During the last two weeks, ICTY's judges have granted requests for provisional release to nine accused in three different cases.
On 20 June 2007 the Appeals Chamber in the Had¾ihasanović and Kubura case granted the motion on behalf of Enver Had¾ihasanović for provisional release to Bosnia and Herzegovina pending the hearing of his appeal. The Appeals Chamber found that a series of conditions for provisional release, including the fact that the time he spent in detention amounted to approximately
two-thirds of his sentence, have been met. His release is subject to specific terms and conditions which include the obligation to surrender his passport and report to the local police regularly. On 15 March 2006, the Trial Chamber sentenced Ha¾ihasanović to five years imprisonment for murder and cruel treatment of Bosnian Croat and Bosnian Serb civilians and prisoners of
The Trial Chamber in the Milutinović et al. case granted on 18 June 2007 the request by Vladimir Lazarević for temporary release to Serbia from 26 June to 2 July 2007 and the request by Nebojša Pavković for temporary release to Serbia from 4 July to 10 July 2007. Both provisional releases are subject to the specific terms and conditions as detailed in the Trial Chamber's
In the Prlić et al. case the Trial Chamber ruled on 11 June 2007 to accept the defence motions to provisionally release Jadranko Prlić, Bruno Stojić, Slobodan Praljak, Milivoj Petković, Valentin Ćorić and Berislav Pušić. The Trial Chamber decided to keep the dates and the specific terms and conditions confidential.
The full text of these decisions can be found on the Tribunal's website