Legacy website of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

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Appeals Chamber to render its Judgement in the Celebici Case on 20 February 2001.

Communiqué de presse
(Exclusively for the use of the media. Not an official document)
The Hague, 16 February 2001

Appeals Chamber to render its Judgement in the Celebici Case on 20 February 2001.

On Tuesday 20 February 2001 at 3.30 p.m., the Appeals Chamber, consisting of Judge Hunt (presiding), Judge Riad, Judge Nieto-Navia, Judge Bennouna and Judge Pocar will render its Judgement in the Celebici case.


In 1992, Bosnian Muslim and Bosnian Croat forces took control of villages predominantly inhabited by Bosnian Serbs within and around the Konjic municipality of central Bosnia and Herzegovina. Those persons detained during these operations were held in a former Yugoslav National Army (JNA) facility in the village of Celebici, the Celebici prison-camp, where detainees were killed, tortured, sexually assaulted, beaten and otherwise subjected to cruel and inhuman treatment.

The indictment, issued on 21 March 1996, charged four individuals with a variety of crimes.

Zejnil Delalic, who allegedly co-ordinated activities of Bosnian Muslim and Bosnian Croat forces in the Konjic area from approximately April 1992 to at least September 1992 and was Commander of the First Tactical Group of the Bosnian Muslim forces from approximately June 1992 to November 1992. His responsibilities included authority over the Celebici camp and its personnel. Zdravko Mucic who was allegedly commander of the Celebici camp from about May to November 1992; Hazim Delic who was allegedly Deputy Commander of Celebici camp between May and November 1992 and, after the departure of Zdravko Mucic, became Commander of the camp until about December 1992; Esad Landzo who was allegedly a guard at the Celebici camp from approximately May to December 1992.


The Trial of the four accused began on 10 March 1997. On 16 November 1998, Trial Chamber II pronounced its Judgement.

Zejnil Delalic was found not guilty on all charges and was released from the Detention Unit immediately.

Zdravko Mucic was found guilty on the basis of individual criminal responsibility (Article 7(1)) for:

Grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (Article 2 – wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health; unlawful confinement of civilians), and

Violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3 – cruel treatment);

And superior criminal responsibility (Article 7(3)) for:

Grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (Article 2 – wilful killings; wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health; torture; inhuman treatment), and

Violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3 – murders; cruel treatment; torture).

Mucic was sentenced to seven years imprisonment.

Hazim Delic was found guilty on the basis of individual criminal responsibility (Article 7(1)) for:

Grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (Article 2 – wilful killing; wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health; torture; inhuman treatment), and

Violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3 – murder; cruel treatment; torture).

Delic was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.

Esad Landzo was found guilty on the basis of individual criminal responsibility (Article 7(1)) for:

Grave breaches of the 1949 Geneva Conventions (Article 2 – wilful killing; wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health; torture), and

Violations of the laws or customs of war (Article 3 – murder; cruel treatment; torture).

Landzo was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.


On 26 November 1998, the Prosecution filed appeals against the acquittal of Zejnil Delalic and the sentence of Zdravko Mucic.

Zdravko Mucic filed appeals against the judgement on 27 November 1998, Hazim Delic on 23 November 1998 and Esad Landzo on 1 December 1998.

The appeal hearing was held between 5 and 8 June 2000. The appeal Judgement will be rendered on 20 February 2001 at 3.30 p.m. in courtroom I.