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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 3 October 2012

Date:  3.10.2012
Time: 12:00

Registry and Chambers:

Nerma Jelačić, Head of Communications, made the following statement:

Good afternoon,

Hearings in the case of Ratko Mladić are being held this week and next. Courtroom activities will intensify from next week when Goran Hadžić’s trial and Radovan Karadžic’s Defence case are scheduled to start. Journalists will be informed shortly of the accreditation procedure for covering these two events.

In Mladić’s trial, the Trial Chamber is currently hearing the testimony of Mevludin Sejmenović, resuming from yesterday. Sejmenović testifies about the events in the area of Prijedor. He was one of the founders of the Party for Democratic Action (SDA) in Prijedor and, according to the Prosecution's summary, later detained in Trnopolje and Omarska camps. The next expected Prosecution witness is Hussein Abdel-Razek, an Egyptian Army Officer. He will testify about his meetings with Bosnian Serb political and military leaders when he was Commander of Sector Sarajevo between 21 August 1992 and 20 February 1993 for the UN protection force in the country.

Karadžic submitted on Monday the list of six witnesses he intends to call during the first week of the presentation of his defence case, that is from Tuesday, 16 October onwards. The list can be obtained from the court records database online or from the Media Office directly.

The Tribunal’s new Deputy Registrar, Ms Kate Mackintosh, took office on Monday. Ms Mackintosh is a former staff member of the ICTY and ICTR and has extensive experience in international criminal justice, post-conflict interventions and humanitarian policy and advocacy. Ms Mackintosh is the first female Deputy Registrar since the establishment of the ICTY. Ms Mackintosh’s biography is available on the Tribunal’s website.

Lastly, I have the pleasure to introduce Ms Magdalena Spalińska who has recently been appointed as the Tribunal’s spokesperson. Magda has long-term experience of the Tribunal, having worked for more than five years as Outreach Officer in The Hague. Magda has in-depth knowledge of the former Yugoslavia and speaks the local languages fluently. Prior to joining the ICTY, Magda worked for several years in the region of the former Yugoslavia and also has journalistic experience from her native Poland. She will be assuming her responsibilities, including representing the Chambers and Registry at these briefings, over the coming weeks. Magda’s contact details will be sent out in a press advisory shortly.

It has been my pleasure to meet with you each week over the past four and half years and to work alongside you during some of the key events in the Tribunal’s history. I will not be going far as I will continue to run the Tribunal’s Communications Section and therefore remain accessible to you and the public on my usual contact details.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Frederick Swinnen, Special Advisor to the Prosecutor, made the following statement:

Next week, on 8 and 9 October, Mr. Serge Brammertz, the Prosecutor, will travel to Belgrade to discuss cooperation between the Office of the Prosecutor and Serbia. 

Meetings during this official visit have been confirmed with Mr. Ivica Dačić, the Prime Minister, Mr. Aleksandar Vučić, the Minister of Defence and Mr. Rasim Ljajić, Minister and President of the National Council for Cooperation with the Tribunal. He will also meet with Mr. Vladimir Vukčević, the War Crimes Prosecutor and representatives of security services.

The Prosecutor will submit his next report to the UN Security Council mid-November. 

No questions were asked.

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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