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Norman Farrell prend aujourd’hui ses fonctions de Procureur adjoint (en anglais)

Press Release
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 1 July 2008

Norman Farrell Takes Up His Duties as Deputy Prosecutor

Today, 1 July 2008, Mr. Norman Farrell takes up his duties as Deputy Prosecutor of the Tribunal, following his appointment by the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.

As he took up his duties, Farrell said that he is honoured to be entrusted with this responsibility, which he assumes as the Office is conducting its largest number of trials, as well as a significant number of appeals. Successfully completing the remaining cases in the time available while maintaining the highest standards of justice remains an extraordinary challenge, Farrell noted, but one he believes will be achieved through the continued efforts of the Office's dedicated staff.

Norman Farrell joined the ICTY’s Office of the Prosecutor in 1999 as Appeals Counsel for the Offices of the ICTY and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). In 2002, he was appointed Senior Appeals Counsel and Head of the Appeals Section in the Office of the Prosecutor of both Tribunals. In 2005, Farrell was appointed the Principal Legal Officer in ICTY’s Office of the Prosecutor.

Before joining the Tribunal, Norman Farrell worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in several capacities: as a Delegate and Coordinator in charge of the dissemination of International Humanitarian Law in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; a Legal Advisor on International Humanitarian Law in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; and an Advisor on International Criminal Law and International Humanitarian Law in Geneva, Switzerland.

From 1988 until 1996 he was Crown Counsel (Criminal Division) with the Attorney General for the Province of Ontario, in Toronto, Canada.

A native of Canada, Farrell, 49, holds university degrees from Canada, as well as a Master of Laws degree from Columbia University, New York, USA. He has lectured on international humanitarian law and international criminal law at a number of universities in Europe and Canada. He has also taken an active part in specialised training for Judges and/or Prosecutors from Indonesia, Sierra Leone and Cambodia.

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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