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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 9 September 2009

Date:  09.09.2009    
Time: 12:00

Registry and Chambers:

Nerma Jelačić, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:

Good afternoon,

I would first like to address some inaccurate reporting regarding the composition of the trial bench in the case of Radovan Karadžić. Following Judge Bonomy’s departure, the bench was recomposed and now includes Judge O-Gon Kwon, presiding, Judge Melville Baird, Judge Howard Morrison and Judge Flavia Lattanzi as Reserve Judge.

During yesterday’s Status Conference in the same case, Judge Kwon announced that the trial was expected to start on Monday, 19 October, and that a pre-trial conference would be held on Tuesday, 6 October. Please note that schedules are subject to change and a Scheduling Order will be filed closer to the expected start date confirming the commencement of trial.

A Scheduling Order was filed yesterday setting the date of the judgement in the Florence Hartmann contempt of court case for Monday, 14 September, at 9:30 in Courtroom I.

Florence Hartmann is accused of disclosing confidential information related to the Slobodan Milošević case in knowing violation of an order of a Chamber in a text she authored and published in 2007 and 2008. The trial took place on 15, 16 and 17 June and 1 July 2009. Closing arguments were heard on 3 July 2009.

On Monday, Momčilo Krajišnik, one of the highest ranking war-time members of the Bosnian Serb leadership, was transferred to the United Kingdom to serve his 20-year sentence for crimes committed against non-Serb civilians during the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Of all Accused recently sentenced on appeal, only Mile Mrkšić and Veselin Šljivančanin are awaiting transfer to serve their sentences.

As to the upcoming courtroom schedule:

The trial of Mićo Stanišić and Stojan Župljanin is still scheduled to start on Monday, 14 September but the date may change depending on the Trial Chamber’s decision on the request of Prosecution and both Defence teams to defer the commencement of trial until Monday 28 September 2009. The Registrar, in a Submission filed yesterday, stated that the Accused’s defence team has been granted adequate resources since the assignment of Mr. Zečević as new lead counsel and that lack of resources cannot be successfully argued as a ground to seek the postponement of trial.

Tomorrow, a Status Conference will be held in the case of Vojislav Šešelj, starting at 9:00 in Courtroom II.

In the Popović and others case, the Prosecution’s closing arguments concluded on Monday and were immediately followed by those of Vujadin Popović’s Defence Counsel. Ljubića Beara’s closing arguments were held yesterday and were followed by Drago Nikolić’s closing arguments which resumed this morning.

As to the Prlić and others case, Slobodan Praljak’s testimony is expected to conclude this week. Yesterday, the Trial Chamber examined the Accused after Prosecution completed its cross-examination. Please note that this afternoon’s hearing has been cancelled.

Hearings in Gotovina and others continue this week and next with the exception of Monday morning’s hearing which has been cancelled.

Hearings in the trial of Jovica Stanišić and Franko Simatović will be held on Monday and Tuesday afternoon in Courtroom II. The trial of Momčilo Perišić continues on Tuesday morning also in Courtroom II.

And finally, let me remind you that the Ðorđević case is currently in recess and will resume on Tuesday 22 September at 14:15 in Courtroom I.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Olga Kavran, Spokesperson for the Office of the Prosecutor, made the following statement:

At the invitation of the French authorities, Prosecutor Serge Brammertz will be in Paris on Friday, where he will meet with Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner and State Secretary for European Affairs Pierre Lellouche. He will also meet with Ms Sylvie Bermann, Director of United Nations and International Organisations and Mr. Jean-Luc Florent, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Prosecutor Brammertz and his hosts will discuss the Tribunal's completion strategy, the cooperation of states with the Office of the Prosecutor as well as other issues related to the Tribunal’s mandate.
This working visit is a part of the Prosecutor’s regular contacts with member states of the European Union. Among them, and as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, France has always been a strong supporter of the Office of the Prosecutor. The   ICTY continues to rely on the assistance and support of the international community in its ability to successfully fulfill its mandate.


Asked to comment further on any concerns Prosecution may have regarding Judge Kwon’s request to cut down the number of crime sites and incidents contained in Radovan Karadžić’s indictment, Olga Kavran responded that Prosecution has outlined its position in the recent filing on the matter and continues to do its best to streamline the case and present it more efficiently.

Asked whether Judges can require a specific number of crimes and crime sites to be cut down or whether they can only order the time line of a case to be reduced, Nerma Jelačić responded that Judges can invite OTP to suggest scaling down an area of an indictment that can be cut down. According to the same rule (Rule 73bis of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence), Judges can however do so themselves by ordering Prosecution to cut down the indictment.