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ICTY Weekly Press Briefing - 27th Apr 2005

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

note that this is not a verbatim transcript of the Press Briefing.
It is merely a summary.

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing

Date: 27.04.2005

Time: 12.15

Registry and Chambers:

Jim Landale, Spokesman for Registry and Chambers, made the
following statement:

Good afternoon,

Yesterday evening, we received
two Decisions issued by Judge Orie confirming and
unsealing an indictment against Ivica Marijacic
and Markica Rebic, and an indictment against Stjepan
Seselj and Domagoj Margetic for contempt of the
Tribunal, pursuant to Rule 77 of the Tribunal’s
Rules of Procedure and Evidence.

Both indictments relate to the
publication, in Croatia in November last year, of
statements given by a protected witness or protected
witnesses to the Office of the Prosecutor and transcripts
of the testimony that witness or those witnesses
gave in closed session at the Tribunal during the
trial of Tihomir Blaskic in 1997 and 1998.

In the Decisions, Judge Orie ordered
the Prosecutor to inform the Registrar in writing
within seven days about the known whereabouts of
the four accused. Judge Orie also ordered the Registrar
to take all necessary steps to serve the indictments
on the accused.

Copies of Judge Orie’s Decisions
and the two indictments will be made available to
you after this briefing.

We have received a scheduling order
from the Rule 11 bis Referral Bench for a
hearing on the Prosecutor’s Motion of 29 November
2004 to refer the case against Gojko Jankovic to
Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Referral Bench has scheduled
a hearing for 12 May 2005, at 2.15 p.m. The Bench
has also invited the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina
to attend the hearing and present oral submissions,
should it wish to do so.

I would also like to draw your
attention to a detailed scheduling order issued
by the Judges in the Krajisnik case, to enable "the
parties to better organize and present their cases
within the allotted time frame
" and which "gives
the Accused notice of when he can expect to receive
the Chamber’s judgement
". The order covers the
period from April 2005 until the delivery of the
Judgement in the case, which, the Judges Order,
"shall be delivered on or before Friday 28 April

Other dates specified in the order

The Prosecution to close its case on or before
22 July 2005
Oral submissions on any Defence Rule 98 bis
motion for a acquittal to be heard on 16 August
A Decision on any Rule 98 bis motion
for acquittal to be rendered on or before 19 August
Should there be a Rule 98 bis motion
and should it be denied in whole or in part, the
Defence case to commence on 12 September 2005
Should there be no Rule 98 bis motion,
the Defence case to commence on 5 September 2005
The Defence case to close on or before 10 March
Rebuttal and Chamber witnesses, if any, to be
heard between 13 and 17 March 2006
Final trial briefs to be filed on or before
27 March 2006
Closing arguments to be heard on 6 and 7 April

Before issuing the order the Judges
considered, among other things, the submissions
of the parties "given in open court on 29 October
", and "analysed the past and future
requirements of this case, including the Defence’s
recurrent requests for time in preparation
The Judges also noted that some dates could be adjusted
at the discretion of the Chamber should the Prosecution’s
case close earlier than expected, should the Defence
case close earlier than expected, or upon a motion
by a party showing good cause. Copies of the Order
will be available to those who want them after this

As you will be aware, the initial
appearance of General Pavkovic will be held tomorrow
at 2.30 p.m. in Courtroom I.

The further initial appearance
of Vinko Pandurevic has been scheduled for next
Tuesday 3 May at 2.15 p.m. in Courtroom III.

The further initial appearance
of Sreten Lukic has been scheduled for next Wednesday
4 May at 8 a.m. in Courtroom I.

The further initial appearance
of Ljubomir Borovcanin has been scheduled for next
Thursday 5 May at 2.15 p.m. in Courtroom III.

There will be a status conference
in The Prosecutor v. Sefer Halilovic also
tomorrow at 4 p.m. in Courtroom I.

Finally, a reminder that Friday
is a UN holiday and as such there will be no hearings.

Office of the Prosecutor:

Jean-Daniel Ruch for the Office
of the Prosecutor made no statement.


No questions were asked.


The Prosecutor v. Momcilo

26 April 2005 – Scheduling Order
(Period April 2005 To Delivery of Judgement).

The Prosecutor v. Gojko Jankovic

20 April 2005 – Scheduling
Order For A Hearing On Referral Of a Case Under
Rule 11bis.

The Prosecutor v. Milan Martic

25 April 2005 – Second Motion
For Provisional Release.

26 April 2005 – Corrigendum
To Second Motion For Provisional Release.

The Prosecutor v. Slobodan

21 April 2005 – Assigned Counsel
Submissions On Trial In Absentia.

22 April 2005 – Omnibus Order
On Matters Arising Out Of Status Conference On The
Defence Case.

25 April 2005 – Amicus Curiae
Observations Proprio Motu On The Desirability
Of Submissions On The Alternative Bases Of Individual
Criminal Responsibility Alleged In The Case And
On The Issue Of Trials In Absentia.

25 April 2005 – Defence Motion
On Behalf Of Kosta Bulatovic For Access To All Confidential
And Ex Parte Related Material Related To The Maglov
Contempt Proceedings.

25 April 2005 – Defence Motion
For Access To All Confidential And Ex Parte Material
Related To Contempt Proceedings Against Witness

The Prosecutor v. Limaj et

25 April 2005 – Decision On
The Prosecution’s Motions To Admit Prior Statements
As Substantive Evidence.

The Prosecutor v. Milutinovic
et al

19 April 2005 – Decision On
Motion Of Ojdanic For Modification Of Decision On
Application For Binding Orders Pursuant To Rule

25 April 2005 – Prosecution’s
Request For Leave To Reply And Reply To Response
By Mr Milutinovic To The Prosecution’s Notification
In Relation To Disclosure Of An Expert Report.

The Prosecutor v. Vojislav

21 April 2005 – Decision On
The Accused’s requests For A ruling Of The ICJ Concerning
The Tribunal’s Jurisdiction Over Nationals Of The
Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia.

The Prosecutor v. Hadzihasanovic
and Kubura

22 April 2005 – Prosecution’s
Application To Re-Open It’s Case.

The Prosecutor v. Sefer Halilovic

21 April 2005 – Decision On
Motion For Provisional Release.

The Prosecutor v. Haradinaj
et al

21 April 2004 – Defence Motion
On Behalf Of Ramush Haradinaj For Provisional Release.

The Prosecutor v. Tolimir
et al

25 Avril 2005 – Requete Du
General Miletic Aux Fins De Mise En Liberte Provisoire.

The Prosecutor v. Beqa Beqaj

25 April 2005 – Decision On
Defence’s Motion To Reconsider The Order Suspending
The Provisional Release Of The Accused.

The Prosecutor v. Goran Borovnica

25 April 2005 – Notice of Withdrawal
Of The indictment Against Goran Borovnica Without

The Prosecutor v. Dragomir

26 April 2005 – Defence’s Motion
For Provisional Release.

The Prosecutor v. Ivica Marijacic
and Markica Rebic

10 Feb. 2005 – Indictment:Contempt
of the Tribunal.

26 April 2005 – Decision On Review
Of Indictment.

The Prosecutor v. Stjepan
Seselj and Domagoj Margetic

26 April 2005 – Decision On Review
Of Indictment.

10 Feb. 2005 – Indictment: Contempt
of the Tribunal.
