Legacy website of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Since the ICTY’s closure on 31 December 2017, the Mechanism maintains this website as part of its mission to preserve and promote the legacy of the UN International Criminal Tribunals.

 Visit the Mechanism's website.


Trial Chamber III will render its Rule 98bis oral decision in the case of Vojislav Šešelj at a hearing...

Dragomir Milošević was transferred yesterday to Estonia to serve his 29-year...

The Tribunal yesterday began a two-day...

The Tribunal yesterday began a three-day advocacy training session with judges...

The Tribunal today made a significant...

I will immediately turn to the courtroom schedule for this week and next: The Rule...

The International Criminal Tribunal for the...

I’ll turn first to two Decisions relating to requests for provisional release: In the...

The ICTY’s Outreach Programme has held the...