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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 8 April 2009

Date:  08.04.2009
Time: 12:00

Registry and Chambers:

Nerma Jelačić, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:

I would like to address a number of recent inaccurate statements carried in the media and attributed to Zoran Krasić, a legal advisor to the accused Vojislav Šešelj.

Specifically, allegations that the Tribunal is in any way planning to harm Mr Šešelj, or any other person in its custody for that matter, are untrue and without any basis. It is well known that the Tribunal upholds the highest international standards of detention which are in full compliance with the rights of the persons in its care. Remarks attributed to Mr. Krasić are therefore unfounded.

In the past 15 years the Tribunal has adjudicated dozens of complex and important cases in accordance with the highest international standards. In the years ahead it will complete its mandate bringing to justice those most responsible for the serious crimes committed during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia.

I will now highlight several decisions from the past week.

Last Friday, in the Gotovina and others trial, the Trial Chamber rejected all three accused’s submissions for Judgement of Acquittal in accordance to Rule 98bis. In its oral decision the Trial Chamber found that the three accused have a case to answer on all nine counts of the indictment. The Pre-Defence conference will be held on 27 May, and the Defence case will start on 28 May.

The Specially Appointed Chamber has dismissed Naser Orić’s motion regarding breach of non-bis-diem. The Chamber found that Rule 13 was not applicable since Oric was not being tried before any national court for any of the alleged crimes which are the subject of a criminal investigation that is being conducted by the Bijeljina Prosecutor’s office.

In the Milutinović and others case the Chamber ruled that no outstanding charges were remaining against Milan Milutinović, Nikola Šainović, Dragoljub Ojdanić, Nebojša Pavković, Vladimir Lazarević, and Sreten Lukić. According to Rule 73bis(d) the prosecution was instructed not to present evidence during the trial for the crimes sites in Racak/Recek, Padaliste/Padalishte and Dubrava/Dubrave Prison. In its judgment the Chamber invited parties to file submissions in regards to the three alleged crime sites. The Prosecution filed a submission last month.

On Monday the Trial Chamber granted Momčilo Perišić’s motion for temporary provisional release to visit his family in Serbia from the 9th until 17th April. Perišić’s provisional release is subject to specific terms and conditions outlined in the decision.

Onto the court schedule:

As a reminder, the court will be closed Friday and Monday for UN holidays.

This week in the Lukic and Lukic trial, hearings are ongoing for rebuttal or rejoinder evidence. Tomorrow a hearing is scheduled for Chamber witnesses and any remaining administrative matters. All parties are to file their final briefs by Wednesday, 22 April with the closing arguments to take place on Monday, 27 April. Each party will have one hour to present its arguments.

In an order yesterday, the Chamber outlined a work plan for the remainder of the pre-trial phase in the Radovan Karadžić case. Several deadlines were set including: the Prosecution is to file its final pre-trial brief, list of witnesses and exhibits on 18 May; the defence is required to file its pre-trial brief on 22 June; and a pre-trial conference is scheduled for 20 July.

The trials for Prlić and others, Momčilo Perišić and Vlastimir Đorđević are scheduled to recommence during the week of 20 April.
Office of the Prosecutor:

No representative present.


No questions were asked.