Site Internet consacré à l’héritage du Tribunal pénal international pour l’ex-Yougoslavie

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The Sixth Diplomatic Seminar Hosted by the ICTY

Press Release . Communiqué de presse

(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)


The Hague, 20 July 2004

JP/ P.I.S./873-e


Today, Tuesday 20 July 2004, over 65 representatives from the diplomatic missions to The Netherlands gathered at the seat of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) for a Diplomatic Seminar.

This Seminar was the sixth such meeting organized by the International Tribunal and was designed to update the members of the corps diplomatique on the activities of the organs comprising the Tribunal.

In their statements to the Seminar, the President, Judge Theodor Meron, the Prosecutor, Ms. Carla del Ponte and the Registrar, Mr. Hans Holthuis, addressed, among other things, the status of the completion strategy, including the possible transfer of some mid and lower level cases to national authorities; the ICTY’s financial situation and arrears in payments by Member States of
their assessed contributions to the ICTY; the arrest of fugitives and other issues of state cooperation; the status of the Outreach Programme; the enforcement of sentences and the relocation of witnesses.
