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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 10th Mar 2004

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 10 March 2004

note that this is not a verbatim transcript of the Press Briefing.
It is merely a summary.

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

Date: 10.03.2004

Time: 12:00


Jim Landale, Spokesman for Registry and Chambers, made the following

Good afternoon,

On behalf of the Tribunal’s Outreach Programme:

Last weekend, ICTY Outreach and the Helsinki Committee for Human
Rights in Republika Srpska hosted a three-day conference for prosecutors
from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) on Bjelasnica Mountain near Sarajevo.
The topic of the conference was the investigation and prosecution
of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide at the ICTY
and is part of the Tribunal's effort to assist with the transfer
of its expertise to the local judiciaries in the former Yugoslavia
in order to improve their capacity to deal with complex war crimes
cases. The conference was attended by over 40 prosecutors from across
BiH who were addressed by senior OTP officials on various aspects
of investigating and prosecuting war crimes at the International
Tribunal. The conference was funded by the OSCE and the US Embassy
in Sarajevo.

ICTY and BiH prosecutors, OHR representatives and local
legal experts addressed numerous issues related to the handling
of war crimes cases in BiH, as well as the possible transfer of
ICTY cases to Bosnian courts. Discussions focused on such areas
as the admissibility of ICTY evidence in local war crimes trials,
the legal framework and jurisdiction of BiH courts and witness protection
measures. The successful conference was seen by all participants
as a good foundation for future training activities which are planned
as part of the effort to set up a War Crimes Chamber within the
BiH State Court.

On 9 March, the Deputy Registrar, David Tolbert,
issued a Decision to extend for a further 30 days the communications
restrictions on Vojislav Seselj. In effect, this means that Mr.
Seselj is prohibited from communicating with anyone except his legal
counsel (if applicable), diplomatic and consular representatives
and his immediate family, provided that his contact with his family
is subject live monitoring.

With regard to the court schedule and in
addition to the ongoing trials:

The Sentencing Judgement in The Prosecutor v.
Miodrag Jokic
will be rendered next Thursday, 18 March 2004
at 3 p.m. in Courtroom III. The Trial Chamber also ordered that
"(i) the Order on Miodrag Jokic’s Request for Continued
Provisional Release of 4 December 2003 be vacated on Tuesday, 16
March 2004; (ii) Miodrag Jokic return to the Tribunal on Tuesday,
16 March 2004."

The Sentencing Judgement in The Prosecutor v.
Ranko Cesic
will be rendered tomorrow by Trial Chamber I at
3 p.m. in Courtroom III.

There will be a status conference in The Prosecutor
v. Meakic, Gruban, Fustar and Knezevic
on 11 March starting
at 12 noon.

The hearing on appeal in The Prosecutor v. Kvocka,
Radic, Zigic and Prcac
will start on 23 March 2004.

There will be a status conference in The Prosecutor
v. Naletilic and Martinovic
before the Pre-Appeal Judge, Judge
Pocar, on 30 March starting at 3 p.m.

There will be a status conference in The Prosecutor
v. Milomir Stakic
before the Pre-Appeal Judge, Judge Meron,
on 5 April starting at 9.30 a.m in Courtroom II.

In The Prosecutor v. Limaj, Bala and Musliu,
the Defendants have been ordered by the Pre-Trial Judge to file
their pre-trial briefs on 10 May 2004.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Florence Hartmann, Spokeswoman for the Office of the Prosecutor,
made no statement.


A journalist wondered if there were any materials
from the ICTY Outreach and the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights
conference and if so, whether they could be obtained. Landale promised
to check whether anything was available.

Landale was also asked to confirm that the attending
prosecutors were from across BiH, that is that they were from both
the Federation and the Republika Srpska. Landale said that he believed
that this was the case.

A journalist said that two Croatian generals had
been seen boarding a plane in Zagreb and wanted to know whether
they had already arrived in The Hague. Landale answered that he
was not aware that they had.

Asked whether there was any more information regarding a replacement
for Judge May, Landale replied that there was not, but he was confident
that the situation would be resolved relatively soon.

The next question related to Milosevic’s health
and whether he was working on his defence on a full-time basis.
Landale replied that he believed Milosevic’s health had improved
and that he was working on his defence, though he had no more specific
information than that.

Asked whether Milosevic was using the new facilities
provided to him, Landale answered that he believed he was.

A journalist asked whether the Tribunal had any
comment on the start of the Vukovar trial yesterday in Belgrade.
Landale answered that the Tribunal was watching the developments
closely. He added that the court in Belgrade had received some considerable
assistance from parts of the Tribunal. He said the Tribunal was
hopeful that the trial would be conducted in accordance with the
highest legal standards and that it would complement the work being
carried out at the Tribunal, namely the investigation and trial
of those as high up the chain of command as the evidence allowed
and concentrating on the most senior alleged perpetrators.

Asked whether the Tribunal had monitors in Belgrade
following the trial, Hartmann answered in the negative. She added
that there were other organizations fulfilling this role; NGOs and
maybe the OSCE. The Tribunal was in contact with international organizations
experienced in such monitoring.


The Prosecutor v. Tihomir Blaskic

8 March 2004 "Decision on Prosecution’s Motion
for Clarification of the Appeals Chamber’s Decision Dated 4 December
2002 on Pasko Ljubicic’s Motion for Access to Confidential Material,
Transcripts and Exhibits in the Blaskic Case."

The Prosecutor v. Pavle Strugar

4 March 2004 "Defence Response: Prosecution’s
Submission of Expert Report Pursuant to Rule 94bis (Lieutenant Colonel
Jozef Poje)."

4 March 2004 "Defence Response: Prosecution’s
Submission of Expert Report Pursuant to Rule 94bis (General Milovan

The Prosecutor v. Zeljko Mejakic, Momcilo
Gruban, Dusan Fustar and Dusko Knezevic

5 March 2004 "Zeljko Mejakic’s Request for
Removing his Photograph from the ICTY Website."

8 March 2004 "Order Assigning a Judge to a
Case before a Trial Chamber".

The Prosecutor v. Slobodan Milosevic

4 March 2004 "Prosecution Filing of Amended
Annex 1 to Croatia Indictment."

The Prosecutor v. Naser Oric

4 March 2004 "Defence Pre-Trial Brief."

The Prosecutor v. Dusko Jovanovic

8 March 2004 "Order Assigning a Judge to a
Case Before a Trial Chamber."

The Prosecutor v. Momcilo Krajisnik

5 March 2004 "Prosecution’s Fourth Motion
for Judicial Notice of Adjudicated Facts".

The Prosecutor v. Vojislav Seselj

9 March 2004 "Decision".

The Prosecutor v. Mile Mrksic

9 March 2004 "Decision on Defence Request for Review of the
Registrar’s decision on Partial Indigence of Mrksic".
