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Tribunal Lifts Protective Measures Regarding Stjepan Mesic

(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)

The Hague, 24 January 2006


The Appeals Chamber today granted the Prosecution's motion to lift all protective measures regarding witness Stjepan Mesic who testified in the Tihomir Blaskic case.

The Prosecution in the contempt case against journalists Stjepan Seselj and Domagoj Margetic submitted a confidential motion on 26 September 2005 requesting that protective measures with respect to witness Stjepan Mesic be lifted. The Prosecution also requested that the parties in the case be allowed to refer to witness Stjepan Mesic by his actual name, to the fact that he
testified in the Tihomir Blaskic case, and to his statement and transcripts.

The Trial Chamber in the case against Tihomir Blaškic had ordered that protective measures be applied to Stjepan Mesic on 6 June 1997 and 16 March 1998. In its Decision, the Appeals Chamber ordered that those protective measures be lifted. The Appeals Chamber also ordered that "Witness Mesic's actual name, the fact that Witness Mesic testified, his statements to the Prosecution,
as well as his testimony transcripts in this case, may be referred to publicly and in open session


The full text of the decision can be found on the Tribunal's website

Courtroom proceedings can be followed on the Tribunal's website.