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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 20 May 2009

Date:  20.05.2009   
Time: 12:00

Registry and Chambers:

Nerma Jelačić, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:
Yesterday, John Hocking was sworn-in as the new Registrar of the Tribunal. His appointment was announced by the UN Secretary General last week. The Tribunal welcomes the appointment of John Hocking whose long-term experience with the institution will be crucial in the last years of the Tribunal’s life as it moves towards the successful completion of its mandate.

The closing arguments of the Prosecution and Accused Milan Lukić were heard in the Lukić and Lukić case yesterday, after the last Prosecution rebuttal witness testified. The closing arguments of the second Accused Sredoje Lukić will be heard this afternoon at 14:15 in courtroom I.

During the Status Conference in the Florence Hartmann contempt case, the Trial Chamber indicated to the parties that the trial may be held in the week of 8 to 12 June 2009. A Scheduling Order will be filed in due course.

Onto this week’s schedule:

In the Gotovina and others trial, Prosecution witness Marko Rajčić will reappear on Monday to give further evidence. The pre-Defence conference is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 27 May at 9:00 in courtroom I. The Defence case will start on the following day at 14:15 also in courtroom I with Ivan Čermak’s opening statement, followed by Mladen Markač’s opening statement. Ante Gotovina’s opening statements were made at the beginning of the Trial. The first Defence witness is expected for Tuesday, 2 June.

The trials of Momčilo Perišić, Vlastimir Đorđevic and Prlić and others continue this week and next as scheduled.
And finally I would like to highlight two visits from the region this week:

The President of the Tribunal, Judge Patrick Robinson, yesterday received representatives of victims’ organisations from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The President informed the victims about the Tribunal's determination to successfully fulfill its mandate and briefed them on the institution’s completion strategy. Representatives of the Mothers of Enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa and BiH Camp Inmates Association were present. The Tribunal’s Registrar, John Hocking, also met with these groups as well as with representatives of the association Women Victims of War.

The Tribunal’s Outreach section is hosting a group of Serbian journalists on a week-long study programme aimed at familiarising the journalists with the work of the ICTY. Representatives of Serbia’s major print media are taking part in the visit organised by the OSCE Mission in Serbia as part of a long-running project aimed at improving reporting on war crimes trials held before domestic and international courts.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Olga Kavran, Spokesperson for the Office of the Prosecutor, made the following statement:

As announced earlier, Prosecutor Brammertz will be in Croatia next week, from Monday to Wednesday. This will be the final of his planned working visits to the region of the former Yugoslavia in connection with the biannual report before the Security Council which is scheduled for June. The Prosecutor will meet with representatives of the Croatian authorities to discuss issues related to the cooperation of Croatia with the Office of the Prosecutor and other matters related to the Tribunal’s Completion Strategy.

While in Croatia, the Prosecutor will also attend a regional conference of War Crimes and State Prosecutors which will be held in Brioni. This conference is part of the ongoing efforts to strengthen regional cooperation in war crimes prosecution which is of paramount importance to the effective continuation of the Tribunal's work. The Office of the Prosecutor will remain supportive of all initiatives aimed at strengthening this cooperation.


No questions were asked.