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Ahmici visit Cancelled. Three new Judges selected.

Press Release . Communiqué de presse
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)


The Hague, 19 October 1998


The visit to Ahmici by Trial Chamber II scheduled for 20 October 1998 has been cancelled by Judges Cassese, Mumba and May after an SFOR security assessment made it clear that the Trial Chamber would not be able to carry out any of the visit on foot. A walking tour had been planned to parts of the village to observe locations relevant to the ‘Kupreskic and Others’ trial. This was
judged as unsafe in an area that saw heavy fighting during the war and where the danger of unexploded ordinance remains.


In February 1998, President McDonald addressed the Security Council to request additional judges to constitute a third Trial Chamber. The Security Council has granted this request and last Friday 16 October 1998 the United Nations General Assembly voted to select three new judges for the ICTY. They have been elected from a list of nine candidates after four rounds of secret

The three elected judges are:

David Anthony Hunt of Australia

Patrick Lipton Robinson of Jamaica

Mohamed Bennouna of Morocco
