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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 28 August 2013

Date: 28.08.2013
Time: 12:30

Registry and Chambers:

Magdalena Spalińska, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:

Good afternoon,

In the Prlić et al. case, the Prosecution filed yesterday its notice of appeal against the Trial Chamber judgement. It presented four grounds of appeal and asked for increase of the sentences.

On 21 June the Prosecution was ordered to file its notice of appeal within 90 days after the judgment was handed down. The Defence for both Slobodan Praljak and Berislav Pušić filed their notices of appeal in June, whereas Jadranko Prlić, Bruno Stojić, Milivoj Petković and Valentin Ćorić are ordered to do so within 60 days after the English translation of the judgement is issued.

I will now move onto the courtroom activities.

Next week, on Wednesday 4 September at 3:00pm in courtroom I a Status Conference will be held in the Mićo Stanišić and Stojan Župljanin appeal case. As I mentioned in last week’s briefing, all parties have appealed the Trial Chamber Judgement and the Prosecution and Stanišić’s defence filed their appeal briefs on 19 August 2013. Župljanin was the last to file his appeal brief on Friday, 23 August.

A Status Conference in the Šainović et al. appeals case will also take place next Wednesday, 4 September at 3:30pm in Courtroom III.

The trial of Ratko Mladić is scheduled for this week and next. Today, Emir Turkušić, a police investigator during the war in Sarajevo, is testifying. This is the 134th witness to be called by the Prosecution.

In the case of Goran Hadžić, also sitting for the remainder of the week and next, witness Geert Ahrens, former international mediator in the former Yugoslavia, is currently testifying. He is the 70th witness to be called by the Prosecution.

As a reminder, the trial of Radovan Karadžić is adjourned and scheduled to resume on 28 October.

Office of the Prosecutor:

No OTP representatives were present at the briefing.


No questions were asked.