The screening of the latest ICTY documentary Crimes before the Tribunal: Central Bosnia has generated great interest among the audience in Sarajevo. More than 80 representatives of victims associations, NGOs, judiciary, diplomatic core and students attended the screening.
The film which portrays some of the gravest crimes committed against civilians during the Croat – Muslim conflict in Central Bosnia between early 1993 and early 1994 stirred strong emotions among the audience. Jasmin Mešković, president of the BiH Union of Former Camp Detainees, summed up his impressions of the film: „If it had not been for the Tribunal, the truth, that is the story about the wartime events in BiH, would have been very much different. I support such truth-seeking efforts and such way of education people, in particular the young generations, when it comes to Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I definitively think that the film is very good“.
Dr Goran Šimić, Head of the Association for Transitional Justice in BiH, confirmed that such approach to facing the past is efficient and that films can serve as catalysts encouraging people to reflect on crimes committed and justice for victims, saying: „I think what the Tribunal is trying to say is actually something that we in Bosnia and Herzegovina still cannot accept, and that is that there were crimes, they were numerous and they were committed on all sides, no matter how hard it is for us to accept it. I believe that such films offer much stronger impression and portrayal of Tribunal’s work than any other media, because people here simply do not read the judgments, do not follow the trials, apart some sensationalistic episodes, and it is my view that those films are so good and impressive that they should be screened in the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina, and ultimately in the entire former Yugoslavia”.