Judge David Hunt, Pre-Trial Judge

Mr Hans Holthuis

Decision of:
14 June 2001






The Office of the Prosecutor:

Mr Dermot Groome
Mr Ossogo
Ms Sabine Bauer

Counsel for accused

Mr Vladimir Domazet


I, Judge David Hunt, Pre-Trial Judge

NOTING the Order Relating to Pre-Trial Matters ("Order") issued by the Trial Chamber on 8 June 2001 by which the prosecution was ordered to up-date its pre-trial brief so that it complies with amended Rule 65ter(E) on or before 14 June 2001;

NOTING the "Application For An Order Extending the Time for the Prosecutor to Comply With Rule 65ter(E)" ("Application") filed by the prosecution on 13 June 2001 by which it seeks an extension of time to comply with the Order until 18 June 2001;

CONSIDERING that an agreement has been reached between the prosecution and the defence that the prosecution be granted an extension of time to comply with the Order;

CONSIDERING that the parties are agreed that the granting of the Application will not delay the pre-trial conference scheduled by the Order to take place on 20 July 2001 at 9.30am;

PURSUANT TO Rule 127 of the Rules;


1.The prosecution be granted an extension of time until 18 June 2001 to comply with Rule 65ter(E) on the undertaking of the parties that such an extension of time will not delay the holding of the pre-trial conference on 20 July 2001 at 9.30am.


Done in English and French, the English text being authoritative.


Dated this 18th day of June 2001,
At The Hague,
The Netherlands.


Judge David Hunt
Pre-Trial Judge

[Seal of the Tribunal]