In addition to their core duties related to trials, ICTY judges adopt and draft the Tribunal's Rules of Procedure and Evidence and other legal documents. The Rules govern the conduct of proceedings before the Tribunal and other matters, including the admission of evidence and the protection of witnesses.
The judges meet in plenary sessions to adopt and amend the Rules, decide upon matters relating to the internal functioning of the Chambers and exercise other functions as provided for in the Statute or the Rules. In addition to the two regular plenary sessions held each year, extraordinary plenary sessions are held, normally for the purpose of adopting rule amendments. Ten permanent judges must be present at each plenary meeting of the Tribunal in order for decisions rendered during the session to have legal effect.
Regulatory bodies of the ICTY include the Bureau, Coordination Council and Management Committee. The Bureau, which is comprised of the President, Vice-President and the presiding judges of the Trial Chambers, consults on all major questions relating to the functioning of the Tribunal.
The Coordination Council, which is composed of the President, the Prosecutor and the Registrar, is responsible for coordinating the activities of the three main organs of the Tribunal in order to facilitate the efficient and effective achievement of its mission. The Coordination Council, chaired by the President, meets on a monthly basis.
The Management Committee is composed of the President, the Vice-President, a judge elected by the judges in plenary session for a one-year renewable mandate, the Registrar, the Deputy Registrar and the Chief of Administration. The Management Committee directs activities relating to the administrative and judicial support provided to the Chambers. This includes the preparation and implementation of the Tribunal’s budget with the exception of budgetary lines specific to the activities of the Office of the Prosecutor.