Đakovica/Gjakovë, 21 November 2014
The Tribnunal’s Outreach Programme today completed this year’s series of presentations in high schools in Kosovo. Following similar events in Obilić/Obiliq, Lipljan/Lipjan, Uroševac/Ferizaj, Kosovska Mitrovica/Mitrovica, Gnjilane/Gjilan, Orahovac/Rahovec, Rogovo/Rogovë, Klina/Klinë, and Mališevo/Malishevë, the final presentation was delivered by the ICTY representative Astrit Lleshi in the “Kadri Kusari” high school in Đakovica/Gjakovë.
32 students gathered to learn about the Tribunal and its role in bringing to justice some of those responsible for crimes committed during the Balkan wars of the 1990s, and how by doing so it had given voice to thousands of victims who would otherwise have struggled to be heard. In addition, the work of the ICTY was explained within the context of the contribution it has made to international criminal justice.
The students were keen to hear more about cases specifically related to Kosovo, since they are not provided with information on this topic through the course of their regular schoolwork. Students also wanted to know more about protective measures granted to witnesses, and ICTY sentencing practice.
In their evaluation forms, a majority of the students wrote that they were happy to have the opportunity to learn more about the ICTY and would be pleased to attend similar lectures in the future.