and that they may have asked the question,

13 these -- not the Defence. They didn't know anything about the archive.

14 And my answer was that I knew what had happened until the moment when it

15 was packed in Lukavica, because we had to move it.

16 After the corps has been disbanded, I don't know any more.

17 Perhaps parts of the archive had come to Sokolac or to Pale or to Trebinje

18 or to Bijeljina. There was a unit in the war in Sokolac in the old part

19 where we had temporary accommodation because there was a warehouse.

20 Perhaps you should look there, whether it was archived there. I don't

21 know what they did with it afterwards. Perhaps that representative of the

22 military prosecutor's office may have found these document, because it

23 seems to me that the document that was before me yesterday, this was the

24 copy of the original document of the corps command, because there is a

25 seal on it and there is a seal with the code of the station. So that's an

Page 17679

1 original document. Whether this has been taken out of the packed -- of

2 the pack of combat reports or whether it was just taken out or whether the

3 whole parcel had come to this Tribunal, I don't know, because I was not

4 there. That is the reason why my answer yesterday -- perhaps my answer

5 wasn't very specific, but Radovic's surname is familiar with me. But to

6 link up the first name and the last name as it was mentioned by the

7 representative of the Prosecution, I don't know, because I don't know that

8 man. I guarantee you, and people who know me, they know that I have a

9 good memory and that from 1992 I can list you out of 200 names at least

10 100 names who were members of my unit. So I cannot state something which

11 is not in my mind, and Radovic is not, so it is possible that some of the

12 documents from the archive may have gotten to Sokolac and that's where

13 they were found. I don't know whether it was the Defence team or the

14 public prosecutor's office, whether they were involved in

15 looking -- searching for those documents.

16 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Thank you, Mr. President. I

17 have --

18 JUDGE ORIE: I have one additional question. If you said "they

19 waited outside," where exactly was that? You said, "We met, and they

20 waited outside. They did not enter." Where exactly was that?

21 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I'm talking about Sokolac. I'm

22 talking specifically about the representative of the Defence, Pilipovic,

23 when they came to Sokolac they told me -- she was there. She waited for

24 me at the visitor's room. So if she had some notes, either to take or to

25 ask me about them. That's what he said. So in any case she never came to

Page 17680

1 me office. So she's here. So this can be confirmed or added to. But

2 specifically, no interview with me was ever conducted in my office. That

3 is, in the -- on the premises of the command.

4 JUDGE ORIE: Let me stop you for this moment. When you met with

5 members of the Defence team who waited outside in Sokolac, did you then

6 enter that building?

7 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I entered there after I finished

8 talking with her.

9 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. What did you do in that building?

10 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Well, I held the same duty during

11 the war. I was the chief of AAD in the command of this corps. So I was

12 chief of AAD in the command of the 5th Corps until the 5th of September,

13 2002.

14 JUDGE ORIE: What was the reason -- Sokolac was your office at

15 that time?

16 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Sokolac, the command of the 5th

17 Corps.

18 JUDGE ORIE: Which was -- your office was in the building and the

19 members of the Defence team waited in the visitor's room; is that correct?

20 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Well, some 50 metres, more or less.


22 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Across the yard.

23 JUDGE ORIE: What was exactly the aim of that visit?

24 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] The aim of their visit was to

25 tell -- to meet me, to ask me a certain number of questions which I could

Page 17681

1 answer for the Defence team, or rather, before the Chamber in this case,

2 because they knew that I was one of the officers who had stayed there and

3 who was directly in the command and whose immediate superior was

4 General Galic. So I did not call them. They learned it out of nowhere

5 about me and they tried to establish contact with me, and I told them that

6 I was at their disposal.

7 JUDGE ORIE: Was the search for documents one of the specific

8 issues discussed at that occasion?

9 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No. And even the search for

10 documents was hardly mentioned. I was only asked whether I had any

11 documents and which ones I did, and I said I did not know. Perhaps I

12 still had a piece of paper. Because I simply had no conditions to keep

13 any of these documents -- I mean, documents that I personally dealt with,

14 that I simply did not have those documents. Subsequently I found the

15 sketch, and you could see that it was only an annex, the sketch of the

16 shelters at Mojmilo for actions against Lukavica. And I showed them. I

17 believe it was in December, and I showed it to them and said, "Perhaps you

18 can use this.." And here you have it, and I can explain that, because

19 that was the diagram that existed.

20 JUDGE ORIE: Did you give any other documents that you -- or have

21 you given any access to any other documents you retrieved later on at that

22 same time to the Defence team, apart from the sketch you just mentioned on

23 Mojmilo?

24 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] No, no. I didn't have any other

25 documents. I saw documents, the map that you had at your disposal. But

Page 17682

1 it came through other channels, not mine. But I know that I had

2 used -- that I used it personally at the time, and I saw this map. I'm

3 familiar with it and it has my handwriting on it in part, even though we

4 took shifts with this. But I was not the one who gave it to the Defence

5 and I did not have it at my disposal. It must have been taken from the

6 archives somewhere.

7 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. Mr. Piletta-Zanin, how much time would you

8 still need to --

9 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] If there are no objections, I

10 think not more than 15 minutes, if the witness gives us short answers. I

11 have certain subjects to cover which I think can be done quite quickly.

12 JUDGE ORIE: Yes, Mr. Ierace.

13 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, if you're contemplating the break.


15 MR. IERACE: There are two issues I'd like to raise relating in

16 each case to queries I made of the Defence in court the other day.

17 There's certain information which we're still waiting on from the Defence

18 as to evidence --

19 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. I expected a list.

20 MR. IERACE: That and a query in --

21 JUDGE ORIE: It was a matter of hours rather than a matter of day,

22 as far as I remember.

23 Ms. Pilipovic.

24 MS. PILIPOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, we discussed it

25 yesterday in view of working hours that we finished last night and started

Page 17683

1 this morning, I had no time to give it to my colleagues and I will do it

2 today. Yesterday I was simply physically unable to write it down and send

3 it. So I'll do it today after we finish our work. It will be around

4 15.00. I will send it to my colleagues.

5 JUDGE ORIE: -- Tomorrow.

6 MR. IERACE: The other issue involves --


8 MR. IERACE: -- The accused, Mr. President. If you recollect.

9 JUDGE ORIE: Yes, I do recollect that, and I take it it's not an

10 issue to be dealt with at this moment. But I then take it that the

11 Defence will have made up its mind.

12 MS. PILIPOVIC: [Interpretation] Yes. We bear in mind this issue,

13 and I think we shall also answer this question shortly.

14 JUDGE ORIE: Shortly -- by today or ...?

15 MS. PILIPOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, I do not think we

16 shall be able to do it today in view of the pace of work here. I think

17 that we shall discuss it not in the Tribunal but when we go to visit

18 General Galic, and I presume it will be on Friday.

19 JUDGE ORIE: [Previous interpretation continues] ...

20 MS. PILIPOVIC: [Interpretation] Tomorrow afternoon.

21 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. And there would be an opportunity to -- if

22 there's any need, to discuss or comment on the position the Defence takes

23 by next Monday. Would that be -- I do understand -- I do appreciate that

24 we can't expect the Defence to give the information requested unless there

25 has been a proper occasion to discuss the matter with the accused.

Page 17684












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Page 17685

1 MR. IERACE: I understand, Mr. President.


3 MR. IERACE: And perhaps if a deadline could be set of Monday

4 morning.

5 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. Then I expect that if the discussions have

6 taken place on Friday in the afternoon, that the decision could be reached

7 during the weekend so that the Prosecution is informed by next Monday

8 morning. We are sitting in the afternoon next week.

9 Yes. Then we'll adjourn until ten minutes past 11.00.

10 --- Recess taken at 10.39 a.m.

11 --- On resuming at 11.10 a.m.

12 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Ierace, you're on your feet.

13 MR. IERACE: Yes. Thank you, Mr. President. Over the break I've

14 looked at the transcript from yesterday --


16 MR. IERACE: -- In relation to the topic of archival material and

17 contact with the Defence. I seek leave to ask further questions following

18 the conclusion of re-examination on that topic. The basis for the

19 application is that the witness has said that since he gave his evidence

20 yesterday, he now recalls further matters. And on the face of it, there

21 appear to be some contradictions between his evidence given today on that

22 topic and his evidence given yesterday. I seek to explore those

23 differences and this further information that he's provided.

24 [Trial Chamber confers]

25 JUDGE ORIE: The Chamber understands your application to refer to

Page 17686

1 the matters you tried to explore more deeply in cross-examination, not new

2 areas to be explored, unless it directly results from answers given to

3 where you got no answers yesterday. To that extent, the Chamber will

4 grant the application.

5 Mr. Usher, could you please escort the witness into the courtroom.

6 Yes, Mr. Piletta-Zanin.

7 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Yes, Mr. President. As you

8 examined this witness in great detail on this point, we'd really like not

9 to waste too much time with this, apart from the matter of principle.

10 Q. Witness, I'd like us to go back to what you said regarding the AAD

11 weapons, arising from questions asked of you by the Prosecution. And on

12 the basis of a proposal of the Prosecution, you were asked to put on the

13 map numbers for some positions and then the command post and forward

14 command post, and it turned out that you could not mark everything on this

15 map for technical reasons, I believe. Now, will you please tell us, what

16 are these reasons in a nutshell?

17 A. Yes. The forward command post at Nisici there is no -- the upper

18 part of the map, so I put an arrow there, and it was at a distance of some

19 20 to 25 kilometres north-north-west of Vogosca. Cemerska forward command

20 post, once again outside the map, below Lukavica -- Rakovica, it's on the

21 road towards Kjevoto [phoen] -- Trnovo, and that is some 15 to 20

22 kilometres south of the end of the map, and that is why I couldn't draw

23 that. And the same applies to firing positions of AAD brigades in the

24 area of Ilijas and part of the Igman brigade, that is, Blazuj, Rakovica.

25 On Rakovica I did mark a certain position. So these are minor

Page 17687

1 imprecisions which I could not draw on the map because they are outside

2 the map, but I think that provided you with other information concerning

3 the weaponry.

4 Q. Thank you, witness. Concerning the number of pieces - and by this

5 I mean the information at the corps level - what can you tell us about two

6 things, that is: First, the deployment of these pieces, not immediately

7 in the vicinity of Sarajevo but on the front? And I'm referring to the

8 SRK. And on the other hand, did you know how long was the front line in

9 kilometres that would concern the SRK?

10 A. First, the length of the front line on this -- I will start from

11 here. The length of the front line, as far as I can remember - but I

12 don't think I will go off the mark too much - was about 50 kilometres, and

13 it had two lines, the front one and the rear one.

14 Q. I have to stop you.

15 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, it is very

16 important to rectify, because I think that the figure -- the figure that

17 was mentioned in the English transcript is not what I heard. I think we

18 are talking about a bigger -- about a longer front line.

19 Q. Will you slowly repeat how long was the front.

20 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Piletta-Zanin, if you --

21 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I said --

22 JUDGE ORIE: If you think there might be some misunderstanding,

23 you should not explain that it was longer but just ask the witness again

24 in order to avoid whatever confusion to repeat his answer. Please

25 proceed.

Page 17688

1 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Yes, I should be happy to do

2 that.

3 Q. Witness, will you please tell us once again how long was the

4 front. But be -- speak slowly so -- because -- so that everybody can hear

5 what you are saying.

6 A. It was over 250 kilometres.

7 Q. Yes. Thank you very much. And now you can resume your

8 explanation.

9 A. The front line -- there were two types of front line, one -- we

10 call them rings. There was an inner ring, and that was the front line

11 facing Sarajevo. And there was also an outer ring, which was behind our

12 backs, as we said it. It was towards Gorazde, towards other parts of the

13 front, towards Cemerska Mount and so on. So we had two front lines.

14 Within the area of responsibility, we had AAD units. And basically they

15 were to be between a kilometre or perhaps more, depending on the

16 deployment of defence troops in the depth of the front. But it so

17 happened that some of our positions had to remain on the first front line,

18 as, for instance, in the sports air field, and they were -- they had been

19 positions before the start of combat operations and their intention was to

20 defend the Butmir air field. However, this air field was not in our area

21 of responsibility, and we kept those positions and performed other combat

22 tasks from there.

23 Secondly, the positions of the units. I had a lot of difficulty

24 in establishing the conventional positions for the AAD because during

25 those three years that we're talking about, there were practically no

Page 17689

1 actions from the air, so that the positions were frequently fragmented.

2 And what I drew on the map was our basic firing positions. That is, I

3 could not draw the position of a piece which according to -- under the

4 technical principles was outside the area where we kept the firing

5 position. In those parts of the map where I drew their positions do not

6 show the full deployment of the Ilijas -- of AAD pieces in the

7 Ilijas Brigade, and they had a circular deployment towards Visoko, towards

8 Cemerska Mount, et cetera.

9 On the map shown by the Defence from Nisici, which shows also part

10 of the Nisici plateau, shows the deployment with marked positions or

11 pieces which were groups. On the Nisici plateau, there wasn't a special

12 AAD unit. But from the corps and brigade AAD units, one or two pieces

13 were taken from them to set up the AAD on the Nisici plateau and the same

14 held true on the Trnovo axis, and that is not marked on the map.

15 I believe I've given you enough information about the method of

16 deployment and possibilities.

17 Q. Thank you. I'd like you to be so kind as to answer the following

18 question: The number of weapons that you indicated yesterday - I will not

19 repeat it - but you told us we had so many such weapons and so on. So my

20 question is: Does it also hold true of other positions, other than the

21 positions which could be marked on the map that you used? In other words,

22 were there also weapons outside this limited area shown on the map?

23 A. I spoke about the number of pieces in the whole area, which means

24 that I also included those parts which I could not show on the map, and

25 this is the Nisici plateau, the Ilijas Brigade, and the Trnovo area. I

Page 17690

1 gave the number of pieces as per calibre. I was not asked about weapons

2 of the 40-millimetre calibre and, one, the so-called Bofors, and there

3 were 42 of them in the area.

4 Q. Very well. Thank you. Witness, I'm changing the subject, and it

5 will be my last subject. We spoke about missions of sending the

6 ammunition into the city. And so my question is: How would you qualify

7 these missions of delivery of ammunition into the part of the city which

8 remained under the control of the BH forces, in terms of degree? Were

9 there major deliveries for the adversary, or how would you describe them?

10 A. Well, my assessment - and it's not only mine, it is something that

11 we arrived at at discussions and analysis on the basis of information that

12 we had - is that those were important quantities of equipment, especially

13 in the period of interest to us. Later on it must have changed because...

14 Q. Yes, please do go on.

15 A. Yes. Sorry. I thought you were interrupting me. Later on - I

16 don't know when exactly - so-called rapid intervention forces were set up,

17 and they helped significantly the adversary forces. So through the tunnel

18 across the airport runway and using some other corridors we could also see

19 that some of it went through the area at Ilidza. A vehicle was stopped

20 with a double bottom, and at the bottom there were some explosive devices

21 and combat devices, so that it was even delivered through our area.

22 Q. Thank you very much. My question is as follows: Speaking from

23 the strategic point of view, were these deliveries important, these

24 missions? Were they important or not? Strategically speaking. I'm

25 speaking from the point of view of logistics and strategy.

Page 17691

1 A. Logistically speaking, yes, of course. They were important. Now

2 strategically, it is more difficult to say. But strategically speaking,

3 inevitably, yes, and from this operational point of view.

4 Q. Thank you. And now I will ask you something -- a theoretical

5 question: If soldiers had to carry out important logistic missions, and

6 if they are on the point of being discovered, for instance, when crossing

7 the runway, say, under the cover of darkness, what would have been their

8 military reaction if they had been discovered there?

9 A. You mean the soldiers of the opposite side, of the adversary?

10 Q. Yes, yes, yes. Of course.

11 MR. IERACE: I object. Mr. President. This didn't arise out of

12 cross-examination.

13 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Perfectly, it does arise

14 directly, because the question was as follows: Mr. Ierace was asking

15 whether this was happening under cover of darkness. Don't you think that

16 the last thing they would do would be to open the fire, because that would

17 then reveal their positions? Now my question is to know -- I believe this

18 was quite vital with regard to this particular itinerary, to this

19 particular route.

20 [Trial Chamber confers]

21 JUDGE ORIE: The subject is permissible, Mr. Piletta-Zanin.

22 Nevertheless, would you please rephrase your question, because there are

23 some elements in it which are really difficult to understand from a

24 practical point of view. I am especially pointing at the part "at the

25 point of being." How would you translate that in rather factual terms?

Page 17692

1 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Very well.

2 Q. Witness, now, I'd like to turn now to the adversary troops when

3 they were transporting weapon, that is, ammunition, across the runway, and

4 under cover of the night. If these soldiers - this is a hypothetical

5 question - if these soldiers know that they are on the point of being seen

6 possibly, that is, discovered, and that perhaps they were able to see for

7 themselves some worrying movements, what would have been their response

8 strictly militarily speaking? What do you think about this?

9 A. In any case, they were carrying out a combat task. I rule

10 out -- and I believe that you need not ask whether among them there were

11 also civilians. I've already said, they were carrying out a combat, a

12 military task, in any case. Whether fire was open or not - and this is

13 primarily about opening -- whether our fire was open in response to their

14 opening of fire - it did happen. It did occur that fire was opened in

15 order to turn the attention away from one point on the runway, in order to

16 make the other part of the runway safer. So this was manoeuvring fire.

17 In order to divert attention of our forces that were able to fire, in

18 order to open fire on one part and not on the other.

19 Another detail: We are convinced that crossing the runway was

20 done under the umbrella of the UN forces. This even happened during

21 daytime. And that's why we -- in those situations we protested.

22 Q. Witness, the very last question: You said something in your

23 answer regarding manoeuvring fire. Can you tell us, do you know what is

24 diversionary fire? This is diversionary fire.

25 A. I said there is a manoeuvre to be done by movement and fire.

Page 17693

1 Manoeuvring by fire, so it's either to divert attention or to prevent an

2 attack. There is a manoeuvre tactical act, action. In order to conduct

3 movement in one part, in order to draw out the forces of the opponent,

4 while the actual main attack would happen in a different direction. So

5 this is how this type of fire works, on a different type of runway.

6 Q. Now, my question: What can you tell us about the frequency of

7 such diversionary fire on the runway?

8 A. That's very hard to say. Sometimes it would happen in two or

9 three days twice or sometimes in -- within ten days it would happen twice,

10 or perhaps it happened twice during one single day.

11 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, I'm just going

12 to check the transcript.

13 I believe we have no further questions. Thank you.

14 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Ierace, you asked permission to put some

15 additional questions to the witness.

16 MR. IERACE: Thank you, Mr. President.

17 JUDGE ORIE: You are allowed to do so now.

18 Further cross-examination by Mr. Ierace:

19 Q. Sir, earlier this morning you were asked some questions about who,

20 if anyone, you had spoken to on the topic of access to archival material,

21 and you said, "I can add something in relation to what I said yesterday."

22 Did you recollect further material overnight on this topic?

23 A. No. No, I wasn't able to, apart that I had said that I had given

24 a sketch from Mojmilo as additional, because I found it coincidentally

25 during the time I was waiting to come and testify.

Page 17694

1 Q. You said this morning that you met at Sokolac with some people,

2 including a representative of your military prosecutor's office. When did

3 that meeting take place?

4 A. Well, perhaps a year ago. I was called -- I was summoned to see

5 General Andric, and he asked me whether I knew something, and there was a

6 civilian present there and some of our other senior officers. He asked me

7 if I knew anything. And while I was thinking about it, I gave some

8 additional information because my answer was that I did not know of the

9 location where the archive may have been put and that it was possible that

10 one part of it was in Sokolac. So that was my explanation in relation to

11 what I had said yesterday.

12 Q. Now, let me be clear on, firstly, those details. You were at

13 Sokolac barracks at that stage when you received the call from the

14 military prosecutor; is that correct?

15 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, that is not the

16 testimony of the witness.

17 MR. IERACE: I'll rephrase that.

18 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] May I just --

19 JUDGE ORIE: [Previous interpretation continues] ...


21 Q. All right. You said you were called -- you were summoned to see

22 General Andric, and he asked whether you knew something. Where were you

23 when you were summoned? Where were you exactly?

24 A. I was in my office on the same floor in the corps command where

25 General Andric was.

Page 17695












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Page 17696

1 Q. All right. So you walked up the corridor to his office; is that

2 correct?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And when you entered his office, how many other people were there

5 with him?

6 A. I think there were two of his assistants, his close associates,

7 and one civilian. He was not introduced to me. Maybe he was and I've

8 forgotten it, but I heard from the others or I may have understood from

9 the others that the others told me that this other person was somebody

10 from the military prosecutor's office. That's why I don't remember the

11 name. Because I don't know many people from those structures, from those

12 institutions.

13 Q. Now, you say that he asked -- well, do you say that the general

14 asked you if you knew where the archive was?

15 A. Yes.

16 MR. IERACE: Excuse me, Mr. President.

17 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, with all due

18 respect, I have to object to the way that the questions are phrased.

19 Asking a question of a witness -- asking if he was -- he had used a

20 corridor, a specific corridor. Can we just focus this type of

21 questioning. Thank you.

22 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Piletta-Zanin, I think you opposed against the

23 way Mr. Ierace presented the earlier testimony, and I think Mr. Ierace

24 tried to avoid whatever misunderstanding in this respect. Let's try to be

25 as efficient as possible.

Page 17697

1 Please proceed, Mr. Ierace.


3 Q. And you told him that you did not know the location but you

4 suggested that it may be -- or part of it may be in Sokolac; is that

5 correct?

6 A. That I presumed that it may be there. It may have happened to go

7 there together with the files of the logistics base.

8 Q. Now, you were in Sokolac when you had that conversation, weren't

9 you?

10 A. Yes.

11 Q. And when you told him that it may be in Sokolac, did you mean in

12 the same complex where you and he were talking?

13 A. No, others.

14 Q. How far from where you were?

15 A. 150 metres.

16 Q. In a different building?

17 A. In a different building.

18 Q. All right. And did you take him to that building?

19 A. No. I said already. No.

20 Q. All right. Did you tell him where in that building he should

21 look?

22 A. No.

23 Q. Did you tell him the building?

24 A. I said in the building where the units of the logistics department

25 were during the war, and that they may have put the documents there.

Page 17698

1 During the move a part of the archive may have gotten there, but I did not

2 enter the premises. And in that old building where these units may have

3 filed their archive.

4 Q. All right. Now, was there anything else discussed apart from that

5 topic?

6 A. No.

7 Q. Did you then leave his office?

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. Now, you mentioned a representative of the Defence, Pilipovic, did

10 you mean Madam Pilipovic who is seated to your left at the moment?

11 A. Yes, Pilipovic.

12 Q. All right. And you mentioned that she waited for you at the

13 visitor's room. Was that the same day that you were having the

14 conversation with the general, General Andric?

15 A. No, no.

16 Q. All right. Was that before or after the conversation with

17 General Andric?

18 A. I think that I met Ms. Pilipovic before this conversation took

19 place.

20 Q. All right. Why were you referring to a particular occasion where

21 Madam Pilipovic was waiting for you in the visitor's room? What was the

22 significance of that?

23 A. Which occasion?

24 Q. Well, you said this morning -- you were asked by Mr. President,

25 "If you said 'they waited outside' where exactly was that?" You said "we

Page 17699

1 met and they waited outside. They did not enter." "Where exactly was

2 that"?

3 A. Yes.

4 Q. And you said, "I'm talking about Sokolac. I'm talking

5 specifically about the representative of the Defence, Pilipovic. When

6 they came to Sokolac, she was there. She waited for me at the visitor's

7 room."

8 A. Yes.

9 Q. What's the significance of that meeting in relation to this topic

10 of the archival material? Why did you mention it?

11 A. I didn't mention the link between the archive and Ms. Pilipovic.

12 I mentioned the discussions, because you had asked me whether there were

13 conversations regarding the archive. So I had separated the conversation

14 took place at General Andric's in relation to the archive and the

15 discussions which were in relation to my participation in this process, in

16 the Defence case, which was separate. It was mostly without any documents

17 that I spoke to them, mostly, without any documents at my disposal.

18 That's how I talked to Ms. Pilipovic, not the documents, not with the

19 documents that I had in front of me. I'd already stressed this in my

20 previous answers.

21 Q. Well, to be clear on this, did Madam Pilipovic or anyone else from

22 the Defence ask you any questions at all about where any of the archival

23 material for the SRK could be located?

24 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President.


Page 17700

1 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] It will be good to specify the

2 time, because earlier we had asked some questions. It will be good to

3 specify the time.

4 JUDGE ORIE: I to understand this question to be about this

5 meeting or in general, Mr. --

6 MR. IERACE: In general.

7 JUDGE ORIE: In general.

8 Did the members of the Defence, including Madam Pilipovic, have

9 ever asked you any question about where any of the archival material for

10 the SRK could be located?

11 A. I don't remember whether they asked such questions. Why do I say

12 this? I'm saying this because I had said that I did not have at my

13 disposal some documents that would have made it easier, that would have

14 made it easier for me to participate in the defence.

15 Q. You tell us that you don't remember whether they asked such

16 questions. Is it your evidence that whether they asked such questions or

17 not, you did not take them to any archival material, apart from the sketch

18 that you've told us about? And that was in your possession, in any event.

19 Is that correct?

20 A. Yes, it was. I found it later by chance among other documents.

21 Q. -- From. Now, you said this morning that you had taken some part

22 in some of the preparations. And I take that to be reference to the

23 preparations of the archival material. Is that correct?

24 A. Yes.

25 Q. You said, "I know that it had been prepared for Lukavica." What

Page 17701

1 do you mean by saying --

2 A. At Lukavica.

3 Q. At Lukavica. When did you take part in some of those preparations

4 of the archival material?

5 A. The material for the archive was prepared in the course of 1995

6 for all the previous years, and I took part in this as a member of the

7 team in compiling them, putting them together, preparing them for being

8 archived.

9 Following the signing of the Dayton Agreement and the decision

10 that we should move out together with the command, I knew where the

11 materials were, and those members of the team that had worked with me on

12 this previously, they had a key at their disposal and this material was to

13 be packed, transported, and put away. Whether it was taken to Pale or to

14 some other location, I do not know. I mentioned yesterday or the day

15 before yesterday my answer, because at that time I was in the field. I

16 was involved in the movement of weapons and equipment of the AAD together

17 with the --

18 Q. Please stop. Who were the members of the team that worked with

19 you on the packing of the archival material? You mentioned they had a key

20 at their disposal. Who were they?

21 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President.


23 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] This no longer stems from the

24 cross-examination or from the re-examination.

25 [Trial Chamber confers]

Page 17702

1 JUDGE ORIE: We'll allow the witness to answer this question and

2 then --

3 Could you tell us who were the members of the team with whom you

4 did the packing of the --

5 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] The members of the team were from

6 the temporary composition. I wouldn't -- I would rather not name them.

7 These were two civilians, members of our unit, a civilian, and a typist

8 who was making a list and notes. They were just able to move -- transport

9 the documents to some location because very soon afterwards there was the

10 disbanding of the corps.

11 Now, what happened to the materials following the disbanding of

12 the corps, I don't know, because I remained in the vicinity of Sokolac

13 together with all the technical equipment and materiel under a tent and I

14 was not able to keep with me any part of the documents.

15 JUDGE ORIE: You --

16 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I know that what remained --

17 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. DP35, the question was the names of those that

18 were in the team. You said you would rather not mention their names.

19 We'll now turn into private session so that you can give us those

20 names without the outside of the world to hear the answers you are giving.

21 One moment, please.

22 Could we turn into private session.

23 [Private session]

24 (redacted)

25 (redacted)

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20 [Open session]

21 JUDGE ORIE: We are. Please proceed.


23 Q. Sir, yesterday I asked you this question: "Following Dayton, did

24 you have anything at all directly or indirectly to do with moving any of

25 the archival material of the Sarajevo Romanija Corps at any stage after

Page 17705

1 December 1995?" And you replied, in part -- this is the commencement of

2 your answer: "After December 1995, I know that the archival material was

3 moved to Pale," and you went on to say that you were at Sokolac and --

4 A. Yes.

5 Q. -- After that.

6 A few minutes ago you said, "Whether it was taken to Pale or some

7 other location, I don't know."

8 A. That's what I said yesterday.

9 Q. No. Yesterday you said, "After December 1995, I know that the

10 archival material was moved to Pale." And today you say you don't know if

11 it went to Pale.

12 A. I disagree with yesterday's phrasing. I don't know -- yesterday I

13 do --

14 JUDGE ORIE: -- Yesterday, according to the transcript, you said,

15 "After December 1995, I know that the archival material was moved to

16 Pale. But at the time I was withdrawing anti-aircraft equipment from the

17 Sarajevo Romanija Corps area and the Sokolac region, and I no longer had

18 access to that archival material and I can't tell you what happened to it

19 later on." That's your words as they were written down yesterday.

20 Mr. Ierace, you asked --

21 And Mr. Ierace now asked you why you said yesterday that the

22 archives were transported to Pale, whereas you say today that you didn't

23 know whether they went to Pale or to -- you mentioned a few other places.

24 Could you please answer the question.

25 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Yes. The word "I know," I cannot

Page 17706












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Page 17707

1 confirm that I'd said it yesterday, and I'm linking yesterday's answer and

2 today's answer, which has the same meaning, but there is this word "know"

3 or "not know" which makes it be the complete opposite of each other. If I

4 had said that I was in Sokolac for taking out the material, then this word

5 of mine, "I know" transcribed yesterday it could be rather hasty, because

6 I could not have followed the archives to Pale for me to say "I know." I

7 could have said "I know that it was supposed to go to Pale," if you'll

8 allow me to add this to my answer -- I know that this was supposed to go

9 to Pale, and that would have been identical with the meaning of what was

10 said today. I do not wish in any way to prevent you from finding out

11 anything, but I don't want to say or be seen to be saying something

12 yesterday and something else today. I could not have followed its

13 movement to Pale if I was in Sokolac.

14 JUDGE ORIE: You've answered the question.

15 Yes, Mr. Piletta-Zanin.

16 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] I apologise, but I believe

17 that if we undertake a complete reading of what the witness said

18 yesterday, I think a little bit of the situation could be clarified. This

19 is what I'm allowing myself to do. Specifically --

20 JUDGE ORIE: If you could please draw the attention to those

21 keywords so that we can read them on our computers.

22 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Yes, of course.

23 JUDGE ORIE: In such a way it does not give a clue to the witness.

24 Yes.

25 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Yes. The keyword is, if I can

Page 17708

1 find it, [In English] "Access" by example or --


3 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] It is lines 2 and 3.

4 JUDGE ORIE: I'll repeat it. I stopped halfway the answer.

5 You also said, "And I no longer had access to that archival

6 material, and I can't tell you what happened to it later on." Does that

7 make you feel that you should add something to your answer or ...?

8 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Only to confirm that I know it went

9 to Pale. It should be added "I know", that it should have gone to Pale,

10 that it was supposed to go to Pale.


12 Mr. Ierace.


14 Q. This morning you said, "After the corps has been disbanded, I

15 don't know any more." When exactly was the 4th Corps -- the Sarajevo

16 Romanija Corps, I should say, disbanded?

17 A. February -- February 1996.

18 Q. When was it that you say it was moved, whether to Pale or

19 somewhere else from Lukavica?

20 A. December 1995/January 1996.

21 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, this question

22 was already asked and already answered, and the witness said "after

23 December 1995." There are some questions which are being asked again

24 which have been already clearly answered.

25 JUDGE ORIE: [Previous interpretation continues] ...

Page 17709

1 MR. IERACE: One more question, Mr. President.

2 Q. When you say the others had a key to the archive, was it a key to

3 a locked truck, a key to a trunk, a key to what?

4 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, the witness has

5 already answered, because he spoke about the key to the building.

6 JUDGE ORIE: [Previous interpretation continues] ...

7 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] At least, what I believe I

8 heard in his language.

9 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] The key to the office, practically.

10 And I even think that it wasn't in the hands of the members of the team

11 but that it was Colonel Zarkovic who had it, who remained in that building

12 with some men who were to organise the move. And we went after our own

13 business.

14 MR. IERACE: In view of that answer, Mr. President, one further

15 question.

16 Q. Your reference to Colonel Zarkovic, is that Colonel Zarkovic who

17 was a senior officer of the Sarajevo Romanija Corps?

18 A. That's right, yes.

19 MR. IERACE: That's all.

20 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. In the English transcript, the key is not

21 related to a building, Mr. Piletta-Zanin. But if there's any need to

22 check that in the original tape, the Chamber will assist you.

23 [Trial Chamber confers]

24 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. DP35, the Judges have several questions for you

25 as well. The first questions will be put to you by Judge Nieto-Navia.

Page 17710

1 Questioned by the Court:

2 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Could the map be shown to the witness. I

3 would like to see the airport area, please.

4 JUDGE ORIE: The map should be moved a bit downwards. Yes.

5 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] Here it is.


7 I think that you said that the positions X1 and X5, as far as I

8 can see, were not able to --

9 A. 4 and 5. It is 4 and 5.

10 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Okay. I'm sorry, I cannot see that very

11 well -- 4 and 5 were not able to fire towards the runway of the airport.

12 Was that your testimony yesterday?

13 A. Yes, it is.

14 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: You said that there were other units which

15 could do so.

16 A. That's right.

17 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Could you point to the -- those units, to the

18 place where those units were.

19 A. Yes. Infantry units, Dobrinja I; infantry units, Novakovici

20 houses, part of Donji Kotorac.

21 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Were those units under your command?

22 A. No.

23 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Do you know whether those units ever opened

24 fire towards the runway of the airport?

25 A. I cannot give you an exact answer, but they did open it. That was

Page 17711

1 not under any jurisdiction and under my immediate control.

2 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: But how do you know that they did that?

3 A. In the -- the command post is in the immediate vicinity. You can

4 see it to the right. And in the building, in the command building in

5 Lukavica - and it says "KM" - I was frequently at positions X4, 5, and 6.

6 And from the position X6, one could follow exactly where the circle is

7 placed next to "X6." In this circle is an elevation from which one

8 couldn't open fire but one could not -- but one could observe. And that

9 is why I related the observation post to this order to open or not open

10 fire in the direction of the runway.

11 [Trial Chamber confers]

12 MR. IERACE: I apologise, Your Honour. I noticed that the witness

13 was pointing to the screen. I wonder if he could be directed to point at

14 the map on the ELMO so that we can follow those positions.

15 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Yes. But he mentioned X6, yes, the command

16 post.

17 A. I was pointing at X6. No, the command -- I mentioned the command

18 in Lukavica and the observation post was at X6, and I'm pointing at it

19 now.

20 KM, which is the command post Lukavica, then positions in

21 Dobrinja, Donji Kotorac, and the observation post at X6, that is what I

22 showed.

23 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Did you ever personally observe those units

24 when they were opening fire towards the runway?

25 A. I cannot say I saw it with my own eyes, because from the position

Page 17712

1 of contact at Dobrinja I and Dobrinja IV, towards Dobrinja II and III, one

2 could hear fire from there all the time, and it was the immediate

3 interface, because there wasn't a street separating the forces, and it

4 would be frequently only walls in one building. One could hear fire

5 frequently from there, and it was very difficult to say whether fire was

6 being opened in the direction of the runway or whether fighting was going

7 on in some part of Dobrinja.

8 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: So your testimony is that you personally

9 didn't see those units firing towards the runway. That's your testimony.

10 A. Yes.

11 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: But you know -- you know that those units

12 opened fire sometime, because you heard that.

13 A. Yes. And after all, it was their job to follow, to keep under eye

14 this part of the runway because that was within their lines, within their

15 combat assignment lines.

16 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Do you know which part of the runway was used,

17 if it was used, for crossing of the BiH units?

18 A. Well, I can't really say exactly, but I don't think it was the

19 first third or perhaps first quarter of it. But, rather, the part which

20 was further away, towards this area where Muslim forces were deployed. So

21 from here it is only -- only this part was in our area of responsibility,

22 this area which I am pointing at now. So down -- I would say it was

23 rather down the runway in this direction.

24 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Do you mean to the west-north-western part of

25 the airport?

Page 17713

1 A. Yes, the north-western part. That is, in the direction of Ilidza.

2 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Now I will move to another topic. Were you

3 trained by the JNA?

4 A. Yes.

5 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Was part of your training some information on

6 the Geneva Conventions?

7 A. Yes, in part.

8 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: What do you mean by "in part"?

9 A. Well, I graduated from the academy in 1972, so in part. The

10 decisions of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the definitions in the

11 additional protocols and those which had to do with the United Nations and

12 all the rest. That is why I say yes, but insofar as we could at that

13 time, between 1968 and 1972, yes, from what we could learn and remember.

14 And we remembered what one does not need to learn, something that one

15 remembers by simply knowing what international relations are in other

16 aspects, from conversations, from the media, and the rest.

17 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: Do you know whether after 1962 up until 1992

18 the soldiers were trained or received lessons on the Geneva Conventions?

19 I don't mean the officers but the soldiers.

20 A. There were individual questions, just as there were through the

21 civil defence the population was given booklets with instructions how

22 to -- what kind of conduct they should apply in their own defence in case

23 of the extension of first aid, in case of capture, and so forth. So they

24 were excerpts of general nature that were distributed among the population

25 and among the soldiers as well, elementary matters.

Page 17714

1 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: I have another question: Is the fire, the

2 anti-aircraft fire, a direct or indirect fire?

3 A. Direct only.

4 JUDGE NIETO-NAVIA: No further questions.

5 JUDGE ORIE: Judge El Mahdi also has one or more questions to you.

6 JUDGE EL MAHDI: Thank you, Mr. President.

7 [Interpretation] Witness, I'd like to ask you if you can tell me

8 what was roughly the percentage of former JNA members amongst your troops,

9 approximately.

10 A. All unit members had served their military service with the JNA

11 before the war. But in the units of the permanent JNA forces until

12 January 1992, those men who were in my unit, in my regiment, the regiment

13 I commanded from July 1992, in my unit there were four

14 officers - active-duty, I mean. I was the fifth such officer, and I also

15 had - but I may go wrong - 15 soldiers under contract, and I also had two

16 civilians, that is, people who were in the former unit in the JNA. That's

17 it.

18 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] Perhaps you should make my

19 question clearer. If I understand you well, you testified that during the

20 military service, one learnt the ABC's of humanitarian law, that is, the

21 Geneva Conventions. So my question has to do with those people who were

22 trained, that is, those who did their military service with the JNA and

23 who then are supposed to have received some elementary instruction in

24 humanitarian law. So my question was about the number -- about the

25 percentage, the share of such men amongst your troops. If I understand

Page 17715

1 you well, you tell us that everybody did his military service, so in other

2 words you could say that all the men under your command and in the corps,

3 too, had done their military service and, therefore, were also aware more

4 or less with the general principles of the Geneva Conventions. Is that

5 what you are telling us?

6 A. Yes, that is what I said. Some elementary, that is, the minimum

7 knowledge. Yes, they had that.

8 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] Right. Then I'm going to broach

9 another subject, if I may. If I understand you well, the positions exist

10 in order to pursue a particular military objective. Can you briefly

11 explain to us the military reason behind the choice of how your troops

12 would be deployed around the city of Sarajevo. What was the

13 objective -- the military objective you pursued? Because you said that

14 the other party did not have any air force. And therefore, what was it

15 that you pursued and the decision to -- your decision or the decision of a

16 corps to deploy the troops at the positions that you chose was part of

17 which plan, whether such decisions were taken by you or at the corps

18 level?

19 A. In my earlier explanations of the positions, I already said that

20 when I arrived there in July 1992, that at that time, that July, had

21 already those covered assignments. I'm talking about regiment units. And

22 that this combat assignment was not significantly changed during the

23 period of time we are talking about here. So my predecessors whom I did

24 not find there when I got to the regiment, because they had left for

25 various reasons, by that time, before the conflict broke out, that is,

Page 17716

1 before April, they had already defined those firing positions, because

2 whenever there was a certain tension in a country or around it, then the

3 anti-aircraft defence units are the first ones to reach their combat

4 positions. And even in peacetime, whilst they were still a part of the

5 JNA, they already had certain firing positions which they took in order to

6 defend certain facilities or certain directions. My units from the

7 beginning, that is, from 1992 -- that is, in 1992 they took those

8 positions in order to enable the mobilisation and further activities

9 arising from the combat assignments of the corps.

10 The sports air field was taken in March, as far as I learnt from

11 those men whom I found there. And as such, in the Yugoslav People's Army,

12 it was -- served as a training ground and also for -- and it was used as a

13 facility, as a tactical, as an immobile object for training.

14 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] I'm sorry, perhaps I did not

15 phrase my question precisely. And I would also like to seek a

16 clarification. You said that you inherited those positions, that is, that

17 the positions had already been taken and defined before you came there.

18 A. That is correct.

19 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] Therefore, you were aware -- you

20 were familiar with a military plan, that is, these positions were taken

21 based on a particular military objective that was pursued on the basis of

22 a plan. So my question is: Can you briefly explain to us the why. Why

23 did the military choose those positions? Secondly, did the objective

24 pursuit remain the same for the duration of the conflict? And that is my

25 question. Or did it change? And will you please try to be as precise as

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Page 17718

1 possible and not -- and in just so many words.

2 A. Well, in a nutshell, the plan of deployment of the units in my

3 regiment, which existed during the JNA time, did not exist any longer and

4 was not of use to us because it had lost the importance. It applied to

5 some completely different tasks because the territory which the regiment

6 could use and move about had changed completely. The JNA troops prior to

7 the war had a completely different area than the Sarajevo Corps, so the

8 peacetime plan could not be used in wartime. The units happened to be on

9 the positions that they were at and from those positions -- at those

10 positions they carried out preparations for air combat, which started only

11 three years later. And from those positions, with of course the necessary

12 shifts, they also provided support to units at this or some other parts of

13 the front in Sarajevo.

14 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] Right. So you shifted some

15 positions, didn't you, depending on the military needs within the

16 framework of a plan? Now, the purpose, the objective, the orders that

17 were given you, the objective that you pursued, was what, briefly

18 speaking? You were responsible for what, to do what?

19 A. Why, I was responsible for the preparation of the orders and

20 preparation of a proposal to say whether one could extend support and

21 provide anti-aircraft defence from the existing positions or whether a

22 certain shift, a certain move was needed, whether the positions ought to

23 have been changed. And the pieces can be moved within a particular

24 existing position. They can be put closer together or perhaps a platoon

25 of the battery -- a battery has two platoons. So the platoon can be moved

Page 17719

1 or the whole battery can be moved.

2 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] Yes, thank you. I shall move to

3 another subject. That will be the last one. You said with regard to the

4 fire which would last -- fire from different weapons, which would last for

5 a few moments - and I quote you in English - [In English] "But now I

6 cannot associate that event with any special importance." [Interpretation]

7 So my question is -- I'd like to understand exactly what you said, so I'm

8 asking you to clarify. What did you mean by the phrase "it can ring a

9 bell"?

10 A. Well, could you just remind me what is it that we were talking

11 about.

12 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] It was a Prosecutor's question,

13 and the Prosecutor asked you about a shot sometime towards the end of the

14 year, around Christmas 1992, and it happened -- that is, there were

15 several shots fired during 20 minutes or so. 20 minutes came up. But

16 during a period of time. And to this question your answer was, and I

17 quote, [In English] "But now I cannot associate that event with any

18 special importance." [Interpretation] Do you remember it now?

19 A. Yes, I do. I do.

20 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] And do you remember the question

21 too, witness?

22 A. Yes, yes, I do. I understand now. There was some slight

23 confusion about the term and the dates. We were talking about Christmas,

24 and then we talked whether it was the Orthodox Christmas or the Catholic

25 Christmas, was I in Mostar, or in Sarajevo, and I said that I was in

Page 17720

1 Trebevic. The Prosecution said that the fire lasted 20 minutes? I do not

2 recall that. That is what I'm saying. But perhaps my memory would have

3 been jogged if I knew specifically. And then a member of the Prosecutor's

4 team --

5 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] No, no, no. It does not matter

6 whether it was 20 minutes or 15 or 25 minutes.

7 A. But you said that there was also 40-millimetre fire. And I tried

8 to answer, because if I put together those event, nobody -- because I was

9 interrupted then. So I must say that this battery with -- that is, this

10 platoon with 40-millimetre pieces was nearest to me. But nobody lodged a

11 protest with me. Nobody protested against this fire being open from

12 40-millimetre pieces which were part of the regiment artillery, and there

13 were such Bofors, that is, 40-millimetre. There were also in other places

14 in -- they were with the brigade units which were not under my

15 jurisdiction directly, which were part of brigades, and they could have

16 opened fire. This does not mean that I am trying to shift the

17 responsibility, that it is something that escaped my control, that

18 fire -- that 40-millimetre fire had been -- was opened without my

19 authorisation. But I also said when we were talking about the military

20 hospital that 40-millimetre fire, if it was a Christmas fire, that it

21 could only mean random wanton fire, but it could not produce any

22 effect -- that it could not affect or hit the military hospital from the

23 position at Vrace.

24 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] Thank you. Could you please

25 repeat for the interpreters because they did not hear your answer.

Page 17721

1 Witness, the end of your answer, please.

2 A. The end of the answer or the whole answer?

3 JUDGE EL MAHDI: No, no, no. Just the last sentence, because the

4 interpreter lost it.

5 A. My last sentence. I see. If fire was opened from the Vrace

6 positions towards the military hospital - and this has already been

7 mentioned - and I said that if fire was opened without my authorisation

8 but then it must have been just wanton arbitrary fire which would produce

9 no effect on the military hospital or any other target. It means that it

10 could not destroy troops. If it hit the wall of any building which was in

11 its way, then it could have. But I wasn't asked that and I didn't explain

12 it. Then it will be damage of the wall of about this size and depth of

13 about 2 or 3 fingers, that is, not even -- so that bullet would not have

14 even damaged the brick.

15 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] And tell us, why hit the wall

16 without hitting the troops, without producing casualties? Can you please

17 explain it to me in two words.

18 A. Well, if it was just arbitrary fire, somebody was firing random

19 shots to mark a particular holiday, such as Easter or Christmas or the new

20 year, just fires like that. Another objective would be a support to show

21 that there were units there.

22 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] Well, this is what I do not

23 understand, because I'm not getting the interpretation. There seems to be

24 a problem.

25 JUDGE ORIE: [Microphone not activated] -- Is -- I'll try to speak

Page 17722

1 some English words and see --

2 THE INTERPRETER: Microphone, Mr. President, please.

3 JUDGE ORIE: Now I'm creating the problem. Is the French

4 translation functioning now? Yes. Then please proceed.

5 THE WITNESS: [Interpretation] I gave the explanation. Do I have

6 to repeat it now because of the interpretation problems?

7 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] Yes. Because I didn't follow

8 you.

9 A. Yes. You asked what was the objective of opening fire. If, as I

10 said, if the fire was opened without an order, without the authorisation

11 to do so, without any report -- as commander of the regiment, that means

12 that the fire was opened as wanton and arbitrary firing. And this is a

13 Balkan habit, a custom. I don't know what it's like in other countries.

14 But that means that for New Year, for Christmas, fire is opened. That

15 happens in peacetime too. That's what it was. However, this fire may

16 have only occurred for a very short time because they received ammunition

17 which was in the central warehouse. And I headed the disposal of my unit

18 in coffee spoons, so to speak, so they had to report what they were using

19 it for and we had to report what they were using it for. But if there was

20 some action that was planned, some operation that was planned, as it was

21 alleged that it lasted for 20 minutes, then I would have had to know about

22 this order and I never knew about this kind of order because there would

23 be no purpose in firing this at night. For 20 minutes in order to waste

24 ammunition.

25 JUDGE EL MAHDI: [Interpretation] Thank you, sir.

Page 17723

1 JUDGE ORIE: I would have some questions for you as well, but

2 since that will take certainly more than two or three minutes, we'll first

3 have a break and we'll adjourn until five minutes to 1.00.

4 --- Recess taken at 12.34 p.m.

5 --- On resuming at 12.56 p.m.

6 JUDGE ORIE: Could the witness be escorted into the courtroom.

7 Mr. DP35, I've got a few questions for you as well. You told us

8 that from your Vrace positions the state hospital could not be targeted.

9 What -- how many storeys does the main building of the state hospital

10 have, approximately?

11 A. Seven or eight, something like that.

12 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. Is it a high-rise building?

13 A. Yes.


15 A. Yes, it's a high-rise building.

16 JUDGE ORIE: Could it be seen from Vrace, the upper part of the

17 building?

18 A. Perhaps the roof part of the upper-most storey.

19 JUDGE ORIE: Yes --

20 A. Because I never -- I did come to that position, but it was never

21 from that position that we were looking at what was in front of us and

22 what was the top floor of the hospital. We never discussed about the

23 position of the military hospital. I know that we had the data that there

24 were in some other parts that there were weapons or some ammunition, that

25 in some parts where this was -- some targets where this was done, but we

Page 17724

1 couldn't reach them. So we would take weapons and ammunition to other

2 positions so that they could target those other targets from other

3 positions, but we never -- it was never within our range to target those

4 other parts.

5 JUDGE ORIE: And -- but the higher parts were in the range that

6 you could target or not? It's not entirely clear to me what you tell us

7 about -- if you tell me -- let me put the question a different way to you.

8 If you tell me that you might have been able to see the upper part of the

9 building, why could you not have targeted that part of the building?

10 A. I said -- I can't be sure whether the top part could be seen, the

11 top part of the hospital. I also said that the hospital -- it was not in

12 our interest for our units to target it. It wasn't a target we would

13 target.

14 JUDGE ORIE: I'm not asking whether you did it but whether you

15 could have done it, technically.

16 A. Technically, what I said in the first part of my answer, it is

17 probable that the top parts could have been targeted.

18 JUDGE ORIE: My next question is that you said this morning that

19 you ruled out that among those crossing the runway, there were civilians.

20 Did I understand you correctly?

21 A. Yes, yes, you understood me correctly. I ruled it out because I

22 was not in a position to see whether these civilians were parts of these

23 groups.

24 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. So you say, "I didn't know. It was not

25 impossible."

Page 17725

1 A. It's not impossible.

2 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. My next question is -- I tried to get a better

3 understanding of your testimony in respect of what I will call Christmas

4 fire. That means firing of weaponry at an occasion such as Christmas, and

5 I'd like to concentrate on the 24th of December, when you said you were at

6 Trebevic. You testified that no warning was given to you and that the

7 firing was not upon your orders. This suggests that you knew about such

8 an event but that you had received no previous warning and that you did

9 not order to participate in such fire. Is that a correct understanding?

10 A. No. I'd like to clarify the first part. I didn't know, but I

11 found out when we were speaking about Christmas from the Prosecution -- I

12 found out that this was opening of fire on Christmas. But this was the

13 Catholic Christmas. If you're speaking about the 25th of December, I did

14 not know about it. I did not know about the opening of fire. Now, if I'm

15 saying if there was an opening of fire, I did not have an order for some

16 members of my unit to take -- some parts of my unit to take part in that.

17 I can just add something else: If it's Christmas, then it's a

18 Catholic Christmas, and no unit of mine had any purpose of

19 opening -- firing wantonly or opening fire, because in the parts of

20 Sarajevo towards Vrace, there were no Croats, and there would be -- and

21 there was no HVO units in that part of Sarajevo that was turned towards

22 us. So if there was any opening of fire, that was without my authority,

23 outside of my control. But I did not receive any protest, any criticism,

24 any remark in relation to this opening of fire.

25 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. I do understand you. You did not receive any

Page 17726

1 protest. We heard evidence that intensive random fire was -- took place

2 on the 24th of December, when you said you were in Trebevic. On the one

3 hand side, your testimony does not exclude for the possibility that

4 intensive random fire -- I'm not talking about hitting objects, but fire

5 as you described it yourself, random shots, took place -- you do not

6 exclude for that and you told us that on the 24th of December, you were in

7 Trebevic. Could you -- if you do not exclude for it, would you agree with

8 me that if such an event would have happened, that you would have heard

9 it, being on Trebevic?

10 A. That could have happened. I would have been able to hear that,

11 but the question is whether I can't remember. But I really -- it doesn't

12 stand out in my mind that there was such opening of fire on such a date.

13 That is not in my recollection. I really don't know whether on the

14 occasion of any holiday I said that wanton opening of fire was possible

15 but whether on any such holiday, Catholic or Orthodox or Muslim holiday,

16 whether we were prevented from opening fire. I know that for New Year, my

17 task was to inspect the units and to make sure that and to warn the units

18 not to open fire, precisely not to provoke and to cause disorder because

19 somebody was marking such a day.

20 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. You have no recollection, you say. Do I have

21 to understand this that you do not exclude it but you don't remember?

22 A. Yes, that's right.

23 JUDGE ORIE: Thank you. My next question is about complaints.

24 You were asked how General Galic would deal with complaints about

25 shelling. The question was whether he dealt with it in a professional

Page 17727

1 way, and you answered that he would not just have a glance at such

2 protests but would deal with it seriously. That's how I understood your

3 answer. Is that correct?

4 A. Yes, that's right.

5 JUDGE ORIE: The questions were about complaints about shelling.

6 Would -- did General Galic, if there were any complaints about sniping,

7 deal with it similarly seriously as the way you told us he dealt with

8 complaints about shelling?

9 Yes.

10 MS. PILIPOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, the Defence must

11 object to this in the current --

12 JUDGE ORIE: Ms. Pilipovic, if there's any problem of translation,

13 whatever, but if the other party puts a question to -- if it's a technical

14 matter, fine. If it goes to the content of the question, I would first

15 ask the witness to answer the question unless --

16 MS. PILIPOVIC: [Interpretation] The content of the question, yes.

17 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. Let me first consult my colleagues.

18 [Trial Chamber confers]

19 JUDGE ORIE: Perhaps we first -- could I ask the usher to escort

20 the witness out of the courtroom for one second.

21 [The witness stands down]

22 JUDGE ORIE: Ms. Pilipovic, as a general rule, the parties are

23 supposed not to intervene apart from matters like there's no translation

24 or something like that on questions from the Bench. Nevertheless, since

25 the Chamber is aware that this is a sensitive issue, that we'll give you

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Page 17729

1 an opportunity to express yourself, but that's an exception to the rule.

2 Please proceed.

3 MS. PILIPOVIC: [Interpretation] Thank you, Your Honour. My

4 objection is in that I carefully followed in the last two days the

5 testimony of Witness DP35, and in his answers he never said that he

6 received protests in relation to sniper incidents. Perhaps --

7 JUDGE ORIE: That's the reason why I asked -- why we would deal

8 with it in a similar way if there had been any. So it was not included in

9 the question that there were. So if that would be your objection, then...

10 MS. PILIPOVIC: [Interpretation] Your Honour, he said that he never

11 received protests, never.

12 JUDGE ORIE: The witness did not receive any protests, yes. But I

13 was not asking about protests addressed to the witness. I was asking

14 about the way the accused was dealing with protests, whether the witness

15 knew anything about that.

16 [Trial Chamber confers]

17 JUDGE ORIE: The objection is -- the Chamber has decided that the

18 objection is denied.

19 Mr. Usher, could you please escort the witness into the courtroom.

20 [The witness entered court]

21 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. DP35, I asked you a question. Do you still

22 remember my question? The question was about the way the -- General Galic

23 would deal with any protests about sniping if there were any. Could you

24 please answer the question, whether it was in a similar way or different.

25 Please proceed with your answer.

Page 17730

1 A. My assessment is, although I couldn't attend the way or couldn't

2 be present directly how the general dealt with that, but I believe that

3 the approach to any protest was the same, was equitable, and I believe

4 that this is how it was done. But as far as the sniping itself, I know

5 very little, and I couldn't really comment further on that.

6 JUDGE ORIE: I'm not asking about your personal knowledge of the

7 sniping but whether you were ever -- whether you ever heard how General

8 Galic would deal with complaints about sniping.

9 A. Well, I said in the beginning that my assessment was that it was

10 the same approach to those protests and for other protests. So for those

11 protests and the protests which were -- had different content.

12 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. On what is your assessment based?

13 A. I said -- I said I couldn't be directly present there when a

14 protest was discussed, because I couldn't be present. If a protest was

15 discussed at a meeting where other members of the command staff attended,

16 then I could have followed that. But if a protest was discussed outside

17 this meeting, then General Galic must have discussed this through his

18 liaison officer through whom the protests went and with possibly some

19 people whose task was to study this and assess it. So that's why my

20 assessment is that the approach of General Galic was the same for all

21 protests.

22 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. Do I understand you correctly if you say that

23 protests about sniping were not the subject of even mentioning during the

24 meetings you attended? Were they mentioned? Were they discussed? Were

25 they not mentioned? Were they ...?

Page 17731

1 A. They were mentioned, as well as other protests, if they occurred

2 prior to the meeting. If these protests occurred after the meeting and

3 then they were resolved in the period of one day, say, of one working day,

4 or in the course of the daytime, then it must have been discussed with

5 other people outside the meeting.

6 JUDGE ORIE: And at those occasions where these protests about

7 sniping were mentioned during the meeting, what would be said about it?

8 What would be the procedure to deal with it?

9 A. There was a warning that was given to the relevant persons who

10 would forward that warning and check it in the units whether fire was

11 opened, for instance. Or there was a warning -- that was the task given

12 to the liaison officer with UNPROFOR to check whether the protest was

13 based on facts, on something that had really happened. And we always

14 stressed that there were many protests that occurred which were not based

15 factually and that practically people were just involved in studying this,

16 discussing it, and then the opposite thing was true. And there were

17 other -- firing was also discussed in relation to the weapons which need

18 not have had optical sights.

19 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. Was there ever given an instruction to

20 investigate at your side - that means the Bosnian Serb forces - to

21 investigate the complaint as to the facts underlying the complaint?

22 A. Commissions were set up, teams, to check the information. But now

23 I cannot really tell you how many of them, where, and in relation to what

24 protests, whether it was artillery weapons or other, whether small arms

25 fire, how many protests. But we've already discussed the reaction, the

Page 17732

1 response, and the work of teams on the mission in the case that involved

2 me. But it was not a protest dealing with fire from small arms, from

3 in-country weapons.

4 JUDGE ORIE: But were such teams also formed if the complaints

5 were about small arms fire, more specifically what is called sniping,

6 apart from whether this was done with a weapon with an optical sight or

7 not?

8 A. I cannot say whether a team was formed on every occasion because

9 it was mostly combat operations. But I know that a team would be formed

10 if a protest had been lodged in case of a cease-fire, so-called truce,

11 when also we lodged the largest number of protests to the opposite side.

12 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. My next question would be: You told us about

13 meetings that took place where General Mladic was present, and I'm just

14 seeking to clarify your testimony. You said that you had a clear

15 recollection of one of these meetings, in September 1992 at Jahorina, and

16 you also told us that the majority of such meetings were held in Lukavica.

17 Could you tell us approximately how many Lukavica meetings where

18 General Mladic was present have taken place in your presence.

19 Approximately. I'm not asking whether it was -- if it was an exact

20 number, but approximately, since you said the majority.

21 A. I do not remember meetings when General Mladic was present when I

22 was there, and that is why I said I was quite sure about that meeting in

23 September 1992 on Jahorina, and I'd really not be able to speak about my

24 presence at meetings where General Mladic was, when we were in Lukavica.

25 JUDGE ORIE: -- That the majority took place in Lukavica.

Page 17733

1 A. Yes, correct. I did. But I did not say that General Mladic was

2 present. I pointed out that as a rule some representatives of the main

3 staff were present, and I remember that General Mladic attended one of

4 those meetings on Jahorina. I'm not aware of his presence at Lukavica,

5 but I do know that other representatives were there.

6 JUDGE ORIE: May I just read your answers to the questions in that

7 respect. You said, "At those meetings of ours which took place on a daily

8 basis, no, General Mladic did not appear. But I did see General Mladic at

9 meetings when there were reports from all commanders of the brigades and

10 regiments. General Mladic would come to some of those meetings or some of

11 the officers from the main staff."

12 The next question was: "Where were those meetings held in the

13 relevant period, Pale, Lukavica, at different places, where?"

14 You said, "In Lukavica, one was held. In Jahorina, at that time

15 we didn't have such meetings in Pale. Mainly in Lukavica. The majority

16 of meetings took place in Lukavica."

17 So you're using the plural several times also in respect of

18 meetings where General Mladic was present. Could you -- do you say your

19 answer was not correct, or could you otherwise give me an approximate

20 number of meetings held in Lukavica where General Mladic was present?

21 You said General Mladic would come to some of these meetings.

22 That's a plural.

23 A. Yes. You defined it correctly. But I was not wrong either. I

24 said that I was present at a meeting, at a briefing on Jahorina, that

25 meetings were held in Lukavica, and perhaps as you said, in plural,

Page 17734

1 General Mladic was present. I was not present at those meetings because

2 our commander's position was to attend to other business whilst those

3 meetings were held, so I was not physically present there because it was

4 more interesting and more necessary for one of the assistants to be

5 present. And I, when I was not on the ground, I was in the operations

6 centre, because I told you that I spent most of my time there. So --

7 JUDGE ORIE: If I may stop you. You said, "But I did see General

8 Mladic at meetings," also in the plural. So your testimony, as I read it

9 from the transcript, was not that you heard about his presence but that

10 you did see him.

11 A. Yes. I saw -- I did not have to be present at a meeting because

12 the hole in our command was next to the operation centre. It was

13 interesting for me to see who was coming. So I could see General Mladic

14 at the meeting but I was not at the meeting. Or sometimes during the

15 meetings if I was on duty or if it was an urgent message, then it was my

16 duty to enter the room with a meeting and to inform the corps command

17 about a certain message that had arrived and which needed to be acted upon

18 immediately. So I did have the opportunity to see General Mladic.

19 JUDGE ORIE: So I do understand that at several occasions you saw

20 General Mladic attending a meeting or about to attend a meeting in

21 Lukavica; is that correct? Meetings with General Galic.

22 A. Yes.

23 JUDGE ORIE: Yes, thank you. Then you briefly referred to the

24 fact that although from your side it was offered to participate in the

25 incident on the Markale market, that you were refused to participate in

Page 17735

1 such a joint investigation, and you also briefly referred to your

2 investigations. What was investigated precisely within the organisation

3 you worked in on the Markale market incident?

4 A. I had nothing to do with the market investigation. I said that I

5 was involved in investigation of the tower, of the control tower at the

6 airport, but it had nothing to do with Markale.

7 JUDGE ORIE: You didn't say that you participated in this

8 investigation but referred to the refusal to allow your people to

9 participate in a joint investigation and you briefly referred to what you

10 called "our investigation," not saying that you participated in it. What

11 do you know about your -- not you personally but the investigation on your

12 side on the Markale market incident?

13 A. I know about it because as our contribution to cooperation on the

14 ground and our relations with UNPROFOR, that day I wrote the combat report

15 for the main staff and one item in that report contained the explanation

16 which I had received from the liaison officer, and that report in that

17 part -- that part of the report said that we had offered to assign a

18 certain number of our men to the joint team of the -- the foreign

19 investigation team, that the other side refused that, and I sent this

20 report --

21 JUDGE ORIE: I referred to that, that the other side refused your

22 contribution to such an investigation. You said you did write the combat

23 report of that day.

24 A. [No audible response]

25 JUDGE ORIE: And you explained. What did you actually explain in

Page 17736

1 that report?

2 A. Just as I have told you: That following the protest lodged

3 regarding the action of our forces against Markale, or rather, this

4 destruction that was thrashed a lot by the media, that then the chief of

5 staff set up a commission and through the liaison officer suggested that

6 the joint commission be set up under the UNPROFOR leadership. However,

7 the other side did not accept our proposal and that was the end of it.

8 JUDGE ORIE: I do understand, but --

9 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Mr. President, I do not want

10 to interrupt you, but just to say that the witness said -- spoke a

11 condition regarding the Markale incident, and this does not appear in the

12 English transcript, and I simply wanted to make that clear.

13 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. Thank you. Mr. Piletta-Zanin.

14 I do understand that a commission was formed and that it was

15 offered that this commission would take part in the investigation, a joint

16 investigation, and it was refused. Was there any investigation either by

17 this committee or by any other committee or any other persons

18 investigating the alleged facts underlying the events as they were told to

19 you? I mean, what did your part investigate -- were not allowed to

20 participate in a joint investigation. What did your part investigate

21 itself? Who did it and how was it done? If you have any knowledge of

22 that.

23 A. Well, I cannot say I do. All I can say is that it was discussed

24 whether it was possible that a piece of weapon, one shell caused injuries

25 to so many people and that, therefore, that was impossible. Now, whether

Page 17737

1 a commission was formed and at which level it was discussed, I did not

2 take part in such discussions and I, therefore, cannot speak about

3 details. All I can say is that in general on the basis of knowledge which

4 official -- and there was some -- official information, that it was

5 impossible that such a thing could have happened on the basis of action of

6 any of our pieces.

7 JUDGE ORIE: You said, "All I can say, that it was discussed

8 whether it was possible that a piece of weapon, one shell caused injuries

9 to so many people." Discussed by whom?

10 A. Discussed by the whole command and all the commands.

11 JUDGE ORIE: Do I understand that you were present during these

12 discussions?

13 A. There were discussions day in, day out. Besides, the media

14 flooded us from all sides with the footage which we simply did not

15 believe. We simply did not believe they were authentic. We simply did

16 not think that they were true. That is what this is about.

17 JUDGE ORIE: You just told us that the conclusions drawn was that

18 such a piece of weapon -- that one shell could not have caused so many

19 injuries and casualties as you were told there had been. Were there any

20 other conclusions from that -- from these discussions?

21 A. There were other conclusions; namely, that it could have only been

22 the result of purposeful activity of the other side orchestrated, set up,

23 because we saw such footage. I believe this Tribunal also has some of

24 this footage. And it is impossible not to see that along a stall three or

25 four people are lying in pools of blood and that the stall and what is on

Page 17738

1 it, the goods, the stuff that is being sold, that it is absolutely intact,

2 that not a single scratch is there. So it's obvious that it is a set-up.

3 These are some of the conclusions which we drew from it, and I believe

4 such conclusions are still drawn from that because there is some such

5 footage. I did see some of it on television.

6 JUDGE ORIE: What were the other sources on which you based your

7 conclusions during these discussions? Because you told us that from the

8 footage, you saw pictures that, as you were told, were taken from the

9 Markale market. Were there any other sources that would support the

10 conclusions you'd drawn at that time?

11 A. Well, the first conclusion has to do with the action of the

12 weapon, or rather, the shell because technically it is impossible for one

13 shell to produce so many casualties. Had it been a bomb, I mean, dropped

14 from the air, it could -- yes, it could cause so many casualties, because

15 I saw such a shell, 120-millimetre shell fall next to me, and I and all

16 the men who were working with me got off without a single scratch, whereas

17 it fell right next to me on the asphalt and I got away completely

18 unscathed and the men next to me, and it was only 6 metres from me. And

19 the crater of the shell was like this, as a plate in the asphalt. And

20 that a shell could get through all those stalls and kill so many people,

21 it is impossible. Even a Kacusak [phoen] couldn't have done that.

22 JUDGE ORIE: Do you have any other considerations that

23 were -- that you used when reaching such a conclusion in your discussions

24 that it -- these were false allegations?

25 A. Well, as you have just said, these are false accusations, and as I

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Page 17740

1 have said, a set-up, and I'd rather not discuss it any further, because I

2 really do not know. What else could I say?

3 JUDGE ORIE: I'm just repeating your words that these are false

4 allegations. I'm refraining from whether they are false or true. That's

5 finally one of the tasks this Chamber still has to achieve. But I do

6 understand that you cannot give me other reasons you've taken into

7 consideration when reaching such conclusions.

8 A. That's right.

9 JUDGE ORIE: Thank you for your answers. I have no further

10 questions.

11 Are there any additional questions to put to the witness?

12 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] The Defence does have a

13 certain number of questions, yes. We'd like to finish, but we're afraid

14 that this witness might be called tomorrow. But we shall try to be as

15 brief as possible so as not to have to do it. Can I start?

16 JUDGE ORIE: [Previous interpretation continues] ...

17 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Thank you very much.

18 JUDGE ORIE: [Previous interpretation continues] ...

19 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] I will take up the questions

20 in a certain order and I will be precise.

21 Could the witness be shown the map which he marked following

22 questions by Judge Nieto-Navia, and I would like to concentrate on the

23 airport, the area of the airport.

24 Further examination by Mr. Piletta-Zanin:

25 Q. [Interpretation] Witness, you were asked by Judge Nieto-Navia

Page 17741

1 about the positions which was at the far east end of the airport which

2 couldn't or could open fire in the direction of the airport. Do you

3 remember that?

4 A. I do.

5 Q. Thank you. Witness, could you tell us, what were the positions

6 facing those Serb positions that you mentioned? What were the enemy

7 positions at the far east end of the airport?

8 A. Their positions were along this line of separation, as I said,

9 between Dobrinja I and IV on our side, Dobrinja II and III from the Muslim

10 side, and further into depth --

11 Q. I will interrupt you here. I will interrupt you now, witness.

12 The witness is adding his gesture to his words and is pointing towards

13 Dobrinja -- or rather, the whole route which covers the complex of the

14 airport to the north of it and, therefore, south of the Dobrinja locality.

15 Please proceed.

16 A. Secondly, the enemy positions were in the area of Donji Kotorac,

17 from the sports air field where we see this first structure - I am

18 pointing at it here - through the locality of Donji Kotorac and then on

19 towards the end of the runway. So these were the Muslim positions.

20 Q. Thank you very much.

21 THE INTERPRETER: Could the counsel please wait for the witness to

22 finish.

23 JUDGE ORIE: Mr. Piletta-Zanin, you're requested to make a break

24 between answer and the next question.

25 And since this courtroom has to be used this afternoon, could you

Page 17742

1 please find a moment to finish in one or two minutes.

2 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] I can't do it, Mr. President.

3 JUDGE ORIE: Conclude not your examination but for this very

4 moment. I'm not limiting at this moment your time to ask questions to the

5 witness but we have to continue tomorrow so --

6 MR. PILETTA-ZANIN: [Interpretation] Very well. Yes, of course.

7 Of course. Yes, thank you. Thank you. I shall be happy to do that.

8 So I will repeat what I said for the transcript, and that was the

9 witness mentioned different localities, but apart from that he extends he

10 has gesture in the direction to the west and south of the airport.

11 Q. Witness, you told us what were the positions of the two sides. Do

12 you know if there were exchanges of fire or cross-fire between these

13 positions? And if so, often did that happen?

14 A. Yes. There were exchanges of fire --

15 MR. IERACE: Mr. President, this -- this question and indeed the

16 previous questions do not arise out of questions asked by you,

17 Mr. President, and Your Honours. In any event, there has been a

18 considerable volume of evidence to the same effect by other witnesses. So

19 I object to this question and to the line of questioning, in terms of

20 it -- whether it should be permitted.

21 JUDGE ORIE: Yes. Mr. Piletta-Zanin, if you would give it some

22 thought, what arises from questions from the Judges and what not. The

23 mere fact that something is mentioned does not automatically mean that

24 it's an issue that came up. But we have to adjourn anyhow, so plenty of

25 time to consider it and then we'll hear your next questions tomorrow

Page 17743

1 morning.

2 Unfortunately we could not finish with your testimony today,

3 Mr. DP35. But certainly we'll finish tomorrow. So I have to ask you to

4 come back now in this same courtroom tomorrow morning at 9.00.

5 We'll adjourn until tomorrow morning.

6 --- Whereupon the hearing adjourned

7 at 1.47 p.m., to be reconvened on Friday,

8 the 17th day of January, 2003, at 9.00 a.m.