Press Release | REGISTRY |
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)
Outreach Programme launches series of lectures in Croatian universities
Today, the Tribunal’s Outreach Programme launched a series of university lectures in Croatia as part of its region-wide project to reach out to university students across the former Yugoslavia.
A total of four lectures will be held this week at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Political Science Faculty and the Law Faculty of Zagreb and the Law Faculty of Split. The lectures will be given by Matthew Gillett, Trial Attorney in the Office of the Prosecutor of the ICTY. He will introduce students to the work of the Tribunal, its jurisprudence and achievements in the development of international criminal law.
Commenting on the value of the lectures, Matko Pajčić, Assistant Professor at the Split Law Faculty, said: “I greatly appreciate the ICTY's efforts to explain the work of the Tribunal to my students at the Split Law Faculty. Matthew's Gillett's command of the details of ICTY case law will help the students to understand complex aspects of the Tribunal's jurisprudence, including the issue of Joint Criminal Entreprise."
This follows a similar series of lectures which were held last week in four universities across the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The project will be carried out in the coming months in universities across Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Kosovo.
The university lectures series form part of the Outreach Programme’s efforts to contribute to the process of dealing with the past by encouraging young people to take an active interest in the Tribunal’s work and achievements as well as wider issues of justice, transitional justice mechanisms and post-conflict social recovery.
As the ICTY moves towards the completion of its mandate, the Outreach Programme is intensifying its efforts to increase the local communities’ access to information on the Tribunal’s work. In doing so, the Outreach Programme seeks to cement the Tribunal’s legacy throughout the region of the former Yugoslavia.
The Outreach Programme benefits from the continuous support of the European Union and its work with the youth of the former Yugoslavia is generously supported by the Finnish government.
More information about the Outreach Programme can be found on the Tribunal’s website.
If you would like to support or get involved in the Tribunal’s Outreach Programme
please contact Nerma Jelačić, Head of Outreach, at jelacic [at] or +31 70 512 5066
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
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