Press Release | TRIBUNAL |
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)
Hundreds of visitors at the Tribunal on The Hague International Day
More than 650 members of the public passed through the Tribunal’s doors on 23 September 2012 as part of the fifth annual ‘International Day’ organised by the Municipality of The Hague. The extraordinary number of visitors shows the abiding interest the public have in the work of the ICTY.
The President of the Tribunal, Judge Theodor Meron opened the event. “In the nearly twenty years since it was founded, the ICTY has proven itself to be an extraordinarily effective institution. As of last summer, the Tribunal has no outstanding fugitives… a track record that courts in most national jurisdictions would envy,” he told the gathered audience.
Members of the public were given the rare chance of entering one of the Tribunal’s courtrooms, where they were given a guided tour by staff members. Visitors were able to sit at the judges’ bench or take the places of the Prosecution or the Defence counsel whilst listening to presentations by ICTY staff on how the Tribunal’s courtrooms operate.
An exhibition and a film introduced visitors to the ICTY, whilst question and answer sessions with Judge Alphons Orie and Registrar John Hocking gave visitors insights into the Tribunal’s core activities. There was also a special screening of the documentary Sexual Violence and the Triumph of Justice, produced by the Tribunal’s Outreach office.
ICTY officials were on hand throughout the day to meet visitors, to answer their questions and to present the work and achievements of the Tribunal.
The ICTY also welcomed visitors to its stand at the International Fair, held at the World Forum Convention Centre on the same day. The Fair provided international organisations, embassies and NGOs based in The Hague with an occasion to present themselves to over a thousand visitors and to answer questions.
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
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