Site Internet consacré à l’héritage du Tribunal pénal international pour l’ex-Yougoslavie

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Uldis Kinis, nouveau juge ad litem, a prêté serment (en anglais)

Press Release
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 10 March 2008


Judge Uldis Ķinis (Latvia) was today sworn in as ad litem or temporary judge of the Tribunal to serve on the Gotovina and others case. His arrival brings the number of ad litem and reserve judges serving at the Tribunal to sixteen.

The appointment of Judge Ķinis completes the composition of the trial bench sitting on the Gotovina and others case. The trial bench is composed of Judge Alphons Orie, Presiding, Judge Udlis Ķinis and Judge Elisabeth Gwaunza.

The biography for Judge Ķinis, as well as all other permanent and ad litem judges, can be found on the Tribunal’s website at

The Tribunal has 16 permanent judges elected by the UN General Assembly, as well as ad litem judges who are appointed to sit on a specific trial. This appointment is made by the Secretary-General at the request of the Tribunal's president, from a pool of 27 judges elected by the UN General Assembly.


Courtroom proceedings can be followed on the Tribunal’s website at