Igalo, 16 September 2014
A presentation of the representative of ICTY’s Office of the Prosecutor, Aditya Menon, about Tribunal's jurisprudence and key achievements given to a group of 30 students of the Straniak Academy for Democracy and Human Rights in Igalo, Montenegro, served as an excellent introduction into a very dynamic discussion. Students of humanities from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovenia, Croatia Austria, Germany, and Hungary had the opportunity to learn more about Tribunal' work and its impact on post conflict processes in the former Yugoslavia.
After the presentation, Aditya Menon, together with the Registry Liaison Officer, Almir Alić, made an effort to answer numerous questions posed by the students. The Academy students were keen to learn if victims' representatives were involved in the plea negotiations process, if it was possible to plead guilty at any stage of the proceedings, and if any of the persons who had pleaded guilty have actively involved the reconciliation process after they have served their sentences. The students also wanted to learn more about how specific intent is proved in relation to genocide and if a murder of just one person can be considered genocide. Some questions were related to a wider context of transitional justice and were concerned with the Tribunal's contribution in building peace in the former Yugoslavia.
The discussion also served as an opportunity for the students to present their views about the possibility of reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia. One student said she believed it was possible to achieve through specific projects at the grass-root level, rather than by looking for a comprehensive solution for the entire former Yugoslavia.
Representatives of the Straniak Academy expressed their satisfaction with the ICTY guest lecture and interest in continuing the cooperation in the coming year.
Edo Katanić:
“Though I’ve heard a lot about the Tribunal at the university and different seminars, this is the first time that I have had an opportunity to ask questions and enter into discussion with experts who work at the Tribunal. Also, I'm particularly happy that our colleagues coming from the countries that were not involved in the conflict, such as Austria and Germany, have had a chance to learn about the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia and the trials before the Tribunal."Ljubica Kostovska:
“The presenters were open for discussion with students and gave satisfactory answers. I am very happy that ICTY presents its transparency and also important educational role for the youth especially, so keep up with the good work”.Antonia Wagner:
“The presentation of the work of the ICTY and the challenges and obstacles provided me with a lot of useful knowledge I didn't have before. I was especially interested in the process of prosecution and different ways in which reconciliation is tried to achieve. I believe that it is of high importance that the work of the ICTY in the field of conserving and collection of information is continued.”