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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 3 June 2009

Date:  03.06.2009   
Time: 12:00

Registry and Chambers:

Nerma Jelačić, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:
Tomorrow, the President and the Prosecutor will present their reports on the Tribunal’s Completion Strategy to the United Nations Security Council in New York. The reports, filed every six months, set out the measures that have been taken and that remain to be taken to meet the completion including the transfer of cases to competent national jurisdictions.

As for the court activities, let me now highlight one important decision made last Friday in the case of Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović: as you know, Trial Chamber I set out specific modalities for the trial in order to accommodate Stanišić’s medical conditions and enable him to participate in the trial proceedings. Hearings will be held two days a week in the afternoon in order to facilitate any determination of the medical status of the Accused prior to the hearing. The UNDU Reporting Medical Officer will submit a written report to the Chamber on the medical condition of the Accused once a week. Moreover, Stanišić will be able to follow and fully participate in the proceedings via video-conference link from an observation room at the UNDU that has been set up and tested yesterday. A telephone line will allow him to communicate with his counsel in the Courtroom. The date for recommencement of trial will be communicated soon.

As for this week’s court schedule:

Two Status Conferences have been scheduled for this and next week. The first one will be held this afternoon in the case of Radovan Karadžić in Courtoom I at 14:15. The second one will be held in the Mico Stanišić and Stojan Župljanin case, on Tuesday 9 June at 15:00 in Courtroom III.

Proceedings in Gotovina and others, Prlić and others, Vlastimir Ðorđević and Momcilo Perišić continue this week and next as scheduled.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Olga Kavran, Spokesperson for the Office of the Prosecutor, made no statement.


A journalist asked whether in view of the Swedish government’s response to Radovan Karadžić’s request to call Carl Bildt to testify regarding the alleged Holbrooke agreement the court would call the Foreign Minister to appear before the judges. Jelačić responded that the Trial Chamber in its 20 May order asked that the Swedish Ambassador be present at the Status Conference of 3 June where the matter will be discussed.