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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 9th Aug 2006

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing


ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

Date: 09.08.2006

Time: 12:00

Registry and Chambers:

Christian Chartier, Senior Information Officer, made the following statement:

Good afternoon to all, and welcome back!

I do hope that you had an enjoyable break and also that you have returned to work well rested and energized. For the Tribunal is busier than ever with the simultaneous trials of no less than 24 accused.

The Milutinovic et, as you know, resumed the day before yesterday and is on daily. The six accused are all former senior political and military leaders of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) at the time of the Kosovo war, in 1999.

On Tuesday 15th August, the trial against Milan Martic, the former high-level leader of the Serb wartime entity in Croatia, will start again, at 9 a.m.

Two days later, on Thursday, the trial in the case Prlic et al. will be on. The six accused in this case are former high-ranking political and military officials of the then Herceg-Bosna.

The week after next, two trials will recommence:

- on Monday 21 August, the seven accused in the Popovic et al. case (better known as the Srebrenica case), all senior Bosnian Serb military and police officers, will return to court.

- and on Tuesday 22, there will be a Pre-Defence conference in the Mrksic et al. case., involving three former officers of the Yugoslav People's Army, charged with crimes committed at Vukovar in eastern Croatia in 1991.

To be exhaustive, I will add that before the end of the month, the closing arguments in the case Krajisnik will have been presented and the appeals hearing in the Galic case will have been held.

This series of hearings must be seen against the backdrop of what the Tribunal has achieved to date, in its courtrooms.


- Proceedings have been concluded against 94 accused: 5 have been acquitted, 44 have been sentenced, 9 have had their cases transferred to local courts and 36 other cases have been terminated.

- Proceedings are on-going against 67 accused: in addition to the 24 on trial, 15 are at the appeals stage, 22 are on pre-trial and six are still at large.

The figure of the accused at the appeals stage includes Tihomir Blaskic, in connection with the revision proceedings instituted by the OTP, as well as Sefer Halilovic, Fatmir Limaj and Isak Musliu, who have been acquitted and released but against whom an appeal by the OTP is on-going, and Amir Kubura and Naser Oric: as you know, those two accused have been sentenced and granted early release and release respectively, but the OTP has appealed against thes judgements.

In the case of Naser Oric, the Defence has also appealed.

The Notices of appeal against the Oric Judgement were filed by both parties on 31 July, and this is the one recent filing to which I wanted to draw your attention.



Office of the Prosecutor:

Anton Nikiforov, Advisor to the Prosecutor and acting Spokesperson of the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP), made no statement.


In response to a question regarding the Registry and Chambers and OTP spokespeople, Chartier confirmed that the position of Registry and Chambers spokesperson had been filled and that the position for OTP spokesperson has been posted. For the sake of clarity, Nikiforov added that the deadline for applications for the OTP position was the end of August and that it might be filled sometime in October.

Chartier added that an offer had been made to Refik Hodzic for the Registry and Chambers position, had been accepted but that no contract had yet been signed. Hodzic would join the Tribunal on 1 September. Chartier explained that Hodzic had previously worked as head of the Outreach office in Sarajevo, for the State Court in BiH and had produced documentary films. He added that Hodzic spoke BCS.

In response to a question as to whether the OTP was conducting an investigation into the tape that had recently been broadcast showing a Serb civilian being killed by Croatian soldiers, Nikiforov stated that it was regrettable that the tape had surfaced now just as the OTP had finished its investigative mandate.

He stated that the accusations that the OTP already had the tape in its position were incorrect, adding that the OTP database was very large but that no-one had any recollection of the tape and the part of the database that had been searched had also not found anything.

He further added that although the OTP could not carry out its own investigations, it would assist local prosecutors who had launched their investigations. The OTP was constantly in touch with the local prosecutors in Sarajevo and Zagreb who had made clear that they would seek OTP assistance.

Nikiforov said that he had seen the tape and that it seemed to show a serious crime – the serious maltreatment and killing of a couple of people – which required investigation. He added that he had not seen the second tape but this too seemed to be an important piece of evidence.

Chartier added that the OTP database was composed of at least 5 million items. He clarified that an item could be a tape, a military intercept or a document which could be a thousand pages long.

He further stated that it was regrettable that the present tape had not reached the OTP earlier but that it was a good thing that it had finally surfaced. He reiterated that the Tribunal had never had the mandate to prosecute and put on trial all the cases committed in the former Yugoslavia; this was a shared burden by the ICTY and the local courts. This was why over the past two years the Tribunal had invested tremendous human and financial resources into transferring know-how, documents, cases and expertise to local courts. He suggested this should be seen as a partnership between national and international justice.

Document List:


Signature Date


Blagojevic et al. (Appeal)


Public Redacted Version - Third Amended Appellate Brief Of Dragan Jokic

Blagojevic et al. (Appeal)


Public Redacted Version - Reply Of Dragan Jokic To Prosecution Amended Consolidated Response Brief (20 July 2006)

Blagojevic et al. (Appeal)


Public Redacted - Prosecution Amended Consolidated Respons Brief

Blagojevic et al. (Appeal)


Motion Of Dragan Jokic To Strike Or Require Re-Drafting Of Parts Of Prosecution Amended Consolidated Response Brief (20 July 2006)

Blaskic (Review)


Further Corrigendum To "Prosecution Request For Review Or Reconsideration"

Boskoski et al


Defence Counsel Motion Seeking New Deadlines

Boskoski et al


[Decision On Prosecution's Motion For Extension Of Time To Complete Motions Concerning Admission Of Written Statements Pursuant To Rule 92 Bis]

Boskoski et al



Boskoski et al


[Decision On Ljube Boskoski's Motion For Submission Of Documents And Scheduling Order]

Boskoski et al


[Decision On Ljube Boskoski's Submission For The Clarification And Determination Of Time-Limits For Filing Of The Pre-Trial Brief]

Boskoski et al


[Decision On Assigned Pro Bono Counsel's Notice To Trial Chamber]

Boskoski et al


[Decision On Assigned Pro Bono Counsel Motion Seeking Leave To Reply To The 'Prosecution's "Response To Accused Boskoski's Confidential 'Motion To Ensure A Fair Trial'"]

Boskoski et al


[Decision [By The Deputy Registrar Re Assignment Of Counsel]]

Boskoski et al (Interlocutory)


Defence Response To "Prosecution's Motion Under Rule 115 In Accused Boskoski's Appeal Against The Trial Chamber's Decision On His Second Motion For Provisonal Release With Annex A"

Gotovina et Al.


Defendant Ante Gotovina's Motion For Leave To File Reply In Support Of His Request For Certification To Appeal The Trial Chamber's Decision Of 14 July 2006 Concerning The Prosecution's Consolidated Motion To Amend The Indictment And For Joinder

Gotovina et Al.


Defendant Ante Gotovina's Reply In Support Of His Request For Certification To Appeal The Trial Chamber's Decision Of 14 July 2006 Concerning The Prosecution's Consolidated Motion To Amend The Indictment And For Joinder

Hadzihasanovic et al. (Appeal)


Decision On Motion For Extension Of Time

Halilovic (Interlocutory)


Décision Relative À L'appel Interlocutoire Concernant Le Versement Au Dossier De L'enregistrement De L'interrogatoire De L'accusé Présenté Directement Par L'accusation

Jankovic G. et al.


Prosecution's Reponse To Defence Motion For Stay Of Proceedings Alternatively Defence Motion For Extension Of Time

Jankovic G. et al.


Defence Motion For Stay Of Proceedings Alternatively Defence Motion For Extension Of Time

Lukic et al


Décision Relaive À La Demande De Prorogation De Délai Déposée Par Le Conseil De La Défense De Milan Lukic Concernant Le Dépôt D'une Réponse À La Demande De L'accusation Présentée En Application De L'article 11 Bis Du Règlement

Milorad Trbic (Interlocutory)


Defence Submission To The "Decision On 'Requete De La Defense En Certification D'appel (Art.72 (B) (Ii) Suite A La Decision De La Chambre Datee Du 26 Juin 2006' " Dated 14 July 2006 And Request For Suspension Of Time-Limit

Milutinovic et al.


Decision Relative A L'application De L'article 73 Bis Du Règlement

Milutinovic et al.


Defence Response: "Prosecution's Request For Certification Of Appeal Pursuant To Rule 73(B)"

Milutinovic et al.


Republic Of Serbia's Report Relating To Order Arising From The Hearing On Sreten Lukic's Rule 54 Bis Application

Milutinovic et al.


General Ojdanic Notice Of Objection To Portions Of Exhibit P2228

Milutinovic et al.


Joint Defence Response: "Prosecution's Motion To Admit Documentary Evidence With Annexes"

Milutinovic et al.


Sreten Lukic's Notification On Submission Of Second Refined Request To Sebia For Production Of Documents Pursuant To Chambers Order From 10th Of July

Milutinovic et al.


Pavkovic Joinder In General Ojdanic's Response To Prosecution's Motion To Admit Documentary Evidence

Milutinovic et al.


Sreten Lukic's Response In Objection To The "Prosecution's Second Submission With Annex In Response To 6 June 2006 Order On Prosecution's Motion To Admit Documentary Evidence"

Milutinovic et al.


Submission By Mr. Milutinovic To Join General Ojdanic's Response To Prosecution's Motion To Admit Documentary Evidence

Milutinovic et al.


General Ojdanic's Response To Prosecution's Motion To Admit Documentary Evidence

Milutinovic et al.


Supplemental Materials In Support Of General Ojdanic's Second Motion For Stay Of Proceedings

Milutinovic et al.


Ordonnance Rendue A La Suite De L'audience Consacrée À La Demande De Sreten Lukic Présentée En Application De L'article 54 Bis Du Règlement



Prosecution's Response To Accused Perisic's "Renewed Motion Seeking Access To Confidential Material In The Milosevic Case" With Confidential And Ex Parte Annex A

Popovic et al


Submission Pursuant To The Trial Chamber's Decision On Further Amendments And Challenges To The Indictment And Motion Seeking Leave To Make Additional Minor Corrections

Popovic et al


Response On Behalf Of Drago Nikolic To Prosecution Motion For Judicial Notice Of Facts Of Common Knowledge Pursuant To Rule 94 (A)

Popovic et al


Joint Defence Response By The Accused Radivoje Miletic And Milan Gvero To Prosecution Motioin For Judicial Notice Of Facts Of Common Knowledge Pursuant To Rule 94 (A)

Popovic et al


Borovcanin Defence Response To Prosecution Motion For Judicial Notice Of Facts Of Common Knowledge Pursuant To Rule 94 (A)

Popovic et al


Response Of Vujadin Popovic's Defence To The Prosecution Motion For Judicial Notice Of Facts Of Common Knowledge Pursuant To Rule 94 (A)

Popovic et al


Response Of The Accused Vinko Pandurevic To The Prosecution Motion For Judicial Notice Of Facts Of Common Knowledge Pursuant To Rule 94 (A)

Prlic and Others


Order Granting Extension Of Time

Prlic and Others


Dépôt Du Mémoire De L'accusation Préalable Au Procès Augmenté Des Cotes Des Pièces À Conviction

Prlic and Others


Décision Relative À La Requête De L'accusé Slobodan Praljak Aux Fins De Consultation De Comptes Rendus De Témoignages Et De Documents Confidentiels Provenant De L'affaire Le Procureur C/ Sefer Halilovic Et À La Notification Par Laquelle L'accusé Jadranko

Prlic and Others


Requête Aux Fins Du Constat Judiciaire De Faits Admis (Le Procureur C/ Blaškic)

Prlic and Others



Prlic and Others (Interlocutory)


Ordonnance Portant Désignation De Juges Dans Une Affaire Portée Devant La Chambre D'appel

Rasevic & Todovic


Ordonnance Relative À L'acte D'accusation En Vigueur



Procès-Verbal Of Reception Of Bcs Translation Of "Prosecution's Submission Of The Expert Statement Of Professor Dr. Zoran Stankovic Pursuant To Rule 94 Bis" (D13266-D13238)



Professor Vojislav Seselj Hereby Submits A Request That He Be Enabled To Receive A Visit By Tomislav Nikolic And Dragan Todorovic As Representaitves Of The Serbian Radical Party (Submission No. 185)



Professor Vojislav Seselj Request That The Icty President Orders The Removal Of All Obstacles That Restrict The Equality Of All Radio And Television Stations In Serbia With Respect To The Right To Television And Radio Broadcasts From The Icty Court Rooms



Procès-Verbal Of Reception Of Bcs Translation Of "Prosecution's Eight Motion For Protective Measures For Witnesses During The Pre Trial And Trial Phases With Ex Parte And Confidential Annexes A, B, C, D And E" (D13204-D13195)

Zigic (Review)


Reply To "Prosecution's Response To Zoran Zigic's "Request For Review Under Rule 119"