Case No. IT-02-54-T
Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic
NOTING the Statute of the Tribunal as adopted by the Security Council under Resolution 827 (1993), and in particular Article 21 thereof;
NOTING the Rules of Procedure and Evidence as adopted by the Tribunal on 11 February 1994, as subsequently amended, and in particular Rules 44 and 45 thereof;
NOTING the Directive on Assignment of Defence Counsel as adopted by the Tribunal on 28 July 1994, as subsequently amended;
NOTING the Code of Professional Conduct for Counsel Appearing Before the International Tribunal (IT/125 REV.1)), and in particular Article 9 thereof;
CONSIDERING the Trial Chamber’s oral order of 2 September 2004 that counsel be assigned to Slobodan Milosevic (“Accused”), the Trial Chamber’s Order on the Modalities to be Followed by Court Assigned Counsel dated 3 September 2004, the Trial Chamber’s Reasons for Decision on Assignment of Defence Counsel dated 22 September 2004, and the Appeals Chamber’s Decision on Interlocutory Appeal of the Trial Chamber’s Decision on the Assignment of Defence Counsel dated 1 November 2004;
CONSIDERING the Deputy Registrar’s Decision of 3 September 2004 assigning Mr. Steven Kay and Ms. Gillian Higgins as counsel and co-counsel to the Accused in accordance with the Trial Chamber’s oral order of 2 September 2004;
CONSIDERNING the partly confidential "Submission of the Registrar Pursuant to Rule 33(B) on the Death of Slobodan Milosevic” filed on 13 March 2006;
CONSIDERING the Trial Chamber’s order of 14 March 2006 terminating the proceedings in the Accused’s case ("Order Terminating the Proceedings");
DECIDES to terminate the assignment of Mr Steven Kay and Ms Gillian Higgins as counsel and co-counsel for the Accused effective as of the date of the Order Terminating the Proceedings.
John Hocking
Deputy Registrar
Dated this seventeenth day of March 2006
At The Hague,
The Netherlands.