Legacy website of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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Kupreskic & others Case: Provisional release denied

Press Release
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 17 December 1997

Kupreskic & others Case:  Provisional release denied


On Monday 15 December 1997, Trial Chamber II (consisting of Judge Antonio Cassese, presiding, Judge Richard May and Judge Florence Mumba) denied the Motions for provisional release filed on 14 November and 27 November 1997 by the six accused (see Press Release 262-E and ICTY Weekly update-7)

The principle of preventive detention

Recalling that the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of the ICTY poses that this principle “has been repeatedly affirmed in the practice of the International Tribunal” the Trial Chamber considered that “provisional release may only be ordered in extreme and rare circumstances such as where the accused’s state of health is incompatible with any form of detention”.

Four criteria

Pursuant to the practice of the ICTY in assessing applications for provisional release, “four criteria must be satisfied if a Trial Chamber is to order the provisional release of the accused”.

The latter must demonstrate that:

a)         there are exceptional circumstances
b)         they will appear for trial
c)         if released they will not pose a danger to any victim, witness or other person

Furthermore, the host country must be heard

Applying these criteria to the six accused, the Judges determined:

a)         “There are no exceptional circumstances involved in being a “family person” “.
b)         The voluntary surrender of the accused and their “subordinate” position (as
opposed to persons in command of a situation) does not guarantee that they
will appear for trial
c)         The fact that the accused are now in possession of statements of certain  witnesses “creates an enhanced risk of interference with the course of justice

The Trial Chamber concluded that the criteria have not been satisfied by the applicants, and denied the request for provisional release.

The full text of the above mentioned decision can be obtained
 from the Press and Information Office upon request

International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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