Hadžić case: Trial Chamber conducts site visit in eastern Croatia

The Trial Chamber in the case of Goran Hadžić, former President of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, began today a five-day site visit to locations relevant to the indictment in eastern Croatia in order to obtain a first-hand impression of those sites, including the topography of the relevant areas.
The visiting delegation consists of Judges Delvoie (presiding), Hall, and Mindua; support staff from the Tribunal; and representatives of both the Prosecution and Defence.
The visit is taking place under Rule 4 of the Tribunal’s Rules of Procedure and Evidence, which states, ‘A Chamber may exercise its functions at a place other than the seat of the Tribunal, if so authorised by the President in the interests of justice.’
Hadžić is charged with a number of crimes committed in Croatia from June 1991 to December 1993, including persecutions, murder, imprisonment, torture, inhumane acts, cruel treatment, deportation, and wanton destruction.
Hadžić was arrested on 20 July 2011, and his initial appearance was held on 25 July 2011. He was the last remaining fugitive of the total of 161 persons indicted by the Tribunal.
Press agencies are advised that there will be no media opportunities during the site visit.
For more information please contact Magdalena Spalińska, Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers on +31 65 357 8006