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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 2 April 2008

Date: 02.04.2008
Time: 12:00

Registry and Chambers:

Nerma Jelačić, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:

Good morning,

The Judgement in the Haradinaj et al case will be rendered tomorrow afternoon in Courtroom I starting at 16:00pm. Ramush Haradinaj, Idriz Balaj and Lahi Brahimaj are charged with participation in a joint criminal enterprise (JCE), the alleged purpose of which was to consolidate the KLA’s total control over areas of northwestern Kosovo between March and September 1998.

Two accused appeared before the Appeals Chambers this week. A status conference was held in the case of Momčilo Krajišnik on Monday while the Prosecution and Defence in the case of Naser Orić presented their appeals yesterday and today.

This afternoon, the pre-trial conference in the Stanišić and Simatović case will continue during which the parties will make submissions on the future course of the trial.

The trials of Rasim Delić, Milutinović et al.and Šešelj will continue this and next week. The Gotovina et al. trial will resume next Monday in courtroom III at 9:00am.

A number of provisional release issues arose recently most notably Nebojša Pavković’s provisional release was reinstated following a clarification of electronic surveillance methods to be used during the accused’s stay in Belgrade from 26 – 31 March.

A delegation consisting of twelve Judges from the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) are visiting the Tribunal this week. The Judges will have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the functioning and role of all organs of the Tribunal.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Olga Kavran, Spokesperson for the Office of the Prosecutor, made the following statement:

The Prosecutor is currently on a working visit to the United Nations HQ in New York where he will meet with the Secretary General, Legal Counsel and Management, as well as representatives of certain Security Council member states. He will also meet with representatives of some NGOs.


Asked whether the Prosecutor will be available in New York to talk to the press, Olga Kavran replied that no media opportunity had been planned.

Asked which Security Council members the Prosecutor will be talking to, Olga Kavran replied she did not have a list of members he would be meeting, but that she would check and respond later.

Asked about the numbers of witnesses who testified in the Haradinaj trial on behalf of the Prosecution and how many did not appear, Olga Kavran replied that 81 had testified on behalf of the Prosecution and that 2 key witnesses had not appeared.