Press Advisory |
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)
Tribunal appoints new Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers
Ms. Magdalena Spalińska |
Ms. Magdalena Spalińska has been appointed as the Tribunal’s Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers.
Ms. Spalińska has long-term experience of the Tribunal, having worked for more than five years as Outreach Officer in The Hague. She has in-depth knowledge of the former Yugoslavia and speaks the local languages fluently. Prior to joining the ICTY, Ms. Spalińska worked for several years in the region of the former Yugoslavia and also has journalistic experience from her native Poland.
Ms. Spalińska’s contact details are +31 (0)6 5127 1242 or +31(0)70 512 5066 and spalinska [at]
Nerma Jelačić, who had been the spokesperson since January 2008 will continue heading the Tribunal’s Communications Service and Outreach efforts in the former Yugoslavia. She can be reached at +31 (0)6 5357 8006 or +31(0)70 512 5580 and jelacic [at]
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
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