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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 18th Oct 2006

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing


ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

Date: 18.10.2006

Time: 12:00

Registry and Chambers:

Refik Hodžić, Spokesman for Registry and Chambers, made the following statement:



The proceedings in all cases currently sitting, Prlić et al, Milutinović et al, Milan Martić, Mrksić et al. and Popović et al will continue this and next week.

I would also like to remind you that next Tuesday, 24 October is a UN holiday and the Tribunal will be closed.


Appeals Chamber issued a decision yesterday rejecting the appeal of Dragomir Milošević against the decision denying his motion for provisional release.

In the case of Naser Orić, defence and prosecution filed their appeal briefs on 16 October.

And in the case of Vojislav Šešelj, the defense filed a request to the Trial Chamber to permit less time in court during the initial two months of the trial in order for the defence to have further time to prepare. The request suggests that Chamber sits two days a week in November and three days a week in December.


The four-day conference "Domestic War Crimes Trials: Taking a Lead", organized by The Humanitarian Law Center, the US Department of Justice and Department of State, starts today in Montenegro. The conference will consist of case studies and panel discussions on topics related to war crimes prosecutions and trials and will gather the highest-level judicial officials dealing with war crimes cases from all of the former Yugoslavia. The Tribunal will be represented by Deputy Prosecutor David Tolbert and the Registry Liaison Officer in Serbia, Alexandra Milenov. She will speak Thursday about the legacy of the ICTY archives. The Tribunal remains committed to participating in events such as these in order to support judiciaries in the region in their efforts to bring justice to war crimes victims.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Anton Nikiforov, Advisor to the Prosecutor and acting Spokesperson of the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP), made the following statement:

The Minister of Interior of the Republika Srpska, Mr. Stanislav Čadjo, with his colleagues from the ministry dealing with administrative issues, is visiting OTP today. He is having meetings with the Prosecutor and chief of Investigations.

Yesterday the OTP was visited by the new commander of NATO forces in Bosnia and Hercegovina, General Wightman. He met with the Prosecutor.


A journalist asked for confirmation that it was Šešelj’s newly appointed lawyer, Hooper, who filed the request for shorter sitting times in November and December. Hodžić confirmed that this was indeed so.

In response to a question on to the status of Šešelj’s submission to the Bureau and President to dismiss Judge Moloto from the pre-Trial Chamber, Hodžić answered that the decision on the submission is pending.

Answering a question on when the composition of the Šešelj Trial Chamber would be made known, Hodžić said it would have to be some time soon as the trial was scheduled to begin on 2 November.

Nikiforov was asked about the purpose of the Prosecutor’s meeting with Minister of Interior of the Republika Srpska. He answered that because of the recent elections a new government needed to be formed and that the Minister intended to stay in his position, as offered by the Prime Minister. The meeting was to provide an update on all the issues that the Ministry and the OTP work together on. He added that there was unfortunately nothing new to add about possible results in terms of locating the remaining fugitives, and that the Prosecutor again expressed her dissatisfaction with this. The OTP still believed that at least two fugitives, Karadžć and Žulpjanin, could be in the Republika Srpska and so it was their responsibility to locate them and transfer them to The Hague.


Radic (Review)


Prosecutor's Request To Transfer Model Of Omarska Camp To Prosecutor's Office Of Bosnia And Herzegovina

Blaskic (Contempt)


Decision By The Deputy Registrar Re: Assignment Of Counsel

Blaskic (Contempt)


Order For Release Of Audio-Visual Record And Permitting Photography

Blaskic (Contempt)


Decision On Prosecution Motion Seeking Directions And Order Regarding Disclosure Obligations

Haradinaj et al


Orders Arising Form 13 October 2006 Status Conference



Defence's Motion For Admission Of Statement Of Witness Mm-084 (Mile Dakic) Pursuant To Rule 92 Ter



Prosecution's Response To The Defence's Submission Pursuant To The Trial Chamber's Order Of 9 June 2006



Defence's Submission Regarding Disclosure Of Statements Pursuant To Rule 92ter Of The Rules



Prosecution's Submission Of Jurisprudence Relevant To Trial Chamber's Power To Limit The Defence Case



Defence's Submission Regarding Its Obligation To Disclose Information About Defence Witnesses To The Prosecution



Corrigendum To Decision On Application For A Limited Re-Opening Of The Bosnia And Kosovo Components Of The Prosecution Case



Decision On Appeal Against Decision Denying Motion For Provisional Release

Milutinovic et al.


Pavkovic Joinder In Ojdanic Motion To Preclude Parties From Calling Expert Witnesses

Milutinovic et al.


Decision Denying Prosecution's Request For Certification Of Ruling On Proposed Exhibits P438 And P473

Milutinovic et al.


Prosecution's Notice Of Filing Confidential Annex A To Submissions Re General Ojdanic's Submissions Concerning Disclosure Of Rule 70 Material

Milutinovic et al.


Joint Response By Mr Milutinovic, Mr Sainovic, General Lazarevic And General Lukic To General Ojdanic's Motion To Preclude Parties From Calling Expert Witnesses

Popovic et al


Prosecution's Response To "Defence Motion For Certifcation To Appeal Decision On Prosecution Motion For Judicial Notice Of Adjudicated Facts"

Popovic et al


Prosecution's Response To "Defence Motion Pursuant To Rule 127 (A) For Extention Of Time To File The Rule 94 Bis Notice Regarding Prosecution Expert Witness Richard Butler"

Popovic et al


Motion On Behalf Of Vinko Pandurevic And Ljubisa Beara Joining "Defence Motion Pursuant To Rule 127 (A) For Extention Of Time To File The Rule 94 Bis Notice Regarding Prosecution Expert Witness Richard Butler"

Prlic and Others


Prosecution Response To: Joint Defence Motion In Relation To Witness And Exhibit List And Joint Defence Motion Concerning Addition Of New Witnesses

Prlic and Others


Joint Defence Motion In Relation To The Prosecution's Exhibit Lists Provided Prior To Examination Of Witnesses

Prlic and Others


Annex - Prosecution Motion For Admission Of Evidence Pursuant To Rule 92 Bis (A) (Ribicic)

Prlic and Others


Annex - Prosecution Motion For Admission Of Evidence Pursuant To Rule 92 Bis (A) (Pajic)

Rasevic & Todovic


Prosecutor's Initial Progress Report



Prosecution's Addendum To "Prosecution's Second Motion For Admission Of Transcripts And Written Statements"



Prosecution's Additional Addendum And Corrigendum To "Prosecution's Motion For Admission Of Transcripts And Written Statements In Lieu Of Viva Voce Testimony Pursuant To Rule 92 Bis"