Site Internet consacré à l’héritage du Tribunal pénal international pour l’ex-Yougoslavie
Depuis la fermeture du TPIY le 31 décembre 2017, le Mécanisme alimente ce site Internet dans le cadre de sa mission visant à préserver et promouvoir l’héritage des Tribunaux pénaux internationaux.
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)
The Hague, 2 December 2005 CT/MO/1030e
Judges Frank Hoepfel (Austria) and Janet Nosworthy (Jamaica) were sworn in this morning as ad litem, or temporary, judges of the Tribunal for a term of four years.
Currently, the Tribunal has nine ad litem judges serving a one time term of four years. The Tribunal also has 16 permanent judges who began their four year term on 17 November 2005.
The biographies for Judges Hoepfel and Nosworthy, as well as all other permanent and ad litem judges, can be found on the Tribunal's website at
Courtroom proceedings can be followed on the Tribunal's website