The Hague, 21 March 2014
An exhibition “Give Peace a Chance” (Werken aan Vrede), which explores the processes of peace and justice, sheds light on the conflicts of the past and discusses the challenges ahead for international organisations, opened today at The Hague’s city museum, Museon. The Tribunal's work features prominently at the display. Visitors can see a brief video introduction to the work of the ICTY and gain an overview of the Tribunal's jurisdiction, achievements, and the current state of cases. The ICTY judge's robe is also displayed to give visitors a more up close look into the Tribunal. The material for the exhibition was prepared by the ICTY Outreach Programme and this was the first time that the ICTY cooperated with the Museon. More of such joint projects are planned in the future.
As part of the event, an educational program attended by 100 school children was held, where they could share their thoughts about the importance of peace and freedom. The discussion was recorded and presented to the Mayor of the Hague, who was present to open the exhibition.
The exhibition is in English and in Dutch and it will be open until 30 October 2014.