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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 30 September 2009

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing                                              
Date:  30.09.2009   
Time: 13:00

Registry and Chambers:

Nerma Jelačić, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:

Good afternoon,

The pre-trial conference in the case of Radovan Karadžić has been confirmed for Tuesday, 6 October at 2.15 pm in Courtroom I. The usual arrangements will apply for journalists wishing to attend. Please note that no Scheduling Order has yet been filed regarding the commencement of trial.

After resuming this morning, the trial of Mićo Stanišić and Stojan Župljanin will continue daily as scheduled.

The trial of Vlastimir Ðorđević has been adjourned until next Monday due to the non-availability of witnesses. Judge Parker confirmed last week that due to the ongoing nature of this issue, the Prosecution case is likely to run until the end of October.

The trial of Momčilo Perišić adjourned this morning until further notice.

Hearings in Gotovina and others and Prlić and others continue this week and next as scheduled.

And finally, the Tribunal is hosting a two-day visit from a group of Serbian war crimes investigators from the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia. The visit is organised by the OSCE Mission to Serbia and coordinated by the Tribunal’s Outreach Programme and is focused on knowledge sharing regarding detention facilities and practices as well as practical hands-on training in investigation and analysis techniques.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Olga Kavran, Spokesperson for the Office of the Prosecutor, made no statement.


A journalist asked whether spokespersons had any comments on Dutch media reports that the Tribunal had issued an order for the tapes of a 1997 interview with Radovan Karadzic to be confiscated from a Dutch journalist.

Nerma Jelacic responded that she was aware of the media report but that no such order had been issued by the Trial Chamber. She added that, in general, the Tribunal cannot perform such searches by itself but would have to rely on the cooperation of the state concerned.

Olga Kavran answered that the Office of the Prosecutor does not normally discuss materials unless they come as exhibits in courts. The OTP generally would by its nature be very interested in the material if it is relevant to a case but could not confirm if there is any particular interest for this material and if it is part of any investigation. She added that in other cases, media reports and other materials have been presented in a case and Karadžić case would not be an exception.