The Hague, 5 January 2010
Outreach Programme Brings Tribunal Closer to Kosovo Students
During a presentation at a high-school in Vucitrn/Vushtri
The Tribunal’s Outreach Programme visited 14 high schools across Kosovo in the last four months of 2009, successfully completing the second stage of its project aiming to bring the work of the ICTY closer to local communities.
Between September and December 2009, over 450 teenagers learnt about the role of the Tribunal in bringing to justice those most responsible for the war crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia – including Kosovo - during the 1990s.
Multi-media presentations were followed by lively question and answer sessions, in which the students were eager to learn more details about the Tribunal’s role in the fight against impunity and about the victims’ role in war crimes trials. The schools praised the project highly and they expressed interest in expanding this cooperation.
The Outreach Programme held a first series of similar presentations during the 2006-2007 school year, when a total of 850 students from more than 20 high schools benefited from the project.
This project was supported by the Kosovo Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, which incorporated the ICTY presentations into the official Civic Education syllabus. The Tribunal’s Outreach Programme is generously supported by the European Union.
As the ICTY moves towards completing its mandate, the Outreach Programme is intensifying its efforts to increase the local communities’ knowledge of the Tribunal’s achievements. In doing so, the Outreach Programme will contribute to cementing the legacy of the Tribunal throughout the region of the former Yugoslavia.
More information about the Outreach Programme can be found on the Tribunal’s website.
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
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