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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 10 October 2012

Date:  10.10.2012
Time: 12:00

Registry and Chambers:

Magdalena Spalinska, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:

Good afternoon, 

The trial of Goran Hadžić will begin on Tuesday, 16 October at 9:00am in Courtroom I. Hadžić, former President of the self-proclaimed Republic of Serbian Krajina is charged with a number of crimes committed in eastern Slavonia, Croatia, from June 1991 to December 1993, including persecutions, murder, imprisonment, torture, inhumane acts, cruel treatment, deportation and wanton destruction. Hadžić was arrested on 20 July 2011. He was the last remaining fugitive of the total of 161 persons indicted by the Tribunal. At his further initial appearance on 24 August 2011, Hadžić pleaded not guilty to the charges in the indictment. The pre-trial conference will be held on Monday, 15 October at 9:00 in Courtroom I.

The Defence case of Radovan Karadžić will also start on Tuesday, 16 October at 9:00 in Courtroom III. Karadžić filed his list of 600 defence witnesses on 27 August 2012 and requested 600 hours for his case. On 19 September the Chamber issued a decision granting the Accused 300 hours to present the totality of his evidence. Further details of how the defence case will be conducted will be discussed at the Pre-Defence Conference which will take place on Monday, 15 October at 9:00 in Courtroom III.

Journalists wishing to cover the start of the Hadžić trial or the start of the Karadžić Defence should email the press [at] (press office) by midday this Friday, 12 October.

Turning to today in the Courtrooms, in the trial of Ratko Mladić, General John Wilson just started his testimony. General Wilson was UN Senior Military Liaison Officer from January to March 1992 and Chief Military Observer from March 1992 to December 1992. His testimony relates to Mladić's role in directing artillery fire against Sarajevo.
Proceedings in this case will continue this week as scheduled. The trial will then adjourn for two weeks, and will resume on Monday, 29 October at 9.00am in Courtroom I. 

Finally, President Meron will be in New York next Monday, 15 October where he will address the UN General Assembly on the occasion of the presentation of the Tribunal’s nineteenth annual report. During his mission, the President will also meet with the UN Secretary General and members of the UN Security Council and other senior officials of the UN Secretariat. A Press Release, which will include his speech, will be published immediately after his address on Monday. The annual report is already available on the Tribunal’s website.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Aleksandar Kontić, member of the Prosecutor's Immediate Office, made the following statement:

The Prosecutor Serge Brammertz will be in Bosnia and Herzegovina next week from 15 to 17 October in preparation of his next report to the Security Council. He will meet with the BiH Presidency, State prosecutor’s Office, representatives of international community and representatives of victims associations.

Topics will include cooperation between the OTP and BiH authorities and progress of local war crime cases and implementation of the war crimes strategy.


No questions were asked.

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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