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Dragan Zelenović sentencing judgement to be rendered on 4 April 2007


Press Advisory
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 2 April 2007


The sentencing judgement will be rendered for Dragan Zelenović, former soldier and a de facto military policeman in the municipality of Foča, on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 at 13:45 in courtroom II.

Dragan Zelenović pleaded guilty to charges of torture and rape against a number of Muslim women and girls following the take-over of Foča in April 1992 by Serb forces. These women were tortured and raped while being held in several locations throughout Foča during the period of several months.

On one occasion, Zelenović and three other gang-raped a 15-year-old girl while she was being held at the Partizan Sports Hall, one of the detention facilities in Foča. The detention was characterised by inhumane treatment, unhygienic facilities, overcrowding, starvation, physical and psychological torture, including the sexual assaults. Some of the assaulted women still remain

Zelenović was originally indicted on 26 June 1996 together with several others including Gojko Janković, Radovan Stanković, Dragoljub Kunarac, Radomir Kovač and Zoran Vuković, all members of the Bosnian Serb military police or paramilitary units. The Tribunal convicted Kunarac, Kovač and Vuković to 28, 20 and 12 years imprisonment, respectively, for crimes including raping,
torturing and enslaving a number of Bosnian Muslim women and girls. The Tribunal transferred Janković and Stanković to Bosnia and Herzegovina to stand trial for these crimes before the War Crimes Chamber in Sarajevo.

At the sentencing hearing held on 23 February 2007, the prosecution asked for a sentence in the range of 10 to 15 years' imprisonment and the defence asked for a range of seven to 10 years' imprisonment.


All proceedings can be followed on the Tribunal's website