Broadcast of Proceedings at the ICTY through the Internet
The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is pleased to announce that public court sessions held in its courtrooms, including The Prosecutor vs. Slobodan Milosevic, can be followed on the Internet.
Established in August 1998 by the non-governmental organisation Domovina and relayed on the ICTY’s website since late 2000 (see Press Release No. 546 of 6 December 2000), this service is designed to enhance the transparent nature of the proceedings at the Tribunal and to give a worldwide audience the ability to keep up to date with the latest developments in all ICTY courtrooms.
Available initially in the English and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS) languages, this service has recently been significantly expanded in order to meet a growing interest in the work of the ICTY. It now offers the Albanian and French languages (audio only with a picture being refreshed every miniute), as well as full video broadcast for the English and BCS languages.
The various departments involved within the ICTY (Information Technology Support, Outreach Programme and Internet Unit of the Public Information Services) acknowledge the invaluable initiative and instrumental implication from Domovina, the first non-governmental organisation to make the Tribunal’s recordings of its hearings available through the Internet in association with the Internet provider xs4all.
1. Go to the Tribunal’s homepage at 2. Click on one of the four icons to access the broadcast, or 3. Click on "Latest Documents and News" and on the "Hearing Schedule"
You also can access the broadcast from the following addresses:
The Tribunal website also contains, among other things, all of the ICTY’s basic legal documents such as the Statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence; all public indictments and judgements issued to date; hundreds of decisions and orders; the latest press releases and summaries of press briefings; up to date fact sheets; the Weekly Update (including the schedule of the hearings to come); the monthly Judicial Supplement; and the Tribunal’s Annual Reports.
The Tribunal website is available in BCS, French and English.