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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 15th Sep 2004

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

note that this is not a verbatim transcript of the Press Briefing.
It is merely a summary.

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

Date: 15.09.2004

Time: 12.45 p.m.

Registry and Chambers:


Jim Landale, Spokesman for Registry and Chambers,
made the following statement:

Good afternoon,

Following the meeting between President Meron and
a Bosnian delegation headed by the Croat member of the Presidency
of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Dragan Covic, at the end of last
week, a number of inaccurate and misleading statements were carried
in the media. For the record, I can categorically state that President
Meron did not discuss the referral of any ICTY case to any court
in the former Yugoslavia. Statements to the contrary are unhelpful
and irresponsible and detract from the stated purpose of the visit.

As you will have seen from our press release
on Monday, a conference is being held at the ICTY between the ICTY
Victims and Witnesses Section (VWS) and health/welfare professionals
from Kosovo and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
to discuss the physical, emotional and psychological needs of witnesses.

The purpose of the conference is to discuss how the establishment
of health and welfare networks throughout Kosovo and FYROM could
assist in providing preparation and follow-up services to witnesses
who testify at the Tribunal. These services will supplement the
services undertaken by VWS while the witnesses are in The Hague.

This three-day workshop has brought to the ICTY, a group of
psychiatrists, medical doctors, psychologists and social workers
from Kosovo and FYROM. The professionals invited are currently practicing
in the areas where most ICTY witnesses reside.

Similar conferences were held in December 2003 with experts
from Bosnia and Herzegovina, in May 2004 with experts from Serbia
and Montenegro, and in June 2004 with experts from Croatia. The
series of conferences has been funded by the European Commission.

In terms of court documents, I would draw your
attention to a Decision rendered by Trial Chamber II which we received
this morning, denying Ivan Cermak and Mladen Markac’s Second Motions
for provisional release. Copies of that Decision will be available
immediately after this.

I would also point out that we have received the
pre-trial briefs for Milan Milutinovic, Nikola Sainovic and Dragoljub

In addition, we have also learned that the closing
arguments in The Prosecutor v. Blagojevic and Jokic will
be heard from Wednesday, 29 September 2004, with each party permitted
four and a half hours to present its arguments, and 30 minutes for
rebuttal or rejoinder arguments, if any.

There is a list of the most recent court documents
available to you.

Finally, I understand that the ADC will give a
briefing after this.

also the latest ADC-ICTY press briefing.

Office of the Prosecution:

Florence Hartmann for the Office of the Prosecutor
made no statement.


No questions were asked.

Court documents:

The Prosecutor v. Jovica Stanisic and Franko

13 September 2004 "Prosecution Response To
‘Defence Appeal From the Trial Chamber Order Granting Stay Of
Decisions On Provisional Release Of July 29, 2004
’." (Jovica

10 September 2004 "Order Replacing Judges
In Cases Before The Appeals Chamber."

The Prosecutor v. Prlic, Stojic, Praljak,
Petkovic, Coric and Pusic

13 September 2004 "Appeal Against The Decision
Of The Trial Chamber Dated July 30, 2004 Regarding The Motion To
Appoint Zeljko Olujic Lead Counsel."

The Prosecutor v. Milutinovic, Sainovic,
and Ojdanic

13 September 2004 "Defence Pre-Trial Brief
Filed On Behalf Of Mr Milan Milutinovic Pursuant To Rule 65 Ter

13 September 2004 "Defence Submission: Pre-Trial

13 September 2004 "General Ojdanic’s Pre-Trial

The Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojevic and Dragan

13 September 2004 "Decision On Prosecution’s
Motion To Admit Evidence In Rebuttal And Incorporated Motion To
Admit Evidence Under Rule 92 bis In Its Case On Rebuttal And To
Re-Open Its Case For A Limited Purpose."

The Prosecutor v. Rahim Ademi and Mirko Norac

14 September 2004 "Mirko Norac’s Response
ToThe Prosecution’s Motion Under Rule 11 bis."

