A. The Appeals
- The Trial Judgement was delivered on 22 February 2001. Notices of appeal
were filed by the Appellants Kovac595 and Vukovic596
on 6 March 2001, and by the Appellant Kunarac597
on 7 March 2001.
- On 18 May 2001, the Appellants filed a joint application for an extension
of the time limit for filing their Appellants’ Briefs under Rule 111 of the
Rules,598 on the basis that they had not yet
received the Trial Judgement in the B/C/S language . The Prosecutor responded
to this application.599 The Appeals Chamber
ordered that the Appellants’ Briefs be filed within thirty days of the filing
of the B/C/S translation of the Trial Judgement.600
- On 28 May 2001, counsel for the Appellant Vukovic filed a notice of the
impossibility of performing his duties as counsel, due to the expiry and non-extension
of his Dutch visa.601
- On 25 June 2001, the Appellants filed a joint application for authorisation
to exceed page limits of their Appellants’ Briefs.602
The Prosecutor filed a response to this application on 5 July 2001.603
The Appeals Chamber denied the request on 10 July 2001.604
- The Appellant Vukovic filed his confidential Appeal Brief on 12 July 2001.605
The Appeal Briefs of the Appellants Kunarac606
and Kovac607 were filed on 16 July 2001.
- On 10 August 2001, the Prosecutor filed a request: (i) for an extension
of time to file its Respondent’s Briefs under Rule 112 of the Rules; and (ii)
to exceed the page limit for these Briefs.608
The Respondent’s Briefs were filed within the time limit. The Prosecutor’s
Respondent’s Brief to the Appellant Vukovic’s Appeal Brief was filed on 13
August 2001,609 and its Consolidated Respondent’s
Brief and book of authorities relating to the Appellants Kunarac and Kovac
were filed on 15 August 2001.610 However, the
Consolidated Respondent’s Brief did exceed the page limit. The Appeals Chamber
decided that it would deem and accept that Brief as having been validly filed
with the authorisation of the Appeals Chamber.611
On 26 September 2001, the Prosecutor filed a confidential request for clarification
of that decision.612 The Appeals Chamber ordered
that: (i) the Prosecutor’s Consolidated Respondent’s Brief be deemed and accepted
as having been validly filed on 15 August 2001 in respect of all three Appellants
with the authorisation of the Appeals Chamber; and (ii) the Appellant Vukovic
be given leave to file his Brief in Reply within 15 days of the filing of
the order.613
- On 20 August 2001, the Appellants Kunarac and Kovac filed a request for
an extension of time to file their reply to the Prosecution Consolidated Respondent’s
Brief.614 The Prosecutor responded to this request.615
The Appeals Chamber granted the request and ordered that the Briefs in Reply
be filed on or before 4 September 2001.
- The Appellants’ Briefs in Reply were filed on the following dates: 28 August
2001 by Vukovic;616 4 September 2001 by Kunarac
and Kovac.617 The Brief of the Appellants Kunarac
and Kovac exceeded the page limit, but was authorised retrospectively by the
Pre-Appeal Judge.618
- On 19 September 2001, the Appellant Kunarac filed a request for provisional
release under Rule 65(I) of the Rules in order that he might undergo medical
treatment in Belgrade.619 The Prosecutor filed
a confidential response to the request on 25 September 2001.620
The Appeals Chamber rejected the request on 16 October 2001.621
- On 20 September 2001, counsel for the Appellant Vukovic informed the Appeals
Chamber that the Registry had denied him access to meet with his client.622
- On 2 October 2001, the appointed Pre-Appeal Judge issued an order requiring
the parties to file redacted public versions of the Appellant Vukovic’s Appeal
Brief , the Prosecution Respondent’s Brief, and the Prosecution Consolidated
Respondent’s Brief.623 Public versions of the
latter two documents were filed on 9 October 2001. On 11 October 2001, the
Appellant Vukovic informed the Appeals Chamber that his Appeal Brief filed
on 12 July 2001 was never marked as confidential and should be considered
to be the public version .624 On 18 October
2001, the Registry lifted the confidentiality of that document.625
The Appellants Kunarac and Kovac filed a like document on 22 October 2001
informing the Appeals Chamber that their Appeal Briefs of 16 July 2001 ought
also to be considered to be the public versions.626
- On 29 October 2001, the Appeals Chamber made a scheduling order to the
effect that presentation of Appeal Briefs would begin on 4 December 2001.627
- On 6 November 2001, the Appellant Vukovic filed a motion for presentation
of additional evidence in accordance with Rule 115 of the Rules,628
seeking the admission of an excerpt from the Registry of Births of Bosnia
and Herzegovina by which to prove the age of his daughter, Marijana Vukovic.
The Prosecutor filed a response to this request on 16 November 2001.629
The Appeals Chamber rejected the motion on 30 November 2001.630
- On 6 November 2001, the three Appellants filed a joint statement regarding
the schedule of presentation of their Appeal Briefs.631
The Prosecutor filed its response to that statement on 9 November 2001.632
On 26 November 2001, the three Appellants filed a joint statement about the
division of total time for the presentation of their submissions.633
- On 19 December 2001, the Appellant Kovac filed a statement informing the
Appeals Chamber of the exact references to a case upon which he relied in
oral explanations .634
B. Assignment of Judges
- On 21 May 2001, by an order of the President of the International Tribunal,
the following Judges were assigned to sit on the appeal: Judge Jorda, President,
Judge Vohrah, Judge Shahabuddeen, Judge Nieto-Navia and Judge Liu.635
- On 8 June 2001, Judge Shahabuddeen was appointed as Pre-Appeal Judge to
deal with all motions of a procedural nature.636
On the occasion of departures of Judges and the new composition of Chambers,
the President of the International Tribunal reconstituted the Appeals Chamber
for the instant appeal on 23 November 2001, assigning Judge Jorda, President,
Judge Shahabuddeen , Judge Schomburg, Judge Güney and Judge Meron to sit on
the appeal.637
C. Status Conferences
- Status conferences were held in accordance with Rule 65bis of the
Rules on 25 June 2001638 and 16 October 2001.639
D. Appeal Hearing
- On 16 November 2001, the Pre-Appeal Judge issued a scheduling order for
the Appeal Hearing,640 which was held
over three days, from 4 to 6 December 2001.