The Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon yesterday met with the newly elected ICTY President Carmel Agius at the UN Headquarters in New York.
During the meeting President Agius briefed the Secretary-General on the Tribunal's progress towards the completion of its work, including the challenges it faces in the downsizing phase of the organisation.
President Agius confirmed to the Secretary-General that the Tribunal is on track to complete its work by the end of 2017. However, he explained that this did not come without challenges, one of the biggest being staff attrition and its effects on staff morale. Pointing out the importance of staff to an organisation, President Agius praised the ICTY staff and judges and their commitment, expressing his gratitude for their hard work in completing the ongoing cases.
The President assured the Secretary-General he was committed to working hard to meeting the 2017 deadline and dedicated to ensuring the efficiency of proceedings. He also expressed his appreciation of the Secretary-General’s continued support of the Tribunal and his unwavering determination in the fight against impunity.
The President is in New York this week and next in preparation for the six-month completion strategy progress report to the UN Security Council, scheduled on 9 December.