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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 29th Sep 2004

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

note that this is not a verbatim transcript of the Press Briefing.
It is merely a summary.

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

Date: 29.09.2004

Time: 11.30 p.m.

Registry and Chambers:

Jim Landale, Spokesman for Registry and Chambers,
made the following statement:

Good afternoon,

As you will be aware, President Meron met with
the Croatian Minister of Justice this morning, at her request. The
discussions covered areas of mutual interest. During the talks,
the Minister assured President Meron that the authorities in Croatia
would redouble their efforts to track down and arrest Ante Gotovina
and the President urged them to do so.

On 27 September 2004, Trial Chamber II rendered its Decision on
the Rule 98 bis motions for acquittal filed by Enver Hadzihasanovic
and Amir Kubura, on 11 August 2004. The French original of that
Decision is available to those who are interested after this briefing.

With regard to court documents, I would draw your
attention to the fact that we have received the final trial briefs
for both Vidoje Blagojevic and Dragan Jokic. The Prosecution final
trial brief was filed confidentially. I remind you that that the
closing arguments in this case commenced this morning in Courtroom
III and are scheduled to continue tomorrow and Friday.

A list of the most recent court documents will
be available to you after this.

Finally, I understand that the ADC will give a
briefing after this.

also the latest ADC-ICTY press briefing.

Office of the Prosecution:

Florence Hartmann for the Office of the Prosecutor
made the following statement: As of 1 October 2004, The Hague Rules
of the Road project -- consisting of reviewing criminal cases initiated
in Bosnia and Herzegovina by local prosecutors and providing standard
marking -- will be transferred to the competency of the Bosnia and
Herzegovina State Court.

Since the 1996 Rome Agreement the Rules of the Road Section within
the ICTY Office of the Prosecutor has received criminal files against
a total of 5,908 persons suspected of war crimes:

The breakdown by the Prosecution is:

3,792 - Bosniak initiated prosecutions

1,396 - Croatian initiated prosecutions

719 - Serbian initiated prosecutions

The Rules of the Road has reviewed and provided standard markings
against a total of around 3,490 persons.

The following numbers indicate the number of persons who have received
the Standard Marking below, by prosecution.

Standard marking "A" (legally fit for trial)

728 - Bosniak initiated prosecutions

83 - Croatian initiated prosecutions

54 - Serbian initiated prosecutions

Total: 865 individuals among whom only around 90 individuals have
so far been brought to trial in Bosnia and Herzegovina (less than

Standard marking "B" (not enough evidence to proceed - no case)

1,160 - Bosniak initiated prosecutions

1,001 - Croatian initiated prosecutions

214 - Serbian initiated prosecutions

Total: 2,375

Standard marking "C": (needs additional investigation before issuing
an indictment)

469 - Bosniak initiated prosecutions

103 - Croatian initiated prosecutions

119 - Serbian initiated prosecutions

Total: 691

Hartmann then announced Ms. Del Ponte’s programme for the following

On Friday, 1 October 2004, Ms. Del Ponte will attend a Conference
in Belgrade on international justice. In the afternoon she will
be visiting the Special Court for War Crimes and be meeting with
the local prosecutors.
On Monday, 3 October 2004, Ms. Del Ponte will continue
her official visit to Serbia-Montenegro. In the morning, she will
have meetings at the State Union level, with the President and
with members of the government. In the afternoon, she will be
meeting with the Serbian Prime Minister and other representatives
from Serbia. Before departure, she will also have a meeting with
the representatives of the international community in Belgrade.
On Monday, 11 October 2004, the Prosecutor will be in Brussels
meeting with the EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs.


Asked about the explicit role of the Bosnia and
Herzegovina State Court, Florence Hartmann referred the journalist
to the Office of High Representative (OHR) for a detailed outline
of the BH State Court responsibilities.


The Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic

24 September 2004 "Order On Prosecution’s
Fourth Motion For Variance Of Prior Orders Of Non-Disclosure."

27 September 2004 "Request For Leave To Exceed
The Page Limit For Interlocutory Appeal Against The Trial Chamber’s
Decision On Assignment Of Defence Counsel."

28 September 2004 "Order Granting Leave To
Exceed The Page Limit For Interlocutory Appeal Against The Trial
Chamber’s Decision On Assignment Of Defence Counsel."

The Prosecutor v. Blagoje Simic

27 September 2004 "Decision On Prosecution’s
Motion To Strike Parts Of The Brief In Reply."

The Prosecutor v. Ivan Cermak and Mladen

28 September 2004 "Order Assigning Judges
To A Case Before The Appeals Chamber."

The Prosecutor v. Naser Oric

24 September 2004 "Prosecution Response To
Defence Motion To Request An Order For Measures To Ensure That The
Prosecution Complies With Rule 68."

The Prosecutor v. Radovan Stankovic

24 September 2004 "Decision On Prosecution’s
Motion Seeking Leave To Amend The Second Amended Indictment."

27 September 2004 "Preliminary Order In Response
To The Prosecutor’s Motion Under Rule 11 bis."

The Prosecutor v. Vidoje Blagojevic and Dragan

27 September 2004 "Motion To Seek Leave To
Respond To The Prosecution’s Final Brief On The Basis Of It Containing
Irrelevant, Inaccurate And Deceiving Information."

27 September 2004 "Final Brief Of Vidoje Blagojevic."

27 September 2004 "Final Brief Of Dragan Jokic."

The Prosecutor v. Mrksic, Radic and Sljivancanin

24 September "Defence Preliminary Motion."

The Prosecutor v. Milutinovic, Sainovic and

24 September 2004 "Prosecution’s Response
To Defence Notices Pursuant To Rule 94bis(B)."

The Prosecutor v. Stanislav Galic

27 September 2004 "Brief In Reply."

The Prosecutor v. Hadzihasanovic and Kubura

27 September 2004 "Decision Relative Aux Demandes
D’Acquittement Introduites En Vertu De L’Article 98 bis Du Reglement."
